Saturday, September 1, 2018

Deciding President's Fate: Is Impeachment in Line?

Deciding President's Fate: Is Impeachment in Line?

There are mid term polls in the US in November and all would be keeping their fingers crossed on its outcome. In the late '90s there was a move to impeach Bill Clinton and it could not fructify. What has given ammunition to Trump critics are two among different developments in the third week of August.

Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted on eight out  of 18 tax and bank fraud Charges. If this was not enough Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty that $ 1, 30, 000 was paid to porn actress Daniels who had an affair (sexual encounter) way back in 2006. Democrats are in two minds whether to go ahead with impeachment or look the other way. Seventy nine per cent of Democratic voters are all fired up by signalling their intent that Prez should be impeached. Special Prosecutor Robert Muller who is probing Trump-Russian collusion during 2016 polls has a tough task on hand. These two developments would have electrified his resolve but he has to bring on table evidence convincing in nature on Russian meddling during 2016 polls. If he is able to succeed his report would finally make it to the Congress.

The biggest hurdle to Prez's impeachment is the rider that Senate's two-third members should give their assent which at the moment looks less improbable. But anything can happen between now and November with Senate members too in unison to impeach the Prez. There is another factor at  play. If Democrats are able to win control of House of Representatives in midterm elections that would be a short in the arm to bring around the majority of Senate members to the view that impeaching this Prez is a task to be truly followed as he is the one who has been going back on accords like Paris Climate Change, P5  + 1 deal with Iran and even threatening to move out of WTO (World Trade Organisation). His most exaggerated meeting with North Korean leader too seem to fly in his face

To tide over the impending crisis with all the force that he has at his disposal the Prez has said the markets would collapse if he is removed. But to have a Prez of this nature who doesn't go by the rule book his impeachment may well and truly happen. Markets won't collapse, there won't  be reverberations across political aisle and there would be a sense of relief that a man who was not fit to hold this office made it to Prez desk by default/chance. Media across the world is agog with rumours whether impeachment would come or fall by wayside.

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