Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winter and the whisper

 Winter and the whisper

Months of December January and February have their own set of difficulties and primarily difficult to deceive. December and January are past us and in a few days February too would ring out. The winter and the whisper suggest that those who are inclined to put up a brave front won't find the tidings sombre and those who fiercely resist the onset of these winter-turned-whisper months have little clue to get better of this weather triggered aberration.

What could be an ideal template during these months when some through their actions seem to suggest they have lost all sense. First and foremost the ideal setting should definitely involve the minimum usage of a cell and if possible try to resist from raising a toast on the enduring tales to tell. More you open up to outsiders and those with oscillating riders, more you subject yourself to a schedule that resembles others setting your calendar. Well round the year one speaks and undertakes innumerable searches on cell, if possible these instruments of intentional upheaval can be fairly avoided during the three months. One can't detail the onset and the content of a cell-talk, a fair reading would suggest the duration and dimension of a dialogue is patchy and invariably stress-setting. Number of times that one loses cool and delegate responsibility to a caretaker is no less, and problems wrapped in preservatives look to be the enduring gel.

One does not run out options if one is cautious enough. Starting from meal intake to a fair degree of physical movement, some of the troubles can be put aside despite differences in the neighbourhood looking to be a flying kite. Never get provoked and  preserved by raconteurs who are deft in rotating one tale after another, an outing involving physical exertion should at least be the three-month heal. Beginning with tea sprinkled with pepper, tulsi (holy basil) and ginger, the appropriate start to the day is ensured and from dawn to dusk this should at least be tried on occasions lasting like a fest. Those working from their home or from their office may be tempted to not renege on moolah-making could be the big thing, not realising the cash you seek and the cruise you freak may be at the very heart of argumentative spell you are swirling around.

Authoritative and aristocratic appointments should be reneged as these months in a pleasing fashion give a mental makeover that makes you lose cool and the clue. Heavy gadgets and hooting habits may be true for the entire year but the tendency to test how you stand against them gets a new raise.

Clothing that you are in does a lot to define the mood swings, men and women who failed to get noticed as mavericks have a easy chance to claim the lost space. Visits to waiting lounges can't be set aside but there is a tendency that for no fault of others the people tend to air their lifelong grievances with no bar. Visits by guests should be few and far and those hosting you should host when they are past their anger roast.

Winters: From ginger to onions

Winters: From ginger to onions

Months of December and January are past us and probably the brush with not that bearable cold would be over. As i begin to write from a cafe on the ground floor on a Monday, the months of December and January have been painful enough for those who have a least appetite for a bone-cutting weather. A little into third week of December and the freak weather forced you to get into a schedule that you would have least desired. Right from food to clothes, extra dollop of either looked to be the prerequisite. Temperatures hitting below four degrees Celsius and a new low being seen in the past four decades showed the uncertain times we live in and the inclement weather's intention to test you time and again in the coming years may be more than visible.

Freak weather and what all it forced me and you to do. As for meals, winters normally raise the appetite if not appropriately checked can make you dish out a fare that is procrastinatingly uncomfortable. Meals should be taken at regular intervals with a quantity not bordering on fanaticism and the one that does not give you stomach cramps or makes you feel heavy. A diet soaked in as little oil as possible, rich in fibre and surely something conducive for the heart may be preferred.

Mornings tend to be procrastinating and once you are off the bed, the first to be tried is a cup/glass of milk. Even if one has left the bed late, the breakfast should not be skipped (lighter one would even do) comprising milk/tea with bananas. As the afternoon meals can get a little heavy, this can be offset by oranges and tea. Late night/ early evening meals should always be light and live up to your mental measurement and possibly riding with an onion agenda.

To keep the ball moving on the bowel front, try to engage in ginger zing, either thrown in vegetables or tea either late evening or early morning.  Second those with weak bones or unable to engage in physical exercise for even minimal duration, the best course would be to stick to a brisk walk at times that suit you. A yoga session here or a brisk walk coupled with exposure to Sun would be handy.
In the season of losing sense and sanity, mood swings are hard to avoid. Course correction could well endure the cell to be avoided for all the reasons known to mankind. Cell and gadgets goad you to a glue where the urge to be extraordinary extracts from you a concession that you have to be extrovert and give a extra spin to all things/actions that rock your boat.

Be simple and less boastful and be rationale and less colourful. Winters are all about the will to not wilt under pressure and be sure that body and different beats are in order even in inclement weather.You are the best boast for your health and a cautious cruise at different levels can give you the enduring wealth.
Reforms and reasoning can at least bring to a halt the hit the state is witnessing

Right from political reforms to law and order in form, each step in this direction should not be treated as a breach. You make a beginning and see the results rather let forces miniscule in nature scale the tilt.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Months of December and January have gone past us

 Months of December and January have gone past us

Months of December and January have gone past us and occasionally the temptation to write is as elusive as these one-and-a-half month. For the security of men, women and children, the best way forward is to begin from oneself. Why the urge to put faith in institutions that have been found to be lacking repeatedly. Course correction has to begin from our side rather waiting for others to set us free.
Kid going to school

When a kid begins to join school, the parents' perennial concern is would he or she be able to secure admission in primary school and senior secondary school. If govt. schools or semi govt schools don't figure in their menu of education experiment, it is more to do with the disposable income and disassociation with any thing that has not been a trendsetter. Private schools ably supported by their whims and fancies prod the parents to send their wards to them. Nursery schools and the exponential demands placed by them is the base at which aberrations begin to bloom. Had parents been cautious enough to consider that a wait for a reasonable period would be more conducive than conducively build their wards towards a high-charging private school, the course correction could at least have met with half success. This pattern is by and large true in tier 1 and tier 2 cities with more cities/towns willing to be besotted by this private charm.

Kid-turning-to-teen has an inescapable focus to score high marks and this sets the pace for private tuitions to mushroom. As this is coming about, the parents boast of job-hopping success they engineered in life and that is the be-all and end-all of their existence. This may be just an ounce of the working population but it has the ability to be replicated by those who have scaled that ladder or attempting to do the same. Once demands from the society for education, infrastructure and other not-that-visible sensations begin to erupt with no end to it, the order and outing, both become difficult to maintain.

Liberalisation like unguided missile

Liberalisation here has been like an unguided missile, not tamed and not corrected. When private sector had exposure to excuse itself from putting checks and balances to salary and beverages, the govt departments and those working there had to raise clamour for a raise that if not matching to private brouhaha could at least be in the kissing distance of the same. Govt. finances were stretched beyond imagination and equally unimaginative were the private concerns and their share of pomposity and profit. Result was roast of simplicity and all it could guarantee was a ghost of greed and glee. Glee was largely visible if any remuneration worked up to a stage of reality for services that hardly deserved such compensation. This became a repeated and unchecked anomaly that spread from sectors to centres that would have been sensitive till the other day.

Staff you employ

More than two decades of prized money and prized territory has been the inescapable fact and a cruise that can't be dearer is still very much possible. Consumption and the coercion to not put an end to the same is the first flaw. Migration happens because the consuming class in cities and towns does not regret in paying procrastinating payments for services that could have come for a quarter. Be it the household staff or the staff you employ in factories and companies, a bar on wages and salary should be the benchmark. If companies across board begin to start from wages that are enough for necessities then most would be in order to not pay tempting compensation. But here who is to define necessity and things leading to notoriety.
Let the work suffer for a while or find a viable option than pay to the people a compensation that can create upheaval in the market. If the employer and high end employees begin to cut back on their expectations and associations with high-end template, a beginning if not sizeable could be visible.Why clamour for everything private when your life is public enough to be shadowed by ills that define the set up. From schools to salaries, one should believe in the art of "wait and watch". Things done in a hurry leads to this societal upheaval and fury. If a member in a family does not get a job, wait for a while someone else in the family would get it rather settle for a job where you are told to dig in undesirable duties. Right from every private citizen to a public figure, the force of a feast should be dispelled by a proportion if not altogether and any celebration should be muted enough to not let others set it as a platform for clamour. Public services would be inefficient or overstretched and this by no means opens you to the thought of seeking everything that is private and possessively therapeutic.

Bring the consumption down, bring the clamour to a reasonable crown. Never seek the best for schools and salaries and never ever let endeavours/fields like cinema. sports and politics enter a mad territory of pace and cash. All adverts in print and electronic media on upcoming cinemas, sports encounters and political bouts should be curbed to a degree that the image of large and lust should be a history. Some may argue that greed is the tonic of life and there is no turning back. A greed contained and a life in a lane is possible if a beginning comes from our side.  If we are responsible to keep most of the desires that encircle us in a limited template  there won't be limits to the idea that life is.