Friday, June 6, 2014

Tapping for the past three and a half years, making us live in fear

Tapping for the past three and a half years, making us live in fear

Conversations which we can't have in any room and movements that remain restricted, the agenda pursued in the past three and a half years by those supposed to maintain law and order is highly unethical and irresponsible. For the past three and a half years,tapping from adjoining house has been the mandate with a never-ending urge to create commotion here and there. Commotion with different patterns which a normal man would find it difficult to take in his stride and that too for such a long time.  A normal conversation which anyone would have cherished and a seamless movement inside the house which we would have desired has not come about.

We dread to think of what the man or different men during different duty hours from adjoining house would resort to if we don't comply to their diktats. They had a free reign during the raising of a new structure, the amount of fear and commotion they delivered us would have fewer parallels.   If we raise our voice against injustice being handed to us on a platter, they air their disapproval through much-depleted water supply. If that is not all, they ask outsiders to seek more water, more than four to five times a day, to make us believe that there is no getting away from their acts which are entirely inhuman. You see the outsiders can give tough times to old members of our household. Mark my words, the amount of water you ask them to waste and thereby give sleepless nights to old people here, the same commodity you won't find in abundance elsewhere. If that is one act, this is followed by banging the floor above our rooms during odd hours, the attempt is to create an atmosphere of fear.

We have never been in argumentative spell with anyone in the lane despite they provoking a delivery boy, vegetable vendor here or a courierwallah there  From adjoining house, they decide when to send delivery boys, whom to employ in banging the gate and the door and when to raise commotion here and there. A simple courierwallah task also they make it look dreadful with banging the gate during odd hours or pressing bells without a break. There would be scores of vendors working in the lane. They have a right to livelihood. But there are some whom they employ with no hesitation to give us trouble. Every time we went to bathroom during morning hours, these men would send this vendor upstairs who would scream and shout. How can one justify this act that when we are passing motion say at 8 in the morning or 11 in the morning that very moment this vendor would pass through bathroom and not before that or after that. We had to literally persuade the vendor to let us complete the bathroom formalities and how come he had to pass through the bathroom only at that time when we are in the bathroom.

Different men during different duty hours who are engaged in the task of tapping and tailing define the time when we should go to sleep and the time when we should leave the bed. Even a foray to a bathroom during night hours can spell trouble as each and every movement they tail. We dread to think of their conduct and what shape and provocative colour it would take in the next coming hour (in the next coming hour). From early morning to late night, not a single minute passes when they don't tap and in the process making our lives difficult. Tapping has been one among different instruments they have employed to make us repeatedly beg to them for peace and any ruckus in any part of the country if ever it takes place, one can understand their role and commitment. Otherwise who is bothered about whom and why would anyone create a stir here or a stir there unless told by them. 

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