Saturday, May 23, 2015

Huge import oil bill; full page ad and those chased by real estate brouhaha

Huge import oil bill; full page ad and those chased by real estate brouhaha
What political party can do

The stay in national capital spread over different months brought the high and low tide that one normally comes across.  No better way to illustrate than take a look at the marvel of motoring and mentoring different sectors have been witness to. Had proper planning been done one house one vehicle would have become the norm. A city that prides in high disposable income, consider how many actually are in possession of high income or all it looks to be a case of big farce? THis high disposable income, the reflection of the same coming in big page ads on real estate to real rate has sent denizens in a state of submission. Submission that has led to a spurt in crime and being committed by staff who till the other day looked to be totally obedient.
One should always watch out for high sale purchase or transaction as it sets the ball rolling for anti social elements to strike. And these anti social elements are promoted by those meant to maintain order. We tend to hear stories about someone being waylaid here and there and if it is thoroughly probed the nexus between different elements gets revealed. In the national capital, take the case of a high rise construction taking place next to the premier medical institute of the country. That land after razing low height flats should have been dedicated to agriculture usage. A better part for agricultural usage and the rest to be turned into a ridge or something like that. THat would have brought fresh air and a kept a tab on vehicle addition.

We are importing oil; we have no shale gas; $ 462 bn is foreign debt
WE are not a country basking in huge oil deposits which would earn us high income when we would export. For oil imports also we have to rely on others; never an attempt made to explore the possibility of shale gas which serves as a good alternate to oil. THe ruling has come that full page ad would carry only few pictures. A better ruling would be no full page ad with no pictures of personalities. That would send a message that govt's resources are not being frittered away.
As a nation we receive 100 billion dollars as remittances each year. That is the highest that any nation receives. Consider this if there is a dip in remittances what the picture would look like. Saying that time has come to seek capital account convertibility does not reflect the mood of the nation. Your foreign exchange reserves are still not to the sufficient level; more so the $ 300 bn reserves get overshadowed by $462 bn foreign debt. One has to be very careful as far as reserves and the reasons to fritter the same.

For the opposition party which is chased by real estate brouhaha

The best course would have been to adopt 40-odd villages in each 40 district spread across country and see to it that sanitation facilities, sarva shiksha abhiyan and other programmes of the govt are doing well. This the grand old party could have easily done instead of taking a yatra here or there when real estate issue is something that chases them. Surrendering a part of the land in Rajasthan and Haryana could have been one way of making the public think that a wrong was done and we are here to correct that.  For the political party , Adopting villages across districts and monitoring them for different projects could be one meaningful way of getting back than taking isolated yatra here and there. And when political party members meet farmers who are in distress, at the same time the political party should come up with solutions on how this set of farmers or that set of farmers can overcome his or her challenges.  As for the govt the land bill is full of faults but taking a yatra here and there won't do when real estate chases you.  The govt's land bill should seek the approval of the party concerned before negotiations are reached.
 As for videsh yatra this is doing little unless it adds to foreign exchange reserves. Getting full page ads shows how govt money is being wasted for no achievement seen or recorded. Keep a tab on all all govt functionaries who visit abroad and the spending power that too drawn from foreign exchange reserves should be limited. Similarly business houses which were told in the 90s and 2000s to invest aboard only added to the debt of these companies and as of now the indian companies debt stands at $120bn. How they would steer forward is hard to tell. JUst appearing in news conferences here or there or showing good numbers in one quarter won't do.

Fiscal deficit has been contained; where is the need to assuage FIIs
We tend to treat FIIs with high respect. When MAT (Minimum Alternate Tax) is a necessity where is the need to set up a panel to assuage their sentiments. Stock market driven by FIIs can't be promising. Just when fiscal deficit figure was about to come which showed fiscal deficit had been contained at 4 per cent where was the need for MAT relief to be given just four days before. Let market be allowed to stand on its feet than pleasing the FIIs which would make the task of taking any decisions redundant. Even pleasing FIIs can't make Rupee strong. You have to look for other measures. Because each day (each day) a new set of reporting comes. Today on strong global cues, the markets went up; the next day on weak global cues the markets went down. Less than 24 hours the global cues changed; does not this look childish. Bring back the MAT; let stock market stand on its feet. This way you would never be able to take decisions. And that too when four days later fiscal deficit and it staying at 4 per cent was about to come.  Rate cut should not be tried most people would say. Inflation is still a tricky issue.    
One of the biggest follies of previous administration was setting up of seventh pay commission. To date over 2,50,000 crore goes towards salaries/pension of govt employees each year. What would be the outgo once seventh pay panel comes in? Think of that. From where would the money would come?

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