Saturday, March 2, 2019

Visiting Omkareshwar in Madhya Pradesh State in India

Visiting Omkareshwar in Madhya Pradesh State in India

On a Tuesday after visiting Lord Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain a little after 8.30 am i reached bus stand near Harsiddhi Mandir. I was told the bus for Omkareshwar had left. I tried to trace the bus with the help of an auto and boarded the bus near bridge. Passengers nearing 15 to 20 in number were inside the bus. It was Mitesh from Gujarat who lended his smartphone so that i could make a call to my residence in Delhi. Mitesh was helpful so was his friend that too from Gujarat. A little after 9.40 we were in Indore.

What i could gather was in cleanliness ranking survey across India Indore had taken the first spot. Indore a city about which i had no opinion appeared to be a business hub flanked by offices, malls and business quarters. By 11 the bus reached a place that looked packed to capacity, roads witnessing bumper to bumper traffic and our bus had to literally crawl. This state of affairs lasted for over an hour as that day was being observed as one to show gratitude to Narmada river. On the banks of Narmada scores could be seen bathing with equal number trying to access that spot. By 1 pm the bus reached the New bus stand in Omkareshwar with firm instruction by the bus conductor that passengers should reach the new bus stand by 4.30 pm sharp. From new bus stand i took an auto and reached a place from where i could take a boat to reach other side of river to gain access to Omkareshwar temple. It was tough time for boat man to procure enough passengers who wished to travel to other side. Once we reached the other side one has to negotiate stairs flanked by different set of vendors selling garlands and other stuff. After paying obeisance at Omkareshwar temple which was beaming with devotees, a fair conclusion could be drawn that much needed to be done to make this pilgrimage site reach new ladder of development. Here priests cajole you to take VIP route pass which comes for 250 rs. I fell for that bait later realising that general queue which i joined later wasn't that troublesome and in 15 to 20 minutes one can get more than a fleeting glimpse of Omkareshwar Shiva Lingam.

Later i crossed the river through bridge and visited Mamleshwar temple where there was a personnel named Rajo or Roja who was making every effort to make it comfortable for devotees visiting the sanctum sanctorum. Later i hailed an auto driven by Mr Ashish Yadav and reached New bus stand. It was little before 2.40 i was in the bus stand. It was endless wait where i was witness to filthy language being used by some staff of a restaurant where i was seated. The bus for Mahakaleshwar finally left at 5.40 , reached Indore a little after 8.30 and Ujjain at 9.45. It was a tedious journey with bus staff out to make a fast buck who wanted to get vacant seats occupied by hook or crook. For people who wish to travel to Omkareshwar hailing a cab would be a better option or take a bus and return by another bus rather waiting at the bus stand for over three hours.

Later in the night i took food from Hotel Nandi which had some of the best preparations in the city. I am grateful to Hotel Nandi for serving best delicacies as it does not lead to any sort of stomach discomfort. Probably the oil they use is neat and tidy and good for health. I am equally grateful to Hotel Chintaman Palace for making my stay comfortable in Ujjain.

Piece on National Creche Scheme where Centre needs to invest more by Mr Alexander in editorial page was good.

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