Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Of Zimbabwe Polls, Gabon Polls And 1963 March On Washington Anniversary With No Jolts

Of Zimbabwe Polls, Gabon Polls And 1963 March On Washington Anniversary With No Jolts

From Fukushima water release to Contested Polls In Gabon to Zimbabwe Polls getting the second term turban to Coup In Niger completing One Month And ECOWAS Contemplating Action and 1963 March On Washington Anniversary bringing thousands in attendance and Panama Canal unfolding events one has to stay in the loop even if one is not member of CUPE. 

Japan Releasing Fukushima Water

Japan begins releasing Fukushima water into the Pacific and IAEA has approved the release of water largely maintaining it will have little effect on environment and marine life as one believes the environment is overshadowed by climate change with little imprints of setting in motion climate cane. South Korea too endorses the move and stops short of those opposing the release of water to be labeled droob. Those opposing the release include China and North Korea with some critics arguing it is going to affect marine life as one has to go beyond rumours that are rife. 

Zimbabwe Polls With Opposition Dismissing Results 

As for Zimbabwe Polls Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa won with a vote share of 53 per cent and his opponent Mr Nelson Chamisa garnered 44 per cent who was least to agree with polls results and sensing foul play evils. What course of action Mr Nelson Chamisa would take no one knows as the poll body has already put a stamp of approval and Mr Mnangagwa is set to rule for the next five years and this would be his final term in a African Nation which has unfailing record of poll violence and contentious elections and this covered by World Press In Action. Former Nigerian President Mr Goodluck Jonathan all along maintaining polls were not free as there was little to show verification tree. How things pan out and would Mr Mnangagwa be able to complete term with the nation less divided would be keenly watched with commotion scotched. 

Coup In Niger Completing One Month And Would ECOWAS Pitch Tent?

With coup in Niger completing one month military regime celebrated the same by holding a rally in a stadium in the Capital Niamey with a vow to crush dissidence of any scale and this is the unfolding tale. With military regime in Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso Niger is the fourth country in West Africa to witness coup and this peace observers rue. Regional bloc ECOWAS (Economic Community Of West African States) has warned of possible military intervention against coup campaigners and if this comes about there would be little chance of coup leaders gaining traction. Following coup sanctions have been imposed, external aid stopped and border closed. Food prices have hit a record high and supply of essential items turning dry. What Future can Niger look forward to no one knows a country which gained independence in 1960 and ECOWAS members may signal the intent of military intervention. Military intervention largely to let flag of democracy flutter and giving enough hints that any such coup in their nation states would be dealt a body blow and would be met with same response finding military warriors stuck in ponds. 

Sudan Conflict And People Displaced Signals Emit

UN has warned developments in Sudan makes it epicentre of one facing humanitarian crisis. The trouble spot is witness to constant skirmishes between Military headed by General Abdel Burhan and Rapid Support Forces led by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo since April and those for neutrality maintaining both sides haven't taken a ride on camel. More than 4.3 million people have been displaced and no medical relief coming to tens of thousands of children who are malnourished and some of these can be spotted from terrace. Things are worse in Capital Khartoum and with human rights violation rampant and calls for peace from peacekeepers that have went unheeded and this is how peace chants all over world are chided. 

Gabon Poll And Something Watched From Knoll

As for Gabon after polls closed there was internet shutdown as most believe protest to break out considering the fact polls were not free. This Central African country is rich in oil, minerals and other resources and over the years the gap between wealthy and poor has only widened something accepted by Administration Of Biden. What future holds for this African State no one knows and here fewer and fewer propose. 

Mr T K Waters Take

Mr T K Waters Jacksonville Sheriff spoke on shooting in Jacksonville where three blacks were nailed implying hate speech crime tale. This shooting has been condemned by all and hope there is less black-white brawl. 

1963 March On Washington Anniversary; Madam Yolanda Also Spoke With Enough In Audience Who Were Bloke

As African American poverty rate is more than double than that of White American and in this backdrop thousands took part to recall 1963 March on Washington when Martin Luther King Jr gave a speech "I Have A Dream." Many spoke on the occasion this time including Martin Luther King III and Madam Yolanda grand daughter of Martin Luther King Jr.  She urged those at the helm to bring in peace tidings and let there be no discrimination and each be respected with equal equation. She goaded the next generation to take on the responsibility to fulfill the dream and each soul should beam.

Christians Be Given Respect

In Haiti some churchgoers were assaulted and we hope Christians across world are respected and not taunted. 

Gaza Swimming Carnival 2023

Gaza with 25 other countries have gone to sea to show solidarity and the event is named "Swim With Gaza." Funds raised would be used for Palestinian children. It is a welcome move and more would groove. 

Drought In Panama Canal And This Noted In Seaport Reval

Eight months of drought in Panama Canal essentially connecting Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean has brought stoppages of sorts. More than 100 vessels are stuck on either side because of low level of water and with huge ships with huge weight they can't sail and by no means they can vail. We hope things to get better and Panama Canal gets back to its glorious past when thousands of ships used to sail with no unedifying past. 

As for developments in New Delhi it would be essayed when ubiquitous is not the provocation despite maintaining patience. 


Saturday, August 26, 2023

G 20 Summit Receiving Less Cheers And Traffic Advisory Raising Fears

G 20 Summit Receiving Less Cheers And Traffic Advisory Raising Fears

In view of G 20 Summit that has less and less number of followers and not necessarily parked atop flyovers this gathering of delegates which may not include aficionados of Bill Gates after taking long flights to Delhi would hope during their stay they do not come in contact with men, women and babies named Kelly. As their fuel guzzling flights would take off from their respective nations video would be played on board elucidating in detail New Delhi the city they are going to Access notably known to Change Head Of Govt At Centre every five year with success. They would be informed about Change of Govts in the country they are about to stay at regular interval and how they would be welcomed if they sport fabric that is purple. Special mention would be how India The Nation Gained Freedom and who were the Cheerleaders and all season swinging pendulum. On board these delegates would be served Indian cuisine and more so to get hang of whether their staff can prepare the same with ease in their home canteen. 

Flights Touch Host City And Meet Be Critics Free

Once their flights land in host city and they are taken to respective hotels where they would wish the meet has less critics and is more of a doddle. From the day they mark attendance at summit spot they would be bang on things they wish to chase and can be bought. Under one roof they would deliberate and sink their differences which their citizens in the past believed had aura of hate. After deliberations and discussions on delimitation these delegates would break for brunch believing there is more to summit accountability than just number crunching curiosity on who attended and who pended. The three day meet when these delegates would find hard to gain sleep and keep away their thoughts from notoriety sheet. 

Traffic Advisory And Identity Paper That Is No Strawberry

The meet and meddlesome nature would see array of activities in the City Of Delhi when traffic advisory would be unveiled and the so-called nitty-gritty. From this restricted zone to that regulated dome advisory would come in plenty asking Delhi Denizens the days they are told to stay indoors to learn the skill of carpentry. Those who wish to travel to restricted zones to regulated ones which for some may stay for eon would be to told to furnish Identity Card only after having taken the mandatory morning and evening bath. Some would search endlessly for their identity papers as all these days they have accomplished tasks which largely involved toilet roll wrapper which on constant usage tends to taper. The search for identity in the city whose momentous moments have been captured in DVD would be tedious and failing to produce identity record these samaritans would be hit with a rod. 

Passage For Delegates Who Can Be Traced And Freed From Traffic Dose

Accessing restricted and regulated zones would be a battle to wage and here only passage would be given to delegates who can be traced. Once the meet gets over with enough taken to fill the belly delegates would reach airport and make calls to their respective countries to know happenings in and around seaport. Headcount would be done of some middle level delegates before they board flights and those missing could be traced to law and order in the city looking out and out blight. Once all dignitaries reach their respective countries they would brood over their stay in host country where some found it hard to access toilet roll much of which was traced to hotel basement parking lot which is often witness to men to men showing their moolah clout. They would put out feelers to this effect to countries they wish to travel in near future with toilet roll be no nuisance even if it has to be procured from purser. 

With Markets Closed Lesser Number Offering Rose

As For This Gathering And That Awakening In The City Of Delhi would be watched by those who don't wish to propose. With schools, colleges shut and markets closed there would be less incidents involving treachery and those wishing to offer rose. As for those residents wishing to travel to city airport they would be told take chopper from their fort. That would be hard to figure out and they would miss flights to Phuket to Iraq's Tikrit. They would lament that this meet which drained out exchequer and made it retreat what was the logic for it to take hold in this very City Of Delhi where in some segments ruffians roam freely and let loose reign of terror with law and order administration lending help yearly. Having missed flights and their budget tight these travelers would make a wish that the city does not host such events even if outcome in neighbouring nation is not likely to be tense. Soon after delegates having left the host country Rupee would hit a new low level as some dignitaries would have faced hotel towel trouble. With towel not in abundance and pants losing patience they would reach the venue behind schedule and narrate tales of groom and gruel. This meet likely to take heat from the very fact that dozens and dozens of flights would take to airspace and global warming would be much in trace. As for managers of such events they would offer to hold meet of this nature in future in States of Bihar or West Bengal where there won't be any case of a delegate missing and all could be traced with no ounce of brawl. As for delegates once in their home space maintaining dissent was something that was never let to flourish in the host nation clarification would be slow and little largely touching on the fact that one has to keep in mind the poll infidelity and equation. 


Friday, August 25, 2023

The Very Essence Of Holding G 20 Summit In A Nation That Yearns For Peace And Permit

The Very Essence Of Holding G 20 Summit In A Nation That Yearns For Peace And Permit

As some markets in National Capital Of Delhi are to remain close in view of G 20 Summit where some would not shy away from being labeled luddite and this very meet pandering to less than visible chieftains with no sizeable gains and this disclosure to that closure with none to emerge as a real bruiser. This summit is of one's ambition whose lectures to retain foothold in political landscape show the desirability to skip the necessary tuition. Where is the need to hold such extravagant meet when the features of lively democracy are in retreat? A nation where landslides are too visible to not forget, medical needs elusive from dawn to dusk and for the common man earning livelihood may not engineer him or her to engage in a spell of busk. A nation where north east is on the brink of collapse, Himachal the State dwindling and much of which has been heard in Malaysian State Perak this summit and that permit is making one live in fool's paradise and to convince the opponents attempts would have to be made thrice. Some believe the very footing of this summit is likely to develop cracks and this be made biennial and bereft of events that are trivial. 

Bringing Relief To The Needy Should Have Been The Priority

Markets in some parts of Delhi are to remain close for four days in all and without hesitation to state the facts in places witnessing landslides work would be plenty for geol. At this point thoughts should have been on rockslide (landslides) occurring in the hilly regions of the country and resources should have been galvanised to make them get relief in make shift camp and pantry. Things aren't any better in Joshimath (Uttarakhand State) and relief is yet to come and events of the past can't make authorities nudge. By keeping shops shut in Delhi the powers that be want to send a message that all is smooth in and around country with enough resources inventory. Traders have reservations over their markets being shut as they haven't taken a stand against govt and engaged in unnecessary blurt. Some reason out that country's exchequer is shrinking in view of the summit as enough has been spent in the run up to the same and make the country look shining which is yet to initiate climate cane. To beautify Delhi and surroundings and make it look as if hasn't received its share of high cost of living pounding is to not state truth and let the commoner of Delhi be told to take centrestage when some have seen off and on the Delhi Road Rage. 

Those Marking Attendance May Blow Hot And Cold

This summit and those marking attendance won't be covered by the likes of AARNet (Australian Academic Research Network) and this gathering shouldn't stray given the developments in their home countries where there are no short of those taking the title of aberrant. It won't take less than 20 years from now to hold meet of this scale and grandeur in the city of Delhi which in this space of time would see enough poll rally and those getting the requisite employment to fill their belly. After the meet gets over and participants return to their respective nation states they would question the very essence of holding the meet in a poor/developing nation where more than half of the population have no access to clean drinking water and where one wants to showcase himself as all season tutor. Showcasing the image of a nation at peace with itself where varying communities don't feel the necessity to let other purge the veracity of this claim would be hard to come the summit taking place at a time when world surroundings are glum.  They would reason out the host nation should have attended to issues like landslides occurring off and on and medical aid not reaching the needy and spending billions on beautification drive around country can't make them get ensnared in session of credulity. 

We Pray For World. We Pray For World.


Monday, August 21, 2023

Remembering Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi And The Times When Dissent Was The Flavour Of The Season

Remembering Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi And The Times When Dissent Was The Flavour Of The Season

In the times we are in and polity much subjected to wear and tear it becomes all the more necessary to reflect on Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's political innings and many illustrious achievements to his name. Architect Of Modern India Rajiv Gandhi was admired by masses as he had the pulse of the nation and a politico with a soft heart. Like his Grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru who laid the Foundation Of A Secular Republic Rajiv Gandhi Essayed A Script That Underlined The Import Of Giving Respect To All Irrespective Of Caste, Creed And Colour. A Doting Father, A Dedicated Statesman And A Man With A Vision. A person who was initiated in politics in odd circumstances he learnt the ropes of governance from his mother Indira Gandhi. Amethi his parliamentary constituency Rajiv Gandhi  nursed well and he did not confine himself to that belt alone as he traversed length and breadth of the country to understand the pain of the common man. Inside out he knew the intricacies of India the nation and the one not willing to restrict himself to South Block he criss-crossed the country more when he was Prime Minister. With wife Sonia Gandhi in tow he would have perhaps covered more than 400 districts of that time knowing fully well unlocking the potential of India was what his govt was committed to. 

Not The One To Employ Divide And Rule To Stay In Office

Soon after he assumed office riding on the back of brute majority in December '84 Lok Sabha Polls (Parliament Polls) he thundered at the AICC (All India Congress Committee) Session in Bombay (Now Mumbai) that system urgently needs to detach itself from characters who were middlemen out to milk the system. He took a vow that his govt would do all it can to engineer a format where India of 21st Century would be a bright spot. Not the one to be identified with any business house he strongly believed in delivering for the masses. Unlike today when the country is in thick of violence and vindictive agenda the Rajiv Gandhi Govt delivered as and when the occasion arose with no ill will towards anyone.  He was inclined to work for the downtrodden and those at the bottom of heap and his observation that for every Re 1 less than quarter of that reached the masses and he was here to erase this sarcasm that country had been identified with. Unlike today when divide and rule is the ploy to sustain and stay in office Rajiv Gandhi believed in taking people of all faith along with no tinge of rancor and scorn towards any community. 

Giving Space To Opposition; Dissent Was The Flavour Of The Season 

He gave space to Opposition in and outside Parliament and political stalwarts in Opposition Camp of the likes of  Madhu Dandavate and Jaipal Reddy who would often take stand against him he was not the one to hit back. Unlike today when dissent is least tolerated and people of one particular faith are being repeatedly targeted in some parts of the country Rajiv Gandhi let each individual of any background speak out be it an exercise of illustrating the misgivings he or she had. During His Days Dissent Was Flavour Of The Season. 

The Much Traveled IT Road Today Is Much Due To Him 

He had the knack to know from early days that unshackling the system from bureaucratic muddle was the way forward and no bureaucrat of any fame brought him a bad name. A bureaucrat if seen to be a liability and not willing to submit to demands of governance he would shuffle the administration and bring in elements that shared his vision.  From IT in full throttle that we see today is much due to IT Revolution he championed and cheered. In Indian Railways he introduced Shatabdi trains from Delhi taking connectivity to a new level. Political stalwarts of his times who are with us today include Mr Harish Rawat, Mr Digvijay Singh, Mr Ashok Gehlot, Mr P Chidambaram, Mr Ashok Chavan, Ms Mamta Banerjee, Mr Sharad Pawar, Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad and others. As for media Doordarshan was the solo news channel beamed from India and The World This Week Anchored By Dr Prannoy Roy Was A Big Hit.  

First To Reach Areas Hit By Disturbances

Rajiv Gandhi traveled to Bihar and other parts of the country when they were hit by natural calamities. Floods of '89 in North Bihar wreaked havoc and My Father Gouri Shankar Rajhans (Dr G S Rajhans) who was Member of Parliament from that territory traveled with Rajiv Gandhi to address the grievances of those who were witness to nature's fury. Not the one to turn blind eye when some parts of India were facing turbulence Rajiv Gandhi was the first to reach there and hear tales of atrocities experienced by some and take necessary action. Bhagalpur riots in '89 in particular pained him and he was eager peace returned to the table.  

Ties With United States To Pakistan Had Begun To Look Up

During his times ties with United States reached a new pecking order and with Pakistan with Benazir Bhutto at the helm things had begun to look up. The much awaited meeting with Deng Xiaoping showed him as a man who desired for peace and tranquility. From China to Tanzania, from Saudi Arabia to Turkey India's ties were the best unlike today when ambivalence is theatre of convenience. Rajiv Gandhi would remain in the hearts of millions across world and the Template of Unity In Diversity reaped dividends for the nation at large. Rajiv Gandhi is not amidst us but the legacy that he has left underscores the threads of democracy where dissent and divergence of opinion are the strong pillars. 


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Water We Chase And Water We Praise

Water We Chase And Water We Praise 

Water Supplies across world get strained by perpetual heatwave conditions multiplying into long standing drought and this is the unfolding plot. Water meant for agriculture sector to meeting increasing demands of population too gets constrained and as this gets transparent coming in much clarity efforts won't succeed to bundle out the entire proceeding in brevity. As of now half of world populace is face to face with water stress at least 30 days in a year and in the next 27 years this figure could rise to as much as 60 per cent.  Something not hard to fathom given the way the climate crisis at the very roots trying to disentangle the mass of people from the very resource that is solo and not duple.  

Water Stress In India To Sub Saharan African Countries That Is No Trivia

Studies to this effect and revelation that one can't neglect show we are amidst water crisis if not attended to on an immediate basis things would spiral out of hand even for the likes of those who take to tram. Twenty Five nations including India home to one fourth of World Population are under severe water stress much seen in long winding queues to water tankers whose sole objective is to rake in moolah and not report the earnings to bankers. Water has all but dried up across cities and towns of India given the waste that has occurred ever since reading of water consumption was ushered. For Sub Saharan African Countries like Nigeria, Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana the picture looks blurred and if remedial measures are not taken soon, large segment of population would be denied the most important resource on earth letting trepidation in all forms take birth. The demand for water worldwide has doubled in the past 63 years and for the next 63 one would have to be sensible enough to plant a sapling which over the years turning to a full blown tree. 

Water Warriors Found Wanting And This Is Unfolding

In India water warriors were found wanting in their roles and prudent use of water is not by and large visible and water supplies more than occasionally getting hit is due to some sections getting more water than they deserve and other section getting no water what to talk of initiating the template of preserve. Developing nations need to take the lead in impressing the masses and Emperors the latter staying in opulent bungalows with enough spent on their maintenance and security to make way for the common man and devise a sustainable water plan. If water is not preserved now developing nations caught in array of delimitation would have little to offer to their residents and much advertised czar would be prevented from taking stage in events. Water saved is water earned, water wasted would lead to brouhaha at the very administrator tent. Let's take a pledge from Somalia to Singapore from China to those going on Connecticut Tour Water would be saved and no one in this endeavour would be naive. Politics for long should take a back seat and if not done it can turn on the heat. 

Milk from Coorg Condiments In Yeshwanthpur In Bengaluru In South India Was Great. So Was The Milk From Nalla Bazaar In Ajmer In Rajasthan State In India. 

Al Jazeera's Listening Post Featuring Tete-A-Tete With Indian Journo Mr Ravish Kumar Was Good. He Spoke Truth And Truth Alone. Kudos to Al Jazeera. Kudos to Channel News Asia. 

As for Singapore Presidential Polls Mr Ng Kok Song, Mr Tan Kin Lian and Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam are in the fray and we hope the best man win with enough to offer to public on a widespread tray. From affordable housing to bringing cost of living down the three candidates wisdom would count. We Pray For World. We Pray For World.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

After Gaining Glimpse Of Lord Venkateswara In Tirumala Leaving For Bengaluru

After Gaining Glimpse Of Lord Venkateswara In Tirumala Leaving For Bengaluru

Having Gained Glimpse of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda in Tirumala with ease on a Tuesday and returned to Tirupati it was time to visit Hotel Vikram which had opened a new restaurant going by the name Aryaas and placed order for Veg meals with no information on ups and downs faced by Cambodia's currency riel. A spicy grub and with no thoughts on who would get the much-needed poll drub. Later in search for plastic u shaped tongue cleaner went all the way to Pratap Theatre and beyond and here it becomes mandatory to note the drying up of Mekong. As for tea I used to visit Friends Tea Stall and Pujitha Store in Tirupati with the latter having the owner and staff knowing fully well the preparation and nitty-gritty. With no inkling whether I would run short of Mysore Sandal Soap I settled for Medimix procured from a store in vicinity of Pujitha with little to brood over whether voters would resort to NOTA (None Of The Above). I as well visited Thalpakkam Devasthanam in Tirupati and with little else to do criss-crossed the city known for effervescent beauty. 

Leaving For Bengaluru

On a Wednesday when I reached Tirupati Bus Station to take Airavat Club Class bus for Bengaluru from Tirupati I was told the morning service had been cancelled and new ticket was issued by Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation personnel Mr Devraj who may have likened his stay in a lodge akin to a visit to Taj (Taj Mahal Is In Uttar Pradesh State In India). There was a young woman boarding the bus wearing a face mask and these masks not seen in the times of Danish philologist Rask. The bus left a little after 11.30 AM with Mr Ali the conductor and I having noted buses from the bus station going to different destinations in South India namely Tiruchi, Madurai, Thanjavore, Salem, Coimbatore, Bengaluru and Mysore. Go past Alipiri Depot APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation), Sri Balaji English Medium School, Birla Open Minds International School and from here Kanipakam Temple was 27 kms with this region people less familiar with California's Yokuts and their teachers. 

Reaching Old Madras Road And Later Kempegowda With Traffic Thick And Not Sleek

At 3.30 reached MUGABLA and at 3.40 Old Madras Road. At 4 go past Adyar Ananda Bhavan and in K R Puram there were slew of fruit vendors needing no tutors. Go past Varthuru Road, Go past Vimanpura, Go past Murgesh Pallaya Road, Go past Victoria Road with sighting of The Cathedral High School Richmond Road bus and here the intake of students is with enough trust. Go past Sacred Heart Church, Cathedral High School with special mention of Stars of Cathedral High School In ICSE (Indian Certificate Of Secondary Education) 2023 and for these Stars the World Is Free. Go past All Saints' Church Community Centre, Go past Richmond Road, Go past Rajaram Mohan Roy Road, Go past Kempegowda Road and finally deboard at Kempegowda point a little before 6 as the amount of traffic from Old Madras Road to Kempegowda Road was thick and not sleek. The amount of traffic that hits the roads of Bengaluru making manoeuvring out of hand and one needs special skills even if one is carrying little load of water can. From North To South, East To West the traffic on Indian Roads multiply and these sections are miles and miles away from disturbed sector Hawaii. Hope things get back to normal in the Island of Hawaii and President may have to raise a repeated appeal and try. As for Malaysian State Polls parties PH and PN retaining three provinces each shouldn't be looked through the prism of a referendum on Mr Anwar Ibrahim's Unity Govt and State Polls don't signal the upcoming National Role. 



Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Walk From Alipiri Gate To Tirumala; Gaining Glimpse Of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda

Walk From Alipiri Gate To Tirumala; Gaining Glimpse Of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda 

By 5.40 AM On A Monday I was in Alipiri Gate and began the walk from 6 with enough pious thoughts and prayers with all towards Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda who welcomes with open arms his peers. By the time I covered 2083 Steps I was in Gali Gopuram roughly at 7 with none functioning as gateman. Watched with surprise that devotees were already carrying biometric token and this revealed Gali Gopuram no longer dished out token and same were issued at Alipiri Gate at Bhudevi Complex with this information not text. I was plainly told I would have to settle for Sarvadarshan (Gaining Glimpse Of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda). About five years ago as well no tokens were issued from Gali Gopuram due to VIP movement who every five years participate and partake the benefits of poll tournament. 

Leaving Gali Gopuram And Reaching Tirumala

Leaving Gali Gopuram I kept walking dejected a bit and apprehensive about when I would have darshan of Lord Venkateswara but not running short of HOPE as Lord Venkateswara kept showering blessings every now and then which was no less than treasure trove. As for the climb for the first one hour it is quite steep (2083 Steps) and in the closing 25 minutes (2910 to 3550 Steps) it is again steep. By 9.05 I was in Tirumala little drenched and a while later got hold of transport that dropped me at Sarvadarshan Without Token Route. I walked and walked and reached Sarvadarshan Without Token Waiting Hall Number 2 at 10.15 where there were amidst mixed crowd some teen. Finally the gates opened at 3.15 PM and we were sent to hall from where tokens are issued and here no one was rude. After gathering token we were sent to different compartments where I learnt Sarvadarshan would take place two days later after 9 at night and here security was tight. A TTD personnel assured me Sarvadarshan would take place this very night. I vacated the compartment and reached Tirupati where environs don't turn edgy. After taking meals from Saravana Bhawan I left for Tirumala after 7.20 PM and reaching the compartment section (Vaikuntham Queue Complex 2) I learnt Sarvadarshan would take place the next day and that was the way. I returned to Tirupati. 

Getting In Sarvadarshan Token Queue In Srinivasam Complex In Tirupati; Reaching Tirumala Again 

The next morning after 5 AM I got in Sarvadarshan token queue in Srinivasam Complex and by 6.45 I gained the same with the reporting time 4 AM the next day. With the previous token still confident my prayers would be answered I left for Tirumala after 8 and got in compartment 17 after 9.30 with this temple's flamboyant moments stored in DVD. 

Gaining Pious Darshan Of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda

Gates opened at 10.54 and reached Sanctum Sanctorum (Bangaru Vakili) at 12.03 PM. A Pious Darshan of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda secured I could not have asked for anything more. Wrote Diary next to Vayu Lord and left Temple after 12.25 much illustrating My Prayers Thrived. Took bus at 1 PM and reached Tirupati at 1.50 and it was one one of the Best Glimpses Of Lord Venkateswara who knows very well his devotees nitty-gritty. Lord Venkateswara has been kind to all and would continue to do so. 


Friday, August 11, 2023

Surrendering Indian Passports And Those Embracing Foreign Fort

Surrendering Indian Passports And Those Embracing Foreign Fort

Over 232k Indians surrendered passports between 2014 and 2022.  As this revelation came it was time to gain insight into why more and more Indians were surrendering passports in the backdrop of powers that be banning some currency note. A total of 2,32,534 surrendered and thundered and this became crystal clear that settling in foreign shores was a preferred option given the large quantum in India of compliance caution. You comply with this rule that rule and don't ever drool. In the front rank most hailed from Delhi and other parts of India where zeroing in on home to live is not within grip. High circle rates, high taxes and high state of nexus forced many to explore settling in foreign shores where there are all season guided tour. From the moment one takes birth to gain admissions in school, college and club there are enough compliance formalities to be adhered with and here electricity is dearer despite no malfunctioning power grid. For higher studies getting to know gaining IIT/IIM and other Top Rank Institute admission shrinks faster than expected and those who have duly gained seat post completion of course they too would latch on to foreign land bandwagon come shine or rain. From Delhi to Goa to Maharashtra to Kerala there were fair numbers who surrendered knowing fully well the emergence of tea/milk vendor.

For Them Life Has Been No Treat And They Want To Take Foreign Beat

Those who surrendered primarily this very tribe when used to get up early in the morning haggling over prices of vegetables and milk was quite irksome and for these very items they had to shell out large sum. The road to office was paved with traffic snarls manoeuvring required deft skills with appearance of large numbers who were on a short fuse with no passage clues. When they reached their place of work they were plainly told that half day salary would now roll. They were in fights with their bosses and seniors over this pay cut move for arriving behind schedule and they were left with least choices. Even if they switched jobs they were reprimanded for not coming to office on time given long winding traffic going through Institutes like Symbiosis. 

This Tribe Has A Wish

From Tamil Nadu to Karnataka to Andhra to Telangana some expressed wish they would be ready to wash their dish plates and prepare their dish in foreign land even if it meant skipping precious hours to gain sun tan. Surrendering and shivering in foreign locales would be acceptable as in certain sections in India there are round the year trouble. From riots emerging from roots to disturbances invoking troops much had been watched and whispered now the time was ripe to take foreign flights having got familiarized with works of Canadian Statesman Tupper. In absence of impartial poll watchdog and impartial administration and getting notices on street fights was not desired by all and they hope in foreign land there would be least brawl. For this tribe surrendering Indian Passports doesn't mean the road in foreign land would be less bickering as skirmishes have already broken out in Pakistan and Ecuador Court. From South China Sea to Mali where traffic is not free what is going to unveil is little known and from Peru to territory hosting Kangaroo there could be enough remnants of climate change and this may be season to season true.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Stay In Bengaluru; Notings On Violence In Nuh In Haryana State; Reaching Tirupati

Stay In Bengaluru; Notings On Violence In Nuh In Haryana State; Reaching Tirupati

Having reached Bengaluru (Bengaluru Is Capital Of Much Happening Karnataka State In India) which is thousand and thousand miles away from Rajasthan's Churu the latter much known for being gateway to the Thar Desert housing more than A 400 year old fort and here tourists marvel at range of adventures that the place enlists and visiting the same is no less than a gift. In Bengaluru checked in Hotel 99 with never ending urge to dine. Adora restaurant was all I could settle for at this odd hour well past 11 PM and being a frequent visitor and cafeteria known to host travelers labelled as Yooper. Adora has had a makeover over the years and this does not sit in well with those families longing for a place where they could unwind accompanied by enough number of teens keeping stress aside and with no urgency to fight. Teens taking extreme step in some IITs in India is a cause for concern and they need not be subjected to ridicule or punishing schedule. The veg fried rice took its own sweet time to come to my table and post dinner went to my room which in the 19th century may have had in its surroundings elements who could least narrate tales of trouble. This remodeling of Adora did not look to be good and those who would skip visiting the same would be tutors who had all worked out that none of the political formation in the country would secure numbers that would be brute. 

For Now Beaches Have Been Spared From Violence But None Of That For Nuh In Haryana State

Apart from renovation and those aligned to aviation the time is ripe to focus on debate on no confidence motion which was witness to not-so-illustrious speakers spew venom harking back to days when ED unleashed action against individuals who were no longer in the Class of A One. The way the central agencies have been set on Opposition Camp shows utter disregard for those who may or may not have  sun tan. Beaches have been visited by groups across India (Notably In Goa and Chavakkad In Kerala) those having sun tan have been sighted with none of the possibility that they or their distant relations would be knighted. Littering in beaches may suggest they may not smack of violence having enough layers of trust and tolerance. The sort of mayhem that has visited Manipur in North East and Nuh and Gurugram in Haryana is illustration of century old policies of administration much found wanting; ethnic cleansing much in action and counting. In Nuh those belonging to a particular community have found their huts and shops razed and High Court has found ethnic cleansing trace. The moot point why a particular community is being targeted in sections of India no one knows; Muslims are as much part of India as Hindus, Sikhs and Christians. The utter chaos that prevailed in Nuh with Muslims having enough reasons to rue. With employment snatched some believe this could well have reverberations going all the way to Kashmir Cantt. 

Desire For Peace In Kashmir; Don't Initiate Innings Of Hate, Show Respect To People Of All Faith 

We desire for peace in Kashmir and for everyone including those going by the name Naseer but when a particular community is being off and on split apart can Kashmir bow to Peace Tree that is out and out peart. Administrators don't understand the basic rule if one is denied employment and has no source of income he or she would take to arms something more often experienced and shown in movies in Festivals in Cannes. Don't initiate innings of hate enough malignity has been heaped on one particular section of people and that too in good crate. The violence in Nuh which is in proximity to Delhi and Delhi Television Crew has been watched by millions across world and puts image of the country in poor light and shows law and order in blight. Administrators At Centre are to be blamed who watched this horrific episode of one community being targeted and if this art of employing ethnic cleansing is not shut once and for all this would multiply into community after community getting engaged in pitched battle and brawl. There is an urgent need to ring in law and order reforms and for peace chums to reverberate India has to show respect to People Of All Faith. Had it not been for courts justice would have eluded many including those chasing peace tourney. We Salute Supreme Court For Showing Us A Way Out When Some Sections In India For The Past Nine Years Are Witnessing Hate Bout. 

South Indian Delicacies From Upahara; Gaining Ticket For Tirupati

Coming back to Bengaluru after reaching hotel and gaining requisite sleep the next day after getting ready visited Upahara food outlet where people while having dish can as well work on their tablet. Perhaps for good time to come it won't face occupancy issues and not far away there could be a stand dishing out juice. Two sets of milk were enough to plan out a schedule and mandatory visit to Bengaluru Railway Station was the rule. Enquiries with lady personnel at the counter gave enough hint that train journey was least possible and visit to Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation Counter was the next thing to do knowing fully well in this territory people often have coffee brew. The ticket for 9.10 AM bus was gained with ease and Rs 590 was the Standing Fees (GST Rs 29). Moments later South Indian Delicacies Idly and Vada from Upahara were great and if I stand correct this outlet had stood tall for over 10 years inviting enough customer cheers. In nick of time I reached Kempegowda Bus Station with driver and conductor in foul mood perhaps suggesting that not knowing local dialect is not cool. With no hard feelings I boarded the bus and for entire journey lasting little over five hours kept to myself with no conversation with anyone including those who were on a steady turf. Bengaluru and the residents still fare well vis-a-vis counterparts in other cities. 

Deboarding At Tirupati Srinivasam Complex Gates; Taking Room In SUPRABATH TOWERS

Around 2.30 PM deboarded at Tirupati Srinivasam Complex gates and zeroed in on SUPRABATH TOWERS Opposite TTD SRINIVASAM on Tirumala Road where devotees come from distant Erode. With Mr Jay Chandra Reddy at the counter spacious clean room with attached bath where in future visitors may come from Oregon City Tigard. In the evening hours took veg meals from Saravana Bhavan which has chain of restaurants across World when developments across Europe don't look to be lull. Noticeable difference from previous time was SRINIVASA SETU FLYOVER In Tirupati had come up and this had eased movement of traffic be it any vehicle carrying enough tonnage. Friends Tea Stall in early morning hours came handy for milk and black tea and by 5.40 AM I was in Alipiri Gate and started to climb by 6 with a prayer on lips that Lord Govinda Sighting In Lord Govinda Temple would be realised and that would be much cherished prize. 

We Pray For World. Amazon Summit In Brazil Did Not Set Goals And South American Nations Have To Do Much Given Climate Change Nudge. 


Saturday, August 5, 2023

Stay In Jaipur; Reaching Bengaluru

Stay In Jaipur; Reaching Bengaluru

Having reached Jaipur from Mavli and witness to slight drizzle that made train passengers drool and unlock traveling puzzle, checked in C B Palace Hotel knowing fully well the fight against climate change won't stay neutral. Climate change has not only made people across world be on a short fuse, fisticuffs on flights that refuse second dose of wine sprinkled with juice. Climate change where it would take and who all would get bake is something not known with hope that outlook shouldn't be out and out glum. Hotel Personnel Mr Shankar suggested that I better take meals from Tiwari Restaurant; I settle for Bikaner Bhojanalaya where spice fried rice was average with dry emotions from staff and aforementioned service suggested they give special attention to those who place order for beverage. 

Shreenathji Tea Centre Good; Getting To Know Flight Fare With Enough Care

As early as 5.40 AM the next day left the bed to reach out for milk from Shreenathji Tea Centre. As usual Mr Ranjeet Singh Chand was manning the desk active right through dawn to dusk. When I visited the same stand the previous night well after 11.50 PM Mr Ranjeet had enough ounce of energy having attended not in distant past to clients from Turkey. The name of outlet going by the name Shreenathji yielded gains for him and blessings and frequent visits by customers getting him requisite earnings. Post milk visited Station Road Tours And Travel Quarters to get hands on flights to Bengaluru or Chennai, the prime centres of India with developments round the clock that won't invoke ennui. The existing and exponential flight fare stood at 8.5 K engineering a scenario where planes may have to grapple with issues like getting the right parking bay. Air fare and distance to be chased having made mental note of I returned to lodge and half an hour later hail e-rickshaw to Jaipur Airport in a weather largely humidity soaked. Having evinced interest in Jaipur-Bengaluru Sector Indigo Flight 6E 556 (A320) ticket I could lay hands on with a rider that check-in closes at 5.20 PM with those at entry gate notably CISF (CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE) to stay perm and senior officer quite habitual to give proem. 

Jaipur Airport Neat And Clean; Visiting Kanji Cafeteria;  Autos Allowed Inside Airport; Flights To Middle East May Multiply

Jaipur Airport is neat and clean and roads to the same well maintained having foliage thick and spreading out in green. Return to Hotel and take meals from Kanji Restaurant with conditions attached that Veg Thali Mix shouldn't have such and such dish getting attuned to the fact that this cafeteria has maintained its niche. Meals with dish served were A Grade and personnel from Uttarakhand was good and so was the order taking man from Bihar a State that in times to come may have to nail disorderly elements even if some have liking for Australian tuart. Leave C B Palace Hotel at 2 acknowledging the tea served by Mr Govind was of refined taste and not prepared in haste. Hail an auto with the man at the helm maintaining a good conduct with enough hint that those staying in ready to move in huts in the State may not be told to evict. Reach airport at 2.25 with autos well and truly allowed to go inside much different from three wings of Delhi Airport where autos are not allowed to float. Alacrity with which Delhi Airport (three wings) has disallowed autos speaks volumes about pretension that it is ingrained with and message crystal clear that there are less and less malfunctioning power grid. At Jaipur Airport the departure board showed flights to Pune/Kochi (Air Asia), Bhopal (Indigo), Mumbai/Goa (Air Asia), Hyderabad (Indigo), Dubai (Air India), Hyderabad/Bengaluru (Air Asia), Kolkata (Indigo), Chandigarh (Indigo) and Bengaluru (Indigo). Perhaps time would come when flights to Middle East may multiply and to book tickets passengers may have to give a repeated try. Middle East welcomes visitors and those looking for employment with open arms and is home to innovations with no layer of hesitation. 

Conversation With Volvo Auditor From Karnataka

Inside airport different outlets like Flavours of India (adrak ki chai Rs 199), Tribes India, Rawat Misthan Bhandar. Loud and clear the message of winning hearts and new accolades with customer first approach. One in three visit stores with 80 per cent buying. The flight for Bengaluru leaves at 6.20. Seated on 2E with young girls at 1E and 2D who perhaps look to agree that in flights boredom sets in fast even if some are not on a FAST. Seated on 2F is a gentleman from Karnataka meant to carry out audit of Volvo which has its headquarters in Gothenburg in Sweden with enough links and appreciation from Teuton. In conversation with him on South Indian Channels I watch and plans to walk from Alipiri Gate To Tirumala (Tirumala Is Abode Of Lord Venkateswara Lord Govinda). Revelations like I visited Tirumala first in July/August 1995 when  the country was not witness to any strife. We even talk about Bharat Jodo Yatra (Keeping India Intact) and Actor Mr Kamal Haasan marking his presence in Delhi, news channels beamed from Karnataka with less possibility of taking Centrestage At CENTRE any troika. On board this gentleman places order for roasted almonds. He unlocks the box, pops one and shuts the box. He repeats this act for entire flight duration where tutors are least interested in giving tuition. 

Reaching Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru; Millions From North East States In India Gain Employment In South India

Having reached Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru well after 8.40 PM I collect luggage and step outside only to come across Delightfully South Indian Food Outlet meant to enrich those who are jet lagged. Mr Mohammad Sheriff guides me to bus point from where transport would be available to access Kempegowda Bus Stand. Reach S C Road Gandhi Nagar well after 10.30. Enquiries with different layers of persuasion does not get me room in lodges like Royal, Royal Palace and Shubhodaya Lodge; the latter having been renamed and finally I have to settle for Hotel 99 and difficult to say whether it would retain shine. The personnel at Hotel 99 who carries the luggage is from Manipur. Thanks to South India, millions from North East States in India (Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Nagaland, Mizoram and Assam) get up to date employment and Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu Cities figure at the top with houses and hotels having sturdy door knob. 

Sections In India Witness To Strife

We are pained to note the mayhem in Manipur with one tribe/community giving step motherly treatment to other tribe/community and this should abate and vandalism and violence should stop with no leniency shown to those engaged in campaign of hate. North East is a sensitive zone sharing borders with a host of nations and here the pressing need is North East people who step out for getting gainfully employed are given respect be it those manning restaurant or wizard in tech. Sections of India are witness to animosity and impaired policies of govts are to be blamed and the administration looking other side and varying groups locking horns despite getting enough taunts. 

Coup in Niger should be condemned and we hope military junta gives way for civilian govt and deposed President Mohamed Bazoum is released to be at driver's seat. Floods in China are cause for concern and here mass of people have been evacuated and this World Press has dutifully noted. We Pray For World. 

Again A Word Of Appreciation For Suprabath Towers On Tirumala Road, Tirupati.