Tuesday, September 2, 2014


WE tend to live in times where wheels of rough and smooth side of justice move along.We tend to come across stories where a newly joined personnel in a govt hospital has to grease the palms of a clerk to get his monthly salary. We tend to come across instances where roads built in the past give way to pressure of vehicles and still fake bills and favouritism prevail. A speedy check here, a data bank of roads there could be the way to steer ahead. Vigilance and transparency can do wonders.
People come across new variety irresponsibly raised showing how the rules have been thrown to wind. In cities the people tend to be arrogant aided by flush of money and flush of power. They tend to give sleepless nights as they are committed to the idea of raising a variety whose very  bottom instills fear and no freedom.Arrogance of a big city won't be of no use if things are not in control. People will migrate to new towns and cities in search of employment. THe fertile land of their homes in villages would discourage them to move. But when they would come across new variety raised in cities that have people live in shadow of fear one can imagine the impetus the people would have got to raise this variety that hurts the commoner.  

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