Thursday, August 3, 2017

Some Ideas for Independence Day speech 2017 by Puneet Rajhans

Some Ideas for Independence Day speech to be delivered from Red Fort

As per reports coming in newspapers, Ideas pour in for I-Day speech. There are some more ideas which can be accorded due respect. After all being polite and humble is the need of the hour.The speech to be delivered from the ramparts of Red Fort would be amidst a layer of security never seen before. Those assigned with the task of securing the Red Fort premises would see to it that nothing is left for the last hour. Executing a monumental plan to free the premises of any threat would see congregation of hundreds of security men alert to the pre and post speech proceedings.

Involving media to send out message
For a layman the speech would essentially be talking about the hits (read achievements) and no mention of the misses of the govt. Areas where govt could not deliver should be part of the speech as this would give a balanced perspective to the spectators. Unity in diversity is the theme that Indian template agrees to and any diversion would be construed as hurting the foundation of the nation state should be the backdrop of the speech. In the past three years a climate of confrontation has been seen at various levels and govt would be advised to clear the air. Acts of horror like mob lynching and cow vigilantes going on a rampage should be part of the speech to assure the minorities and other deprived sections that govt stands by them at this hour. As govt placed ads in newspapers and electronic media on the success of providing LPG connection to those sections who had been deprived for long or its success of opening of new bank accounts in the same vein the govt of the day can involve newspapers and electronic media through ads and news to convey that acts of hatred would be least tolerated and tough sections of Indian Penal Code would be invoked to give a befitting reply to the perpetrators.

Everything to Eat Everything to Wear and None to Fear
One nation one flag is what we all swear to. In the past three years a climate of hatred and coercion has found its way in the task of nation building and the govt would be well advised to deploy all resources at its command to create a climate of belongingness and common pursuit. Marginalised sections should not fear and an assurance that existing laws are enough to hit those indulging in hate crimes. Everything to Eat Everything to Wear and none to fear should be the template that govt should abide by and citizens can be the ears and eyes of the govt wherever acts of hate crime take place. Those on a short fuse need to be handled tactfully. This trend of losing temper and taking law into their hands has emerged at different layers of society. NOT IN MY NAME CAMPAIGN that has been taken out in different cities of the country is meant to bring an element of sanity to the rough proceedings and this campaign is essentially meant to improve the governance index. Participation  of Citizens reporting hate crimes and stopping the same would be welcome as law enforcing machinery finds it too taxing to address every undesirable incident and this participation of citizens concept can find mention in the speech.

Jobs that should have come
In the past three years in the name of employment generation the govt has not much to boast about and the speech should bring in the fact that a sensex that roars doesn't necessarily mean the economy in full force. Fundamentals may be strong but it would be a monumental feat for the govt to reach employment target as per its manifesto. Three years and numerous state assembly battles won should at no point of time give impression to the govt That India Battle has been Won. No one knows what would be the verdict like in two years from now and consolidation of majority votes may or may not happen. Sabka sath (To be with everyone) Sabka vikas (To bring hope and development to everyone)  should be implemented on the ground  rather than remaining a mere slogan to pep up the party.

As for Housing For All by 2022 the govt would be well advised to set a new date/year say 10 to 15 years from now as 2022 is not a realistic target. As for decongesting  traffic in major metros including Delhi Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, registration of 250 vehicles (upper limit) each month for each city through draw of lots. If this is possible, this process should set in soon to make our cities liveable. One household One car should be the theme on which the govt should work on. More importantly a process should be evolved whereby driving licences is granted after undergoing driving tests. Over 50 per cent of driving licences in the country have been issued without driving tests over a period of time. To make roads safe a complete overhaul in granting driving licences is required.

GST Challenge
While making an address during CA Day the govt talked about how fake shell companies had been given a blow and same temperament should be deployed while dealing with graft cases. As far as GST (Goods and Services  Tax)and its implementation is concerned, the govt should see to it that this historic tax makeover shows gains on the ground for citizens. That's a hard task on hand. On a different plane, a sections of electronic media is being targeted. This should be avoided and they should be given due recognition.

Big C needs to beef up security on home front
As for tense ties with Islamabad, the govt would be well advised to not hold talks in the near future. Director General of Military Operation DGMO-level talks between the two countries would be sufficient to maintain calm along the border. As for border standoff in Sikkim, troops would only be withdrawn if BIG C (part of BRICS) withdraws its troops from the area and gives an assurance that no roads would be built in Doklam (India-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction) in future. More importantly, there is no pressing need for India to enter into One Belt One Road (OBOR) project. As for BIG C (part of BRICS) it would be better advised to ramp up its security in its crowded cities and towns.

Clean India Campaign
As far as Clean India campaign Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat (Clean India Healthy India) is concerned it has taken a smooth flight and cooperation of all sections of society is sought to make it a grand success. This campaign deserves all praise. In this endeavour the electronic media ad showing for a marginal fee people in Mumbai can use public toilets should be replicated in other cities and towns. In smaller towns and cities free use of public toilets should be allowed.

The duration of the speech is not known and it can well go beyond one hour if there are no rain interruptions. The speech would be long and a candid mind would be at play with a determination to come again and again at Red Fort to address the nation.

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