Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Nothing To Reveal And Rebel As Ad Is No Bubble

Nothing To Reveal And Rebel

As there was nothing to reveal and rebel it was better to skip news even if invite was handed out to go on a cruise. In uncertain times we are in and pounding that some sections of Middle East have been subjected to it was better to avoid taking cognizance of events swirling around despite a fall in number of people Middle East bound. What one could lay hands on was on an ad in a newspaper on travel carnival ushered in around October 27 and going till November 5 which is odd and not even. What passionate travelers were assured were flight tickets in high denomination being handed out at a discount even for those carrying British Pound. This travel carnival and encompassing long series of departure and arrival all linked in a nation where there are households largely DINK. Flights who all would take and who all would skip not known as carnival lasting all of 10 days too short for anyone to retain their ace. Flights lasting for a duration more than two hours would like rebels to board irrespective of colour of their coat. Rebels from Assam to Maharashtra welcome with no word yet from Alaska. For office goers and those reporting to school tours taking time out for this fiesta may be irritant of sorts as permission from seniors would make them tied in a knot.    

Once Permission Secured And Destination Sure

Once permission secured especially for those in business with no element of duress and for the unemployed who during school days participated in sky kite the next move would be to zero in on a  destination to visit provided there is authority permit. Once destination decided and permit gained the next act would be to book a flight ticket knowing fully well in the face of reservation stir marathaland is on a weak wicket. Travails of air travelling involve layers of frisking and bag scanning and waiting for the right moment for the flight to take off from a city which rests largely on monthly payoff. For travelers when peace would return to Middle East hinterland difficult to figure out and the unfolding pandemonium in this territory looking to be a long bout. For one travelers would skip from their itinerary visit to Middle East nation despite enough travel cushion. 

Discount On Air Tickets In A Nation Which Has Pickets

This travel carnival is promising 15 per cent off on flight tickets and 20 percent on bus bookings knowing fully well some travelers would like to be celebrated as Queens and Kings. After taking the flight passengers may be goaded to take a bus of their choice on roads where movement entail series of joy. A road with less long winding traffic and making one reach destination where none get maverick.  This travel carnival comes once in a lifetime as ad would like to illustrate knowing fully well there are luminaries in India from Delhi Gate to Kashmere Gate. In Delhi keeping close to 15 million voters cheerful is a hard task and this ad is primarily targeting this segment with no audacity and brass. For these 15 million voters they have a wish list from electricity not dearer and water not entailing great expense be it for a woman or gent. As for these 15 million voters some wishing to be tutors would like to see an administration which listens in rapt attention to their grievances and their passage through different colonies invite word of praise. Those looking for dwelling it should not come at an astronomical price and rent should fit their budget which on occasions is tight. Stepping out public transport be availed to the maximum and visiting nearby spots brisk walk would be welcome. Neighbourhood Watch And Ward Staff should be on a high alert and they should occasionally revert. Delhi is a city of dreams and most are hooked to smartphone even while driving be it elderly or teen sporting jean. 


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