Saturday, July 2, 2022

From Hong Kong's New Chief Executive To Tropical Storm Bonnie To US Supreme Court Ruling That Sets Back Climate Change Goals And Pierces Holes To Tanzania's Maasai Community That In Times Of Stress Can Release Ditty

From Hong Kong's New Chief Executive John Lee To Tropical Storm Bonnie To US Supreme Court Ruling That Sets Back Climate Change Goals And Pierces Holes To Tanzania's Maasai Community That In Times Of Stress Can Release Ditty 

As Mr John Lee was inaugurated as New Chief Executive of Hong Kong the exodus of people from here continues with no break and the National Security Law is by no means braw. Apprehensions galore over this law and there is an urgent need to correct the unveiling flaw. As of date around three hundred thousand people have left Hong Kong and this is a worrisome feature having the capacity to unfurl rupture. But nothing of that sort happens is the wish in a city housing 7.5 million with abundant water with none of the streets with any litter. We are told patriots would guide this Special Administrative Region Of China which saw unrest three years ago and we hope the administrators and residents are on same page with no one being put in the cage. It has been 25 years since its handover to China, the freedom that it entailed during British Control should usher in phases and prevail. That would be the best deal for residents and administrators with none quitting the city which is by no means bitty.

Sudan Protests To Tropical Storm Chaba Most Keeping Abreast

As Pro-democracy protesters took to the streets demanding civilian rule in Sudan, the uprising of 2019 that overthrew leader Omar al-Bashir by military and from now on all civilians want to rain blows to military's trajectory. Civilians won't take a break and military would have to make way for democracy to emerge not doing this its ranks would purge. We hope peace reigns in Sudan and particularly in Khartoum and no civilians get hurt in the course of protest which is very much legitimate and can lock military gate. As reports come of Tropical Storm Chaba strengthening in the South China Sea we hope it reduces in its intensity is the plea.  

Wildfires In Peru To US SC Rulings That Has Kept Most Fuming

Wildfires in Peru burn near the Machu Picchu archaeological site and hope corrective steps are taken to set it right. As Tropical Storm Bonnie expected to cause flash floods and mudslides in Nicaragua and Costa Rica people are concerned in distant land California where they speak language Hupa. Hope this storm abates with some having heard of US Author Bates. The US Supreme Court Ruling on Greenhouse Gas Emissions is faux pas whereby SC aims to restrict Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate emissions from power plants and this would make difficult for different Federal Govts to check emissions and this is a step back in the fight against climate change and showcases power binge. Hope the US Supreme Court does a rethink and to make it do all hands of climate change activists together clink. By overturning Roe v Wade the Supreme Court Ruling can bring more stress and impact mental state and for those who are affected it is urgent this deviation needs to be corrected. We respect Supreme Court and here the learned judges need to heed to the voices of majority who are doughty.

TOUR DE FRANCE To Maasai Community In Tanzania Rooted To Its Righteous Stance

As reports came of TOUR DE FRANCE to start with three stages in Denmark, hope it sails and gets approval from wide audience that is in a state of sonance. Sport events across world go on and they set things right even if sports personalities frown. As AJStream focused on Maasai community in Tanzania whose members are being evicted from ancestral land this should immediately stop as demarcation is an exercise that would flop. Migrants and asylum seekers are facing torrid times in Libya and here we pray their grievances are addressed as they are no part of any unrest. 

As tales of fortitude and suffering were scanned across world, we hope climate change goals don't lull even though some activists have turned auld.  Any force to evict members from ancestral land would be challenged and all transport to their ancestral homes would be arranged. The very fact that indigenous leaders and Ecuador Govt reached an understanding bringing curtains to 18 day long nationwide stir, hope the truce stays with both sides ready to purr. Despots across world be told that verbal assault would boomerang as they have no tenacity as they are auld. Provocateurs won't have the last laugh, betrayers would disappear and barf. Their fief is about to shake if they don't mend their ways and watch out their arrogant gait.  

As we hope weather turns better in Rameswaram In Tamil Nadu State In India a country where day to day developments are by no means trivia. There is little consolation of sorts as far as putting a strong fight against climate change, exceeding greenhouse gas emissions are no gains. Act with due respect and act with right conduct. 


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