Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Public money and party office bearers

Public money and party office bearers

Dissuade them (political party office bearers)from taking to travel by air at party expense. THere have been umpteen  occasions when party office bearers assignment or no assignment take to travel by air. This seminar or that party work which won't be significant enough to call for travel by air sees more of such practices by party office bearers setting in motion the clamour for same by those in the lower rung. Resentment is brewing in this state unit, disaffection has arisen all of a sudden in that state unit, We have to travel from national capital to sort out the matter is the common refrain. This is all waste of public money when a mere telephone call would do.  Entirely unconnected to this is an issue of modernisation of airports and the private concerns which won the bid including in the metros. It was believed, reported to a fair extent, that private concerns which went on to raise and run the big airports had to shell out huge sums to the authorities/regime in power. As a result, they piled up huge debt and this having spillover effect to other frames of economy. If these concerns had not been told to fork out huge sums at least a degree of honesty would have been registered and other doors of economy would have opened with least bottlenecks and least greasing of palm.  

Political parties in power and those aspiring to gain power have to exercise checks and balances when it comes to party work/assignment and whom all to send and the occasion if at all calls for travel by air. WE come across instances where calls are made regularly to donate to the party kitty to see the expenses that a political party bears are met. It was reported widely that even before the poll fever had set in 2007 in UP close to 200cr were spent to demonstrate that young leadership had won the hearts and minds of  the people. Being garlanded at every other minute, being showered with rose petals, the convoy being stopped here and there was meant to show the leadership had the pulse of the electorate. When the polls were over, the party could not register a win.
As for ads during different anniversaries of leaders, the newspapers across states are flooded with them. Why spent such huge sums when the same effort could be utilised to raise a medical facility in far away districts/ remote districts of a state/country.This exercise of placing ads is a sheer wastage of public money. These occasions are meant to show they are very much relevant in the political landscape of the country.   Similarly when employment is a big issue, most of the leaderships from Bengal, Assam , DElhi went to Gandhi Maidan in Bihar during swearing -in ceremony only to attest the fact there is no bar on travel by political leadership to any part of the country. THese travels were on public money.  Bihar elections showed the departure from real issues and talking about tantra mantra, personal attacks, straying from real agenda and not sticking to the state issue and keeping the speech short and to the point cost them(party making an attempt to gain power) dear. What law and order turn the state would witness would be known soon but the state is in the grip of a caste calculus and this percolates down to the bottom, hitting the very fabric of governance. No poll can be won when minorities don't wait and vote for you. This does not mean the other alliance has done wonders for minorities. THe party in power in the state has used minorities as votebanks. If they had really cared for minorities at least in madrasas in the state  the young lot should have been provided education, skill development and a path that would have glided them towards gainful employment. One page insertions in different newspapers like leaflets in minority dominated constituencies in the state which carry reports of how minorities are gaining skill, gaining employment and same being spread through word of mouth could bring a sense of belongingness to the minorities. THis one page insertion could be carried out in the entire country in the districts where minorities have a sizeable presence.
THe bus permits, the number of buses to be run on such and such route, the roads that need recarpeting are some among million areas that could see rise or reinvention of graft. Giving tenders to those hailing from one caste or one group would further see the strong grip of caste calculus in the state..    

House sitting too is on public money and if there are disagreements, the attempt should be to thrash out the same than adjourning the House. Even if marshals are required for the same it could be tried. House sitting during two session than three would do.
IN the national capital, the attempt should have been to streamline the functioning of different govt hospitals. About 10 months ago when the new regime came in the national capital, a detail list of different govt hospitals and the staff reporting for same should have been prepared. This should have been followed by a list of doctors, nurses who all needed to be recruited in different hospitals followed by the list of equipments that needed to be supplied to these govt hospitals. A detail follow up would have improved the functioning of these hospitals. Why not draw up a list of hospitals in the national capital of delhi and recruit the doctors/nurses based on feedback from the hospital. THis is more important than make a claim that 10,000 new buses would hit the road of the national capital of delhi when there is no space for the same. This would further create law and order problem as we all know from where trouble begins. Similarly the elevated road corridor on the outskirts of capital that could prevent the trucks/buses from entering the heart of the capital (this would check pollution) should be the priority than placing ads in electronic media  and print media about how different they are from others. Giving priority to govt hospitals is more important than getting influenced by surveys that show private medical care is doing wonders when very few can afford it. At all major railway stations, bus terminals of the national capital there could be at least one kiosk on providing information on availability of beds in govt hospitals and the doctors who could be of help to you. Because those coming from outside have to run here and there to get medical care when the requisite information they seek does not come.

Seventh Pay Panel
AS for the seventh pay panel, reports in the papers suggest that before its implementation over 4lakh 30, 000 crore goes toward salaries and pension of central govt staff including railways every year. After its implementation the Centre would have to bear a burden of over 1 lakh crore in the first year. This steep hike of over 23 per cent can't be justified and yet the party making an attempt to gain power suggests the hike should have been 40 per cent. Private companies are in huge debt, salaries are being slashed like anything and yet the pay panel set up by the previous regime sees merit in raising the pay and that too by such a margin. Pay panel should come every 15 years, not 10. THe ability of the govt to dole out such huge sums can be questioned given the financial landscape we are in when taxes of different nature haunt us.IN the West when the govt has failed to honour commitments towards salaries/pension disturbing trends have emerged.    

A recent meet of investors in the western state saw the electronic media being splashed with an ad "Hum hai tayar" was sheer wastage of public money. THe state has least employment rate. The meet won't raise emloyment. This ad should have run  at the most for a week prior to the investor meet than running for over 40 days.
Most would agree that public money can't be wasted on ads in print and electronic media. Another ad that shows "yeh doodh peeta hai india" looks inflammatory and repulsive THe ads on super bikes super cars splashed in papers and electronic media are nothing but an attempt to create stir in the society.   

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