Monday, February 28, 2011

Why this shore doesn't appeal to you

Why this shore doesn't appeal to you

Howsoever sometimes the battle may look grim outside, the other front is no easy ride. The upping and growing greed has led to peace seeing no reigning sum. The more they speak on the phone from morning to evening the more they create trouble zones. Perhaps the amount spent on stationery and courier could have been limited as that would have kept the budget bated. The home budget can be managed with limited income but the senior believes that it is moolah and moolah alone that can give good sleep. The senior goes on full rage if someone tries to interfere in his work and ways. Won't tolerate any sane advice that fewer are to be trusted and resources are to be saved; bent on splurging as that would create new waves. Doesn't realise that others staying there are just outsiders so why give rope to these tourist riders.
The uttaranchal son can't mend his ways so staying for late hours outside every day is a perennial problem that he can't overcome. Should not have taken the advice of Def people while engaging the driver four years ago and the one staying now in tow as the mayhem that driver created led to intrusion by criminals getting a new gem and glow.
In the morning some character is on the firing line and in the evening some other for no fault of theirs. Don't have the impression that the man who is not taking up assignments would suffer the fate of a stray animal. God willing that would never happen if expenses are few. Believes that resources are meant to be wasted whether jal or paper and here nothing can change his large hearted favour to the man on the wheel and composer. A two day tryst with the composer in a week is enough, unnecessarily the composer comes and suggests new changes to the system at his preferable sum. How much resources have gone down the drain because of composer and man on the wheel nobody knows. Both are big tyrants who the intruder has purchased on a sizeable payment and on his terms. Don't forget the def people suggested man on the wheel and how he danced to the intruder tune and fees.
Neither any education fees have to be paid nor any feast solemnised so why waste the hard earned resources and bleed. Talking on phone to people won't clear the deadlock. Keep reading papers, watching tv and going to members hall is preferable instead of talking to people in other states who too are on intruder's take.
Why blame others when the problem actualy is from intruder king's den and his shameful associates of R'than and water taking entity. The R'than entity for three years kept posted the intruder on whether there was occupant in the room and whether the bathing exercise was on or not. Don't blurt out everything in the room, the shameless water character listens and reports to the intruder. Perhaps the water character not realising that that same tale can be repeated to them as the saying goes "everything comes back to you in life"
So why not keep your expenses on check, speak less on phone to those who can't be trusted and do writing part for those who pay for writing services instead of sending so many couriers. That doctor man in other state is not to be trusted. First the def relation people danced to the tunes of intruder and made our lives hell.
If expenses are to a point then no force on earth can exploit us. No need to answer every bell call as most of them are fakes seeking cash. Home purchases should be done once in a week or the other senior goes out can do the purchases instead of calling the store delivery boys now and then. The other senior needs to realise that going to temples and paying to priests is a wasteful expenditure. It is a habit to make home purchases every other day. Please control the expenses.
There are so many good people on earth who are happy with limited resources so why not be contented with what the Lord has blessed you with.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The intruder King

This intruder king is a shameless character who has no other agenda except to carry out his intruding operations with his shameless sons and domestic dons. They are well within their right to intrude and stalk as they have within their arsenal a large number of barking dogs..
As i board another bus heading towards a new destination some in the assembled group suggested that the domestic help is a barking dog who steps out now and then to make unreasonable demands for men of all readable age with whom the master could have the necessary body shake. THe intruder master is out and out dirty and criminal out to criminalise the system and this has appropriately made him the stalking, intruding, forging and tapping animal. With the meals he has during the day and night there are bundles of cash lying on the table for making his shameless sons and dons the repetitive intruder animal. The munim tells his shameless sons and domestic dons that this uncounted cash would be their pound of loot if they strike at other dwellings root.
The shameless sons/domestic dons step out when frustration gets better of them and make some babbling noises to tell others that their agenda is not reaching its logical end. Perhaps the employable men on other wheels too make similar noises to make them realise that they are not alone in their voices.Perhaps the investments they have made in the past five years, including on water, they think it is high time the returns start reaching them fearing which the liability eating into their cash and wealth would be hurting their cash reserve health.
The munim's henchmen and his vast army can be spotted in the city and outside as well when you travel as the men are able to make movement armed with cash and huge sums.
Munim is under the belief that with water and cash he can offload his liability and increase his criminal probability. Probably the time has come for him to concentrate on Pune's son as this would imbibe him with twin fun. Probably the pani conection has increased his familiarity and made him recipient of all information happening in others home (24 X7, 365X5) so why not take this equation to its logical end by laying claims on Pune's son.
For the past five years the intruder king had no fear as he believed that he could turn the system around and give stalking a new ground. If some person used to come on a three wheeler his shameless associates would ask the three wheeler driver on the direction from which the men are coming so that they could keep their stalking shining. This intruder king is a blot on the system and criminal to the core. Perhaps when this intruder king goes to his office little is known about the shameless conduct he undertakes at his den with an alarming fun. Perhaps he is making the most of the unemployment crisis that is gripping our nation otherwise what would explain their dancing to his tunes to chase others and keep a check on their reign. Had this criminal been born with a simple desire and life he would have never stooped to this agenda of shameless crime gripped with shine.
He is an intruder hoping to get returns on investments which he made in the past five years with no breather. For the sake of getting return he would be prepared to take any dirty turn.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The meet that shed light on compromises

Well the meet with the TV editors , which in the normal course excludes Print Editors to ensure a semblance of peace and normalcy (the line purported by TV honchos), saw PM (Prime Manmohan)take questions, heavy indeed, on his regime's compatibility with the issue and index of corruption. Compatibility not being there was indeed the reason for Prime Manmohan to holf fort in 7RCR, appropriately suggesting that another 40-odd months would this be his residence come what may. Compatible would be his stay here and so would be of his compatriots was the essence of the question to be followed by answer session.
Questions had been flying thick and fast in the neighbouring Safdarjang Road, Tuglaq Road and Aurangzeb Road on the probable change of guard and henceforth change of occupant of 7RCR. Prime Manmohan set all doubts to rest and launched himself on a full-fledged fest by articulating that all that his regime had done in the past was in entire consonance with coalition compulsions and making compromises was the sole way to take thunder out of opposition bell.
The PM thundered: " No one from ruling benches was found in alarming/compromising position and this explains the compromises i made were within manageable limits." Compromises he did not elaborate on but elaboration was plentiful on how he hopes to sail for the next 40 months. Well the first sign of goverment in functioning mode would be the elaborate functioning of Parliament where he hopes to convince the Opposition to make equal amount of compromises if not more if they hope to sail through. "All discussions in Parliament would be on compromises and surprises." Surprises he did not elaborate on but this could well be to keep the functioning anarchy revisit Parliament the members would be allowed to rush to the well of the House and have their grub there and then itself. The congregation at the well would be for the grub and post grub and exchanges the members would return to their respective seats.

When he stands to address the House Prime Manmohan would articulate that there won't be any compromise on Question Hour and Zero Hour and let the mayhem begin well after these two critical hours. In fact the tone of compromise would be set in motion by Prez's address to Joint Session of Parliament where the Head of State would elaborate on compromises Prez made on family functions as Govt functions were more in action. Post 2012 the compromises she has to make to her daily schedule is inevitable would be her refrain tool.
Taking a cue from this compromise tone that Prez would set, the members would be in a huddle now and then talking about compromises and other son rises. Apart from compromise content that Parliament would be swaying with there would be all-weather compromise debate in the different forums that the House and the general public would be grappled with.
Faltering at different steps and inability to cross the thresh hold the blame would be layed on the need to keep the game spirit alive and kicking.
Well faltering and disappearing from World Cup would actually mean lending a new lease of life to IPL which faces a serious threat to its credibility if Cricket India has a blemish free run in the World Cup. Perhaps a visible snag and aberration in the World Cup would set the stage for IPL and this is the all-weather compromise that Cricket India has to commit itself to. And to truly adhere to in letter and spirit. Only then the IPL flag can fly high and give more moneylenders who lend money for aam aadmi to get hold of tickets to give a new try. After all the economy that gets a boost during IPL is unparallel and this is the reason why the govt of the day is hoping the World Cup outing is kept at bay.
As this compromise would take effect, there would be other compromises that one would be taking with a pinch of salt. Mind you getting wrapped up in compromising position does not end the debate then and there itself as it only sends alarming bells. From this compromising position to alarming signals that it emits we need to look at the complete picture of a one who does not compromise at any stage. And this is truly possible if s/he does not keep identity fake.

The intruder king by Puneet Rajhans

This intruder king is a shameless character who has no other agenda except to carry out his intruding operations with his shameless sons and domestic dons. They are well within their right to intrude and stalk as they have within their arsenal a large number of barking dogs..
As i board another bus heading towards a new destination some in the assembled group suggested that the domestic help is a barking dog who steps out now and then to make unreasonable demands for men of all readable age with whom the master could have the necessary body shake. THe intruder master is out and out dirty and criminal out to criminalise the system and this has appropriately made him the stalking, intruding, forging and tapping animal. With the meals he has during the day and night there are bundles of cash lying on the table for making his shameless sons and dons the repetitive intruder animal. The munim tells his shameless sons and domestic dons that this uncounted cash would be their pound of loot if they strike at other dwellings root.
The shameless sons/domestic dons step out when frustration gets better of them and make some babbling noises to tell others that their agenda is not reaching its logical end. Perhaps the employable men on other wheels too make similar noises to make them realise that they are not alone in their voices.Perhaps the investments they have made in the past five years, including on water, they think it is high time the returns start reaching them fearing which the liability eating into their cash and wealth would be hurting their cash reserve health.
The munim's henchmen and his vast army can be spotted in the city and outside as well when you travel as the men are able to make movement armed with cash and huge sums.
Munim is under the belief that with water and cash he can offload his liability and increase his criminal probability. Probably the time has come for him to concentrate on Pune's son as this would imbibe him with twin fun. Probably the pani conection has increased his familiarity and made him recipient of all information happening in others home (24 X7, 365X5) so why not take this equation to its logical end by laying claims on Pune's son.
For the past five years the intruder king had no fear as he believed that he could turn the system around and give stalking a new ground. If some person used to come on a three wheeler his shameless associates would ask the three wheeler driver on the direction from which the men are coming so that they could keep their stalking shining. This intruder king is a blot on the system and criminal to the core. Perhaps when this intruder king goes to his office little is known about the shameless conduct he undertakes at his den with an alarming fun. Perhaps he is making the most of the unemployment crisis that is gripping our nation otherwise what would explain their dancing to his tunes to chase others and keep a check on their reign. Had this criminal been born with a simple desire and life he would have never stooped to this agenda of shameless crime gripped with shine.
He is an intruder hoping to get returns on investments which he made in the past five years with no breather. For the sake of getting return he would be prepared to take any dirty turn.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Celebrating the moment by Puneet Rajhans

Celebrating the moment
How are we to deal with intruder kings and their vast acts of intrusion, snooping, stalking and sailing?
These intruder kings have been in existence since time immemorial with rapid growth visible when nation erected liberalisation advertorial. Liberalisation gave them the new arms to twist and tryst as it was the opportunity to offload the liability that was well eating into their widely amassed cash and wealth. Liability they could not handle for long; so in effect they set their sights on neighbouring dwellings with a never-ending trespassing song. Attempt was on how to grab others dwellings as liberalisation had given them enough handle and henchmen to get a smooth sailing.

These intruder kings have thrived and sailed for long. Their acts are profane and with no acts resembling the action of a con. They strike at will and with a government seal. THe need is to hail the arrival of intruders armed with shameless sons and hill dons. THeir reach is commendable ably supported by men and women from the laggard state of east to the states of north. THey have a huge female following from the State of RAjasthan to States bordering haryana given the financial prowess of these kings these shallow entities are impressed with and they would move heaven and earth to make snooping a lifelong hit. Again their reach is commendable, thanks to shameless sons and hill dons, as they perfectly and aptly know your feet is in which room and the channel you are in tune. Tenants of all readable age they are conversant with, the need of the moment is to check the expenses and keep limited tenant at home who could not drill.
Stalking is the name of the game because through this they can earn their fame. To stalk and stop at alternate hours, it actually completes the necessity of a long walk. To stalk they get their army on walk; some even taking public transport now and then. Stalking is an all-weather tryst with most on the job no less than a beast. THey keep a tab on what all you do and inhale; meeting with any tom, dick and harry is taken note of in perfect detail. Through water and power they provide lifeline to the ameliorated lot you never know who else would be joining their stalking slot. Probably we need to hail their arrival as large uncounted moolah is giving them the art of surveillance and survival. Perhaps the intrusion from them is the need of the hour as that way they can raise the trespassing bar.
But the moot question here is: Are their multiple stalkers? Mulitplying by the hour and day.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jo sudhar na saka by Puneet Rajhans

Jo sudhar na saka by Puneet Rajhans
Jo sudhar na saka

As i board another bus with another set of people, there is one gentleman who is duty bound to spell out the nature of influence on him. He is upfront. The bus is heading towards Rewari and he is more than forthcoming in spelling out the good life he has led.
He begins : "Yeh hai bahut bada munim jo sudhar na saka." The munim he is referring to and his henchmen have been the most watchable events in the place of his assimilation. Is munim ke paas hai itni taqat ki yeh doosro ki ghar mein ghusne ka adhikar ki rakhta hai dwawat. Picchle char saal se zyada (More than four years) isne doosro ke ghar mein ghoosne ki taqat hasil ki hai. Yeh hai is munim ki kahani jo doosre ke ghar mein ghoosene ki adhikar sunata apne jubani. Bolte hai ki iske paas hai itna paise ki yeh apni range of demands subhe roj rakhta.
Yeh hai do take ka munim aur iski do take ki harketa jisko rok na saka samaj ki koi bhi bandishe. Isne doosro ke ghar mein ghoosene ki maharathi hasil ki hai and is kaam mein iske logo ne nayee jaan phooki hai. Iska ka himachali molester naukar joh raat hote hi doosre ke gate mein aur uske lock par karta hai vaar kyunki yehi hai iska adhikaar.Laki ke dande se karta hai vaar. Is adhikaar mein iske naukar aur chowkidaar ne kitne baar doosro ke ghar mein ghoose, rat hoi ya din sabhi samay ek jaise lage. Chaar saal tak doosre ka gate khol khol ke inhone ne apna dikhaya hai adhikar.

Kuch swar jo himachali naukar ke muh se nikle; "Ladka naha rahai, ladka aa gaye hai, ladka bathroom mein hai, ladke ko bahar nikalo. Ladke ko ham theek kar denge. Ladka naha raha hai aur bahar aane wala hai." Ladke ki kheti yeh karta hai aur is kaam mein chaar saal se laga hai.
Apne paise ke baL bute isne doosre ko kharida, na bach saka colony ka guard aur na bach saka colony ke driver. Do saal pehle rakhi thi inhone maang(demand). Ki tod do gate aur tod do deewar. Yeh himachali naukar subah munim ke paas jata aur poochta ki mujhe kab aur kaise ladke ki talash karna hai. Subah aur shaam iske ghar ke bahar teen driver, teen chowkidaar aur naukar ki mehfil lagti hai aur ladke ki khoj suru hoti hai. Har hafte naye aadmi aate western UP se and nazar rakhte makaan aur insaan par.

Yeh upfront hai. Yeh kehta hame ladka chaiyye aur pure peak par hote hai jab koi insaan bahar aate. Inki mehfil se log hote hai rubaru aur ander munim ko aati hai nayee khosboo. Jo bhi letter aate, courier aate, dawai aati, sab iske dwar se gujarte. Kyunki isko dikhana hai zarrori kyunki isne sabko khareeda hai apne daulat se poori. Yeh munim aur iski saantan kabhi apne chowkidaar se poochta: "Kya ladka dikha? Kya ladka bola? Us par nazar rakh" Aur cowkidaar apni sahmati dikhata. Doosre driver aur iske naukar kehta : "Ladka aaj nahi dikha. Ladke ko bahar nikal."
Iski santaan aur khanddan bhi hai utni paapi kyunki doosre ke ghar mein ghoosna, landline ko tap karna, letter/courier /bank statement gayab karna hai inki majboori. Doosre ke ghar mein courier aur saman bechnewale ke bahane log bhejta hai kyunki koshish hai kaise andar dhaba bole. Jab Jharkandi tenant rahta tha, to iske admi door se poochte the: Kya ladka hai? Kai mehino tak isne door se kiye aise sawaal jis phar sabe ne jatai ki na hoga aise sawwallo ka aakal.
Subah se shaam inke ghar ke bhar ki mehfil mein yeh apni demands rakhte ki kaise doosre ke ghar ki gate tode our lock se fiddle kare. Jab yeh makaan mein ghoose char saal se pehle isne socha aas paas ke dwellings bhi aate iske adhikar mein jaise taise. Doosre ke driver aur typist ko bhi isne khareeda kyunki paise ke bal par duniya ko khareed na chahta hai. Kyunki iske naukar ne doosre ke driver aur typist ko yeh kaha : "Tum meri duty karte ho Iski nahi."
Yeh paise ke bal par sab driver,chowkidaar ko khareedega kyunki paisa bota hai. Iske paise ne hamein ghar par bandh rakha hai kyunki kab iske aaadmi hum par kar de vaar. Hum jaye kashmere gate ya rajokri iske aadmi sab jagah hote pure puri.
Duniya hai iski muthi mein, duniya hai iski taqdeer isne doosrein ki taqdeer likhna samjha hai apni pehili laqeer.
Aao isko salam karein aur salaam karein iski paise ki taqat ko. Iska naam aur paise ki taqat dekh kar sab karte isko salaam aur isko doosre ke ghar mein ghoosene ka aur logo ko pratadit karne ka hai govt ka licence. Kahani likhni baaki hai.
Yeh sacchi katha bahut pehle likhni thi. Der ho gayee lekin yeh katha likh to di.

Tune kya socha paanch saal tak tu logon par haywaan ki tarah raj karega aur log dar ke saham jayege. Teri saari kahani logo ko batani from intruding, snooping, forgery, threats from henchmen (day in day out 365X5)attacks and a lot of other activities. Arrey kaun si paise ki taqat tu dikha raha hain. Kar leta yeh do take ki harkate kisi mediawallah se. Saari picture clear ho jati. Ek aam admi par tune kiya ha zulm.

Black Money Operators. How are we not to underestimate their operations?

Black Money Operators. How are we not to underestimate their operations?

in the past few months we have come across telecom operators. Now the time has come to shed light on another tribe of operators.

Lost the will to write yaar

Do take Ka Munim by Puneet Rajhans

Is do take ke munim ke dhan se bach saka na koi, yeh iska kaala dhan ha joh paanch saal tak isko doosre ke ghar mein zabardasti ghoosne ki izzazat deta hai puri.
Yeh do take ka criminal aisa socha ki apne ladke-cum-maukar se doosre ke ghar mein dhaba bole taki iski paanch saal ke muriyaad sab jagah pachue.
Isne tapping, snooping, forgery aur criminal activities mein maharathi hasil ki hai tabhi toh raat ke 8 se subah ke 6 baje tak iske naukar aur iske bahar ke log doosre ke ghar mein ghoosne ki puri koshish ki zindage ji ha. Jab letter aur courier (bank statement included) phate haal aur late pachute aur bahut baar nahin pachute toh samaj jao yeh forgery mein laga ha.
Paanch saal mein paanch din isne na choda doosre ka gate aur deewar lagna ki puri koshish mein aur ghoos ke andar se bahar kitni baar aaye yehi kiya iske logo ne.
Aaj se do saal pehle (isne khareeda hai sab colony ke chowkidaar ko) ek colony ke guard ne lagatar teen dino tak gate par hamla kiya aur baad mein kaha ki gali ka dog hamla kar raha hai. Yeh toh iska paisa hai joh doosre se hamla karvata hai. Wah paisa kya Kya na karvata.
Puri zor ajmaish is papi munim aur papi santaan-cum naukar ne ki tabhi toh iski santaan aisi papi nikali. Saantan-cum naukar bar bar poochte ladke ko bahar nikalo nahi toh hum andar ghooste.
Iske kale resources ki kahani hai ek car chalak joh iske isara pe teen saal tak nacha kyunki uske ghar mein advance mein bhet bhej di. Khareed liya hain isne auro ko bhi khareedega.
Naukar ke bal par karta hai yeh shaan kyunki jab bhi naukar bahar se dastak dekar andar aata yeh apne black ka nazrana pesh karta.
Iski shareer ki zaroortein hain jo isko majboor karta hai isko ladke doodhna ke liye. Yeh pata na tha iske sareer ka yeh demand. Picchhle 48 ghante mein iske logo ne 19 baar (bahar nikal kar) ladke ki pharmaiyish ki ha.
Ladka yeh khojta hai. Arrey naukar bhi toh Ladka ha(Jeeta jagta bhagta gate todta gate hilata). Ek kamau ladka aur ghar ke kaam poore karte. Isse accha ladka tuje kahan milega.
Logo ne bus mein me kaha ki ab ladke ki khoj hogi puri kyunki naukar hi karega ladke ki zaroorat puri.
Phir bhi todega yeh gate, hilayege gate ka lock, marega dhakka, phone ki baatein soonega apne aadmi se peecha karveya, goons ki mehfil sajayege aur bhokega yeh karega yeh aur iski paapi santaan kyunki behisaab paisa hai iski shaan.
Aao aisa do take ke intruder ko salaam karein. Agar salaam nahi kiya toh yeh karadega hamara samapan kalyan.

Raat ke andhere mein karega yeh operate ab samaj jao kitna paisa kiya hai isne samate. Samaj jao jab yeh ladke ki pharmaiyish rakhega aur raat mein ghoosne ki koshish karega iska khareedne ka agenda zari hai aur ladke ke dwara karani maalish zaroori hai. Paanch saal mein isko maalish ka bhoot sawar hein aur iske liye ladka dhoondh raha ha.

Paanch saal mein isne aatank ka mahaul khada kiya ha. Kar leta aisi do take ki harkatein kisi mediawallah se. Paanch saal joh isne gavaye hain aisi paapi kahani kisi doosre ke saath na dohra pata.

Bahut der ho gaye is sacchi katha ko likhne mein. Aao aur iski paise ki taqat par light dalein.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Praise Lord Govinda

Incessant rains in Tirumala was a blessing in more than one way. During late Oct and early Nov, Tirumala is splashed by rains that some suggest probably doesn't even happen in June and July when Mosoons are truly and widespread in the South.

Let us connect ourselves to Lord Govinda each and every time we take a breath.
We have transport day, commuting day, snooping day, no payment day, no work day, sight seeing day and a lot of other sizeable and petrifying days. Thanks to Election Commission coupled with the direction provided by the govt of the day, Jan 25th every year would be hauled and hailed as National Voters Day.

Boarding a bus

AS i board another bus with another set of people, i am reminded of my days in JNU and how things have changed drastically since then. I look at 621, the bus plying between ISBT and Purvanchal hostel. It was at Purvanchal mess that i used to have my meals and take a walk from Purvanchal to the main gate. I haven't visited JNU for a long time but the memories about the library are fresh. Just at the back of the library was a small mess. Has it changed? Probably a visit would clear the air.
There was a student from Vietnam whom i met in the library the place i visited in the mid 90s. The fascination for Ho Chi Minh city is still quite strong.

Jo sudhar na saka by Puneet Rajhans

Jo sudhar na saka by Puneet Rajhans
Jo sudhar na saka

As i board another bus with another set of people, there is one gentleman who is duty bound to spell out the nature of influence on him. He is upfront. The bus is heading towards Rewari and he is more than forthcoming in spelling out the good life he has led.
He begins : "Yeh hai bahut bada munim jo sudhar na saka." The munim he is referring to and his henchmen have been the most watchable events in the place of his assimilation. Is munim ke paas hai itni taqat ki yeh doosro ki ghar mein ghusne ka adhikar ki rakhta hai dwawat. Picchle char saal se zyada (More than four years) isne doosro ke ghar mein ghoosne ki taqat hasil ki hai. Yeh hai is munim ki kahani jo doosre ke ghar mein ghoosene ki adhikar sunata apne jubani. Bolte hai ki iske paas hai itna paise ki yeh apni range of demands subhe roj rakhta.
Yeh hai do take ka munim aur iski do take ki harketa jisko rok na saka samaj ki koi bhi bandishe. Isne doosro ke ghar mein ghoosene ki maharathi hasil ki hai and is kaam mein iske logo ne nayee jaan phooki hai. Iska ka himachali molester naukar joh raat hote hi doosre ke gate mein aur uske lock par karta hai vaar kyunki yehi hai iska adhikaar.Laki ke dande se karta hai vaar. Is adhikaar mein iske naukar aur chowkidaar ne kitne baar doosro ke ghar mein ghoose, rat hoi ya din sabhi samay ek jaise lage. Chaar saal tak doosre ka gate khol khol ke inhone ne apna dikhaya hai adhikar.

Kuch swar jo himachali naukar ke muh se nikle; "Ladka naha rahai, ladka aa gaye hai, ladka bathroom mein hai, ladke ko bahar nikalo. Ladke ko ham theek kar denge. Ladka naha raha hai aur bahar aane wala hai." Ladke ki kheti yeh karta hai aur is kaam mein chaar saal se laga hai.
Apne paise ke baL bute isne doosre ko kharida, na bach saka colony ka guard aur na bach saka colony ke driver. Do saal pehle rakhi thi inhone maang(demand). Ki tod do gate aur tod do deewar. Yeh himachali naukar subah munim ke paas jata aur poochta ki mujhe kab aur kaise ladke ki talash karna hai. Subah aur shaam iske ghar ke bahar teen driver, teen chowkidaar aur naukar ki mehfil lagti hai aur ladke ki khoj suru hoti hai. Har hafte naye aadmi aate western UP se and nazar rakhte makaan aur insaan par.

Yeh upfront hai. Yeh kehta hame ladka chaiyye aur pure peak par hote hai jab koi insaan bahar aate. Inki mehfil se log hote hai rubaru aur ander munim ko aati hai nayee khosboo. Jo bhi letter aate, courier aate, dawai aati, sab iske dwar se gujarte. Kyunki isko dikhana hai zarrori kyunki isne sabko khareeda hai apne daulat se poori. Yeh munim aur iski saantan kabhi apne chowkidaar se poochta: "Kya ladka dikha? Kya ladka bola? Us par nazar rakh" Aur cowkidaar apni sahmati dikhata. Doosre driver aur iske naukar kehta : "Ladka aaj nahi dikha. Ladke ko bahar nikal."
Iski santaan aur khanddan bhi hai utni paapi kyunki doosre ke ghar mein ghoosna, landline ko tap karna, letter/courier /bank statement gayab karna hai inki majboori. Doosre ke ghar mein courier aur saman bechnewale ke bahane log bhejta hai kyunki koshish hai kaise andar dhaba bole. Jab Jharkandi tenant rahta tha, to iske admi door se poochte the: Kya ladka hai? Kai mehino tak isne door se kiye aise sawaal jis phar sabe ne jatai ki na hoga aise sawwallo ka aakal.
Subah se shaam inke ghar ke bhar ki mehfil mein yeh apni demands rakhte ki kaise doosre ke ghar ki gate tode our lock se fiddle kare. Jab yeh makaan mein ghoose char saal se pehle isne socha aas paas ke dwellings bhi aate iske adhikar mein jaise taise. Doosre ke driver aur typist ko bhi isne khareeda kyunki paise ke bal par duniya ko khareed na chahta hai. Kyunki iske naukar ne doosre ke driver aur typist ko yeh kaha : "Tum meri duty karte ho Iski nahi."
Yeh paise ke bal par sab driver,chowkidaar ko khareedega kyunki paisa bota hai. Iske paise ne hamein ghar par bandh rakha hai kyunki kab iske aaadmi hum par kar de vaar. Hum jaye kashmere gate ya rajokri iske aadmi sab jagah hote pure puri.
Duniya hai iski muthi mein, duniya hai iski taqdeer isne doosrein ki taqdeer likhna samjha hai apni pehili laqeer.
Aao isko salam karein aur salaam karein iski paise ki taqat ko.

Yeh sacchi katha bahut pehle likhni thi. Der ho gayee lekin yeh katha likh to di.

Jo sudhar na saka by Puneet Rajhans

Jo sudhar na saka

As i board another bus with another set of people, there is one gentleman who is duty bound to spell out the nature of influence on him. He is upfront. The bus is heading towards Rewari and he is more than forthcoming in spelling out the good life he has led.
He begins : "Yeh hai bahut bada munim jo sudhar na saka." The munim he is referring to and his henchmen have been the most watchable events in the place of his assimilation. Is munim ke paas hai itni taqat ki yeh doosro ki ghar mein ghusne ka adhikar ki rakhta hai dwawat. Picchle char saal se zyada (More than four years) isne doosro ke ghar mein ghoosne ki taqat hasil ki hai. Yeh hai is munim ki kahani jo doosre ke ghar mein ghoosene ki adhikar sunata apne jubani. Bolte hai ki iske paas hai itna paise ki yeh apni range of demands subhe roj rakhta.
Yeh hai do take ka munim aur iski do take ki harketa jisko rok na saka samaj ki koi bhi bandishe. Isne doosro ke ghar mein ghoosene ki maharathi hasil ki hai and is kaam mein iske logo ne nayee jaan phooki hai. Iska ka himachali molester naukar joh raat hote hi doosre ke gate mein aur uske lock par karta hai vaar kyunki yehi hai iska adhikaar.Laki ke dande se karta hai vaar. Is adhikaar mein iske naukar aur chowkidaar ne kitne baar doosro ke ghar mein ghoose, rat hoi ya din sabhi samay ek jaise lage. Chaar saal tak doosre ka gate khol khol ke inhone ne apna dikhaya hai adhikar.

Kuch swar jo himachali naukar ke muh se nikle; "Ladka naha rahai, ladka aa gaye hai, ladka bathroom mein hai, ladke ko bahar nikalo. Ladke ko ham theek kar denge. Ladka naha raha hai aur bahar aane wala hai." Ladke ki kheti yeh karta hai aur is kaam mein chaar saal se laga hai.
Apne paise ke baL bute isne doosre ko kharida, na bach saka colony ka guard aur na bach saka colony ke driver. Do saal pehle rakhi thi inhone maang(demand). Ki tod do gate aur tod do deewar. Yeh himachali naukar subah munim ke paas jata aur poochta ki mujhe kab aur kaise ladke ki talash karna hai. Subah aur shaam iske ghar ke bahar teen driver, teen chowkidaar aur naukar ki mehfil lagti hai aur ladke ki khoj suru hoti hai. Har hafte naye aadmi aate western UP se and nazar rakhte makaan aur insaan par.
Yeh upfront hai. Yeh kehta hame ladka chaiyye aur pure peak par hote hai jab koi insaan bahar aate. Inki mehfil se log hote hai rubaru aur ander munim ko aati hai nayee khosboo. Jo bhi letter aate, courier aate, dawai aati, sab iske dwar se gujarte. Kyunki isko dikhana hai zarrori kyunki isne sabko khareeda hai apne daulat se poori. Yeh munim aur iski saantan kabhi apne chowkidaar se poochta: "Kya ladka dikha? Kya ladka bola? Us par nazar rakh" Aur cowkidaar apni sahmati dikhata. Doosre driver aur iske naukar kehta : "Ladka aaj nahi dikha. Ladke ko bahar nikal."
Iski santaan aur khanddan bhi hai utni paapi kyunki doosre ke ghar mein ghoosna, landline ko tap karna, letter/courier /bank statement gayab karna hai inki majboori. Doosre ke ghar mein courier aur saman bechnewale ke bahane log bhejta hai kyunki koshish hai kaise andar dhaba bole. Ho sakta hai forgery ho inka naya mukaam jab yeh letter, courier gayab karte.
Jab Jharkandi tenant rahta tha, to iske admi door se poochte the: Kya ladka hai? Kai mehino tak isne door se kiye aise sawaal jis phar sabe ne jatai ki na hoga aise sawwallo ka aakal.
Subah se shaam inke ghar ke bhar ki mehfil mein yeh apni demands rakhte ki kaise doosre ke ghar ki gate tode our lock se fiddle kare. Jab yeh makaan mein ghoose char saal se pehle isne socha aas paas ke dwellings bhi aate iske adhikar mein jaise taise. Doosre ke driver aur typist ko bhi isne khareeda kyunki paise ke bal par duniya ko khareed na chahta hai. Kyunki iske naukar ne doosre ke driver aur typist ko yeh kaha : "Tum meri duty karte ho Iski nahi."
Yeh paise ke bal par sab driver,chowkidaar ko khareedega kyunki paisa bota hai. Iske paise ne hamein ghar par bandh rakha hai kyunki kab iske aaadmi hum par kar de vaar. Hum jaye kashmere gate ya rajokri iske aadmi sab jagah hote pure puri.
Duniya hai iski muthi mein, duniya hai iski taqdeer isne doosrein ki taqdeer likhna samjha hai apni pehili laqeer.
Aao isko salam karein aur salaam karein iski paise ki taqat ko.

Yeh sacchi katha bahut pehle likhni thi. Der ho gayee lekin yeh katha likh to di.