Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A place where you live

A place where you live: Is snooping, placing camera appropriate?

A place where you live and the rooms that have snooping wing leaves you with no choice. A camera in the drawing room and bugs in all other rooms, are we to believe that this is normal shape of things. Watching your movement in the room and bathroom, the first floor comes handy for plain clothes men who now and then pitch their tents. A morning shower in the bathroom is the most watchable event for them; let it be known if plain clothes men are not there then a maid would enter the first floor precisely at that point to watch and weigh. For how long things can continue like this where snooping devices and watching camera have been placed.  Pestering you to speak and spell, these plain clothes have a desire on table: to bug as far as possible and let every minute detail from head to toe be made available to them.

Homes are meant to express your opinion. We have a right to express our views on any subject.The moment you speak about department and their conduct, all hell breaks loose. Are we not supposed to air our views? WE are measured in our response and speak about the bugging practices that have been going on for long. If the department actually wants to get to know what the public thinks about them, then they should place snooping devices in other homes. 275 man with the dog and other plain clothes men have been instrumental in shaping the things. A word spoken about the department leads to expletives assault for a long time; the favourite place to do is through collection of men in the late night hours opposite the house.

You can't sit in the room you sleep; the drawing room is debarred as camera has been placed there; the kitchen and other rooms have plenty of bugging devices placed by them. In such a challenging environment where you can go. From 275 house the plain clothes men continuously seeks to evolve sending maid and other plain clothes men when you enter the bathroom and come out after shower.  Construction of a new house has come handy for them and the tools they have employed in the past two years is unmentionable.  In a nutshell, the forces would come in different avatars  from vegetable vendor, delivery boys to other people who won't mind in pursuing the task assigned to them. Bathroom-watching is their prime goal; if not that room watching and hearing every word being spoken is more than two year old narrative they hail.  Bugging and getting the camera to work is their prime consideration, not realising they are making life difficult for us. Can you afford to do this in any other home?

Homes are meant to live. Not meant to be bugged, captured on camera and making life difficult. Those who take other floors should be true and trustworthy. Better to not get rent than get one where you can't have a life of your own.  Snooping devices and cameras have made life difficult for us.
Visiting IIT Park, visiting Kotla

Friday, February 21, 2014

Meeting northeast student; bus towards central delhi

Meeting northeast student; bus towards central delhi

Visiting Lodhi Road on a Friday, the centre and roundabout looked to be a point of excellence. While returning by a three wheeler, the man driving it looked to be a picture of consolation. Both of us agreed that motorists and bikewallahs have to be extra careful while negotiating the challenges of Delhi Road. Taking a second ride on the same day in a bus in the same area came across Dikam, a student from Northeast, studying in south campus. As we were speaking in a tone audible by many, a lady in the bus had some posers to him on why one can't have unrestricted access in the northeast. As i got down, i told the student the lady did not meant to offend him but the way the discourse was going on with more joining and gaining, it was better to exit from the bus. From here i walked towards the bus stand near India international Centre with some seeking clues on location of habitat centre and from where all they could enter.At the bus student came across students tied to learn French, duration small to large with fees looking alarmingly barge. Interpreter was among among different options one could explore, the medium could as well be used to spell a lore.
The bus i took towards central delhi had no seats with no occupants and all along the grip on handle gave me a a steady ride amidst passengers who were vendors. Managing your way on long roundabouts was tough as the bus seeing wide empty space was being driven with no less speed. This ride lasting for thirty odd minutes oscillated between hope and hype and how a speed caution in roundabouts could be ripe. Apart from this ripe in the early days of February, some have been spotted deo dotted with difficult to explain with no sultry air where is the need to get deo gear.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Visiting Kashmiri Gate; meeting Rinchen from Ladakh

Visiting Kashmiri Gate; meeting Rinchen from Ladakh

With metro ride taken on a Sunday, it was time take another ride on a Tuesday. Before i begin to write on this, there was one episode that should be told. Taking 615 bus headed towards Janpath, the red colour air conditioned bus was all i could manage. Taking from Africa Avenue, the bus stopped outside S N Depot for a while to take some passengers. As it turned right from roundabout, near the railway reservation point, there was a car being driven by a lady. Perhaps she took her time to reverse and reset and that brought some other vehicles to halt on the way. This offended the man behind wheels and the bus was stopped midway. The lady's car which was behind the bus could not move for a while and when she went past the bus with a look at the driver, there were volley of abuses hurled at her. Audible or not, the wise move the lady made was to get going instead of getting into an argumentative spell. Later the bus got onto its normal routine and reached Janpath in under 30 minutes. What those driving cars and bikes have to watch out for is that they should not come in the way of buses and try to align themselves on  path that steers clear of big vehicles. You never know who can get offended and release the gamut of abuse that has been preserved for long.

As for Tuesday, the ride to Connaught Place and later to Kashmiri Gate was accomplished in a metro. From Kashmiri Gate station as you take rickshaws, they are handy and affordable, the sole challenge being the road right opposite the Old Delhi railway station (the back point) that is in need of repair. This is not a wide road, mostly used by those on cycles and bikes. Returning back home came across Rinchen hailing from Ladakh. He had boarded the metro with his family members revealing the school winter vacations, December to February, gave him and the family the time to set a base in the national capital. Rinchen has been running a lodge near circuit house in Leh. The tariff for rooms as spelled by him were 3000rs upwards with both of us agreeing that Changspa in Leh was the affordable point for a large number of tourists looking for a simple stay. Rinchen had recently purchased a small house in Paharganj area with the assertion that the central nature of its location made him settle for a big deal. Perhaps the returns from the lodge in Leh made him go for this transaction. He has had relations in the national capital and beyond and that gives him the opportunity to visit them during the three months when Ladakh is on a vacation. Talking about Disket (Nubra Valley), the permit one needs and the truckload of passengers that visit to see among different wonders like Maitri Buddha was among other issues that we touched upon.

Taking a ride on metro; a word or two on central sectt. station

Taking a ride on metro; a word or two on central sectt. station

While taking a ride on a metro on a sunday came across a student flipping through the pages of a newspaper.  The paper is strong in the South with few readers who could be spotted wishing to read while travelling. As she flipped through the pages, perhaps the Sunday section was what she was going through and i noticing the same when i was almost through the metro ride clue. Being Sunday the central delhi least resembled a choc a bloc rally and all those who were there perhaps made up of those who do not visit during weekdays.
It was one among different rides on a metro which witnesses a surge quite unbelievable during week days, with the Connaught Place station setting off a picture of challenge on where you exit and from where you enter in a metro. Interchange leads to the surge with every passing hour bringing in a new challenge.

The Central Sectt. station is handy as it provides interchange facility. But to watch out for the trains going towards Badarpur. First the platform is not that wide, the collection getting insurmountable with the wait for the train and there is apprehension that some may get closer to the tracks as there is no attempt to stop them on above floor before they make an attempt to go to the basement.  The crowd should be stopped on the above floor as the surge downstairs gets unmanageable leading to a wild push here and there. And there are apprehensions that some may get on to the tracks as the train is about to enter. Once the surge downstairs gets trimmed, you can let pass passengers who have collected on above floor. Trains are handy; the need is to control the collection of crowd on a platform as there is only one which is used for arrival and departure.
Besides metro ride it were the sizeable rides on buses that brought forward the busy schedule of university students. A student hailing from Manipur had boarded the bus with the revealation she was pursuing English (H) from a college in South Campus. Perhaps staying in Munirka, the student had well acclimatised herself to national capital surroundings which has had its share of museums and antics.

As for future metro constructions, a strong foundation and even going beyond time limit should be exercised. A strong foundation would come handy.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Visiting Stadium near Lodhi Road; are we fiscally prudent

Visiting Stadium near Lodhi Road;  are we fiscally prudent

Visiting Central Delhi on a Sunday was an exercise not rampant with a surge of crowd which by nature does not believe in a Sunday bout. Taking a metro to Central Delhi, the rush and response suggested more were at home to get the requisite dose for their belly.

After the morning assignment as i left for home, i could spot people from Northeast and other zones. Not desirable has been the hike in circle rate in the capital as the city can't be seen as a place to stay as a never-ending battle. To shore up revenue, the govt in the previous years hiked circle rate by unimaginable proportion leaving door for middlemen and muscular elements to have a field day. If muscular elements and middlemen are going to run the affairs whom you would trust in a city that is run on fear.

Visiting Stadium the other day, one thought of the investments that went to redo it and a parallel structure that sits next to it. Games were a huge drain on the resources and try not to commit to an agenda where money flows like water. Games could not engineer the flow of tourists as expected, perhaps during that time most believed that the tourists that would come would take every hotel/lodge and house converted to the same with a temporary nudge. Domestic tourists are enough given the rampant salaries people are getting in private and govt. sectors. Most working in the govt. sector would find this offensive but the fact of the matter is  if you begin to save, the salary is enough to play.  As for the budget the best course should have been to peg fiscal deficit at 5.2 to 5 per cent of GDP. Why settle for an unimaginable target when fiscal consolidation looks to be remote given the pushing of subsidies to oil marketing companies to next fiscal, bringing down allocation for different ministries by a huge margin. Audit of oil marketing companies can be a course correction of sorts. To top it all one takes credit in setting of a seventh pay commission when there are a host of states which have not implemented the sixth pay commission recommendations. From where all are you going to have revenue to meet the newly declared social obligations like right to education and right to food security. How the govt would be fiscally prudent in the next fiscal is a hard to tell, mind you spectrum auctions don't come every year. Fiscal deficit at 5.2 to 5 per cent of GDP should be the goal to be pursued.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Interactions across cyber cafes

Well, the degree of  interactions have been few and far, with some visiting a cyber cafe and more disposed to the idea of taking this interaction in a bar. There are some who come to a cyber cafe after taking a shower, others assuming the previous day shower was enough to showcase the deo they have applied, probably one step away from where they could get the requisite bite.

Writing from a cyber cafe the other day there were two gentlemen hooked to the idea of preparing a resume believing they had reached a stage where they could flash  a degree called M. A. Well they were disposed to the idea to get a resume from a cyber cafe which was not necessarily next to a cafeteria, the issues before the two were what to write and which all prospective companies they could sight. It looked to be an exercise which boiled down to the salary they could expect and the salary they could touch. With the intention made clear to prepare resume, the efforts and the interaction they were engaging in showed resume preparation could split to two days as this exercise was a never-ending craze. IN between calls were coming on trading activities they could commit themselves with a job offer letter if ever it comes it could be placed in a shelf. Perhaps the body language suggested they were more fit to take the onerous task of a bouncer, resume-writing was more to be seen as cyber cafe sitting time answer. Well i left before they made an exit propelled by the idea that resume-writing could still be explored if you can't dish out any other interesting lore.

THere was another student studying in deep detail the preparations he had to make for his class presentation, his exercise looking more genuine with little hints of sensation.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Unprecedented cold spell

Unprecedented cold spell

The national capital has been in the grip of unprecedented cold spell. On a broad basis, from Oct 1 onwards when evenings begin to set in early, one can say with authority that first hint of winters has been experienced. From Nov 1 , the windy weather in the evening with afternoons remaining as heated as in the months of Sept. and Oct. sets the pace for winter to rush in. To be precise from DEc. 20th to Jan 31st, the alarming weather with alarming certainty for temperatures to dip and not rise sets the real brush with winters. Not wilting under pressure and still staying out in the afternoon when the Sun has not made an appearance for days together is a task no less.

Speaking up of interaction across the winter months, some have been with students hailing from school and some having admitted to Colleges which have a list of rules. Here as i went past a group of footballers hailing from Uganda, Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, Congo among others, the cold and hysteria seem to be a forgotten challenge. Practising in a park, the players have had the opportunity to play for different clubs, with some having taken accommodation in Lajpat Nagar and nearby areas. Talking about the challenges they have had to put up with in a city, the football session and they having pitched their tent had given them the respite and relief.

Energetic elements with incremental energy can be spotted here and there. They have to be on guard and watch out for assignments that does not guarantee huge compensation (read salary) but on a broad measure has a secured line to the surroundings. To a large extent the secure surrounding we have to erect ourselves, those passing expletives and extraneous bits from outside have to be avoided.  

As for northeast, ladakh and other farway areas (including tibetans), their presence in different localities as tenant or their organisation taking the entire structure would help them to get a firm grip on national capital which has under its belt every day a renewed battle. Hope they float with others with fewer occasions when they have to dish out a heavy note. If national capital could trim its obsession with money and motor, each resident could count himself/herself as invaluable voter.


Traffic on outer connaught circus (resembling B T Road Kolkata traffic) , visiting IIT Park

Traffic on outer connaught circus (resembling B T Road Kolkata traffic) , visiting IIT Park

With a visit to Ambedkar Nagar accomplished, it was time to head towards Central Delhi. As i waited at Madangir bus stop, i could spot a red colour bus plying with no passenger and the driver busy with his cell. The speed at which the bus moved past the bus stand was not appropriate and there are effectively no checks and balances. For the motorists and car drivers, it is the twin task to keep an eye on traffic on road and the buses which have more than a normal appearance. I took the cluster bus, well there is nothing to differentiate between a DTC and a cluster bus. You never know who would come with menacing art of driving and who would showcase the perfect rhythm. There are good buses and it is not difficult to differentiate from those that come quite close.

The bus i was in went past Kotla Mubarakpur, Lodhi Road before entering Connaught Circus. The traffic and the tribulation reminded one of unfolding scenario in B T Road in Kolkata. The B T Road with its immense power to take any traffic pile up has never come out with any solution that could ease traffic movement. Just a elevated road near Dunlop is all that the traffic people have thought about. Here in outer connaught circus in national capital on any weekday the traffic that emerges from different verges is a testament to the dollops of patience one needs to deal with it. An underpass road somewhere before Barakhamba road and right till the Ajmeri Gate entry road, all on the outer connaught circus, can be a solution. But given the metro lines running beneath it, crossing at least two points, this task would call for energetic/imaginative thinking. It has been over a decade when one has had to put up with a traffic jam, not singing by any standards, and a better view comes on more than two dozen times in a year when papers are splashed with pictures taken from top on traffic snarls and the various modes of transport that are held up.

From Janpath, as one has to turn left, the traffic emerging from right side on outer circus and heading towards Paharganj, Ajmeri Gate and beyond has a long irritating tale. Only an underpass road on three fourth of outer circus can bring some relief provided the metro lines that run underneath is taken care of. Parliament street, Barakhamba Road, K G Marg and Ajmeri Gate are roads from where traffic enters and exits with no attempt to see how the roads could be decongested.

As i headed back from Central DElhi, the bus i took from INA heading towards August Kranti Marg, the number of buses that were plying suggested the need to keep the numbers in action no matter the passengers inside these buses did not add up to double digit figure. In the evening the August Kranti Marg is a challenge as far as traffic movement is concerned. Traffic gets held up as there are at least two cuts that go towards the colony. Why not have an underpass than let the roads resemble a simmering battle where the number of buses on that stretch outnumbers even the number of passengers who wish to take it in the evening.  As one exits from a bus, taking pedestrian space brings the threat of stray dogs. With hours lost in the traffic, the next motto of those plying buses is to speed up and engage in risk driving. Why not shift a good proportion of buses on other roads than add to traffic woes.

When you have a challenging task of beating the traffic heat and once you tend to get over it, some appear on a short fuse and give hard times to those immigrants who have taken premises on rent and leading a life of normality. It is issues like burning fuel, driving fast and not getting the desirable salary , some who were paid handsome in the past have had to settle for a meagre blast, that leads to taking vows to get rough with those hailing from the north east and other places.

Few days later visited the IIT Park with the Sun having made an appearance in a partial way. There were fewer collection inside the ground, with the metro construction having taken more space. As unprecedented cold spell is more or less over, one can roughly hazard a guess what would a traffic-turning-to-a-litter here and a money chase there would lead to.  Amidst these mixed tales meeting Suka from Nagaland was nothing less than an enterprising interaction.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hailing from the Northeast, trade fairs could be handy

The ride to University with interaction with a student from the Northeast  could not have come at a more appropriate time. It is time we begin to appreciate those who hail from far away areas and come to the national capital in search of education and employment. With a population touching close to 1.50 crore, if we include the entire NCR, it would easily translate to over 2 crore. THe student from manipur had taken an accommodation in the North Campus, with a room all to himself raising the hope that privacy and food preparing activity could be handled well.

There is a need to hold trade fairs across different parts of city, not on a grandeur scale, a show here and a show there would be fruitful. All the eight states of Northeast and even those hailing from Ladakh could well be showcasing their skills with an attempt to take premises on rent in nearby areas. Once the retail stores begin to have people from Northeast and Ladakh as part of the staff and even owning stores, things could change for better. If one has film festivals from these regions in small theatres with announcement about them coming in insertions that come along with daily paper, a better understanding could be achieved.

WE have mulitiplexes all across the city with no hint that single screen theatres would  ever be able to run their full course. THere is a need to have more single screens and more palatable food coming from canteens like the one run by IRCTC in University. THese attempts would make affordable the objective of taking food and taking entertainment which does not leave pockets with a hole. Simple and  long lasting setting that does not take away innocence should be stressed.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Taking meals from University Plaza

Having reached University via mudrika starting from Naurojini Nagar at quarter past two reaching the North Campus around four in the evening, the ride was not routine as it came after a long interval. The ride was satisfying enough to raise the issue of those hailing from the northeast and how we could make them feel at  home. The IRCTC canteen at University Plaza  was handy for serving veg meals for Rs 50. It was elaborate indeed with those in the premises taking meals fewer given the rush hours that were behind us. As one took tea from the same cafeteria, one could shift the gauge towards tourists destinations marked by announcements on different boards hanging to walls.

Here i came across Gulzar from Pulwama and Danish from Sopore, both in Kashmir, who too were taking tea geared to prepare for civil services tests. The change in test pattern had raised a clamour for increasing the test attempts which at present stood at four and also giving a relaxation on age limit. Berries withering faster than apples figured in the discussions with a mention of slew of mineral water plants in Baramullah. As i left the University Plaza i could see more than handful of students hailing from other states bound by the routine to take tea from nearby vendors. The ride back was accomplished on a metro coming with maintenance of its stock and premises a mixed one. Premises inside the stations have to be tidy clean, efforts are successful to a large extent with passengers making an effort to see they don't add to the litter.

It was another day with another ride on a bus to ambedkar terminal came across yash from kendriya vidyalaya  who did not mind to spell the fees and forthcoming spirit of KVs.  It was the second ride to Ambedkar Nagar Terminal aboard a cluster bus service with Brij Pal, someone in school, taking the responsibility of a conductor.  Brij Pal was in his elements away from the alluring menu to raise hysteria and risk bus travelling. THose at the helm of bus driving, both in DTC and in cluster service, have to be patient to reach the destination, the orderly manner of doing four to five rounds should be done away with if it means speeding and risking bus driving.Bus driving should be with utmost attention and with patience. Do away with the established methodology of engaging in four to five rounds as it only enhances the disturbing movement on roads. Be patient and be careful.  

Friday, February 7, 2014

Visiting University in Mudrika

It was a Friday when i decided to take a bus ride that would take me to Africa Avenue and beyond. A wait for over 20 minutes did not yield the desired result, leaving me with the option of taking a bus from other side of Naurojini Nagar. Sighting a mudrika going towards Wazirpur, the indecision that was rampant till the other minute was gone and i took this bus. About 10 days ago the wait for over one hour in Lajpat Nagar bus stand for the same mudrika going towards Kashmiri Gate was taxing with no success.

This time round inside the bus, the collection was not huge and those collected were mired in their thoughts. Some could be seen carrying newspapers, some comfortable to carry a luggage closely monitoring the unfolding minute when they could grab a seat. In less than 10 minutes i got a seat with a surety the conversation i was going to engage with those in the vicinity would be enduring given the long ride. Soon a
student from the northeast boarded and took the seat opposite mine. I was on a seat opposite to the direction the bus was moving hoping whenever an opportunity comes i would take a seat in the direction of the bus movement.

The student introduced himself hailing from Manipur pursuing graduation from the South Campus. Having taken  a PG in the North Campus, the student did not find it taxing to commit himself to up and down journey almost five days a week. The four year course was something he did not find it a drain despite i reminding him that papers were full of stories on what course material had been recommended for the first year and how it looked to be a bit of unnecessary inclusion.

 THe ability  of some in the city to not take on board those hailing from the northeast  was one among different subjects we delved in hoping the sensitisation drive  across the city and country would be handy. AS we broached the subject of agitation and assimilation, i for one, found it fit to raise the agitation before the Parade and that too in the vicinity of the venue. Revolution was something he raised as a way to check the deterioration and i hurled the issue of peace and patience as  an avenue to bring the long-needed assimilation. Both agreed the local area fund for representatives was a big drain on our resources and time had come to abandon it.

Hoping to complete graduation and masters from Delhi University, the Manipur Student revealed that he had dropped one year in his home state before his father decided to send him to Delhi. His brother is an SDO in Manipur and he is truly fixated to the idea of revolution than committing himself to a job like his brother.
It was a green colour bus which took one hour and forty five minutes to reach the university which has an universal appeal to take those coming from far away sides into its creative kitty.

THere were scores of battery operated rickshaws in the university area giving  the opportunity to raise the need for such battery operated rickshaws in Lodhi Road. With a string of colleges and conference meets  which has been organised for ages, the need to bring them in is of paramount importance. As for stores across national capital if a handful of them could be run by people coming from far away territories some change could come for good. INstead of having debates on who should run when the new state can have fun, some energy should be devoted towards these issues.

As for the mudrika ride, it was comfortable to the point where you were seated for almost the entire duration. Duration during which no one sought any donation and mudrika bus service with a clean template was one among city's fewer inventions.

Visiting a store, visiting Central Delhi

Visiting a store, visiting Central Delhi

Rides across national capital have taken me to places as near as Deer Park to places as far away as Ambedkar Terminal. Rides have as usual been supported by a public transport that  does not border on eccentricity. If it was the cyber cafe functioning near Jangpura from a basement the experience had a tale to tell. Employees were as cooperative as one could hope with the seniormost deciding on what to charge and from where to start. A gentleman came with a request of an assignment to be completed, hoping the entire exercise would cost him a little under 400rs, perhaps the correct estimate made at that time. THe seniormost staff member raised the demand to 1200rs, with whoever watching the entire episode unfold agreeing this was  not the right estimate. Perhaps the seniormost member should realise that a known accretion of half to one per cent or four to five percent is acceptable. Something beyond that won't get the right clients and those visiting your shop would feel disheartened. Perhaps this and other reminders can be set in motion by shop owners with the belief that customers and acceptable cash content go hand in hand. Perhaps shop owners across middle class colonies have to revisit their template of whether a broad margin with a broad aggression is something they would cheer all along.

WE look for a broad margin. Nothing wrong with that intent. But it should be within acceptable limits. There are transgressions and inhospitable aggression. To see that everything would be perfect and plausible is to live in an illusionary world.  Illusions we all have but for how long we can ride on them and get respite is something hard to explain. Meeting Hukamchand from Shiv Mohan Band brought the challenges that he had faced since his childhood. Perhaps joining the band when he was barely 14, the commitment to stay with the band and raise eight kids has been no small feat. Hailing from Rohtak, of his six sons, only one son resides in the national capital. Tilling the agricultural land has been the mainstay, with Rohtak having experienced not-the-truckload-but-the-trimhope liberalisation, most family members have preferred to stay in Rohtak. Hukamchand has approached 80s as revealed by him and the need to get himself going, he sticks to this routine.
Meeting Upen Lama from Darjeeling, the agitational fever the city was in grips has been relegated to a background with a living grouse that independent platform won't come but that should not desist the residents from living a normal life. With peace having returned to Darjeeling and roundabout, the likes of Upen Lama could afford to visit national capital which has no doubt its share of everyday battle.

National Capital with its share of trial and tribulations plays host to a magical migrant population mirroring the aspirations of those who wish to earn their livelihood. So many in large numbers get employment entangled with the belief that a rude push here and a wild chase there would be something they would have to live with. Sensitising yourself and the staff that works for you is of utmost importance. Never ever create a salary clamour that starts the never ending claim of getting an accretion and not settling for present cessation. WE tend to employ a lot of staff hoping they would be filling for those who absented themselves and thus giving them the opportunity to work from their heart. It is hard to figure out the replacement and developing results.

Lal Sahi market which is just before Central market has a good number of stores. Just as you enter there is an urinal on the left perhaps not visited by safaikaramcharis in jest. THe place where you pee is not on the tile slab but on the ground which has ample collection of urine separated and stuck.For months if not years the fears that an attempt to urinate in the tile slab may land you in the urine compound makes the public to pee outside. A cleanliness course correction is mandatory for such pee centres across city and country. If pee outlet has been created let it not reach a stage where it gets berated. Something that has been raised should not be treated to be flouted, we know there are urinals for men and fewer for women. If those who are on a short fuse enter such outlets they can be a big nuisance.

Visiting Central Delhi the other day brought forward the agenda of tea and tranquility. Searching for food, which was difficult to get, the tea conundrum was nowhere to be seen with the tea as desired getting a signal of green. A Baird Lane has a bag of choices with no dearth of surprises.