Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pumped Storage Hydropower And The Quest Can Be Tad Different

Pumped Storage Hydropower And The Quest Can Be Tad Different

Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH) Is Back In Contention And With Riders. Meant to raise electricity by linking reservoirs across states it is one of many renewable energy sources. With reports coming steadily that billions would be pumped in to get it running there are concerns whether it would get stymied by litany of litigation and lies as reservoir rights are a tricky subject. States across South do battle it out when rains are not bountiful and to get over the same courts come into play. This has happened well in the past and there is no reason same chapters of bickering leading to litigation don't play out again. 

Compelling Chorus Is All About Reservoirs

Compelling chorus is all about whether reservoirs in future would be running to full capacity in South India and if it isn't so how PSH can have a formidable presence. Business Units meant to pursue PSH would do funding split between equity and debt and it would be interesting to watch who all evince interest. For PSH to get running it would all boil down to monsoons and the spread. Monsoon progress this year per se has been somewhat erratic and those tracking the same believe clarity on the table is yet to come about. Reservoirs and their ample strength are key to get PSH in functioning mode and prima facie it appears PSH and the pursuit may lock horns with nature if unrest comes in good quantum. Nature can be kind and harsh and more the carbon footprint the nation is saddled with there is more likelihood of people getting displaced. Nature's fury be it drought, flooding, landslides or hurricanes give a jolt to those modest and not maverick and for days together they are in the line of fire. Out without food and shelter the displaced community takes a vow to not fiddle with nature come what may. In another calendar year if calls are not heeded in time things are back to square one. 

Uncluttered Pact With Nature

Clean energy and those putting this into action know the commotion around climate change would be endless and unceasing and apt reminder for tranquil surroundings to appear one necessarily be in uncluttered pact with nature to obviate any set of rage. Clean energy would augur a stage where if put into effect with clinical precision the climate change and reverberations would be neatly diluted. But how far a nation as stressed as India willing to embrace clean energy and to what end. Clean energy comes at a cost with those sailing with wind, solar and PSH blueprint may face resistance from those who all have kept date for long with non-renewable energy. Coal based power plants to natural gas to oil all add to carbon footprint and for some there is no turning back. Of interest would be the clarion call to stick to clean energy and the tussle with those who have had robust income from non renewable sources and sticking around. Funding for clean energy like PSH would look to be demanding and laborious if word is out that this experiment won't be able to sustain for long. Acrimony built in the very beginning can be strenuous and here colossal effort and staggered patience can help to unlock the potential. 


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