Monday, September 16, 2024

Sitaram Yechury Whom We Knew

Sitaram Yechury Whom We Knew

Sitaram Yechury was a man of masses. He had a heart of gold and was accessible to one and all. He rose through the ranks to be party general secretary. With leftist leanings he knew pretty well what issues bothered the common man and from where the solution could possibly come from. A man who was adored by the masses and the one who brought to the table precious wisdom that never ever err in life and be as simple as possible. A leader who traversed length and breadth of country to understand the pain the common man was in; he had the pulse of the gathering he addressed and knew inside out of a country that had gained freedom with its share of strain and stress and least to go awry despite bouts of suffering it was subjected to. 

Sitaram Yechury was a visionary and a man who could connect with any soul on the street with ease and never to lose faith in the system that grappled with its share of issues. A soft-spoken soul with a heart of gold he and his admirers had contingency plan in pipeline whenever challenges emanated from any quarter. Sitaram Yechury would be remembered for selfless service rendered to the nation and his clarion call to secular forces to unite to keep nation afloat always came in nick of time. A leader with feet firmly on ground his departure from the scene makes the world lose a visionary and India a beloved leader. Sitaram Yechury quite often goaded the treasury benches to roll out schemes that could take away the commotion the common man was in and in this endeavour he had mixed innings. Salute a leader and salute a captain of the ship who championed the cause of masses without break and salute a chieftain who played immaculate innings that evoked admiration. 

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