Sunday, June 30, 2024

Navigating A World Steeped In Distress

Navigating A World Steeped In Distress

As geopolitical tensions seem least likely to take a break given the war in Ukraine and invasion in Gaza it would take stupendous efforts for one to retain sanity and soundness of judgement. To get sprinkled with fair share of prudence and rationality would be a hard task to gain as theatre after theatre in regions after regions have the probability to get smashed and junked in one go. 

Taking Away Livelihood For All Seasons To Come

How is one to weather this storm which is no less than a brutal kick in the belly and taking away livelihood for all seasons to come. For some holding aloft the flag of freedom and cherish the same by holding on to this train of thought that this war and that invasion is not too ferocious and ruthless to evoke a response from them and if it is not delinking them from constant source of income why be in a spot of bother. Human race if not rank opportunist is sycophant of those who have triumphed against the will of people and largely oblivious of undercurrents in regions hurt by disturbances. So to say least bewildered by happenings in Ukraine and Gaza. 

Some May Find Turn Of Events Disquieting And At Best That Would Be Ephemeral

The human race all along takes this view this war and that invasion is faraway and why spare a thought for those in distress when they have their share of travails to battle it out and that too in a defined period. Some incremental thoughts of they finding the turn of events disquieting may be there but that would be ephemeral. Howsoever thick the war and invasion is it may look for those residing in distant locales the hurt index falling well sort of having perpetual lining. Why humanity be subjected to such oscillation between peace and war and s/he not gaining reprieve even for a day. This war and invasion has pushed more to be a pretender and in regions not kissed by such human failings they take pride in the fact that jockeying for power and sport trophy be the underlining goal. 

Getting Gainfully Employed In South India Too Exacting

In a world where we live and are raised getting gainfully employed looks to be too arduous task to be chased and one can dutifully oblige if s/he has expectations in return. Employment that too miniature is not on the way even if one is settled for earnings that are diminutive. Uphill battle it looks to gain an opening in South India with each after each application stymied by those who fiddle with your net connection having known the password and won't like you to gain ground in South India City. Opportunities are exhausting each passing hour and you are left to wonder for how long it would look strenuous to get hired. Skill set may have limits but still there are room for improvisation and that can truly come once one is employed. Sketches of impropriety step in the moment one begins to feed in the application and by the time a hint is dropped by an employer the chances get diluted and look shaken given the brief that is sent from National Capital. Net connection hacked, application tracked and that are enough for your chances to recede. 


Thursday, June 27, 2024

AI's Conversion Metrics Can Be Debatable

AI's Conversion Metrics Can Be Debatable 

The enormous speed at which AI (Artificial Intelligence) is gaining ground and trying to raise air of certainty for eternity in sector after sector promising gains to a society at large itself looks skewed as user can't well understand the improvisation metrics. It can well undermine the process of growth as unregulated it looks at this hour. User can well take the flak as privacy is too vulnerable to take a hit and user data getting compromised. AI is complex and so its understanding. AI has not arrived on the scene to do charity service it has been in gestation for a good number of months and longer it takes to understand all the nuances more would be the aversion. Hacking looks too probable thereby putting nation after nation security in peril and this on a broad parameter can make the global security don the clothing of devil. 

Monitoring By Whom And For What

Monitoring can't be done by asking the industry to self regulate. Checks and balances should have imprints of human intervention right from infancy to a stage where entire landscape has had its share of being carpet bombed. Accountability should step in soon so that the ramifications of embracing the same is well understood. If financial markets with set goals and set definition can be steered to a dais of stability we too need AI encircled by layers of transparency and accountability. A clarity chatter here would be welcome.

AI With Compromised Tenets Can Be Lethal

Let AI be for the good of people and not a compromised one that unleashes fear and skepticism and with no inordinate delay bring malfunctioning in areas as sensitive as nuclear weapons to nuclear submarines. There should be enough guardrails to ensure that AI doesn't make inroads into territories where its very presence is unwarranted and uncalled for. Just for the sake of conversion metrics it shouldn't be deployed. Making a big push in marketing and advertising may be an experiment truly cherished. But this can't be the tale recurring in nature. It may open windows of ceaseless opportunities but one needs to have the entire upshot before setting this in motion. Intermittent pearls of wisdom it may initiate but recurring chapters of ambiguity would still stick around. Let the loathing to cling on to the same give way to a corridor of cheerleaders who truly understand its function and the final lap. The disquiet in industry after industry is much due to unsettled equations it can kick off and here human intervention alone can set the record straight.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pumped Storage Hydropower And The Quest Can Be Tad Different

Pumped Storage Hydropower And The Quest Can Be Tad Different

Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH) Is Back In Contention And With Riders. Meant to raise electricity by linking reservoirs across states it is one of many renewable energy sources. With reports coming steadily that billions would be pumped in to get it running there are concerns whether it would get stymied by litany of litigation and lies as reservoir rights are a tricky subject. States across South do battle it out when rains are not bountiful and to get over the same courts come into play. This has happened well in the past and there is no reason same chapters of bickering leading to litigation don't play out again. 

Compelling Chorus Is All About Reservoirs

Compelling chorus is all about whether reservoirs in future would be running to full capacity in South India and if it isn't so how PSH can have a formidable presence. Business Units meant to pursue PSH would do funding split between equity and debt and it would be interesting to watch who all evince interest. For PSH to get running it would all boil down to monsoons and the spread. Monsoon progress this year per se has been somewhat erratic and those tracking the same believe clarity on the table is yet to come about. Reservoirs and their ample strength are key to get PSH in functioning mode and prima facie it appears PSH and the pursuit may lock horns with nature if unrest comes in good quantum. Nature can be kind and harsh and more the carbon footprint the nation is saddled with there is more likelihood of people getting displaced. Nature's fury be it drought, flooding, landslides or hurricanes give a jolt to those modest and not maverick and for days together they are in the line of fire. Out without food and shelter the displaced community takes a vow to not fiddle with nature come what may. In another calendar year if calls are not heeded in time things are back to square one. 

Uncluttered Pact With Nature

Clean energy and those putting this into action know the commotion around climate change would be endless and unceasing and apt reminder for tranquil surroundings to appear one necessarily be in uncluttered pact with nature to obviate any set of rage. Clean energy would augur a stage where if put into effect with clinical precision the climate change and reverberations would be neatly diluted. But how far a nation as stressed as India willing to embrace clean energy and to what end. Clean energy comes at a cost with those sailing with wind, solar and PSH blueprint may face resistance from those who all have kept date for long with non-renewable energy. Coal based power plants to natural gas to oil all add to carbon footprint and for some there is no turning back. Of interest would be the clarion call to stick to clean energy and the tussle with those who have had robust income from non renewable sources and sticking around. Funding for clean energy like PSH would look to be demanding and laborious if word is out that this experiment won't be able to sustain for long. Acrimony built in the very beginning can be strenuous and here colossal effort and staggered patience can help to unlock the potential. 


Monday, June 24, 2024

The Least Sparing Summer

The Least Sparing Summer

With water crisis looming large and heat dropping no hint of retreat this summer's opening act of trials and tribulations seems to be perpetual. Water stressed areas and the populace just getting handful bring on board a picture of distress that urban areas are in pressing need of correction; correction to see the basic necessities don't come for a price. With day temperatures rocketing to much beyond 40 degrees celsius and staying put the relief is cramped and meagre and postings from powers that be look to be hilarious and miniature. Humble appeal be made that power and water link be restored irrespective of who is in seat of power and who all believe in the ideology to dethrone akin to episodes that played out long time ago in Mewar (Rajasthan).  

Summer Playing Truant Day In And Day Out

How this set of summer played truant with day to day schedule of a commoner or those having the privileged honour is known and this melodrama chapters are yet to get exhausted in the days to follow. Alas, AI which is making dent in sector after sector with reverberations having much visibility could map out a weather pattern and make climate man-friendly and that too hourly. That itself looks to be impregnable fort for now.  In this heat of the moment out goes the shrill on ineptitude that is tied to National Testing Authority and National Tests in good numbers have disappeared from the shelf. Torrential claims can't be made by NTA that relief is round the corner as careers of over four million students are in a limbo. What to talk about cakewalk they can't even step out to get their grievances redressed and there is no timeline on when they would be able to write exams and get duly selected. 

Hurting Those In Sale Corridor To Those CRM Assure 

This heat is not hurting select sections it is omnipotent and coming in different versions. Gauge this summer from the lens of a commoner who in a bid to earn livelihood has to stay out all through day with the number of customers chased drying up each passing hour. Think of those in the sale corridor out to close sales they too would rethink before stepping out in this blistering heat and any attempt to get new set of clients can get defeated if they are not acclimatised to sweltering summer. With CRM backup they may be able to trace their prospective audience but all efforts could go waste if CRM is erased in one go as the machine that stored the same couldn't withstand heat and went bonkers. 

Summers Reek Of Platitudes Though Moderate

Summers reek of platitudes though moderate on those gainfully employed but they too stand the risk of getting shortchanged if not well versed with the device they play around. A device be it smartphone to those trailing AI zones if not with enough guardrails can upset the applecart in no time and here caution with least seepage would be welcomed. Augment of innings of a commoner in this summer heat in a surrounding looking dreadful if devices least protected and machines less guarded and here s/he can very well be defenceless. Innings immune from deficiencies that in some sections define the modern day set up can be truly rewarding if in vulnerability scale most rank low. Let innings be of gratitude and not of grandeur, let innings not smack of pomp and uplifting uproar.   


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Can Capex Tinkering Prop Up Private Investment?

Can Capex Tinkering Prop Up Private Investment?

Some have been arguing that capex (Govt Capital Expenditure) should come in for overhaul notwithstanding reports suggesting that at present it is 3.4 per cent of GDP roughly translating to Rs 11.11 trillion. Slashing corporate tax that came way back in 2019 to increasing Govt capex from 0.6 per cent of GDP in 2019 to 3.4 per cent of GDP in 2024-25 couldn't make one envisage a broad private investment corridor and any sentiment of forward movement has been sluggish to say the least. Private investment way back in the '80s was at 10 per cent of GDP and hit a threshold of 27 percent in 2007-08 and from 2011-12 it has been on a downward trajectory. Some would argue the factors prompting the same couldn't necessarily be consumer demand, capacity utilisation, corporate earnings, easy or no easy access to credit. Low private consumption expenditure is what trails the low private investment and to anticipate uptick the former has to grow by leaps and bounds.  Despite Govt upping the ante on capex the corresponding increase in private investment has been slow and stayed still. Private investment has been 19.6 per cent of GDP in 2020-21 and roughly stayed there in the years that followed. 

Drivers Of Economic Growth

Drivers of economic growth are govt spending, private consumption, exports and private investment. Govt has taken the challenge head on and capex spending meant to boost consumer demand has brought to the table mixed results primarily illustrating that urban distress to rural distress could lie at the doors of private investment being reticent. Contrary to popular perception there has been a reverse relationship between consumption and investment whereby from 2012 onwards as consumption rose the private investment theatre witnessed a steep decline and this was due to money meant for savings and investment from govt or private segment led to dipping consumption expenditure. Here the solution could well be saving instruments should be benign thereby bringing an increase in consumer spending and more moolah the populace has in their hands more would be consumption expenditure. 

Capex Spending Doesn't Engineer Investment Defections From Private Sector

Capex spending doesn't engineer investment defections from private sector and this has been observed over period of time. Yet the private investment mandarins would like capex spending to be more with no assurance that they too would chip in. Capex spending would turn world upside down if one were to look at fiscal deficit. Fiscal Responsibility And Budget Management Act has set 3 per cent target on fiscal deficit. To trace that outlook it is easier said than done. When govt capex was at 3 trillion the fiscal deficit was at 3.4 per cent of GDP. Govt would like fiscal deficit to remain roundabout 4.5 per cent by 2025-26 and here any somersault on capex can make fiscal deficit take irreparable hit. 

No Room For Capex Spending To Be Revised; India Inc Has To Take A Call On Investment

Majority would argue that there is no room for capex spending to be revised and private behemoths have to take a call on investment. Inducements like lowering corporate tax couldn't make this segment pour in more and where is the guarantee that a more broad capex would make them hit investment trail. One should look at direct tax buoyancy in the current fiscal where where corporate tax at Rs 1.81 trillion has trailed behind Rs 2.81 trillion coming from personal income tax and this makes transparent that it is for India Inc to take the lead on private investment. 


Friday, June 14, 2024

The Heat Writ And 2024 Cleat

The Heat Writ And 2024 Cleat

This extreme heat is hurting one and all. For over a century ago no one would have anticipated that 2024 would usher in the warmest summer with temperatures peaking to 52 degrees celsius and above and that is primarily the 2024 rub. From May 25 onwards the heatwave across North India and primarily Delhi has been no less than incessant spell unknowingly letting in campaign built around wall of shrill. Here the moot point to note whether human race would be able to maintain sanity and soundness of judgement when heat extravagance is ongoing tournament.  The heat to hit and heat from where to flee is one and the same thing as this is inescapable heat writ. 

Superfluity Of The Same Is The Name Of The Game

Superfluity of the same and coming in abundance is the name of the game, the battle to stay energetic and in shape is a tall order leaving less trace. Rooms are warm, fans giving no relief and in this hullabaloo the dwellings housing Child to a Don. Greenhouse gas emissions are principally to be blamed and here there are no support chapters that one can emulate and train. This interaction with the heat with no breaks makes the mankind visualise the future as dark with the intensity to step out encircled in looming ruptures. 

This Heat And Haste To Greet

This heat and that haste to greet in sum total tells us the human force hasn't taken corrective measures and global warming would empty the treasures. Centuries down the line the people with a will to collect and whisper would recall that 2024 was much witness to weather brawl and this may have inbuilt inertia to extend to Winter Or Fall. 

None Are Indispensable, Some Tied By Lose Wire And Cable

The inordinate delay for heatwave to retreat is much due to fallacy built around that some are indispensable and this bringing into effect neat trouble. The nation in the decade gone by has suffered as the discourse has been largely one sided with enough hate peppered. What was the fault of a gentleman who used to do stories seeking train of thoughts and for all classes endearments not in naught. What was the fault of news portal which brought out stories and they being reprimanded for putting to The Emperor the notable queries. 

Acting With Vengeance Showcasing His Shenanigans

This Emperor of the decade gone by has acted with much vengeance trespassing here and there showcasing his shenanigans. This Chieftain is dirty and cheap and his acts no less than vandalism coming in fleet. This Emperor days are numbered and irrespective of from where assault is launched the Emperor may end up chambered. Assault one here and assault two there and divide and thrive was Chieftain's forte and once the Empire is gone the Chieftain would be left with nothing and such innings of such Chiefs come to disruptive ends as noted in the past by novelist Cloete. Never in the history of this country such chiefs have come to occupy office whose sole aim is to bring disrepute to secular ethos and fabric and they by doing so find this exercise auric. 

Mandate Of 2024 Is For Change

This heat by no means looking endangered is much due to divisive policies in the decade gone by and mandate of 2024 is for change which would eventually come as historians to those who keep a tab are on the same page. The mandate of 2024 largely conveys the wisdom that the tool of divide and drive can't thrive. Sending to prison in thousands for all those who stated facts shows in coming days his stay in office would be highly taxed.  In the decade gone by most have had to undergo pain and suffering of high unemployment to high prices and common man left with no choices. 

As common man bears the brunt of a chieftain who is intrusive and discourteous his agenda to hurt one here and thousand there with tools of central agencies who unleash in all fear. With imprints in decline this Emperor in due course lose shine. 

Heat Making No Distinction Between Rich And Dreich

As for the heat some would argue had this gruff not been at the helm heat would not have looked plump. This heat again to repeat from May 25 has made no distinction between rich and dreich and here in these odd circumstances some find hard to do stories that preach. This heat has opened a world before us that prudent use of water to prudent use of power may help them to retain their dwelling and tower. 

If this Heat Of 2024 which doesn't look nascent is like this what would be in store in 2025 when people would recall messages relayed by likes of Chris. Here any human lapse can be dearer and here one has to keep delinquency aside and be wise.