Thursday, April 6, 2023

CHINA-INDIA TIES: From Realm Of Uncertainty To Equal Partners in Prosperity

CHINA-INDIA TIES: From Realm Of Uncertainty To Equal Partners in Prosperity

Inescapable is the reality China-India ties are in realm of uncertainty. Ambivalence has prevailed for long and this both sides acknowledge with aplomb. Peace and tranquil surroundings can only ensure layer of goodness, for ties to reset trade and other applications should be tried with great earnestness. Beijing needs to understand India's concerns and lend voice to grievances emanating from New Delhi theatre not hemmed by any tutor. 

Foresight By Two Sides

Foresight by leadership of both sides would bear results howsoever long it would take to fructify and this won't be any rassle and rewards need not nullify. Both sides have commonalities that run beyond dozen; the military-cum-political negotiations carried without break can be the enduring session. China knows well that peace at border would be the limelight fodder, tense turn of events can set in motion disharmony and this is the time to partake benefits of peace tourney. New Delhi for one would take steps to address Beijing concerns and this should be two way street entwined with peace streak. 

For Ties To Mend And Future To Capture

For ties to mend and future to capture Beijing and New Delhi have to attend to off and on fissure. They are two big emerging economies on horizon and taking a leaf from that the discourse should be to maintain status quo along order and that can alone let in slip long desired order. Acrobat and somersault if at all have to be shown it should be in economic and social arena which are waiting in the wings and necessarily freed from all acts swirling around subpoena. Conversation should veer towards the need for the two to come to each other's rescue in demanding situations; time to not renege on Panchsheel and Peace Wheel. Both theatres need to wrap themselves with a flag of fortitude and initiate people to people contact thereby bringing awareness and tact.  


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