Thursday, January 26, 2023

Milk Prices In India have shot up by Rs Eight in a span of 10 months

Milk Prices In India have shot up by Rs Eight in a span of 10 months

As we understand and the world that we embrace it is astonishing piece of news as far as prices of essential commodities are concerned. Milk prices going up by Rs Eight in a span of 10 months bewilders many; this price rise riding on the back of support by yes men is error of sorts. The price of Rice and Lentils too have gone up making one wonder whether this torrential rise is something beyond control of authorities concerned. Price rise and price rise thrice hurts all; more so the commoner on the street who eagerly banks on supply of these essentials which are basic necessities to say the least. Milk is essential be it for a child or elderly and more upward trend it maintains accessing the same becomes more challenging. Let's hope and hope for the humanity at large that prices would come under spell of duress and restraint shown here would spell well for mankind. 


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Churning In Indian Polity Not Known In Brevity

Churning In Indian Polity Not Known In Brevity

Coalition should be the rule book for all feathers of political landscape and there shouldn't be any need to ape. Be it inaccessible leader making tall promises or miniscule one with no circumspect agenda time is ripe to embrace coalition in totality even if at the helm the one required is someone with enough dose of agility. Be it brute majority or majority bordering on thin line coalition courting would be fine. The decade of '90s bears testimony to the fact that coalition convergence was there with two different regimes going for a complete overhaul be it Winter or Fall. Had it not been for coalition administrators of '90s would have fallen like pack of cards with none willing to get swayed by invites to become Cabinet Turks. The decade of '80s gave thumping majority to one party post November 84 and it almost sailed for five years notwithstanding coming at different intervals hiccups and fears. There were error of judgements and idiosyncrasies creeping in letting the regime live a life not free from trouble spots and very much akin to tied in knots. Crestfallen it would have been in the middle of tenure but firefighters were in plenty to make it five year secure. 

Three-fourth Backing In Lower House In The '80s

The verdict the grand old party secured was unbelievable with a wish it won't gain from any quarter any trouble. Some would surmise three-fourth backing in Lower House made success go to its head and that brought curtains with agonising moments felt by sections who were hurt by a series of u-turns. Despite such range of aberrations this regime had tales of success to enumerate and that was A grade. Freeing the enterprise from pivotal licence raj to a beginning where liberalisation cloaked in fits and starts (READ COMPUTERISATION), the intimacy with the masses brought revelation of sorts. For every One Indian Rupee meant for downtrodden less than 15 paisa reached the last man standing in the queue giving tell tale signs of middlemen hue. This reign came to an end in the closing months of 1989 and in came a dispensation whose term was short and too fell by the way side and at that time the future was by no means bright.

Those At The Helm From 1991-96 And 1999-2004

From 1991 to 1996 and 1999 to 2004 different dispensations snuggled under coalition comfort took centrestage with partners giving time and again the necessary nudge reminding rulers of their age. From 1991 to 96 liberalisation started in full steam giving hopes to job aspirants and their dreams. From 1999 to 2004 the campaign of India shinning invited much ridicule despite some having handy tools. Rulers came to rule bringing alongside cheerleaders and as the tenure drew to a close the political upheaval left the nation with enough bruise. From 2004 onwards post a decade of liberalisation out came an alliance whose goal was to construct a fabric to embrace all which was much lost in the melee of 97-99 when none of the powers that be could score beyond 11. But this grand design post 2004 had its downside as well as it gave enough powers to some coalition stalwarts to take decisions not based on merit and musings and that brought disrepute of untold nature leading to irreversible rupture. Two successive five years and by 2013-14 it fell way short of cheers. Since 2014 the ruling dispensation has tried to sail with course correction being the prime goal and this overdrive has led to losing one feather here and another there. The 2014-2019 period it was by no means a solo party at the helm much riding on the back of support from different allies and this was no surprise. 

Diluting The Political Script of '50s To '80s Is Unacceptable; It Has Been A Mixed Bag 

From 2019 onwards it has been one block taking decisions on its own much displaying the tenor and tone. From political firmament to economic testament it has been a mixed bag, bringing joy in some sphere, bringing neutral tidings near. Vendetta politics and politics of disrepute may have found illustrations here and there; folly judgements during course of time got duly corrected on its own or by intervention by courts and not shaking the fort. Course correction shouldn't spell the urgency to demean the opposition; the runaway target may not necessarily mean to highlight the existential dilemmas of regimes of the past; diluting the political script of '50s to '80s in one go is entirely unacceptable no matter how long is driver's seat and table. Coalition undercurrents would time and again prevail; solo runway would be hard to chase as it would signal intent to belittle constitution irrespective of emerging intuition. Come to think of nation as diverse as India with North trying to gain edge over South, East in somersault with West over who could release gainful employment and disruptive blocks taking much desired rest. No West, No East, No North, No South parallels would hold water as each territory is on its own and have disdain to engage with pawn. Come to think of a nation where conversation with the masses round the clock would hold one in good stead giving ample opportunities to access butter and bread. Come to think of a nation that takes comfort in the young population that it has and it shouldn't make judgements that are out and out crass. 

The Will To Rule, The Will To Drool

The will to rule and the will to drool would see canvas of opportunities emerge for those wishing to take the crown even if texture is brown. Inch closer to chair as it is a five year fair. Inch closer to a reality as coalition is round the year necessity. Inch closer to a fabric that gives respect to all and stays miles away from unfolding brawl. Inch closer to opportunities that guarantee nation security. Inch closer to judgements that illustrate the longevity of a nation and illustrious innings played by torchbearers from time to time and retaining shine. Inch closer to give nation the gratitude it deserves for manifold applause gained from quarters that don't shirk. Inch closer to give traction to over 1.5 billion plus people aspiration as they have all along been nudged by inspiration. Democracy Is Here To Stay, Coalition Would Be Much In The Fray. Hail Democracy, Hail India. 


Monday, January 16, 2023

Of Remote Voting Machine And Those Attending Roadshows In Jean

Of Remote Voting Machine And Those Attending Roadshows In Jean 

What on earth is Remote Voting Machine and is it different from those who skip food prepared by machines in canteen? Never in the history of India Remote Voting Machine (RVM) has been heard of  even by those who have the liking to take Veg Puff. This RVM is inappropriate to say the least in a nation where those who become eligible to cast vote grows annually by over 10 million and this is no illusion bringing enough fusion. This RVM is creating all sort of nuisance and leading to schisms among political parties which are no less than 40 and none of the leaders getting haughty. You want to take the opinion of 40 and skip the same in right earnest and get on with the task of initiating RVM which would duly function past evening well after polling hours taking orders from GM. This aforementioned project is bound to collapse and here none should trespass. This RVM has appropriately hit a roadblock as most of the political parties taking the opposition space are no war hawks. 

Ads And Films To Be Made To This Effect

To get it going a series of ads and films would be made eulogising the benefits of RVM and how migrants can pitch their vote tents. These ads to be made at the cost public exchequer would drain out resources and those milking the system would leave no traces. Ads and films to be raised would be full of fallacies promising moon in a nation where democracy unveils in full form after every five years holding all aces. Sooner the idea of RVM is relegated to dustbin the better it would be for nation's voters who after casting vote don't grin. This is much to do with the fact that choices on table look to be much of the same and no angel has arrived to date to take away the fast spreading gloom. A Nation that wakes up every morning to hear tales of discomfort as water and power bills have taken the requisite berth. The commute to courts and those engaged in courtship gets dearer as dawn to dusk assignments are not minus blip.

Roadshows And Pose

Here in India prices of essentials are skyrocketing, job market is dwindling and we are witness to the spectacle of roadshows prior and post polls which are at the cost of public exchequer and leading to nation's wallet holes. Roadshows are meant to showcase the quantum of support coming from all sections of society and it is meant to hoodwink in a nation where some try hands at division ink. Word is sent that such and such route the roadshow would go through offering to the assembled lot the coffee brew. Rose petals are showered as if those at the gathering have graduated from Harvard. The traffic gets diverted, the road is vacated and those hogging the limelight get splitting headache. Roadshows from Gujarat to Guyana see much in attendance females named Teena and as they wrap up the collected lot take bath in a tub. Those news channels partaking the benefits of such roadshows try to impress the audience that such extravaganza events are here to stay irrespective of Nation GM getting grey. News channels journos covering the same take delight in the fact that meals and water are provided for free taking away much of the pain in the knee. All in all roadshows rote are meant to send message that no one can rock the boat. Skip roadshows, skip hopes emanating from that fort as advisories have been issued that the turn of events won't make the larger gathering for long gloat. Roadshows and those rocking the boat are one and the same as from Karnataka to Antarctica surroundings look to be the same come shine or rain. 

Cold Wave In North India

When would cold wave sweeping North India abate as it has earned the ire of commoners who don't have a different take. This bone chilling weather is hurting one and all and no one would like to see a street brawl. Some take comfort in the fact that taking rum would take away their blues and this is no less a ruse. For a fortnight this cold weather has not been nutant and as evening sets in the temperatures plummeting is the unfolding film. Let there be enough shine and nights to mornings be kind. Let these plummeting temperatures give way to a weather template that is duteous. Let cold across world from Germany to Guatemala from Asia to America's Iola wither away giving hope to those who visit Church, Temple and pray. 


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Joshimath In Uttarakhand State In India Showing Cracks; Zambia, Zimbabwe Facing Power Cuts; Iraq Hosting Arabian Gulf Cup; Nigeria And Zimbabwe Polls

Joshimath In Uttarakhand State In India Showing Cracks;  Zambia, Zimbabwe Facing Power Cuts; Iraq Hosting Arabian Gulf Cup; Nigeria And Zimbabwe Polls 

Joshimath In Uttarakhand State In India is in a state of distress. More than 7,000 houses/transit homes/hotels have seen cracks appear in untold nature leading it to sink by 5.4 cm in a space of 12 days and challenges residents brace. People are at the receiving end with relief coming to them few and far and this evolving challenge is no less than a tower. Residents have vacated their homes in the face of this alarming situation and taken refuge in relief camps where those doling out balm are no champs. For how long situation can continue like this no one knows as missives were sent way back in 2022 that land underneath was turning shaky and no remedial measures were taken then and here for now they don't grin. Residents need to be provided alternative accommodation if not in Chamoli district in some other district and this should be done soon and not wait for May or June. We pray for the well being of Joshimath People and hope they come out of this spell of uncertainty soon and here tourists arrival has not been a boon. 

Zambia And Zimbabwe Facing Power Cuts; No Truce In Congo; Iraq Hosting Arabian Gulf Cup 

As for world happenings Zambia and Zimbabwe are facing long power cuts due to water dipping in Lake Kariba which provides hydroelectric power and this known to people residing in far distant Mexico's Puebla. Corruption, questionable infrastructure and faulty policies have led to this situation affecting the likes of those drawing pension. Though Zambia and Zimbabwe are working on raising a new hydroelectric power plant it would take years if not decades for this to become a reality and those in agreement are out and out atty. We wish well for Zambia and Zimbabwe and hope they are able to tide over this crisis as of now skyrocketing are essential commodities prices. Coming to M 23 rebels they have withdrawn from eastern town in Democratic Republic of the Congo but this looks to be a false move as these rebels haven't laid down arms and facing battle blues. We wish well for Congo and hope peace visit the disturbed areas and people taking comfort with none getting hurt. In the Middle East Iraq is hosting Arabian Gulf Cup something taking place after 44 years and this event in the southern city of Basra would reap rich dividends as fans from Oman, Kuwait and other places would come in good numbers with some having heard of this in Peru's seaport named Tumbes. Basra resident Ms Hiba Ahmed and others are quite optimistic as this may well signal flow of investments in Iraq which may well see emergence of didactics. 

Nigeria Polls; Zimbabwe's Elections; Sudan's Framework Pact Not Taking Everyone On Board

Coming to Nigeria polls candidates in fray include Mr Bola Tinubu from All Progressives Congress, Mr Atiku Abubakr from People's Democratic Party, Mr Peter Obi from Labour Party and the one less talked about is Mr Rabiu Kwankwaso and none willing to be labelled dodo. They are all here to contest to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari. Fake news, hate speech making inroads and in south east Nigeria the rise of separatist movement is a cause of concern and the logic that polls in disturbed areas won't hold and this fact is repeatedly told. As for Zimbabwe's election it is a contest between incumbent President Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa and Mr Nelson Chamisa and hope polls are clean with the right candidate not trailing and winning thereby retaining enough sheen. In Sudan Neighbourhood Resistance Committees are not optimistic about Framework Agreement reached between military and political parties as they believe that all stakeholders have not been taken on board and most have disdain to acts of toke. How this deal would lead to transition to civilians running Sudan is difficult to fathom as nothing is known who would take the diadem. Coming to football measures should be taken to rein in football trafficking as this act invites enough dose of rebuking. As for Rohingya refugees about 200 in all fled Bangladesh camp in November and they were without food and water for more than a month and five years ago they fled from Myanmar to save themselves from persecution and hope relief comes to them and they are in better equation. 

Telugu Movie Raja Moved One To Tears

As for White House Press Secretary Ms Karine Jean-Pierre she is doing a wonderful job and she tops.  TV Show named Ms Marvel is evoking praise worldwide and it has nothing to hide. Telugu Movie Raja On Gemini Channel Moved One To Tears. It showcased bonhomie between Mr Raja and Ms Anjali. The vehicle they took at the fag end had number plate AP 9R 4041. Hope such movies come in plenty and people give approval from any gantry. Ad of Super Saravana Store In Matthuvani Madurai In Tamil Nadu State In India Is Great And This Is A Grade. 

Visiting Nehru Park In New Delhi, New Delhi Railway Station, Lord Venkateshwara Temple (Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam Balaji Temple)

Crisscrossing in the city of Delhi took me to Nehru Park on a Thursday. This was way after visiting outer precincts of Lord Hanuman Temple in Vinay Marg where in the vicinity people play game named dart. In Nehru Park instructions had been issued all over that it should be kept neat and tidy and no acts should be engaged to show you are caught in eddy. Visited Lord Venkateshwara Temple in Sector 3 R K Puram on a Friday when traffic is much on the tray. Had the opportunity to visit New Delhi Railway Station On Saturday and Sunday (January 7 and January 8). Delhi Metro came much to the rescue and in New Delhi Railway Station could spot platform neat and true. Ad of Anew Karnataka (Karnataka Is A State In South India) and Magnificent Tamil Nadu ( Tamil Nadu Is A State In South India) were on display on Platform One where taking black tea from Mr Vijay in Food Court was fun. Had the opportunity to visit Lord Venkateshwara Temple (Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam Balaji Temple) in Udhyan Marg in New Delhi on a Thursday (January 12) the very day I visited Kali Bari (Goddess Durga Temple) New Delhi which is some distance away from road named Hailey. Delhi Metro staff going by the names Mr Mukesh, Mr Mahesh, Mr Amit, Mr Sumit (Bhikaji Cama Place Metro Station, Patel Chowk Metro Station, Delhi University Metro Station) were helpful in giving change and token. Automen going by the names Mr Suman, Mr Raju Kumar from Motihari in Bihar State in India, Mr Sooraj, Mr Sher Singh and Mr Santosh from Sitamarhi in Bihar State (Delhi University North Campus) were helpful and they were cool. 

Train Tracking Endeavours In India

Train Number 22692 Hazrat Nizamuddin KSR Bengaluru Rajdhani Express departed on Jan 6 from NZM at 8.01 pm (behind schedule 1 minute), reaching Agra Cantt at 11.31, reaching Gwalior at 3.57 am, reaching Bhopal, Itarsi (behind schedule), reaching Nagpur at 3.54 pm (behind schedule 6 hour 29m), Balharshah (behind schedule), Kazipet (behind schedule), Secunderabad at 12.38 am, Seram at 3.21 am, Raichur at 5.22 am, Guntakal at 6.57 am, Satya Nilayam at 9.37 am, Bengaluru expected to reach at 11.29 am ( behind schedule 6 hour 9 m). 

Train Number 12642 Hazrat Nizamuddin Kanniyakumari Thirukkural Super Fast Express departed on January 7 from NZM at 5.24 am (behind schedule 4 minute).reaching Agra Cantt at 10.09 (behind schedule 2h 34 m), Jhansi at 1.25 pm (behind schedule 1h 55m), Bhopal 8.04 pm (behind schedule 4h 9m), Itarsi 9.42 pm (behind schedule 3h 47 m), Betul 11.33 (behind schedule 4h), Nagpur 2.11 am ( behind schedule 3h 51 m), Balharshah 5.39 (behind schedule 3h 54 m), Vijaywada 12.52 pm (behind schedule 4h 12 m), Gudur 5.09 (behind schedule 4h 11m), Chennai Egmore 7.31 (behind schedule 3h 46 m), Tambaram 8.54 pm ( behind schedule 4h 11m), Chengalpattu 9.26 (behind schedule 4h 13 m), Villupuram 10.54 (behind schedule 4h 4m), expected to reach Vridhachalam at 11.42, Tiruchirappalli at 1.07 am, Dindigul at 2.24 am, Madurai at 3.26 am, Virudnagar at 4.17 am, Satur at 4.41 am, Tirunelveli at 6 am, Nagercoil at 7.24 am and expected to reach Kanniyakumari at 7.49 (behind schedule 3h 9m). 



Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Climate Change And Setting In Motion Climate Cane

Climate Change And Setting In Motion Climate Cane

Climate change goads one to embrace climate neutral policies and farther we go away from this goal climate consternation every passing hour would unfold. Floods, droughts and deceits are visiting different belts every now and then and this looks to be unstoppable trend. From Northern Plains Of India to Southern States recurring floods have left large sections of people in discomfort and this is visible worldwide something that has not overnight taken birth. For the world at large from Bangladesh to Britain to Australia to Philippines to Nigeria to South Africa to America rains coming in good quantum convert to enduring floods and people are left homeless with enough stress. Stress for the very fact that when these floods recurring in nature would abate; they in turn getting requisite support from nature and able to maintain their gait. Stress for the very fact that when they would be able to apply their mind to day to day assignments without a break and they earning their livelihood for which powers that be have no different take. Stress for the very fact that whether members of family and neighbourhood would rise to the occasion to lend support in these testing times and be at peace with themselves or give in to such situations affecting their judgement skills as this bumpy climate is no chill.  

Nature Dibble Making The Climate Rebel

Come to think of long winding traffic in towns after towns and cities after cities across world adding to claustrophobic index and something that won't purge and be at its vertex. Come to think of searing heat emanating from petrol/diesel vehicles plying on roads and those taking air travel dose. Come to think of shopping malls, multiplexes epicentre of collection of people and cars leading to umpteen number of  ACs running at full steam and this making the climate rebel and surroundings by no means green. Convert challenges to opportunities, convert canvas of adverse circumstances to gains given the fact that the weather leaves you in chains. For this to unveil there has be support coming from far and wide with each soul chasing goals of keeping climate neutral with no aftereffects that are perennial. 

Step Out Less; Air Travel Footprints Less And World Summits Short With No Stress

For one step out less and step out if at all necessary keeping in mind the awful climate directory. Step out using public transport with the hope that you sight road traffic warriors who nudge you to nail private/personal transport and this exercise should be day to day rote. All air travels and airlines who chase rivals should be bare minimum, politicos/ administrators taking to flights should be kept aside even if they are on a new high. For Summits Like G 20 and those partaking the benefits of pantry, the assembled leaders be told that their stay in the nation hosting the meet should be short and swift and one day gathering would be God's Gift. Let G 20 leaders take a pledge that in years to come they would have less and less air travel footprints no matter whether at helm are ladies or gents. For Soccer Carnivals Like FIFA World Cup thoughts should be to hold once in eight years so that climate warming that it leads to should be less and leading to no fears. For Tourism Industry banking on such gathering they be told to search for other avenues and be content with what they have when faced with occupancy blues. 

Eat No Or Less Meat, Veggie Be The Brief; Norway Has Done Wonder Of Sorts Taking No Heat

Eat no or less meat, eat with veggie brief, use less water and save power for the coming generation sons and daughters. In India the rush to hill stations in the run up to new year was nuisance of sorts and here the message to be sent is that such acts should be avoided and the need to lead a life less notorious and engaging in no episodes that are close to being labelled tortious. India is to host 10 Assembly/Province Polls in 2023 and that would engineer flights of unknown order and to keep the climate neutral all assigned politicos should keep air travel less and should adjust. Large number of people in large gathering would imply they would come in different modes of transport to not renege on the promise that they would shake the fort. Climate warming has led to people getting on a short fuse and if there are incidents of fisticuffs breaking out in news channel godowns/rooms it is much to do with not finding the right groom. Use less plane, more train and be in the right frame. As for electric vehicles Norway has shown the way. Norway has done wonder of sorts as 80 per cent of vehicles sold in 2022 were electric and by 2025 it would phase out all petrol/diesel variants and that way this nation in Europe would raise hope. 

Climate Cane Should Inarguably Set In Motion

Thoughts are if measures to maintain climate neutral are not taken on time climate cane should inarguably set in motion letting climate warriors take the plunge and from oceans to roads seeing no traffic erosion they would do the needful and hope results would be fruitful. Norway for one has taken the first move, it is for other nations to follow suit and let air travels to road rivals be less even for those sporting tress. Roads have seen it all, airspace has seen the brawl. We dread to think when oceans the traffic would get voluminous and here ocean warriors would be by no means tenuous. For long the humanity has fiddled with nature and right from Karnataka (Karnataka Is A State In South India) to Antarctica there is a need to do introspection and lift the layers of confusion. Act now, give respect to nature to secure future.

Tracking Train Movement Endeavours In India Much Known For Shaiva

Train Number 12642 Hazrat Nizamuddin - Kanniyakumari Thirukkural Super Fast Express

Train Number 12642 Hazrat Nizamuddin - Kanniyakumari Thirukkural Super Fast Express departed from Hazrat Nizamuddin (Hazrat Nizamuddin Station Is In Heart Of New Delhi) on December 26 at 5.24 am (four minute behind schedule), going through Agra Cantt (over one hour behind schedule), Jhansi, Bhopal (eight minute behind schedule), Itarsi ( five minute behind schedule), Nagpur, Balharshah, Vijaywada, Gudur, Chennai (ontime), Tambaram (10 minute behind schedule), Chengalpattu (12 minute behind schedule), Villupuram and on way to Tiruchirappalli it had covered 2477 kms at 8.52 pm and reached Kanniyakumari (Kanniyakumari Station Is In Tamil Nadu State In South India) at 3.56 am on December 28. 

Train Number 20806 New Delhi Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh Super Fast Express

Train Number 20806 New Delhi Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh Super Fast Express departed from New Delhi on January 1 at 8 pm reaching Agra Cantt (22m behind schedule), reaching Gwalior (two hours 15 m behind schedule), Jhansi ( two hours 18 m behind schedule), Bhopal (five hours 33 m behind schedule), Nagpur (five hours 59 m behind schedule), Chandrapur (six hours 43 m behind schedule), Balharshah (five hours 55 m behind schedule), Sirpur Kagaznagar (six hours 11 m behind schedule), Ramagundam (six hours 24 m behind schedule), Peddapalli (expected six hours 17 m behind schedule), Warangal ( expected six hours seven m behind schedule), Khammam ( expected five hours 57 m behind schedule), Vijaywada (expected five hours 19 m behind schedule), Eluru (expected five hours 29 m behind schedule), Tadepalligudem (expected five hours 24 m behind schedule), Rajamundry ( expected five hours 16 m behind scedule) expected to reach Visakhapatnam at 8.27 am on January 3, 2023

Train Number 22692 Hazrat Nizamuddin Bengaluru Rajdhani Express

Train Number 22692 Hazrat Nizamuddin Bengaluru Rajdhani Express departed from Hazrat Nizamuddin on January 1 at 7.59 (nine minute behind schedule), reaching Agra Cantt ( 52 m behind schedule), Gwalior (one hour 37 m behind schedule), Jhansi (one hour 31 m behind schedule), Bhopal (four hours 51 m behind schedule), Itarsi (five hours three m behind schedule), Nagpur (four hours 56 m behind schedule), Balharshah (four hours 43 m behind schedule), Kazipet (five hours 15 m behind schedule), Secunderabad (four hours 57 m behind schedule), Seram ( four hours 58 m behind schedule), Raichur (four hours 33m behind schedule), Guntakal ( four hours 15 m behind schedule), Satya Sai Prashanti Nilayan ( over four hours behind schedule) expected to reach Bengaluru at 8.30 am on January 3, 2023. 


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Hopes For 2023 And Those Who Agree

Hopes For 2023 And Those Who Agree

As New Year kicked in people across world from Australia to America India to Indonesia had myriad resolutions and aspirations that they truly meant them to reach stage of actualisation. Resolutions centred around thoughts of a Healthy World Healthy People And This Duple Looking Achievable. Resolutions centred around the need to raise Platform Of Peace in every nook and corner of world something that would find each person on earth getting yauld. New Year opens doors to new thoughts and new aspirations with World Happy Moments Gaining Traction. New Year Opening Days gives resolve to people to chase away their blues which by no means should be gargantuan and huge.

Eight Billion People And Eight Billion Thoughts 

A world bubbling with over Eight Billion People and over Eight Billion Thoughts need to reinvent itself so that none would go unfed before going to bed and from Africa to Estonia Afghanistan to Pakistan people entwined with democracy thread. As Nigeria and Zimbabwe are expected to usher in polls in coming months hopes are on democracy to jive in every courtyard and tents. Come to think of a person who has been deprived of job for the very reason s/he refused to be a heartthrob. Come to think of a person who desired for peace in territories that witnessed military siege. Come to think of a person who wished to pursue studies and was denied from doing so as his/her mentors were not Westward ho. Resolutions could well get waylaid if peace index is thrashed and militia takeover is nothing but an act of trash. Hope in theatres of world military or militia infiltration is less and in belts where they rule people chase them away with handy tools. Watershed moments are those where democracy is inaugurated and those who rally for such choice don't get incarcerated. Watershed moments are those where people have the will to choose who are their rulers and the freedom to practice religion of their choice be it for any girls or boys. 

Brotherhood Traces

Hopes that Israel-Palestine discord erases and there are brotherhood traces. Hopes nukes are relegated to history books and from North Korea to Iran the emerging leadership embrace roadmap illustrated in the past by US Poet Brooks. Israel-Palestine truce for one would be hailed as it would open innings in different quarters of world of peace trail. Sudan for other should see framework agreement reach constructive stage; peace postings get acclaim and praise. From Qatar to Kuwait Saudi Arabia to Oman Egypt to Turkey Middle East has shown enough synergy and that is by no means edgy. As for Africa and African provinces where drought have loomed for long they should come out of that quagmire and hopes collide with reality for rains that they in good quantum acquire. Climate predicaments have been painful and recorded in places as varied as Australia and US which have seen flooding prevail and hope such occurrences are less and leave no woes and no tale. Climate Churning in India in Bengaluru and Chennai in particular have been irritation of sorts and here administration has to be responsive and not one tied in knots. As New Year would unfold people across continents would have experiences even by Females going by the names Frances. Hail The World, Hail The Comfort Level And Hail Those Going For Long Distance Travel.

Channels We Watch 

Had the opportunity to watch Telugu Movie Oopiri on Gemini Channel. Had the opportunity to watch Telugu Movie Sanleru Neekevvaru as well.  South India Channels and other channels we watch Sun, Jaya Plus, Gemini, News Tamil 24 X7, Polimer News, Asianet News, Manorama News, Mazhavil Manorama, ETV Telangana, ETV Andhra Pradesh, Mega, Makkal, Vasanth, News 7 Tamil, TV 5 Kannada, TV 9 Marathi, NDTV (NDTV 24X7, NDTV India), News 7 Odia,  Al Jazeera, CNN and SVBC (Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel). We extend best wishes to staff members and family members.

Train Tracking Endeavours In India

As for Train Tracking Endeavours In India, Bengaluru Rajdhani which departed on December 26 it was two hour behind schedule from Hazrat Nizamuddin, over seven hour behind schedule from Secunderabad, over eight hour in Seram, reaching Bengaluru over six hour behind schedule. Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti departing on December 27 from Hazrat Nizamuddin reached Chennai Egmore two hour behind schedule. Train Number 20806 New Delhi Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh Super Fast Express which departs from New Delhi at 8 pm goes through Agra Cantt, Gwalior, Jhansi, Bhopal, Nagpur, Chandrapur, Balharshah, Sirpur Kagaznagar, Ramgundam, Peddapalli, Warangal, Khammam, Vijaywada, Eluru, Tadepalligudem, Rajamundry, Samalkot, Ankapalle, Duvada and reaches Visakhapatnam at 4.10 am. Train Tracking Is A Welcome Move As South India Bound Trains Staff Hand Over Enough Coffee Brew.