Thursday, January 23, 2020

Issues that come to the forefront while going outside Delhi

Issues that come to the forefront while going outside Delhi

Whenever we make plans to travel outside Delhi city there aren't enough occasions when we can get witty. Whether to hop on to a flight journey or take train itinerary the seat availability and the fare comes to the fore with unfolding fears that roar. The ride to a station or airport is sum and substance of no rocking boat and if the fare is steep and not steady we can't deliberate this with our buddy. As we pack bags and leave our residence with limited cash the prevailing thought is on a ride that won't bite. In this biting cold and smitten by leaderless polls, the flight journey comes with frisking and security check in with food outlets dispensing items that are haughty and at times can be naughty.

Food items come for a huge sum even when we have abhorred the idea of having rum. The restaurants/outlets across airports in India are pricey as far as food items are concerned and there is no authority that could derail their charges as if they are charging for rum which every passing season shows a price jump. As flight reaches its destination post weather turbulence from places as varied as Chicago to Chikmanglur the residents of these places turned as travellers have interaction that is limited with those who are labelled as flight crew. The train ride comes minus frisking and minus security check in and days are not far when it would host players like Michael Bevan. As train ride lasts minutes turning to hours to days the South India ride comes with a food that is occasionally less palatable and minus cake.

Opinion Poll Survey That Looks Fake

As one news channel is holding fort and declaring from its ramparts the findings of opinion poll survey on who is the most promising leader and which party is to get majority, it is all bunkum and enough sums have exchanged hands with those who are cheering with their pants. This news channel hobnobs with powers that be and looks somewhat fake and depraved are the leaders who have been declared prompt and prominent holding the cake. The nation is facing leadership issue as there is no leader small or tall who could guide us and the rampant disorientation and unforgiving abusive slang that unfolds in the Hindi Heartland shows the leaders are walking minus their pants. The leader is a shivering ladder who has a constituency to cater and this news channel needs to pull up its socks and present programmes/news that look real and this opinion poll survey looks to be a fixed match engineered by no independent batch.

CAA And Those Piloting It Are Pursuing A Wrong Agenda

In our country which is facing leadership crisis and CAA which comes with biting surprises the sooner the CAA is nipped in the bud there would be enough support that could be labelled as glut. As we reach our destination by train or plane, there is enough sighting of rain. The search for a room that would bloom is a tireless effort as it signals rut. As we zero in on a room with a view, the stay is for a limited duration with a tariff that looks timid and at the same time sensation. As we stay and write our thoughts on whom we met and whom we came across outside Delhi and in Delhi, there is occasional ranting of abuse necessarily mirroring who could be our boss throwing light on cops grouse espousing top political leader's cause.

As we spend hours turning to days outside the city of Delhi the prayer on our lips that rendezvous with a new destination should be an adventure that should be yearly. We find enormous unemployment across Hindi Heartland and no leader of any stature has been able to fix this economy rupture. As we are amidst a slowdown in our economy and across world the leader's policies in our country could at best be described as claptrap with no rap. The Public Sector Banks in our country and their uninspired staff is a source of concern as we hope no other PSU folds with broken bolts. The printing kiosks are dysfunctional at some of these bank branches and despite repeated reminders that these machines are not able to read barcode the customers still prefer to align with these bank branches and cast their vote.

As news comes in of outbreak of coronavirus in China we hope it is contained and China looks as promising zone with ambitious aim. This virus has to stop and its spread has to be contained and sooner efforts are made the better it would be. Our prayers are with China in this time of distress.

I would like to extend my good wishes to Ms Haru Mutasa, Ms Catherine Soi, Ms Ivonne Ndege, Ms Folly, Ms Ibrahim, Ms Ghosh, Ms Dareen, Mr Everton Fox, Mr D Jordan of Al Jazeera News Channel. Al Jazeera News Channel has been doing wonders and hats off to their endeavours. NDTV News Channels too have been reporting unbiased news and kudos to their staff members.

I would also like to extend good wishes to Ms Maggie Lake. I would also like to extend good wishes to Ms E Burnett, Ms Kinkade, Ms Sasha, Ms Amanda Davies, Ms Kristie Lu Stout, Ms Amampour, Ms Becky Anderson, Ms Hala Gorani, Ms Natalie Allen, Mr George Howell, Mr Cooper, Mr Wolf, Mr Anderson, Mr Nick Robertson, Mr Richard Quest of CNN, Ms Maha Siddiqui, Ms Marya Shakeel of News 18 News Channel, Mr Jim Clancy and staff members of New York Times.

I would like to extend good wishes to Mr Pope Francis. I would also like to extend good wishes to Mr Barack Obama, Ms Michelle Obama, their daughters Malia Aan, Sasha and all my Muslim friends from across the world including those in the Hindi Film Industry.

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