Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Having boarded a vessel

Having boarded a vessel which i had to vacate as the solitary condition put by the people running them before one boarded , the vessel boarding and deboarding was reminiscent of the load extra and fulfilling that each mode of transport desires failing which the wait is long and enduring. Some modes of transport in the faint hope of getting the requisite numbers begin their journey only to discover that requisite load hasn't come resulting in dropping of the passengers much before the desired destination. As i left the vessel with a vow to try them again as it enabled me to reach the destination and come back, the first thing i tried at the maritime board canteen was to gulp down four cups of tea to keep my pledge to return to the place of my stay in time to get the meals. The onward journey began in a maxi cab, which had to be abandoned midway as the failure to get the requisite passengers forced the driver to do a rethink and resuggest the abandoned passengers whom he had abandoned at will to try a bus parked nearby and supposed to go to the place of our choice. The bus after making a pledge to wait that long where the requiite numbers could be arranged began to let the passengers board it and once it started, the stops were minimum and milk shakes and food none.
As it halted at one point, i came across a shop with a hoarding STD,ISD & Interpret. What Interpret suggested was actually internet but had taken the all-pervasive form ofInterpret. Here those using their net would be interpreting at some point or the other. THe mails they receive or intend to receive would be interpreted by them in the same way as the mails sent by them which they would like to interpret as to how it would be interpreted by those who are recepients. The interpretation would be equally true for the number of visits they have made to net cafe and the number of times it has solicited them the answers to the questions that they have failed to discover at home or in office which they occasionally visit to interpet the signs their competitive peers throw.Interpretation for them is an all-weather exercise given the bonds they intermittently struck and failing to wriggle out.

As i try to stay clear of this interpretation hoarding, i discover one passenger having boarded has followed this up with the act of sleep. With sunglasses on, he goes for elaborate sleep as elaborate meals have just been completed. With this act of sleep my interpretation is that the passenger wants to free himself of the bonds he built and chased since childhood. Now the time has come to free himself of all such bonds and get himself tiled by an aura of freedom that sleep and only sleep can ensure.

For him the bonding with visible and invisible forces has led him to chase sleep in places where his acquaintances - and those with whom he is supposed to get acquainted in the near future - are next to nil. The home and office doesn't give him the sleep he desires and the bus commute would surely do. It has been more than an hour since he got into sleep mode and no awakening (change in status) whatsoever from those who got themselves seated and unseated next to him comes .
I, for one, won't try to reinterpret where his sleep would lead him to as my destination is round the corner. But there are phenomenal numbers to suggest that sleep would be tried in all visible and invisible places when the requisite one doesn't come due to requsite portfolio that one fails to procure.

As for other occupants of the bus, some have boarded with their vehicle helmets on and some with safety helmet post work completion at the chemicals factory. And seeing the man go for sleep uniterrupted, they too have tried to enact the same asking those seated next to them to wear these very helmets as once they sleep the erratic behaviour enables them to give left right and centre to the people they desire to give but fail to do so eventually leading to injuries to those who are not on their radar.

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