Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Circle rates in Delhi, House glut in China

As i begin to write about circle rates in the national capital of delhi, the search of the same does not yield results. Seventies was the period when the rates would have been fairly low, not lessening the  speed at which the residents could gain fairly accessible options.  It should have been an ideal capital where prices of property to praise should have least required huge outlay of resources/mirroring of moods.

Reckless driving
The  city has grown in size so has grown the demand to raise price of land to deter the "outsider" to ever think of getting a piece of land. They talk about the urgent need to check the amount of unaccounted money that flows in this sector and thus the need to up the circle rate. It was the environment of 80s that set in motion the feast of black money and where does the high circle rate has a ring of justification. Here public transport, considering the number of govt buses/cluster buses that run on roads does not show a pattern, you have more buses than required, more running at reckless speed than ever an attempt being made to check the menace of reckless driving. Here background checks are not carried out before recruitment of those handling public transport. A woman should not be the last one to exit the bus. One would argue during Night shifts more steps are to be taken to see order in some form is maintained. Forces that served in public transport get easily absorbed in real estate and associate sectors and vice versa and here one can imagine the ruckus that could gain ground, years turning to decades.  There were two sets of buses, first red line followed by blue line. These buses plied in the 90s and till 2008-09 and the amount of freedom they secured to run over here and there saw the weak side of law enforcement.

Venezuela buses no spare parts; the scene here between 90s to 2008
Venezuela we come across stories where spare parts are not available for buses. It is better to have such buses than have cases of reckless driving. Before people are recruited in public transport, highlight them the benefits of driving with care, caution and not throwing abuse at womenfolk. They say half of the recruitment in public transport is with personnel having allegiance to police and cluster buses and other buses also have a fair share of them. Well the 90s and till 2008 when red line and blueline buses plied the share of those being owned by them was known.  For a better law and order what is more important is to keep the force productively employed. A force which is productively employed and not sitting idle would bring order to the proceedings.
Starting with a contract system and that too from a district is not a bad idea. Similarly when a dhaba, small eating joint, cineplex opens, care should be taken to see order is maintained, effectively meaning it does not set in a range of problems.  Similarly when a host of real estate projects get launched and realised, a share here and a share there gives ample room for people behind such projects to fiddle with laws and up the price. If law had been strong since 80s, at least real estate should have been a place not known for notoriety and law and order problems.

Red carpet laid in the 80s, newspaper supplements adding to the problems
That was 80s, triggering a push for real estate to readily erect a frontier  where newspaper supplements which were once in a month affair turned to a weekly exercise. Had control been exercised then and there itself, neither the rates would have hit the roof nor it would have kept a large segment out of house cover.  Real estate spawned a rally in other sectors that not only raised the arrogance, abuse with capital A and the feeling of I the owner of roads and colonies began to run unchecked. If a black in the US gets to face the rough side of law enforcers, it is not hard to figure out why this is happening. Scores of protesters, white, blacks and others demand justice and before this episode recedes in the background another episode of another black being meted out same treatment we come across. Speaking to a Nigerian national studying in the national capital the Ferguson episode one hoped would be an isolated one, recurring of the same here and there has hit hard the template of compassion and coexistence the country is known for. Mr Bloom, Mr Ross would agree with that.
The sunshine in Alabama was good and George sharing dias with Ba was a consolation. Though some would have found fault with the speech made but one has to understand the hands are tied and how much Ba can do. Here some would argue another AfricanAmerican, CaribbeanAmerican, CentralAmericanAmerican should get another opportunity. It may be distant but not impossible.  

House glut in China
China is facing a housing glut with developers finding it difficult to raise funds. Chinese manufacturers face weak demand from home and abroad. Olympics and the boom that one expected following the big event did not happen and as a result, the house glut, low demand and threats from different forces became more visible. For China, more important is to keep the Army productively employed and instill in them the virtues of discipline and not displacing others. More important is to inculcate in them the feeling of compassion. China faces a daunting task. One among them is Honk Kong where the tirade of the local residents is that those hailing from mainland have left no room for them to get a roof of their own. Some would argue that Mainland China should steer a drive where affordable housing involving local residents should be set in place for a long time. Similarly admissions to schools,colleges and employing the locals to companies stationed there is a way forward to break the impasse.

We had commonwealth games and the amount that went down the drain is known. At least the stadiums built then should be put to effective use as stories abound of such structures lying unused in Brazil (world Cup), China (olympics), London (olympics). In each of theses places, the budget went beyond expectations. As for DEbates in electronic media, it  should be towards measures required to be taken to reduce circle rate, bring transparency in real estate, the clamour to secure high salary/compensation after completing courses from private institutes is it justified?. Are Business graduates that are being churned out by private varsities getting effectively employed. One paper had a story on clutter of gutter mbas. Not meant to offend anyone, this tribe of gaining business outlook with no prospects in hands looks alarming.
High circle rates have kept the commoner out of home reach and any attempt to raise a skyscraper when Yamuna is not relatively clean looks priorities are misplaced. Here newspapers talk about skyscrapers.  A district court here and there, a stadia right in the city and outskirts, some of these places lie unattended. Though economy is not booming, it is not in pause mode either, not by any means engineering prospects for repo rate to be cut on two occasions.

M O Ibrahim Foundation established in 2006 to encourage African leadership is something on which Inside Story had a reasonable debate. One channel covers Africa in its entirety. Perhaps channels in Delhi should take a leaf from that.  

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