Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Direct Tax Mop Up Smokescreen And Doesn't Convey The Real Picture Of Economy Losing Sheen?

Direct Tax Mop Up Smokescreen And Doesn't Convey The Real Picture Of Economy Losing Sheen?

Direct Tax mop up doesn't convey the real picture despite official data gesture. As one came across direct tax mop up revelation with the reminder it has gone past budget estimates to revised estimates and necessarily storing the Santiago traits. Santiago traits could well be economy going topsy turvy and in some other parts of world right from petrochemicals to IT sectors they by all means nervy. How has been the tax collection record in Santiago no one knows a city in Chile where the preferred route to success is having in the breakfast brose. Brose for one keeps you fit and brings you in contact with lost and discovered dude. 

More Compliance By Individual Taxpayers And This For Some Bringing Cheers

Coming to direct tax mop up story it is meant to convey all is well with Indian economy and those at the bottom of heap need to be excluded and not be part of Indian Tourney. That may be cynical view of some as powers that be would like us to believe here the economy is banging numbers and more than occasionally beating the drum. Direct tax mop up jump 17.7 per cent to 19.58 Lakh Crore and there be no urgency to raise the bar and bring in unexpected furore. They say there is higher compliance by individual taxpayers who are wary of investing in stocks and shares. Who are these individual taxpayers and is their a need to identify them and who are not haughty and plump? They may be those reporting to banks and not playing any pranks to services to manufacturing sectors and defence tanks. These individual taxpayers have seen a salary surge by unproportionate nature and right from CEOs to those chairing NGOs and making repeated trips to Lagos up and up rise in their salary and this watched by likes of Clinton whose first names are Hillary. 

Rich Have Got Richer, Poor Pauper And Middle Class Left With Denture

Some are gloating over increase in net personal income tax collections which exceeded significantly than the Rs 9 Lakh Crore budget estimates and those having noted the same need to have Lion dates. Refunds and this leading to dilution of reserves too showed a jump and those availing the same were school mates and chums. From this emerging story of an emerging economy if your earnings are more you would have to pay higher personal income tax and in the corresponding period the refunds won't be axed. But that is just one side of the story as it becomes crystal clear that rich have got richer, poor became pauper and middle class left with denture. With this direct tax mop up which some would try to brag the middle class would least likely to get in merriment mood as there are host of issues with indulgences few. 

Middle Class Be Forewarned That Direct Taxes Would Stay For Eon

Middle class be forewarned that direct taxes would stay for eon. Middle class has been pilloried for a while right from school admission for their wards to engineering admission for those scoring on trot has been herculean enough to make them wonder whether paying this high set of personal taxes may keep away the day to day thunder. Wait endlessly with no whisper has been the administrative fiat even if line of communication has been established with Scotland's Bute where some have taken a honesty vow and bat. Pay taxes and still you are deprived of the opportunity to know whereabouts of near and dear ones in Texas. From Texas to Tuticorin culling is the name of the game and paying taxes is mandatory to not earn department's ire and aim. Most have disdain to get in a den to get their tax record evaluated even if they don't stay in colonies gated. Taxes to turn and taxes in spaces urban the middle class would have to keep up with even in the face of their record even. 

Stepping Out Of Home Challenges Come In Different Zone

Middle class knows pretty well the moment they step out of home challenges come in different zone. Commuting to work place is horror of sorts bringing in the argumentative spell and the plot. Commuting taking more than two hour one way and getting no reprieve in the traffic fray. Middle class be forewarned that traffic indiscipline strikes in sumptuous cities and towns of India is pre dawn. Here road discipline is less and clinging to smartphone while driving for some takes away the stress and that is no way to dilute anxiety when one has in their pockets Saudi Arabian qirsh that can fetch food products of different variety. 

Middle Class Waiting For The Day When Rising Prices Would Be Reined In And Given The Blow

Middle class is waiting for the day when most belonging to this set would understand the implications of climate change and take corrective measures to avoid flooding and not run ACs to exacerbate environment pain. ACs run for multiple hours, vehicles driven after taking residence-cum-office shower doesn't bode well for an economy that is split down the middle between those prosperous and those in distress. Direct tax mop up and those swearing by the same have virtually given up as far as battle to correct the rising prices of essential commodities is concerned and right from milk to milk powder and necessities required to keep fighting fit the toddler to teenager the reigning prices here are no treasure. The buzz in the town is employees get well paid and why cringe over rising prices which can't seal your fate. How this squares off with those employees of IT Giants who were given poor salary hikes for skipping offices thrice? As per this recent disclosure employees working from homes and not reporting to offices were given poor hikes and this anomaly to stay as workstations in offices are more secure and from home working can engineer limited tenure. As IT Giants grapple with shaky revenues and shaky orders from abroad what would be keenly watched could well be the reigning theme on rising prices and would the powers that be to correct the same would employ rod? Rising prices rip apart the budget of any household and here powers that be show magnanimity and not get bold. Rising prices could well take away the thunder and for economy to do a turnaround may require another calendar. 


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