Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday was the coldest in 17 years

Monday was the coldest

According to reports national capital saw Monday the coldest day in 17 years. There were fewer cheers to this feat; fewer willing to bat for a weather that does not emit any ounce of heat. Hope weather would improve in the days to come, not giving opportunities for people to show whether they can grunt or be a gem.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Going past water boosting station; interactions in national capital

Going past water boosting station in kidwai nagar west, the quarters across park and road would entail those who on occasions have served as guests. Interactions with an intention to innovate and assimilate has brought across individuals from Bulandshahar and those with Congo Democratic Republic gear. As K P Singh the fruit vendor other day displayed his wares, the radiant look suggested he enjoyed the occupation against active sunshine association. The student hailing from bulandshahar was out with his sport kit that was alarmingly big and taking it in a public transport was no less than a trick.Pursuing commerce, the student looked to be pretty confident and yet to try his luck at a state level tournament.  As for fog since Dec 15 it has been making a desperate attempt to stay, the interruptions to its duration is welcome and a truly deserved waiver.

Taking rides in bus in busy thoroughfare brought me face to face with RV from Congo Democratic Republic. Not outspoken but answering every query put by me, the discussions veered to his Jamia days from where he completed his BCA not in a fit of rage. The batch before him had students from Congo and that steered the path for him to pursue the course in one go. Besides studies his frank fervour brought forward the weather and temperatures that swing going all the way up to 34 degree Celsius in summers and touching to a low of 12 degree Celsius in winters. Congo for now is relatively peaceful, given the unstable template it was gripped in the past. As for Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, neighbouring countries with which it has had a mixed experience, the agreement to peace and prosperity may hold out for long is what each resident of Congo wants.

Before meeting the Congo resident i came across G Rajan from Palakkad working in Border Roads Organisation. Into a transferrable job, G rajan has served in Rajasthan as well and there was not much to choose between Rajasthan and Delhi.
As for weather report and the temperatures and those wearing coat, the electronic wheels have a least desire to show the hourly rise or fall and the ticker is mostly driven by news that is repetitive of daily clues. If ticker could show the alarming rise and fall during particular time of the day, perhaps that would give a handy guide to watch out for hair that has the potential to turn grey. As for publications coming with real party guide, reality is yet to sink in that these parties and the public-trying-to-be-threapeutic marking the attendance with their friends having the capacity to turn foe is a ready ground for yearly fights. Some may be prevented from doing so given the appearance of bouncers with a bouquet; on occasions fights going beyond fanaticism do take place as it is all about whom to chase and whom to gauge.
Another report appearing in a section of press suggests the hike in cng has given ground for autos in the national capital to stop flashing of being in a state of glee. The hike in cng has made autos realise that time is appropriate to go on a strike as it will give another occasion for the govt of the day to give an auto fare hike right Right from price of gas to grasscutting endeavour the govt has hiked each territory as it believes none of sectors can't be kept as not hiked and as solitary. Hike hooter would be blown now and then as that seems to be the way to preserve den.          

Friday, December 27, 2013

Writing from a cyber cafe

As i begin to write from a cyber cafe that separates men from those plying on a highway, grand announcement has been made of grandest new year celebration ever which won't be on a river. The toll tax to this celebration turning to a centenary ranges between a little over 11000 rs and a little less than 3000 rs. Book now and get assured as this event would have a never ending night roar. Grand coating is being given to the night looking formidable and not to be forgotten. String of similar grand announcements laying invitation to those willing to take bath adjoining a wash basin would come out as centrespread in a series of publications as liberalisation opened doors to this form of grandeur ammunition. As money floating around the economy is in plenty, those willing to gain an entry won't mind paying the astronomical sum as among offerings would be rum. Those who wish to free themselves having already been frisked several times would perform best to their capacity as such occasions are in brevity.

THe spectacle of 2014 polls too looks grand given the grunt that one is witness to and grudge that one comes across. Not a single day passes where we are assured of the elections that are to take place and formidable candidates who would be part of the race. In the interactions across national capital, few show the will to discuss elections and who all would be evicted/elevated given their desire to not get themselves rated. Elections would come and grow, growing in stature would be those who finished last as they have the potential to perform well in the next poll blast. Retribution would be least desired and promises that can be kept would be something to fire.

Approaching Kashmere Gate and other parts of central delhi, i find the populace with a warmth that suggests they get up early. With winters having set in , the fog making appearance for days together, the day the sun shines, setting out is something that one should keep in mind. Sitting in a park or taking a brisk walk is truly uplifting given each passing hour and mood swings. Mood swings are more in winters than in summers and one should hope few would bat for winter drummer. Keeping a tab on what you eat and whom you greet is something to watch out for in winter as it is a three month calendar.   A smooth cruise is a narrative not out of reach provided one does not go beyond norms and in effect breach.     

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ride on a Wednesday

Ride on a Wednesday

Beginning with a ride on a Wednesday after visiting Vinayak temple in Sarojini Nagar, the search for a direct transport to central delhi came with varying options. A bus ride till Kidwai Nagar, hopping on to an auto was the least i could do to get to the requisite destination. With the light at INA crossing having turned green, it seemed everything was moving well not realising a km away the traffic would not jell. Next, the light was red and rest assured more overwhelming template the traffic was about to take.
A traffic crossing after Safdarjung madarsa the lights had been dutifully red but once it turned green, grey was the outlook waiting to rain. A lady personnel halted the movement, indicating a vip had just stepped out of his firmament. The autowallah took the opportunity to declare that a vip is moving on not realising this is not the time to roam and romance. As the auto headed towards Tughlaq road, it seemed we were in a seamless boat. By the time we reached the roundabout another personnel which till now was nowhere to be seen appeared and halted the movement for allowing traffic to move from other side. Here the autowallah was in praise of the push the personnel had employed and i found it fit to seek from here a metro ride. Having reached central delhi, the onward movement was on foot and with no fear and brought back the momentum and the much-needed gear.
The ride back from central delhi to Safdarjang Enclave was split between an auto and two green buses. Here the overwhelming need is for dtc to sensitise its staff to be careful with the way the bus is driven and the speed they should maintain.

As per reports appearing in a section of press, the lifting of barricades is meant to remove the ongoing session of stress. After a detailed research it came to notice that putting barricades was making people stray and turn to areas that were grey. To bring back the glee and not make them grunt, it was decided to remove barricades which on occasions served as makeshift tents. Once barricades have been lifted so has been the lifting of mood and means and emergence of those who prefer to call themselves teens.Much is being made of this lifting and not realising that this is indeed liberating and  once-in-a weather-changing mood rejuvenating.     

Interactions across national capital

Interactions across national capital

Interactions across national capital have not been few and far primarily accomplished by stepping out at least two to three times in a week after taking a shower. Interactions have led me to places like Green Park, it is a park opposite IIT Gate where people of sizeable aptitude come and greet.  Green Park has been a park of sizeable size which at present is functioning to its half capacity given the metro construction and those looking for half an hour creativity.
Park has benches dating back to the 80s and 90s; the new set is on the ground made from cement and no railing round. It has had people in the past coming from Ramesawaram and the North East; the depletion or addition depends on the day when some prefer to release their tension or seek no class or office attention. Adjacent to this park is Sec 3 R K Puram which has a ready and somewhat redone market housing among others a tea stall and some doling out fruits on a cart and are on a roll. As one enters from the main road about 150 metres away one can sight a cobbler occupying a small space perhaps he puts locks to his functioning space when he leaves for the day.

As for a Saturday while visiting the Kali Bari in S J Enclave came across one Haldar hailing from Kolkata but truly settled in Delhi for the past 35 years. The interaction revealed he was paying a rent of about 12 rs in munirka and when he vacated the room, the rent being released from his pocket was rs 6500.  On a sunday while leaving the Kali Bari i came across two men from Manipur who were working in a BPO taking space between 4.30 am to 11.30 am. For them Sunday was a holiday and rest of the days they had to set out for a BPO hideout where on occasions tea is served in a tray.
On a different outing towards Andrews Ganj, the tea coming from a vendor from Defence Colony market is truly refreshing given the application of tea bags and cups with no cracks. Tea from a shop inside Kotla is as well desirable.

The other day seeking a tea bag tray led me beyond Andrews Ganj with a realisation that taking this route can be tiresome as traffic can be multiplying and more due to a summer less hum. Way back i reached Kachori bhandar in Defence Colony which dishes out samosas in a sizeable sum. The sweet options are ok provided the sugary affection could be depleted by a fraction if not sum. As for a bus stop next to raj nagar,  the walk towards INA (kidwai nagar west) is a notable experience provided proper lighting could be provided. Though a desolate stretch, still this option could be tried as it gives another way to reach INA beneath a flyover. As for other desolate stretches in the national capital, the one near mehrauli bus depot needs mention. Instead of wasting resources in running ac buses, it is better to deploy personnel during night services as winter months bring to the fore the acceptance of things turning rough.  In all interactions across national capital have been less of a national babble and more to do with local clue.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

AS i begin to write from a cyber cafe

AS i begin to write from a cyber cafe which prominently displays aap camere ki nigrani mein hain, the recent months in the national capital have been with a view to take bus rides split between vatanukulit bus sawayein (red colour ones) and green colour buses, the latter giving more options to ally. THe urgency to run airconditioned buses which don't appear to be enduring gems stems from the fact that more red colour buses have been procured given the naughty nature of some to keep themselves cool assured.

Recent months in the national capital have seen a rally in the market turning to a revolution, to a revelation, to hitting a new low which is no less than an evening show.  THe election fever which was more than a desired hype blew the hung hooter giving more options to parties to seek donations and keep polls as an assured annual jitter.
Poll enthusiasts have been told to donate liberally as another poll is round the corner and those who could not donate earlier can do so now and their name would be displayed as a prominent donor.
National capital cruises at its pace and with winters setting in, woollens would be hurled in the hope none would be in a state of lull. Traffic tent would be pitched for long in areas where excavation turning to digging exercise is drawn. Right from South EXtension  to other bastion traffic would cringe and crawl as the number of vehicles on road would display no enthusiasm to roll. Visit to Green Park next to SDA is an option not bothersome as on occasions it gives a sunshine that is a desirable ton.   Tea and thrill have been in plenty given the appearance of vendors who could have worked in the past in a factory. For the next two months getting a weather that would cheer would be a handsome dividend, a haze template which none would like as an abiding layer.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Days in national capital

Days in the national capital have been against the backdrop of a rising/revising election pitch, with comments as sharp as this one that this election wonder would remove all the prevailing hitch. Never in the history of independent india has been the emergence of so many independent analysts coming with seamless analysis that breakthrough is round the corner as national poll would be taking place in months that are warmer.
Four months in the national capital with no dearth of campaigns on whom to project and whom to connect, the rally on the ground and in the stock market suggesting the cruise to happiness is tied to play for the visible bet. Four months ago when national elections were still eight to nine months away to acquire the requisite national glow, the next year was being projected as one when each participant would get his/her share in national fare. In the midst of rallies and rejuvenation lollipops , primarily defining the assembly poll sops, much credit for trustworthy turnout was not traced to nota clout.

Day in and day out tv and tea break conversation veer to election and emotion
Nota was one among different options for voters to exercise primarily dictated by their candidates shape and size. sunday being the counting day with persuasive kills being employed to those tasked with the responsibility and this is one among few occasions when they can showcase their creativity. For another sizeable chunk who don't have a weekly holiday on sunday would take this as a presumed holiday presuming that keeping a tab on counting and those courting success would be something  that would be discussed the next day when office functions and they would well be part of this race.

Reflections on Kolkata

Reflections on Kolkata

Kolkata has colour and clamour to keep it simple. A pace and perseverance defined by those who reside here, the walking template is the best way to bring circulation to legs and keep you in the best frame of mind. Pedestrian space may be hard to define at some places, still the walk vault can hand you immense immunity. Mornings tend to begin early, with conversations setting the tone around tea stalls and those adjacent to big halls.
Lodge botheration taken care of, most day to day enterprises would be a smooth ride. Sweet shops could be discovered here and there with fewer willing to divulge the lull and liberated existence the contents have and their share. Rush to these flavour of fortitude, given the likeness the residents have for them, could still make some spell the truth; likely way for people to release their pent up emotions is better illustrated following a dose of tea and cake.

In and around Bentinck Street
In and around bentinck street tea and toast can be spotted in plenty. Even in college street and faraway S P Mukherjee road, the task to trace tea and toast can't be bothersome. Insistence on a tea not laced with sugar may not draw attention as there are collection of those who prefer to have the same with no sugary affection.
Traffic and those in tearing hurry can't missed either. Metros preserve that picture with a clarity in the morning; afternoon/ late evening giving way to a relaxed template. A dash to office and those trying to escape from oscillating fortress defines the rush; some among the adventurous leaving the same enterprise for late night litter and a well drawn list.
Seated on a wooden desk, mornings begin with a toast ; some preferring egg toast which they wash it down with tea and the previous night tale. Similarly toast taken in the afternoon/evening sets in motion the measured response they gave to their seniors and those who vent mobile songs to convey they held no grudge and arrears. Evening toast conversations have rarely adapted to the capacity to hold toast in one hand and cell which some have retrieved from sea adjoining sand. Cell conversations are rare around toast tale bringing to reality a mind that does not waver nor been subjected to wear and tear.

Bipin Behari Ganguly Street has a good collection of tea vendors coming on either side with a sole cyber cafe on the left. Though there are terminals testifying to a large number of clients it may cater to at some point of time,the seat you take and another terminal you stare makes space rare. Anmol restaurant provides you the tea you desire. The restaurant has been renamed. Here trams too can be seen plying coming at intervals when they could be passenger kind. A tram trajectory is a treat indeed for the ringside view it hands you on a platter provided it is not stuffed. A good number of them originate from BBD Bag, a desolate stretch on a sunday. As for College Street, trams too make their way coming along with a handful of buses that head towards Dakshineswar via Hathibagan.  The best way to reach Dakshineswar is through a local taken from Howrah station. Taking a bus that goes through B T Road, one among different junctions which has air pollution that endures. As for Howrah station the roof looks sturdy but some portion could need reignition/strengthening depending the tried and tested the template it has been. People's book centre on S P Mukherjee Road, Ras Behari Avenue has three typists working at any given time and no different is the picture in Surya Sen street.  

The majestic howrah bridge brims with vendors of different scale; some continuing their tale of success right beneath the bridge and some positioned right on the bridge. Vehicle movement is defined by their scale of preference; some at breakneck, some at tuk tuk speed.