Saturday, March 2, 2013

As i begin to write from a cyber cafe

As i begin to write from a cyber cafe in the proximity of vasant place market, the rationale offered by the vasant place market shop to not hand over the terminal may have a ringing logic to it. Strict compliance with "no surfing" seem to be the sum total of its operation and operational agenda was true for those whom the cyberwallah could trust and raise a toast.    SEarch for another cyber cafe took me to a locale that has not been too far from JNU and where majority could be seen holding a joint and no divise account. The visit to this locale was preceded by a ride on 727 which was packed to capacity given the low service and opposite to that a series of 724s, majority of them coming in airconditioned avatars, ringing the city blast.

National capital would be better served if green coloured DTC buses don't shrink in size and schedule as the red airconditioned have closed windows with some among them having the engine and the entire machine gasping for breadth. Similarly   some red coloured buses are driven rashly and here the drivers have to rework on their driving schedule rather let mishap become the norm.  Frequency of green colour buses would be even handy for those who don't have a green agenda. MOnths of December, January and February are past us and with sun radiating a sentiment that most cherish, the onset of a weather that diehards root for and those who least desire winter and wallet banter. THe three months were less therapeutic and less cheerful and if ever in the entire calendar there are days when people feel low and some try to fix the same through moisture glow, they can be traced to these months.

As for the national calendar, the three months gave appropriate excuses for some in the political class to raise the bogey of mid term polls with an intent some could be waylaid during elections with deep pocket-hole. Same mastery some developed in throwing in the air the formidable and favourable choices for the top post not realising the man to hog the limelight and the man to take the blame for political to economy ills coming as rains would be decided at the appropriate time and the one who would have the appropriate shine.

Three months could have given enough arsenal to the thought of bringing in political reforms coupled with the reforms in the law and order machinery. Majority of discrepancies and disassociation from reality emerges from the expansive template the political and  L&O class work against. Vacancies in either should be filled not driven by whims and fancies of others, more guided by ground considerations. If major political parties are able to reach a consensus that lower house seats where candidates of least acceptability won't be put before the voters, perhaps a beginning can be made. Similarly more than one from the family taking the political tag can be true for one term( exceptionally for two terms); it can't go on and on. If it has to happen let the other member take the independent route than party affiliation.

No party should encourage the tendency to convert chances to court success by taking the thugs on board; it is better to lose than to lose to a nation riding on the wave of muscular motor. Lose a pole but don't lose yourself to musclemen who radiate their strength when some pitch electoral tent and electoral rant. Shrink to a degree the discretionary quota of political class and on constituency development fund, a fair audit is a necessity. Once the members of the political class work against  limited options/resources, the message would go to the public that cleansing in the political sphere has begun.  And thereby the simmering discontent would defuse.

As for L & O department, the first sign to bring them to life is to make them independent. Make the L & O personnel right from the bottom to those holding high offices realise the salary they are getting is sufficient; you need not emulate what a private citizen does with a private prowess. Because for private citizen if he/she is not careful on what expansive template has been adhered, chances are freedom of fanaticism may not last long. In the lower echelons the salary may not be sufficient but things can be managed. Those in Upper echelons should desist from taking a raise and that in a way would lift the morale of those in the lower rank.More importantly the collection from top to bottom and vice versa in principle should be discouraged and those who hold the levers should be made to understand that never retain or transfer a personnel just because it could bring handsome dividends. REcruitment, retaining and transfer should have larger transparency and with no quid pro quo. Mushkil hai namunkin nahi

Those wishing to start a business or empower their base should believe in patience rather rooting for instant results which ultimately opens the door for greasing the palm and early greying of your hair.


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