Saturday, November 12, 2022

G 20 Summit In Indonesia With Enough Focus On Churning In Eurasia

G 20 Summit In Indonesia With Enough Focus On Churning In Eurasia

As leaders would gather for G 20 Summit In Indonesia they would come with a plane crew that has been to Eurasia. Some leaders are supposed to criss cross different continents from their point of origin before making appearance in Bali which has been put in proper perspective by Congressman Kelly. The 17th Edition Of G 20 Summit is taking place in the backdrop of Democrats having won the Senate Race and these Senators can dutifully gauge. The 17th Edition is Essential as it would be a playground for leaders to deliberate and some of whom are no less reverential. Post arrival in Bali they would take shower and have snacks as jet lagged leaders would like to relax. They would be of strong opinion that air travel is very much functioning and no one can axe. The Summit is to start from November 15th and last till 17th with frequent reinforcements coming from food canteen. The 20 leaders to be precise would gather under one roof and with no hesitation to name those who send the troops. Sending troops to independent nation to make it submit to their unreasonable demands was entirely wrong and here for the aggressor to win the battle won't come for a song. Troop trepidation has been felt for long; the necessity of course correction won't see emergence of King Kong. 

Posing For Cameras Coming All The Way From Alabama To Atlanta To Geneva To Italian City Padua

In the run up to inauguration the leaders would shake hands and pose for cameras that have been carried all the way from Alabama to Atlanta to Geneva to Italian City Padua to India to China. Post picture gathering the leaders would take seat and in all fairness deliberate in a world where some characters with their actions regurgitate. Deliberations would be vast and vital and cover entire proceedings in world battle. Promises would be made that water wastage and power dissipation would be looked into and henceforth stopped quick response would be activated where climate strain has been a stumbling block. Leaders would by and large affirm that challenges before them are huge; deft response can give the populace the much-needed cruise. How to ameliorate the suffering of masses would be dealt at length in a world where there is occasional sighting of protesters pitching their tents. 

Return To Democracy Path Should Be Sharp

From Myanmar To Maldives From Europe To Middle East From North Korea to those sections witnessing no euphoria suggestions would be put on table with a renewed emphasis that return to democracy path should be sound and able. For theatres wrecked by violence and facing food shortage, leaders would suggest a way out and give their take. Runaway inflation would be tossed around and here the gathering would pray that it does not give enduring pain and sooner loses its speed and ground. For peace to prevail and certainty to exist the gathering would recall works of German poet Kleist

Keeping Public Fighting Fit In Biting Cold

Upcoming sporting tourneys across world would be discussed threadbare, leaders would also discuss measures they wish to initiate to keep their public warm in biting cold and fear. Respect for womenfolk too would be taken up in a world where some individuals repeatedly snub. Hail and healthy world would be their wish list, reprimand to autocrats won't be any act of heist. Banks across world are witnessing range of response, preventing them from heist would be the priority from Tawang to Pyongyang. Occasionally leaders would take a break for meals and post brunch engage in tete-a-tete bordering on promise that they would remove climate of hate. When leaders would depart from Indonesia they would do so with a promise that India Bound Summit would bring the world in cheers and hopefully runaway inflation would be in tears. As for now leaders are all set to depart for Indonesia an Asian Tiger In The Making knowing fully well rugby raking. 


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