Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Two Set Of News In A Delhi Newspaper

Two Set Of News In A Delhi Newspaper

As one came across two set of news in a Delhi Newspaper time was ripe to reflect on innings by turncoats who season after season seek votes. Turncoats have been coming in abundance given the poll season and unfolding events. Some are spent force changing loyalties at the eleventh hour knowing pretty well they are well past their prime and incapacitated surroundings they come across after taking shower. Those meant to reckon and record know these clutch of spent force at intermittent intervals bow to the forces which are westward ho! It was opportune moment to rejig the quota conundrum and here instead you have turncoats whose foresight is akin swinging pendulum. Much away from limelight and with no power to flaunt these turncoats would invariably go for a jaunt. 

From The Stable Of A Delhi Newspaper

From the stable of A Delhi Newspaper the first set of news was Day of Drama As Farmers Meet Resistance At Haryana Border in the vicinity of which at some point of time would be staged Trophy named Deodhar. Why farmers are facing resistance and what are their set of demands not known to English Footballer Toney whose first name is Ivan. From Ivan Toney to Ivan Rakitic all are watching the proceedings in and around Haryana border hoping against hope farmers won't be hit by all famous radar stick. These farmers seek an audience in the corridors of Delhi where spring is all set to set in and this to be watched by those residing in Beverly. With the onset of Spring winter would be in closing hours and cold most likely to wane and no need to take Chyanwanprash (Immune Support Supplement) which comes from Dabur Fame. Chyanwanprash some had in plenty and some skipped when it was piercing cold and with cold all set to abate one can unfailingly play squash and soccer and get bold. 

Twenty Nine Likely To Be Elected Unopposed

Second set of news was on 29 likely to be elected to RS (Upper House Of India's Parliament) unopposed and polling to be held on February 27 when those at the helm won't propose. With new set of members and their victory declared this group would like to learn the ropes of politics with no fear. With these set of members they would on occasions hold guarded opinion on events in and around India with messages reportedly coming from seaport Candia. These members would vouch for those who are on margins of society and ridicule those who raise flag of notoriety. With these two set of news the day was made with no word yet on congregation at India Gate. The front page of the paper had an ad on Smart World I Live I Work I Play and this is true for those who are young as well as those who are grey. Smart World To Smart City India is all set to witness the spring to summer poll pageantry. Post polls and post bickering the country would see some starting new innings. 

Some kept tab on Mathrubhumi Literature Festival in Thiruvanthapuram to Kolkata Literary Festival at Allen Park, Park Street Kolkata, both events marked by rich reservoir of speakers who may have tales to weave inculcating the much famed river Tagus. My best wishes to Mr Sreenivasan Jain and Ms Gargi Rawat among others.  


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