Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Farmers' Agitation: Justified And Long Lasting

Farmers' Agitation: Justified And Long Lasting

As ruling regime tries to drive a wedge between farmers union this move is highly condemnable to say the least. For more than a year measures like NRC, CAA, Triple Talaq and Farm Laws in India  have been a repeated assault on nation's fabric and made the nation as divisive as never before. The ruling regime is acting with arrogance not known to our mind at any time in Independent India. Our prayers are with agitating farmers and they get their dues as soon as possible. Farmers are not backbenchers who would take this assault via Farm Laws by ruling regime as someone who have no base to fall upon. They should not fall prey to evil designs of ruling regime and our heart goes out to these agitating farmers. The leader of the ruling regime believes he is here to govern for 100 years unmindful of the fact that coup can happen any time anywhere and he desirably so relegated to history. Collection of drivers and men with shady past outside your place who heap abuse on you now and then when you pen a thought on this evil leader has become the new normal as this leader believes in making life miserable if any act of his is opposed tooth and nail. He is on the look out for any opportunity at any given point of time where he hits you with vengeance and make your life unbearable.  The ruling dispensation doesn't understand the basic premise that farmers are here for our well being; why rob them of their resources which farmers accumulate after a hard day at work. In the first place the farmers did not ask for these Farm Laws then what prompted the right wing party to push these laws in haste with no room for negotiation. 

Farmers are having a tough time in this biting cold and those activists who are espousing their cause need to be hailed. Farmers work day in and day out and their hard work brings them the requisite dividend. Why sneer at them and rob them of much-deserved dividend and make farming an enterprise in the hands of few with vested interest. How many Sikh farmers would emerge from the State of Gujarat can be counted on fingers, a non-sizeable and with no base of their own. 

Farmers' agitation has been peaceful so far and we hope it continues to be in the same vein. The ruling regime would move heaven and earth to bring an element of friction among farming community and make their agitation go haywire. If that happens it would be a black day in the history of Independent India. The ruling regime's move is demeaning to say the least. The canard that ruling regime is spreading against farmers is highly shameful. It believes that this biting cold would freeze the movement of farmers and make them retire to their den. But that won't happen. 

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