Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Of Gilani, Cameron and mast hai mast hai babu rao mast hai by Puneet Rajhans

Of Gilani, Cameron and mast hai mast mai babu rao mast hai

Having completed the formalities in New Delhi, Cameron made an unscheduled stopover in Islamabad as weather and airport glitches reports were too risky for him to proceed to his country. Mind you the date with the Bangalore project had been fully complied with as it involved significant defence orders from India. Faced with 11 per cent deficit how could he give a miss to that.
Once in Islamabad, Cameron and Gilani broke into a tete-a-tete that went beyond midnight hrs.
Gilani: "This SM Krishna didn't speak much. He didn't even speak to himself when he was all by himself in the room he occupied. The purported phone conversation to the elements yet to be identified so far were all the glimpse that we had of him babbling. Despite Qureshi, the provocateur, Krishna didn't mumble or fumble at the press meet." Were you able to get a word with him?
Cameron: "Well, SMK was in Hyderabad when i was in B'lore. When i was in N Delhi, he was in B'lore. So what you make of it?
"You have raised this issue and i would raise this with New Delhi as another defence deal is in the works to take care of my deficit. Read my lips "Budget deficit and not trust deficit."
"I understand Krishna's prolonged silence has led to Qureshi doing a disappearing act. "No sir," the Pak PM intervened, adding that Qureshi hasn't gone into hiding . "Here no one hides come what may. No piece of evidence has been discovered against anyone to date by our credible investigative agencies so where is the question of nailing anyone."
"He isn't seen speaking these days is to give his vocal chords the much-needed rest which had been under continuous strain during and after Krishna left. You saw the voluble statements he had to make in the morning only to retract later for days together."
Gilani: "They are making much fuss bout wikileaks."
Cameron: "Arrey yeh toh hona hi tha (he picked up on Hindi during campaign), these are not weekly leaks but leaks built over a period of time, appropriately dismissed as yearly leaks. In the renovated stadium every damn thing leaks, including the roof, water pipes and water coolers. So what they are talking about in the name of leaks when the entire system bleeds. The best is yet to come."
"Obama has dismissed these wikileaks as nothing more than an exercise carried out at regular intervals, leaking at the point of origination to the point of destination, thereby bringing a premature end to this debate. The brouhaha is over the 91,000 documents that it runs into and another 15,000 odd logs waiting to emerge from their hideout. The time is yet to be decided."
Cameron confided in Gilani that US Prez has a man on the job entrusted with the task of handing out leaks. Obama is keeping a tab on CBI investigations into the fake encounter case in India (his dates to visit India are out in the open and he wants to have access to every bit of information that emanates from there lest he himself begins to leak during his visit to India which leaking reports suggest has not been taken in good spirit by China ) and drawing heavily from the plants/leaks brought to the select media from day to day. The entire covert operation of leaks in Afghanistan is a direct lift from the drama being played out in the State of Gujarat and orders coming from New Delhi.
Gilani and Cameron were in entire agreement that the subcontinent is a place of leaks, sleaze and sleep. "The airport roof leaks, the water pipe bursting after a series of leaks -- and the much-desired leaks and plants that investigative agencies hand out to give a dramatic turn to the entire plot. These leaks are nothing but trash at the behest of Delhi sultanate."
Both nodded their head to the amazing regularity with which the people in action and out of action hit the bed. "The sleep syndrome is another breathtaking exercise undertaken at amazing heights when the pilot and co-pilot catch on the sleep they have lost over a period of time. So if air accidents haven't reached menacing proportion, they should thank their stars," the two leaders maintained.
As Cameron decided to retire for the day, he had this query for Gilani. "Is my room bugged?" The Pak PM had this to say, "I haven't heard from ISI." As Gilani left, the thoughts of SMK keeping to himself in the room he occupied left him in a dilemma of sorts. After a while he took his bedsheet and pillow and pitched his tent in close proximity to the fencing wall, lest anything untoward happens he would have the first mover advantage.

After a while Gilani returned. Seeing him in this state of affairs and nothing to do, he handed him the DVD of Once Upon A Time in Mumbai. All night Cameron was hooked to the amazing performances belted out by stars from Hindi Film Industry (he has issues on calling it bollywood lest lollywood comes to define British Cinema).
Next day as Cameron was to leave for London, Gilani asked about his date with Hindi Cimema. He broke into Baburao number, "Baburao mast hai, mast hai, babu rao mast hai." Soon Gilani got a truckload of cartons for Cameron.
"What's all this? i don't take gifts." Gilani stressed, "these are gifts for your community. i have got DVDs of Time in Mumbai which your men can unload in the areas occupied by people from the subcontinent. This would do a roaring business and bring more donations to your party."
Cameron accepted it with a poser. "Are they genuine?"
"Come on Cameron, you have stayed in Islamabad for full one day and you want me to give you a genuine version of something that released in India two days ago. Point taken.
"What about the crowd back home? What i am going to tell them?"
Gilani told Cameron that he should declare at customs as well as to his people at home that these are gifts from Baburao Godbole of Satara who is quite impressed with his vision to reduce budget deficit.
Asked about his cut in this venture, Gilani too broke into Baburao number. " Mast hai, mast hai, baburao mast hai."
And as the plane flew there were no reports of airport glitches or Pakistan positioning as an international airport destination something the indian side had done on Wednesday courtesy TV crew.
Shouting from the rooftops the reporter thundered: "INdia is positioning as mofussil denied international arrived airport destination. This when the poor man on ground couldn't have access to coffee or loo. Perhaps he wasn't clear to spell out his priority. Coffee or loo.
And the Press Statement issued later went like this: "Ladies and Gentleman, Gilani and Cameron had great exchange of ideas that went beyond midnight hrs. The two have decided to keep it to themselves about what they discussed."

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