Sunday, June 28, 2020

P V Narasimha Rao - The Tallest Leader We Came Across In The '90s

P V Narasimha Rao - The Tallest Leader We Came Across In The '90s

We would remain ever grateful to P V Narasimha Rao for all that he did for the country. He ushered in not that pinching economic reforms in the country and presided over a regime that provided a ring of stability for five years. He was tallest leader of the '90s and one who cared two hoots about anyone who wished to bring down his assembled govt.

As the nation stands witness to P V Narasimha Rao's birth centenary celebrations starting from 28 June 2020 and running up to 28 June 2021 he is truly Telangana's Son ... India's Pride.

A leader who had in-depth knowledge of domestic permutations and combinations as well as a firm grip on what was going on in international theatre his political innings was something to cherish.

What We can recollect with pride is that The Newspaper of the South The Hindu carried extensive reports about P V Narasimha Rao's voyage to Tirumala every other month to have a glimpse of Lord Govinda.

We are fond of this leader and so are millions from Telangana to Tamil Nadu. All across world the people by and large are indebted to this leader for the services rendered. Though he is not amidst us, his inspirational dimension is truly remarkable. WE Salute you and hope you remain etched in our memory for centuries to come.

Saturday, June 27, 2020



Uncertainty at border; virus unfolding with every passing quarter

Uncertainty at border; virus unfolding with every passing quarter

Uncertainty has been there for three to four months with none expressing willingness to have energy crunch. These uncertain months have also meant no tourney played involving scoring of runs. Uncertainty has ruled the roost with coronavirus getting radiating wheels to cruise. As we expect the immediate future to be equally tense, time might set in two to three months to get the conditions where virus could itself frail and not expand and turn grey. Once this virus abdicates the throne time would be ripe to freely roam. This virus has been the handiwork of Chinese men and women working in Wuhan province lab working in full knowledge of impending worldwide attention and grab. Had this crisis not originated planes would have flown in full attendance with nearly half of the passengers having in possession vehicles of the make of Mercedes Benz. These hard times have made us know to remain ever grateful to nature and not repeatedly fiddle with and create unending rupture.

As China expresses willingness to pitch tent at LAC bordering India, their forces protruding into Indian territory shows their President sitting on a chair that has been taken on a monthly rent. We don't foresee COUP in China but anything can happen if Beijing doesn't abandon its expansionist designs, exemplary notes of which have been penned in Vienna.

This virus is cruel, cruel is its beat, it hits the common man with unyielding heat. Once it becomes history, the people would celebrate this momentous occasion as if it is a worldwide victory. Meanwhile this virus hasn't let men, women to roam, planes to zoom and vehicles to loom. Congested lanes have been hit the hardest with virus remaining etched and not gathering dust. This virus travels from one continent to another unfazed and untamed not willing to yield, it is time to clip the wings with roar and fulsome zeal. Virulent in its attack and pitchforked in its endeavour, this virus would in the initial phase bloom followed by a top to toe blast and reduced to a rubber. This virus CV is something to ponder time would come when it won't hit car rental services including that of UBER. From Belarus to Brussels, from Santiago to Sussex, this virus has left its imprint, it is one crisis that would wane with enough hint. This virus is dirty and dirty are its antecedents and those who manufactured it were not esteemed lot and were short of functioning sense. A misfired trust which mankind saw it go bust, this virus would melt away in history, in the meantime it has hit those from upper to lower growth trajectory.

With the crisis that looms large and hope it dilutes with no element of farce, the companies across board need to revisit their balance sheets and exponential expenses need to turn glum and with necessary action and cleat. These high paid executives need to come out of slumber and be ready to face reality where they are paid something that is peanuts and definitely better than what goes to a plumber. Business Houses need to live in reality and face the world with rotating gravity.

Those making out a case for IPL to be staged are day dreaming as the virus hasn't abated a bit and still teaming. More would affirm IPL is a farce and so are other tourneys, those living in tony establishments have had to shed their weekly air journeys. These new tony establishments/builder flat  277 reek of narcotics, perhaps the law of the land is slow to react and get into active performing circuits. This builder gets into your terrace now and then and wreak havoc perhaps he is wonder boy of MHA and and out and out etching stories that are easy to memorise and essay. The reign of terror that he launched while raising his flat and later remains etched in our memory, he is out and out criminal with enough ministry helping and factory. The more momentary gains are extracted from builder flats and high rise building blocks would boomerang, the time is not far when they would be sharing a grub with criminal clan. The man with grey hair and moving in a vehicle of red colour and gear from the neighboring house 275 another plant of MHA makes your net connection derail and let you hear filthy abuse now and then is a criminal and time is ripe he be tagged with animal fear. We are sandwitched between rogues of 275 and 277 and as their writ run freely in the Ministry we live in fear with no growth trajectory.

As Beijing disposes what its boss proposes, the time is not far when it won't have access to even to set of roses. The nation that is India needs to shed differences and speak in one voice on threats from Beijing Toys and political parties need to be on the same page and not derail the morale of military men by unnecessary gloating/claiming over China having occupied our land and tent. China is at fault and so are its Prez and predecessors, its expansionist agenda would run out of fuel and thunder. By posing threat to Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and a host of other nations by repeatedly sneering at them, this CHINA OF TODAY doesn't understand the basic premise that there would be another day with another battle on hand where this BIG C would stand to lose and witness shaming of clan and plan.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Watching Nadaneerajanam on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala

Watching Nadaneerajanam on SVBC Channel beamed from Tirumala. Performing on stage are Dr C Prabhavathi and team from S V Music and Dance College TTD.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Best Wishes to Writer Amitav Ghosh

Best Wishes to Writer Amitav Ghosh

Watching SVBC beamed from Tirumala

Watching SVBC beamed from Tirumala

This crisis would blow over is the raging roar

This crisis would blow over is the raging roar

When this crisis would blow over No one has an idea. One thing is for sure, this crisis would recede into oblivion and this could well be sooner than expected and that is the foremost opinion. This coronavirus has hurt millions across world, now time has come this very virus needs to burn and turn bald. From the province in China where it originated to provinces across world where it cemented it threw life upside down with no knowledge of who would tame it and take the crown. France, Germany in particular have been able to contain this virus by a fair degree; there is equal enthusiasm over its control in New Zealand where the residents movement has been fairly free. It is assumed that in due course vaccine would come up to touch those with symptoms of hoarse throat and running fever is the opinion worldwide and if that really happens everyone would celebrate this momentous occasion with pride.

This crisis is shameful and shame is its glory, the way it hurts the common man it throws up surprise and unending list of query. Humanity has been hit hard, mankind has confronted this crisis with no bar and yet the opinion is this crisis would run out of fuel once good tidings begin to rule. Wheels of injustice were moving on with those spending millions on private jaunts amidst five star hotels/ponds;  the time has come for equality bar to be raised and those charging exorbitant school education fees/tariff/fare be gauged from an angle that is not at all praise. This virus doesn't differentiate between rich and poor, high and low, the time is ripe to give this virus a body blow. Those companies which were spending millions on their employees air/train travel and other nature of comforts would have to rethink and see to it that a major portion of that budget goes to uplift the poor and those wishing to turn pro.

Once this virus becomes history and people are on growth trajectory they would spare a thought or two on those on lower trajectory and time would be ripe when wealthless with no wish list are given an opportunity to glow. SUVs and SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) would be shed for good and post this virus some nations may well engage in a series of battles involving raging boots. Salaries across board in companies across forts would be slashed by 50 to 80 per cent and time would be taken out to ponder that work can still be accomplished from home frontiers with those marking office attendance be lean and not turn companies balance sheets into tears.

Wealthless with no wish list need to be taken on board, those flying to overseas to gain educational certificates and keys need to abandon their desire as India has enough educational arsenal in its backyard to fire. Spend meticulously, spend for the homeless should be the overriding goal, the time has come to be prudent and be selfless pole. Politicos holidaying overseas in the name of office accomplishments would be a thing of the past, bureaucrats milking the nation with their effervescent skills would have to rethink and turn dry honest for nation's sake. Video conferencing can well settle armpit battles, the time has come to slash compensation from entertainment industry to media pantry with ruthless skills and this mission almost looking like lethal. Those razing past us with high endeavoured vehicles would have to shed their princely charm and association and let order prevail for have nots to get a word of appreciation and applied balm.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Watching SVBC beamed from Tirumala

Watching SVBC beamed from Tirumala

Watching Parupalli Sri Ranganath and Team - Annamayya Vinnapalu perform on SVBC Channel beamed from TIRUMALA. is not working is not working

There is a new site  for filing property tax return in Delhi. Our application number 56718 and 56831 for generating UNIQUE PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CODE (UPIC) ID has elicited no response despite registering with SDMC over 15 days ago. Please provide us our UPIC ID as soon as possible. In these times of crisis we would like to pay property tax online instead of manual filing and people working in MCD should address the citizen of Delhi grievance. Please help us to get the system up and running as online payment of property tax via debit card/ credit card/VISA/ net banking would be appreciated.