Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winters: From ginger to onions

Winters: From ginger to onions

Months of December and January are past us and probably the brush with not that bearable cold would be over. As i begin to write from a cafe on the ground floor on a Monday, the months of December and January have been painful enough for those who have a least appetite for a bone-cutting weather. A little into third week of December and the freak weather forced you to get into a schedule that you would have least desired. Right from food to clothes, extra dollop of either looked to be the prerequisite. Temperatures hitting below four degrees Celsius and a new low being seen in the past four decades showed the uncertain times we live in and the inclement weather's intention to test you time and again in the coming years may be more than visible.

Freak weather and what all it forced me and you to do. As for meals, winters normally raise the appetite if not appropriately checked can make you dish out a fare that is procrastinatingly uncomfortable. Meals should be taken at regular intervals with a quantity not bordering on fanaticism and the one that does not give you stomach cramps or makes you feel heavy. A diet soaked in as little oil as possible, rich in fibre and surely something conducive for the heart may be preferred.

Mornings tend to be procrastinating and once you are off the bed, the first to be tried is a cup/glass of milk. Even if one has left the bed late, the breakfast should not be skipped (lighter one would even do) comprising milk/tea with bananas. As the afternoon meals can get a little heavy, this can be offset by oranges and tea. Late night/ early evening meals should always be light and live up to your mental measurement and possibly riding with an onion agenda.

To keep the ball moving on the bowel front, try to engage in ginger zing, either thrown in vegetables or tea either late evening or early morning.  Second those with weak bones or unable to engage in physical exercise for even minimal duration, the best course would be to stick to a brisk walk at times that suit you. A yoga session here or a brisk walk coupled with exposure to Sun would be handy.
In the season of losing sense and sanity, mood swings are hard to avoid. Course correction could well endure the cell to be avoided for all the reasons known to mankind. Cell and gadgets goad you to a glue where the urge to be extraordinary extracts from you a concession that you have to be extrovert and give a extra spin to all things/actions that rock your boat.

Be simple and less boastful and be rationale and less colourful. Winters are all about the will to not wilt under pressure and be sure that body and different beats are in order even in inclement weather.You are the best boast for your health and a cautious cruise at different levels can give you the enduring wealth.

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