Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Nothing To Reveal And Rebel As Ad Is No Bubble

Nothing To Reveal And Rebel

As there was nothing to reveal and rebel it was better to skip news even if invite was handed out to go on a cruise. In uncertain times we are in and pounding that some sections of Middle East have been subjected to it was better to avoid taking cognizance of events swirling around despite a fall in number of people Middle East bound. What one could lay hands on was on an ad in a newspaper on travel carnival ushered in around October 27 and going till November 5 which is odd and not even. What passionate travelers were assured were flight tickets in high denomination being handed out at a discount even for those carrying British Pound. This travel carnival and encompassing long series of departure and arrival all linked in a nation where there are households largely DINK. Flights who all would take and who all would skip not known as carnival lasting all of 10 days too short for anyone to retain their ace. Flights lasting for a duration more than two hours would like rebels to board irrespective of colour of their coat. Rebels from Assam to Maharashtra welcome with no word yet from Alaska. For office goers and those reporting to school tours taking time out for this fiesta may be irritant of sorts as permission from seniors would make them tied in a knot.    

Once Permission Secured And Destination Sure

Once permission secured especially for those in business with no element of duress and for the unemployed who during school days participated in sky kite the next move would be to zero in on a  destination to visit provided there is authority permit. Once destination decided and permit gained the next act would be to book a flight ticket knowing fully well in the face of reservation stir marathaland is on a weak wicket. Travails of air travelling involve layers of frisking and bag scanning and waiting for the right moment for the flight to take off from a city which rests largely on monthly payoff. For travelers when peace would return to Middle East hinterland difficult to figure out and the unfolding pandemonium in this territory looking to be a long bout. For one travelers would skip from their itinerary visit to Middle East nation despite enough travel cushion. 

Discount On Air Tickets In A Nation Which Has Pickets

This travel carnival is promising 15 per cent off on flight tickets and 20 percent on bus bookings knowing fully well some travelers would like to be celebrated as Queens and Kings. After taking the flight passengers may be goaded to take a bus of their choice on roads where movement entail series of joy. A road with less long winding traffic and making one reach destination where none get maverick.  This travel carnival comes once in a lifetime as ad would like to illustrate knowing fully well there are luminaries in India from Delhi Gate to Kashmere Gate. In Delhi keeping close to 15 million voters cheerful is a hard task and this ad is primarily targeting this segment with no audacity and brass. For these 15 million voters they have a wish list from electricity not dearer and water not entailing great expense be it for a woman or gent. As for these 15 million voters some wishing to be tutors would like to see an administration which listens in rapt attention to their grievances and their passage through different colonies invite word of praise. Those looking for dwelling it should not come at an astronomical price and rent should fit their budget which on occasions is tight. Stepping out public transport be availed to the maximum and visiting nearby spots brisk walk would be welcome. Neighbourhood Watch And Ward Staff should be on a high alert and they should occasionally revert. Delhi is a city of dreams and most are hooked to smartphone even while driving be it elderly or teen sporting jean. 


Monday, October 30, 2023

Leafing Through The Pages Showcasing Enrolment Of New Voters Images

Leafing Through The Pages Showcasing Enrolment Of New Voters Images

Leafing through the pages of A Newspaper Of Yesterday And Day Before Yesterday it was time to focus on voters and their play. Enrolment of new voters begins was the headline in inside pages in a season not witness to any sort of treason. Treason if ever it happens would be defeated with full force in a world where each nation has its set of electoral rolls. As for Delhi and new voters enrolment the Chief Electoral Office has begun the task to reset the electoral rolls in a city that has festivals to enthrall. This revision and that tuition aims to set the record straight in electoral rolls envisaging rightful inclusion and deletion and seeing to the goal that none have disdain for sector named aviation. To get voter list updated those who have turned 18 or likely to turn soon should visit their respective electoral office to get their names included before noon. Why before noon and not in the afternoon and evening hours as some of these with the age of 18 quite often try to get sum total of observations made by Administration of Biden which may not be even. The West Policy in the Middle East Is a flip flop and civilians being targeted with those targeting them no less than WEST's heartthrob. The bloodshed in the Middle East is too big to be abandoned in one go and civilian voices being suppressed with much in dilution the sentiment of bro. 

Those Turning 18 And Having Antipathy To Run A Canteen 

As for Delhi those turning 18 are excited over electoral revision process coming with no level of stress. Before visiting electoral office these gems of 18 or above would visit the hideouts where delicacies not known to large number of denizens are served and have cuisine of their choice so that they can later narrate to electoral office gentleman their tales of convenience. They would convince the electoral personnel that having turned 18 they have antipathy to run a canteen and after completing graduation they would earnestly work to see the World Society has no division. 

The World Is Split Apart And These 18 And Above Cadets Have A Hard Task

The world is split apart and these 18 and above cadets have a hard task on hand to bring home the message that World Is One irrespective of different faiths and at different points of time disparate chums. To convince the world at large that those carrying tools of proprietary be not be quashed. From home would they board bus or take auto not known reaching electoral office before noon where in the vicinity some could be sporting grown. Delhi The City is divided in 70 Assembly Constituencies and there are in all a little less than 15 million voters taking lessons day in and day out from tutors. After getting names included in electoral rolls these 18 and above cadets would take to twitter signaling the intent that they are all for good policies to usher in and notably they keep a tab on news emanating from news agency Reuter. 

Marathi And Bengali News Channels Need An Overhaul 

These 18 and above cadets have been watching Marathi News Channels emanating from State of Maharashtra and Bengali News Channels coming from State of West Bengal and these channels least show stories of development and politics is 24 X 7 firmament. They would like to see overhaul of these channels with stories of aptitude and propensity to propose and let these two States be Peace Source. 


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Flipping Through The Pages Of A Delhi Newspaper

Flipping Through The Pages Of A Delhi Newspaper

Flipping through the pages of a Delhi Newspaper of Yesterday, Today And This Hour it was time to skip bar and not step out when it is pitch dark. Dark dust may not be easy to dethrone what about the day when some haven't got access to milk that is tone?  As for bars they galore in Goa to Guatemala and from residents to visitors some radiate sentiments of voila. In sniffing cold bars don't get bold and they eagerly wait for rising footfall notably in Summer and Fall. Bars and bartenders sniff a chance when festival is on and for some customers running short of cash they are likely to be treated no less than a pawn. 

From Front Page To Inside Pages

As for the paper of Delhi the front page had an ad on New Safari Reclaim Your Life. When you drive this the best opportune moment is Desert Bliss. Who would like to visit Desert when Summer is in retreat and all visible is Autumn Feat? New Safari to New Town all vehicle makers wish to place on the wannabe customers the discovered crown. Would this New Safari be adaptable and swirl through market places that have come up on grounds that were playable? What to say about this ad when India is yet to grad. The other page had a story on mass shooting in US and this is showing not-to-be-easily-managed stress. When weapons of mass destruction be taken away from those not in right frame of mind when world over there is destruction and invasion mime and those in the forefront by no means retaining shine? Mass shooting we deplore and any measured response shouldn't invite uproar. The North-South paradigm whereby developing economies of the South saw less number of cases of mass shooting and it were the industrialised nations of the North that given these mass shooting caved in.  

Stay On Firecrackers Goes For A Toss 

The story on stay on Delhi firecrackers would invite retribution of sorts as denizens would still burst crackers even if they have to get them from ragpickers. Adjoining Delhi in Gurgaon the sale of firecrackers started well before September and this is a fact and no rumour. Why Gurgaon could not impose outright ban on firecrackers no one knows in a nation where people peep through doors. Other story was on lack of transparency in pollution fight and one should know pollution is all set to rise when firecrackers take to sky kite. Clean Air Fight is a challenge and Punjab and Delhi Govts are doing all they can to mitigate erosion of human ethics emanating from pollution tank. Right from firecrackers to more personal vehicles running on roads some carrying hackers to trucks out to play and there is colossal possibility of drought setting in and not getting grey. 

MCD To Open Reading Rooms; Meet With Nigeria's Envoy

MCD to open reading rooms in unused spaces and here gentlemen and women would be welcome who have aces. Other Story on ED raid and your take. This has been going on for over nine years bringing the Opposition to tears. West Bengal CM has rightly observed that Opposition Space is being repeatedly diluted and and those in Opposition benches maltreated. Delhi CM meets Nigeria's Envoy and this is a welcome move. Following this meet Delhi The City Of Dreams can have direct collaboration with Nigeria involving fair share of teens. The Nigerian Envoy appreciated the up-to-date Delhi Govt Schools and students having handy tools. 

Delhi Paper Covers All

The Delhi Paper covers in right proportion the happenings in and around Delhi City having a fair share of eatery. How safe they are no one knows and in the early hours some should have bread toast. Some have to watch out for those elements in Delhi who shed all inhibitions and pretensions when night sets in and dirt is heaped on those who are ever careful to not fling. Be it West Bengal or Delhi the news channels have to report on good work done by respective State Govts and stupendous challenges negotiated with those at the helm be it woman or gent. News Channels have to work without biases and show the feats these Two States have achieved and this is no less than a treat.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

When You Have To Step Out Of Delhi

When You Have To Step Out Of Delhi 

When you have to step out of Delhi varied thoughts cross your mind and you have to be more or less kind. With poll watchdog having announced polls reminding some of 18th century much used tole would these elections be fair and free and news channels across States Of India cover with no biases and up-to-date recording made of cash movement giving the party enough voices. With EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines) kicking in and dynamic fare for Rajdhani trains rushing in you by and large think of their passage to wonderland during evening when security is thin. The ride to railway station in a city where round the clock is the traffic movement with noticeable deviation. The train to catch and the rail ticket that one shouldn't snatch are thoughts that are in circulation with train station crowd resembling airports which less and less number of people are willing to travel and court. 

Seated In A Rail Coach Which None Should Poach

Once in rail coach the passage of train through various railway stations in the proximity of which some prefer to ignore sector labelled aviation. The seating capacity in the coach and you seated in a berth which none should poach. The compelling companion in the adjoining berth and august innings they would like their near and dear ones to play in a territory housing turk. The ride lasting over 40 hours, the South bound trains are no farce. The ins and outs of a coach as one tries to grasp with a leaking roof and there are enough proof. Once having reached the desired destination the next task is to search a room in a city known for women emancipation. The train ride can be unsettling of sorts and you land in a lodge room where the stay is no winning toss. Once out of Delhi and in a territory where people have round belly the search for food with no favour can land you in a spot where grub served is sizzling hot. Leaving bed early in the morning to partake benefits of milk can be irksome as there are some kiosks well designated to serve no milk and only rum. It is only and only in Nalla Bazar in Ajmer in Rajasthan State where piping hot and authentic milk is served in disposable cup and this is declared to be a milk hub. Even in Guruvayur in Kerala State next to MSS Juma Masjid the milk served is something to surmise and this is no surprise. 

Wishing To Travel To Kolkata

If you wish to travel to Kolkata which is poles apart from city of Quetta the train ride could be maximum to be availed of, the train passage through States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand where delicacies served could be our very own veg puff. Once in Kolkata which is enlightened minds adda you wish to stay in a place which has morning black tea at 4 AM trace. Post tea and milk surreptitious claims could be made by some vendors of carrying the entire day the milk crate minus visiting indoors. Visiting Dakshineshwar and Kalighat could be high point of stay and thereafter halt in Dharamtala and Shyambazar may bring in contact with elements young and not grey. Stay in Kolkata you wish could be for five to seven days provided the surroundings are no haze. After seven days as you wish to leave the time is ripe to procure ticket from railway zone fief. Once ticket secured, lower berth assured you leave series of hotels to take a taxi to Howrah where what are showered on guests are rose petals. The taxi ride takes you past Howrah Bridge where different vendors do business brisk. Once in Howrah station and as you reach the platform from where Delhi bound train is to depart and here in this Kolkata city you recall accolades showered on aficionado of art. Once in coach and as the train begins to move you hope you would get another chance in Kolkata to groove. 

As For Plane Ride It Is Cumbersome

As for the plane ride from Delhi it is cumbersome with security guard at entry point checking ticket details and post bag scanning and bag tag the airline sending slew of e mails. After check in and frisking you enter a hall and here the wait is endless and this place witness to sizeable brawl. After announcement to board made to this effect you are again frisked to keep aircraft perfect. Having taken a seat announcement is made when to leave in times of exigency and there is display by some passengers of foreign currency. When the plane takes off there are meals served for a cost and you hope the nation shouldn't lose plot. When the plane lands and comes to a grinding halt announcement is made to remain seated as Usain is yet to arrive whose second name is Bolt. When you deboard and collect luggage a large number of taxi operators greet you and issue advisory on how to reach the destination in the city with fare they say is no issue. With taxi tariff hitting the roof and in the hotel you stay the meals pricey you wished you would have avoided plane travel where some passengers are in a mood to exchange fisticuffs after long session of babble. This plane ride releases sermons of sorts that in high volume of traffic the air should not get rot. Be it plane or train ride advisory would be issued from time to time signaling the right intent that GST (Goods And Services Tax) invasion is permanent.  


Monday, October 23, 2023

Trace Of A Kolkata Lodge With No Fearsome Surroundings To Dodge

Trace Of A Kolkata Lodge With No Fearsome Surroundings To Dodge

Are we to believe that lodges would be hard to come by in the city of Kolkata (Kolkata Is The Capital Of West Bengal State In India) and one would have to establish contact with a seaport on the Strait Of Gibraltar going by the name Ceuta. Kolkata is a wonderful city with wonderful residents be it ladies or gents. Way back in 2014 when I was in Kolkata I found it increasingly difficult to trace a lodge with different lodges counter having none with the appearance of hodge. Be it Surya Sen Street or Dakshineshwar lodges were least to be found with no intention to wear the crown. I spent nights in the waiting hall meant for sleeper class railway passengers with no occupant hailing from France City Angers. Nights were somewhat horrifying, days were not inviting wholesome fine as the sum total of efforts put in to zero in on a lodge where I could zoom in was next to nil and there were no spells of thrill. In Kolkata off and on I have discovered that lodges don't come easily even if one is fascinated by works of novelist Heyward. I won't say they are pricey but the interaction at the counter is itself dicey. No rooms, no rooms babble I come across quite often and all along gibberish is the interaction with gentleman all but wrapped in a towel. I wonder when rooms would come in plenty in Kolkata even if the owner is little weighty. Days shouldn't turn to weeks and stay in lodge in Kolkata should be exemplary treat. From north to south, east to west Kolkata still takes the winner slot cake and is the best to rate. Kolkata We Hail You And There Are More Feathers To Tail You. 

Durga Puja In Kolkata

As I watch Goddess Durga Proceedings from news channels Calcutta News, Kolkata TV, TV 9 Bangla and ABP Ananda the all pervasive Bangla Ambience is something to cheer and it seems as if I have parked myself in West Bengal with no fear. Durga Puja is best celebrated in West Bengal and from Barrackpore to New Town to Asansol the festivity puts people on a roll. Hats off to these news channels for giving exhaustive coverage from pandals numbering over 100. Theme varies ranging from Water to be preserved at all cost to Manipur violence to some resembling Kedarnath Temple and accolades to be showered on host. 

As the war rages on in Middle East it is condemnable that civilians are being targeted and for how long this war would drag on taking under its belt enclaves after enclaves with no peace song. Two State Solution was the best to pitch for given the Oslo Accord of 1993 and here Israel rescinded on the promise and set the settlers free. We dread to think of what shape and what colour this war would finally lead to and relegating to history the sentiments of bru. Given the territory it is being fought and the unfolding plot Middle East is being punished for no fault and the uppermost query is when hostility sentiments would come to a halt. The world is split apart and for normalcy to return Palestine people need to be given their due with enough clue. 


Sunday, October 8, 2023

From Airline Sector Functioning At One Third The Capacity To Shopping Festival That Has Least Creativity

From Airline Sector Functioning At One Third The Capacity To Shopping Festival (Least Flexible) That Has Least Creativity

If air conditioners could be put to use for limited minutes if not limited seconds across cities and towns of India - here it should be pan India Appeal from where the world at large can take it forward- an energetic push could be initiated to contain global warming taking word of caution even from a teen. If residents in towns and cities of India take out their personal car once in a week the world won't shriek. The serpentine traffic in cities and towns and one losing temper is all evident and it is time to wrap up this sizeable event. We are living in times when pedestrian space has all but gone given the traffic warriors insistence on giving leeway to cars and escorts and placing the crown. Let There Be One Household, One Car even in the backdrop of one year one czar. Those households in tight possession of multiple vehicles with multiple wrinkles be plainly be told this is misdemeanor of sorts and annual hefty levy would be imposed even if leads to situation where they could be tied in knots. 

Data Be Raised On Households And Cars And This Finding Be No Farce

Efforts at brisk pace be set in motion where data be raised on every household in different cities and towns and the number of vehicles they possess and thereby they be dissuaded from latching on to more than one car even if rentals are coming from Goa or New York bar. A spirited move in this direction would be welcome and here administrators set the stage with an innings that is by no means glum. Amercement for having more than one car would be fine and this is the time to rein in car giant. Let there be the rule to the game taking out personal car every now and then would be treated an act no less than a shame. Fisticuffs in cities and towns are bound to rise if traffic toast is time and again lend a prize. 

Those Going Unfed And You Are Giving Them Smartphone Thread

We are living in times when more than 70 per cent of India goes to bed unfed and here you have multiple vehicles that would largely make good samaritan turn red. When the poor go unfed and you expect them to hold smartphone instead. Letting the underprivileged goad and gain access to smartphone when he or she has no income and no sleeping cone. Migration to cities is going unchecked in view of falling employment graph in village after village with every round after round the disappearing acts of tillage. Giving them so-called gainful employment in construction sites is no solution as these sites have unchecked pollution equation. When these tall frontiers would become functional the load that roads would have to take and greenhouse gas emissions that would percolate given the undiluted hours of air conditioners in functional mode and here we would be in a situation where majority would be in a rocking boat. Low rise govt flats were doing well and here one takes pride in replacing them with Delhi's so-called world trade centre and they in all likelihood to fetter. Bengaluru's Yeshwantpur fares much better with no high rises and with no crime traces. 

Let Airline Sector Function At One Third The Capacity

Living in high upscale skyscrapers and paying bounty for the same is no good deed let there be transparency seed. If your ward shows disdain for gaining admission in private medical and engineering institutes where capitation fee is demanded laud the child and laud his global approach something to flaunt and court. When your child dissuades you to catch a flight every now and then given the greenhouse gas emissions that pitch their tent, your child is right and surprisingly even at this age your outlook is blight. Let the airline industry function at one third the capacity, let the politico be barred from criss crossing the country at taxpayer money and once this sets in things would start falling in place and not to be unsettled by who all would get displaced. Those taking to flight be allowed to take six times in a year and if they wish to go beyond six layer let there be huge penalty fear. Employment that airline industry generate is a drop in the ocean and those who would get displaced would find other avenues once airline sector begins to function at one third the capacity and this would check the greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent and herein lies the beauty. 

Great Indian Festival And Big Billion Days Inducements Should Be Rejected Outright

Great Indian Festival And Other Entitlements/Inducements Like Big Billion Days would add to the traffic chaos and only generate the metre of digital fraud and empty your wallet and take the appearance of drought. Such practices should be discouraged right at the outset. Let there be life lived on simple means and '80s was the best decade for India even if for those who hadn't attainted teen. Places like Guruvayur and Tirumala in Kerala State and Andhra Pradesh State beckon you and give you the respect and the clue. Milk from Mr Nandkumar in Guruvayur and Nalla Bazzar in Ajmer was something to cherish and as we take Mother Dairy's Cow Milk with no intention to watch any flick.


Monday, October 2, 2023

Trace Of A Train Going Through Tunnel After Tunnel Not In Vain Be It Shine Or Rain

Trace Of A Train Going Through Tunnel After Tunnel Not In Vain Be It Shine Or Rain

As one took train from Thrissur In Kerala State In India passing through Shoranur, Kozhikode, Kannur, Kasaragod, Mangaluru, Udupi, Karwar and Madgaon slew of tunnels before Karwar and after  illustrated the imagination that would have gone into laying rail tracks in this region which is miles and miles away to have touch of less praiseworthy aviation. Expansive green surroundings before and after Suravali and spate of bridges over rivers with no trace of Plant Named Cleavers. Very urgent to ensure the foundation of bridges over rivers are not shaky with hopes that this region doesn't evolve into a territory where the need be to carry out recce. Military posturing one shouldn't in the wildest dreams imagine in a section that is coastline cabin. 

Touching Maharashtra From Sindhudurg To Ratnagiri With Thoughts On Forest Tree Totara

Thivim coming at 9.05 AM and Sindhudurg at 10.40 and with single line passage the train stopping at varied spots and expansive green surroundings lifting the veil with little jostling and not tied in knots.  At 11.40 Rajapur Road, at 12.40 PM Vilavade, 12.45 Veravali, and at 12.53 Adavali all signifying the import of tunnels and hope the inhabitants in the region are mentally strong enough to participate in assorted carnivals even if decision making body is static panel. At 1.40 in Ratnagiri we are very much in Maharashtra perhaps from Sindhudurg itself the Big Mobile Hotspot Maharashtra began and there be no crying need to unveil the plan. From Sindhudurg to Ratnagiri the train cruised at sluggish speed deliberately so given the one line and tunnel beep. Tunnels at 12.47 and 1.57 the longest to observe and tunnel at 3.40 would have enough reserve. From Karwar to adjacent regions of Khed sighting of tunnels is by no means any tussle and as they galore hope the landslides in the territory don't roar. Extensive observation of this region won't be out of reach and far reaching conclusions one would have to collect and later preach. From tunnels to environs holding green passage this belt has it all and transition to a new frontier if ever it happens make it retain the ambience be it winter or fall. This Konkan Region And Unfolding Fusion Should Be A Treat For All Including McCarthy Whose First Name Is Paul.

From Reaching Karanjadi In Maharashtra To Kota To Sri Ganganagar And This Is Very Much Rajasthan's Much Beamed Tower

Karanjadi at 4.10, Veer at 4.25, Roha at 4.57, Nagothane at 5.09, Vasu at 5.18, Pen at 5.30, Jite at 5.40, Somtane at 5.55 and at 6.10 Panvel which has nothing to reveal. Vasai Road at 7.15, Surat at 10.30, at 12 AM Vadodara the cultural city with enough banyan trees rock solid come any breeze. Kota at 6.40 and Sri Ganganagar at 8.53 and we are very much in Rajasthan where different locales have traffic movement free. A Governance Good In Shape Rajasthan Is The State To Ape. Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin at 12.30 and we are very much in a city where traffic is fearsome and fatty and in all likelihood to have those at the wheels who have a fascination for brown betty. 


SVBC Adhyatmika Viseshalu

SVBC Adhyatmika Viseshalu

As per Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel (Adhyatmika Viseshalu) the waiting time for darshan in Lord Govinda Lord Venkateswara Temple in Tirumala has gone beyond 48 hours given the heavy rush with devotees coming from across India especially from State Of Tamil Nadu. Sarva Darshan tokens have been cancelled for some days in view of the heavy rush and TTD (Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams) managers are making all efforts to ensure the passage to the temple is smooth. We hope crowd management would be up-to-date and tranquil surroundings of Tirumala would give those in queue hope and ace. Tirumala beckons all and it is one place that devotees visit come winter or fall. Thanks to TTD managers howsoever heavy be the rush devotees are taken care of and visit to Lord Govinda Temple is no less than a blessing. 


SVBC Adhyatmika Viseshalu

SVBC Adhyatmika Viseshalu

As per Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel (Adhyatmika Viseshalu) the waiting time for darshan in Lord Govinda Lord Venkateswara Temple in Tirumala has gone beyond 48 hours given the heavy rush with devotees coming from across India especially from State Of Tamil Nadu. Sarva Darshan tokens have been cancelled for some days in view of the heavy rush and TTD (Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams) managers are making all efforts to ensure the passage to the temple is smooth. We hope crowd management would be up-to-date and tranquil surroundings of Tirumala would give those in queue hope and ace. Tirumala beckons all and it is one place that devotees visit come winter or fall. Thanks to TTD managers howsoever heavy be the rush devotees are taken care of and visit to Lord Govinda Temple is no less than a blessing. 


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lalbaughcha Raja (Pudhya Varshi Lavkar Ya)

Lalbaughcha Raja (Pudhya Varshi Lavkar Ya) 

We were blessed to watch procession of Lalbaughcha Raja from Mumbai. The procession started on Thursday a little after 11 AM, passing through Shroff Building Chowk, reaching Byculla Bridge at 8.15 PM and finally touching Girgaon Chowpatty a little after 8 AM on Friday. Immersion of the idol took place at 9.15 and to bring facts on table the iconic Ganesh Idol of Lalbaughcha Raja came into prominence 89 years ago. Equally pleasing were procession of Parlcha Maharaja, ChinchPoklicha Chintamani, Dagdhu Seth Ganapati (Ganadish Rath) and shots from Nashik, Pune, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Ahmednagar including Kopargaon in Maharashtra State. Pudhya Varshi Lavkar Ya was heard every now and then.  

Proceedings shown on TV9 Marathi News Channel were something to cherish as it gave hourly updates. Equally good coverage was on Jai Maharashtra and New State Maharashtra Goa News Channels. Lord Ganesh Festival relayed from Aurangabad and Hyderabad has been equally watchable. Lalbaughcha Raja has been showering blessings on over 8 billion people round the clock and The Lord would continue to show way for centuries to come. Lalbaughcha Raja We Adore You And The 10 Day Fest Releases Tales Of Wisdom That World Has To Accept With Open Arms.  


Reaching Thrissur And Leaving For Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin

Reaching Thrissur And Leaving For Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin

Having reached Guruvayur Station and collected ticket for a ride to Thrissur in Kerala State In India where some sections of population have smartphone phobia. In the coach I was in I made it doubly sure it was not a ladies compartment with the commute lasting all of 30 minutes with those in attendance by no means senescent. In came Mr Santosh Kumar working for advertisement agency PNC carrying mobile and not smartphone and in this part of world there were people comfortable with feature handset and in no mood to berate and place bet. Guruvayur Ernakulam Special Express left Guruvayur at 1.30 PM on a Thursday reaching Thrissur at 2 and from here those who deboarded detached from train crew. I took a seat next to waiting hall and I was reminded when I came from Tirupati few days ago how LORD GOVINDA came to the rescue of a gentleman who lost balance while trying to deboard when the train had begun to move and he was saved in nick of time and he was by no means on a rocking boat. At Thrissur Station on Platform One announcements were being made for different set of trains going to varied destinations something Indian Railways would have to watch out for given the tracks that are average due to repeated usage. Here I met Mr Murali from Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh State who had come on a pilgrimage to Guruvayur and he was blessed with thoughts and not to be deterred by nature's halts and pause.

Meet Mr Raghunath From Trivandrum; A Woman Guard In Freight Train In South India

Train Number 20924 Gandhidham Tirunelveli Train comes on Platform One. Train Number 16605 Mangalore (Mangaluru) to Nagercoil comes on Platform One. Train Number 16346 Trivandrum (Thiruvanthapuram) Lokmanya Tilak Netravati Express arrives on Platform Two. On screen ad of AL-MUQTADIR Gold Loan something likely to be deliberated in distant Rome. Meet Mr Raghunath from Trivandrum who had come for Guruvayur and who narrated in detail the easy passage for senior citizens in Guruvayur Temple with two hours fixed in the morning and two hours fixed in the evening. In Malayalam Calendar each month there is an auspicious day and during that occasion there is heavy rush and some sporting tress. In the meanwhile there is a woman guard in a freight train passing through Thrissur something not to be seen for a good part of time in North India despite coming into spotlight any brave chica. 

Announcements For Different Set Of Trains In Thrissur Station

Train Number 16301 Venad Express Shoranur to Trivandrum via Kottayam arrives on Platform One, Train Number 12677 Bangalore Ernakulam Super Fast Express arrives on Platform One, Train Number 12075 Calicut to Trivandrum ( Coach Position Announcement Made For Six Times) arrives on Platform One, Train Number 16311 Sri Ganganagar Kochuveli Express via Kottayam arrives on Platform One, Train Number 16382 Kanniyakumari to Pune Express via Palakkad arrives on Platform Two, Train Number 12626 New Delhi Thiruvanthapuram Kerala Express arrives on Platform One, Train Number 06798 Ernakulam Palakkad MEMU Express arrives on Platform Two, Train Number 16792 Palakkad Tirunelveli Express arrives on Platform One with passengers rushing to catch train and they are many and not ane.  

Train Number 12625 Arrives On Platform Two

Train Number 12625 arrives on Platform Two, Train Number 12778 Kochuveli Hubbali Super Fast Express arrives on Platform Two, Train Number 16307 Allepey Kannur Express arrives on Platform Two. Meet a gentleman posted in Kannur who speaks high about Guruvayur and Sabrimala two religious destinations in Kerala miles and miles away from Honduras Seaport Tela. 

Train Number 12431 Trivandrum Hazrat Nizamuddin Leaves Thrissur At 8.05 PM To Reach Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin At 12.30 On A Saturday

Train Number 16525 Kanniyakumari Bangalore Express arrives notable mention of trains passage  through Thrissur once and not thrice. Train Number 12431 from Trivandrum to Hazrat Nizamuddin arrives on Platform Two and this I am supposed to board with uncertainty on who would be my companion and the train crew. I meet Mr Radha Krishnan working in Indian Railways Electric Traction Section based in Mangaluru and native of Thiruvanthapuram where in early hours cleaning staff keep the city clean with broom. Train Number 12431 leaves Thrissur at 8.05 PM, Shoranur at 9, Kozhikode at 10.20, Kannur at 11.40, Kasaragod at 12.45, Mangalore at 1.50 AM, Udupi at 3.22, Karwar at 6.40 and Madgaon at 8. Abusive elements take seat next to mine when they board at Surat and I have to change seat knowing fully well their abuse turret. This ride to Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin was mixed of sorts with over 40 hour consumed to reach Delhi Zone. From Karwar to Veer there is single line and hats off to Indian Railways for raising tracks in Konkan region that has effervescent beauty and shine. This train ride from Thrissur To Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin passed through States of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana before reaching Delhi where I was too tired to watch Telly.