Sunday, January 26, 2025

India Has Million Miles To Go, Million Dreams To Chase

India Has Million Miles To Go, Million Dreams To Chase

As India celebrated Republic Day with enough gusto and enthusiasm, the celebration took place in as varied place as Rameswarram (RMM), Kanniyakumari, Delhi, Jakho (Shimla, Himachal Pradesh), Tirumala, Chennai, Madurai and host of other territories. Celebrations in Delhi evinced much interest with the Republic Parade in Vijay Path truly breathtaking illustrating women empowerment in full force. The Parade that lasted little over one-and- a-half hour demonstrating in real zest an appetite for India to grow and capture multiple frontiers. 

India A Picture Of Delight

The passion and pleasure of being Republic for 76 years was something to savor and brood over. Exhilaration coming in good quantum and India A Picture Of Delight. The celebration flanked by support coming from all quarters was illustrative of India's Growth Journey much to do with the collaborative effort of over 1.4 billion people and they radiating sentiments purple. As India entered into Republic Lobby of 76 years the diverse thoughts didn't stray a bit and had it not been for constitution which New Delhi took under its belt with enough success and fervor the whisper and chatter in corridors of power would have been muted. The support and clarion call to lend the same to three wings of democracy the executive, the legislature and the judiciary derives much inspiration from India standing rock solid come what may. India's Rise beckons diaspora to come and have a feel and with this section maintaining the Fourth Estate The Media and the freedom looking to be somewhat convoluted at the moment, the relief for those who wish to load stories can do so from platforms of you tube to red mike to the print. Had it not been for constitution the freedom that one is working with and whispering with as s/he leaves bed and attending to duties won't have been possible. 

Laggard States Getting In Renewed Gear

From laggard States of UP, MP, Bihar and Rajasthan cozying up to prospects of living well and no less giants the Southern States of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Puducherry and Kerala too faring better on different parameters India has a story to narrate and more in mood to decipher the same. From getting the rural folk to search for jobs in rural section itself to those in urban sphere changing jobs every passing moment India can truly claim to be a Republic whose green shoots of economic recovery isn't a difficult locale to trace. The Middle Of The Road Battle of '50s to '80s ensured that socialism was a work in progress with little touch of capitalism. From '91 onwards India step up the game by unveiling blueprints of liberalisation and liberated were men and women alike. Nowadays be it Mumbai or Chennai they fare better in women safety and places like Delhi and Dibrugarh need to take a leaf from that. The Kolkata Cruise to Delhi Truce be all about safety at work places with women feeling at home even at odd hours. 

Lot Of Channels To Pursue

Still India has a lot of catching up to do and lot of channels to pursue. The chants of freedom shouldn't evaporate and public discourse be all about day to day happenings and no one should be left in doubt that this is nigh impossible. Scathing criticism even if it comes from independent media platform should be accepted with good intent and with no pressing need to extract exact retribution. Serpentine queues at govt medical centres look baffling and this should be a thing of the past with enough cushion provided to them to function at breakneck speed. If medical centres in govt periphery are up and running there can be no better achievement to flaunt than this. Checking road traffic in urban centres is another area India has something on its plate. 

Let Environs Be Clean And Less Puzzling

Let environs be clean and less puzzling, the groundwater reserves truly amazing in Hindi Heartland and the fight to check climate change not stuck in tangled trucks with harsh winter in northern plains be no act of passing buck. Let India Of Next 176 years be truly one responding to domestic challenges and international puzzles wrapped in cages and India be the one that neighbors aspire with none in mood to fire. Let India Of Next 176 years be one where pearls of wisdom are not few and far and the assembled crowd are gem. Let India Of Next 176 years be on a road to give healing touch and be praised for the role it essayed with enough dose of coolness and balance. 


Saturday, January 25, 2025

What It Takes To Get Out Of New Delhi To Head To Different Destinations And Here Responses Are Many

What It Takes To Get Out Of New Delhi To Head To Different Destinations And Here Responses Are Many

What it takes to get out of New Delhi the city that has for more than half a century has seen its residents get up early and maintain contacts with residents of Beverly. As residents in New Delhi miss no chance to dial up authorities in Beverly and beyond the chat is all about naturalised citizenship that the administration wants to undo in a nation where Prez Tenure is for four years through and through. The debate over naturalised citizenship and revoking the same can hurt many with immigrants from Mexico to El Salvador to India may not find this move to be a befitting tourney. As slew of debates on this to other subjects which the administration would like to take in its stride the perpetual acceptance that it won't hit a wall of opposition may be an assumption that won't prove right. Keeping this issue of debate and deceit in backburner, it would be more apt to look at range of rides that I have accomplished from the city of Delhi to places as varied as Guruvayur and Tirumala where decent makeover these places had and they were not few. What it takes to get out of Delhi, perhaps the call of the Lord of these places with these territories retaining their aces. 

Airlines In Need Of Funds And Train Rides Coming In Tons

What one has to watch out for before venturing out of Delhi is the scale of success in getting the requisite train connection in a nation where despite multiple airlines having folded up there is still fascination for aviation. Which all other airline or those that have taken baby steps would crumble and concede no one knows as the inclement weather in Davos where none would like to deliberate on this and be in no merriment mood to propose. The airline sector the world over needs rejig and infusion of funds and this deliberation did happen in West and South India where least number of men are plump. This one can make out by taking a plane ride or a train journey where success may or may not look bright despite in attendance an alert attorney. Given the previous trek to West India and South India the success rate of achieving a confirmed ticket looked distant even if I had next to reservation centre pitched my tent. The odyssey to West and South India accomplished in different set of trains with thorough record maintained of who were the accompanying ladies and gents. Train connectivity in India is not that few and far and the load of passengers that different set of convoy carry is huge and with number of passengers outstripping seats one has to better watch out for episodes unveiling in territories slashed by ice sleet. What it takes to venture out of Delhi is the pressing need to discover locales in India that have remained untouched and they for the time being not to be subjected to sessions of purge. 

Purge Some Cities And Towns Won't See For Now And With Rally Or No Rally In Dow

Purge some cities and towns in India we don't foresee for now but what is in store for future can best be assumed by keeping a watch on rally or no rally in Dow. Cities and towns that have not been visited for centuries and here there is random merit to visit the same even if foul is the poll game. Poll game goads one to discover that treasury won't look rock solid and begin to groan if poll promises of giving cash handouts monthly is the rule despite express message from a neighbouring nation having come courtesy drone. Poll prevarication won't disrobe one of taking chances to hit a new travel firmament even if that means exchanging pleasantries with those in train compartments who have disdain to be tenants. What it takes to venture out of Delhi may be the compelling thought that large swathes of India have not been explored and staying put in Delhi one willingly or unwillingly has to take detour. Staying put in Delhi in winter months can be harsh and one is alarmed by happenings when it is pitch dark. Winter doesn't bring in any amount of solace and with dipping temperatures one gets into act of establishing contacts with those who are on their terrace.  

Belated Happy Birthday To Mr Javed Akhtar (January 17). My best wishes would always be with you and your family members.  

Belated Happy Birthday to Ms Michelle Obama (January 17). My best wishes would always be with you and your family members.  

Belated Happy Birthday to Mr Vijay Sethupathi (January 16). My best wishes would always be with you and your family members.  


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti Train Leaving Madurai In South India on January 19 And The Discourse Retaining Sheen

Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti Train Leaving Madurai In South India on January 19 And The Discourse Retaining Sheen

As Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti (Train Number 12651) would leave from Madurai on Jan 19 at 12.55 (AM) with no Taj Mahal rumours rife, the ride would consume 41 hours 40 minutes and getting into a momentum to reach a city where the contest is minus curiosity. The contest less to talk about and less to get in is getting crummy and disheveled with each passing day as those who were supposed to bring the money in tempo as observed by chieftain during election process last year haven't found the designated tray. 

Convoy Would Traverse South India States And Middle India States

The train would traverse States (Provinces) of  Tamil Nadu (South India), Andhra Pradesh (South India), Maharashtra (West/Central India), Madhya Pradesh (Middle India), Uttar Pradesh(Central/ North India), Haryana (North India) And Delhi (North India) with notable features of capital of country which is New Delhi where one is supposed to carry ID (Identity Card). After leaving Madurai the convoy would pass through Dindigul (Departure Time 1.55 AM), Tiruchchirapali (3.10), Ariyalur (4.05), Vridhachalam (4.40), Villupuram (5.45), Melmaruvattur (6.35), Chengalpattu (7.10), Tambaram (7.40), Chennai Egmore (8.40), Vijayawada (3.40 PM), Balharshah (10.55), Nagpur (2 AM), Bhopal (8.25), Jhansi (12.13 PM) and reaching Hazrat Nizamuddin after 6.40. In Dindigul the passengers who would board the train would be one who have disdain for lottery and the game. When the convoy would reach Chennai Egmore with a halt of nearly 15 minutes the discourse would be all about Champions Trophy that Pakistan would host and the first global event to be hosted by this nation after a gap of 28 years bringing enough cheers. Matches would be played in Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi with some spectators going by the name Andy watching the battle very much in home and on rare occasions establishing contacts with Rome. 

Convoy Reaching Vijayawada With Thoughts On Guatemala 

When the convoy would reach Vijayawada with thoughts on Guatemala and here some would disembark as they have a mission to explore the State of Andhra Pradesh which in the coming decades would gain pace. In Nagpur a large number of passengers would deboard as stories are doing the rounds that in Maharashtra State some unexpected visitors may come in boat. Vigil would be the key to keep balance and cracks may show up in political alliance. The halt at Jhansi for eight minutes, the passengers would be given a brief that never carry Indian Currency Notes as well as Singapore Dollar in Delhi in briefcase as those executing episodes of heist have found surroundings which are literally haze. When the convoy would finally pull in Platform Number Six in Hazrat Nizamuddin Station (Hazrat Nizamuddin Shrine Is Nearby) much talk would be about inroads made by India in grouping ASEAN. Still India has a lot on its plate and here those swearing by fair contest would shine and thereby retaining their steady trait. 

The Ride Completing 2681 kms With Confabulations Minus Smartphone That Gives Jitters

This ride from Madurai to New Delhi would cover 2681 kms and in New Delhi passengers would be keen to carry the conversation forward minus smartphone as that would remind them of rich works of English Actor Howard. So to carry the conversation they would be visiting their near and dear ones and the debate would be over glass of milk with notable observation made about those who bilked. This ride would be remembered generations down the line as this was a train running to capacity and once having reached destination the confabulations and its brevity. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Make In India Should Reposition Itself As Weave In India And Dwell With Growth Euphoria

Make In India Should Reposition Itself As Weave In India And Dwell With Growth Euphoria

With Indian Economy sending mixed signals and sector after sector caught in whirlpool of uneasiness and some making hasty exit what would it take for India to hit on a high growth trajectory? Probably jobs in manufacturing sector coming in abundance thereby India entering corridor of flamboyance. Exploits of East Asia Dragon are not hard to fathom and these exploits come at random. We are staring at a picture where imports from East Asia Dragon stand well above $100 billion and exports to the same is mere $16 billion and there is urgent need of correction of sorts if India has to gain momentum that is not flat and not well short of gloss. 

Equal Footing In Trade Ties Should Be The Engagement Beauty

Mandarins in India should sit down with mandarins of East Asia Dragon and discourse be not all about politics and border tricks and it should be to change the trade narrative where trade imbalance is set right thereby illustrating none wants to essay the script of writ making one side look bright. The decree to dominate should pass into history and equal footing in trade ties should be the engagement beauty. The propensity to talk and not baulk should be the underlining goal even if that means intervention coming from places as dazzling as Seoul. Steely resolve and boldness with enough willpower to take hard decisions would be welcome no matter who is holding reigns of power in other part of world be it Mr Biden or Mr Trump. 

Reports In Section Of Press Under Stress

As reports started appearing in a section of Press which undeniably is under lot of stress India has lot of catching up to do if manufacturing sector performance is all to be radiant and true. Manufacturing sector that could not make inroads in the decade gone by and its act of confinement looked visibility permanent despite repeated try. India should galvanise support to up its manufacturing base and this may be a long chase. Manufacturing share in GDP has swung between 14 and 17 percent in a space of 10 years bringing little cheers. 

What To Expect By 2072

One expects by 2072 manufacturing sector share in GDP would touch 30 per cent hand in glove with agriculture which too would be in double digit and needing no learned chief visit. We are talking about 2072 and not 2024 as 2024 looked to be record of sorts for East Asia Dragon (China) as never in the history of post World War II strides made by East Asia Dragon were as phenomenal as now as it reached trade surplus of $992 billion on the back of 5.9 per cent growth in exports and this well heard in World Quarters And Courts. East Asia Dragon exports to US witnessed a rise of 4.9 per cent totaling $525 billion and this gave a befitting boost to its world trade surplus of $992 billion which by 2072 would be $4492 billion (Almost $45 trillion) and this is bound to have the comfort of zillion. East Asia Dragon is riding high courtesy robust manufacturing show and from BYD cars (EVs) to chips they all are lending credence to blueprint of jobs and innovation. Though the US doesn't lag behind in manufacturing sector worrisome picture is all about another Asian Giant India and here Make In India should reposition itself as Weave In India And Dwell With Growth Euphoria. 

India Has Million Miles To Log And Million Dreams To Chase

India has million miles to log and million dreams to chase and here the beauty lies in its glittering democratic credentials and that should break the backbone of border logjam to breaking the back of inflation and here measures spelt out should be with candid take even if deliberations have taken place next to a lake. Let India's Manufacturing sector has a straight talk, assertive enough to get it going and by 2072 it should be splendid and flowing. 


Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti Train From Hazrat Nizamuddin Reaching Chennai Egmore In Tamil Nadu State In South India 53 Minutes Earlier

Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti Train Reaching Chennai Egmore In Tamil Nadu State In South India 53 Minutes Earlier

As Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti (Train Number 12652) left Hazrat Nizamuddin (Hazrat Nizamuddin Shrine Is Nearby) on January 14 at 5.21 AM with no intention to train guns on those who wish to be GM, the ride and halts scripted a tale of India that was ready to roar and never get into act of detour. From Jhansi the departure was behind 1 hour 30 minutes (1.13 PM), Bhopal 1 hour (5.07), Nagpur 19 minutes (10.44), Balharshah right time 1.50 AM and Vijayawada at 8.46. 

Surprise Of Surprises

Surprise of surprises when the train hit Tamil Nadu firmament the arrival in Chennai Egmore was 53 minutes before schedule and this has never happened in Independent India that a South Bound Train from Hazrat Nizamuddin has reached a particular destination by almost one hour before. At Chennai Egmore passengers began to deliberate the factors that led the train to reach here by almost one hour earlier and with no fear. As passengers began to relish South Indian delicacies some wondered when they would be ascending steps from Alipiri Gate in Tirupati to Tirumala to reach Tirumala. The steps to negotiate are nearly 3550 and this much noted in India BUREAU. 

Surroundings By No Means Dour

This train ride would be recalled for valiant efforts shown by the train driver and the train having a free pass from Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh State) onwards to reach Chennai Egmore where some meet lost and found beau with surroundings by no means dour. Train having reached Chennai Egmore some wondered when they would be traveling to Madurai by taking a direct flight from New Delhi which has a notable road going by the name Hailey. 


Sunday, January 12, 2025

As Mr Palani Did Not Appear From Garg Store As Frigid Surroundings Signal Uproar

As Mr Palani Did Not Appear From Garg Store In Safdarjung Enclave In New Delhi As Frigid Surroundings Signal Uproar

As Mr Palani did not appear from Garg Store perhaps this would have to do with severe cold wave Delhi is in grip of and this is no piece of news that is riffraff. As bone chilling weather Delhi stares the piercing cold is hurting one and all with least number of people having heard of British System Acol. The plummeting temperatures and unseasonal rains have been coup of sorts and one doesn't have a fair idea when winters would retreat and frigid surroundings ebb and some recalling dreams they had when they slept. 

This Weather Lets Maelstrom Stage A Comeback

Mr Palani honestly reporting for work at this store would have realised that this biting cold he would have never come across in Palani The Place In Tamil Nadu State In South India and here Delhi all flanked by a weather that lets maelstrom to stage a comeback and here none having a liking for this climate chiack. This climate and that chaos Delhi hosts from December to February perhaps running into opening weeks of March and one likes to be in that part of India where moderate post by weather is something to divulge from dawn to dusk and with nothing to dodge. With Sun making umpteen attempts to come out and much shadowed by clouds this template of cold travesty makes many seek evacuation and days spent in solitude can turn enough prude proof. This cold lashing is a tough terrain to navigate and howsoever hard one may try to skip outdoor activities it is nigh impossible as they have sighted their double be it political party rebel to business primarily conducted in cubicle. 

Against These Freezing Temperatures Race Income Should Be One That Doesn't Lessen Pace

Against these freezing temperatures one can't lose sight of the income that one is about to trace and the income that doesn't lessen the pace and here figures tell their own story and who is in the race. If one is earning each month Rs 1,00,00 at present it would be equivalent to Rs 38,000 in 2008 a year when less number of people had a crush and went on a date. With Rs 1,00,00 looking inadequate at the moment what are the chances that Indians would take loan and by what proportion. Of 100 million people who have taken loan in the months/years gone by there are roughly 5 million who have availed loan from four different sources and they are in no merriment mood even if they have shut doors on bourses. The tendency to default and that against gold loan has jumped by 50 per cent and this is something to brood over even if line of communication has been established with a locale as distant as Denver. 

Some In Denver May Not Be Keen To Take Loan But In India It is Akin Visiting Hindi Heartland Zone

Some may look sportingly fit in Denver to not take recourse to loan but that can't be the way out for some in India whose annual increments either doesn't come and if it comes it is trivia. In Hindi Heartland the picture isn't rosy and here loans availed involve enough formalities and entire process not pacy. With Hindi Heartland Scripts dropping hints that jobs are few and taking loan should be for those who have little day to day clue, the stories from this section is more about dimnishing returns despite populace in no mood to distance themselves from skyrocketing demands. Keeping pace with churning in a city as huge as Delhi one needs ample dose of resources and here income gap between rich and poor binds one to a tale that this gulf is not that wide in Denmark port city Horsens where at work are some forces. In Horsens there may be lone stories of those riled by drug debt to those elderly couple quite agile to not let law and order issue erupt, the interruptions to life do come about if debt is very much in fashion and not in doubt. Debt can make sane turn maverick and here best piece of suggestion would be to avoid loan be it  educational to those getting into agitational pool. Agitations we quite come across world and here in India it is all about increments that should come in good numbers even if in work space one has to narrate tales of yesteryear explorer Christopher Columbus and in a season when economy may or may not be robust seen through the prism of those who have skipped visiting Davos. The cushion the middle class could aspire for looks to be distant as the chatter is all about political uncertainties and this day by day raising curiosity and all the talk about economy and money has been shrinking even if reports in media to this effect has been liberating.

As I have been keeping track of Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti Train emanating from Madurai The Tall City Of South India, the ride to Hazrat Nizamuddin In New Delhi would be watched by those residing in German State Bavaria. German State Bavaria would be keeping a tab for the very fact that India is true and some and that too in tiny lot have solved the puzzle of career blue. 


Friday, January 10, 2025

India Drops To 85th In Passport Index And There Are Uneasy Issues To Address

India Drops To 85th In Passport Index And There Are Uneasy Issues To Address

As reports came in that the show of unity that was visible among travelers as far as visiting from India and to India was visible in 2024 making it enjoy the ranking of 80th in passport index this slump this time is much to do with factors that have lost political aura and shine. In 2006 India shared a spotlight with a ranking of 71st and worst ranking came in 2021 when India was ranked 90th. That ranking in 2021 was much to do with the fact that ringleaders were seen as chameleon swearing by the slogan that we are the best and rest of the political class soars up with clouds of dust. The regime of that time was unwilling to trace to a locale where sycophants could be put aside and tinkering with policies could well be done by keeping opponents thoughts in mind. 

For Regime Of The Day The Unipolar Arrangement Is Best; Issues Plaguing Travelers

Opposition space and those in media who wish to point out lacunae and such figures can't be traced is due to all pervasive fear that they would be picked out one by one and targeted here and there. The regime of the day can't stomach opposition from any quarter and for them unipolar arrangement should get broader. These issues do bother inbound and outbound travelers and with freedom shrinking most are India averse and shivering. Travelers with deep pockets have reservations while traveling from India and those wishing to touch India shore have inbuilt fear and phobia. Most travelers with Indian Passport know pretty well elections in whichever part of the country in the decade gone by have been least civil and clean and those with surging money wallet reigned supreme. Most travelers with Indian Passport wishing to travel abroad and bring their relations stationed there can't do this with ease and in the exercise of relocation their movements freeze. 

Electoral Rolls Disconfigured; Maharashtra Polls Can't Be Revered

Never in the history of Independent India electoral rolls have been disconfigured to the maximum to bring gains to one political set up and there is the rub.  Political uncertainty prevails and polls after polls there are rebels to chase. An aura of respectability India lost given the upheaval in the State Of Maharashtra where the conduct of polls were minus fair play and thereby fair index getting grey. It was not just the State Of Maharashtra that saw seesaw battle between the need to be diligent and those with outside chance holding partial and prejudiced pageant. This played out in other sections of India and for election agents this was TRIVIA. How could Maharashtra State hold such barbaric polls in the face of one political strike here and one political strike there given the voter revision list that was shaky and multiple times some having done recce. In the heat of the moment one political coalition was brought down and in came in office combination of those forces whose ideology were poles apart driven by the destructive desire to amass and give the unethical and unscrupulous elements a free pass. Voter list which stood at around 9 crore 20 lakh (9,20,00,000) during Parliamentary Polls jumped to over 9 crore 70 lakh (9,70,00,000) in the run up to Assembly polls in a space of four months and this brought to the fore the elements with least morals having shortchanged the institution of election and if they hadn't resorted to this malpractice they would have been looking for evacuation. 

Political-Cum-Economic Freedom On Agitational Course With Religious Freedom Chants One Can Least Boast

As travelers from abroad know inside out the political follies that creep up now and then they are wary of visiting this zone and wary as well of hosting someone from here as political-cum-economic freedom the nation can boast of is too little and too far with cities after cities that can well be captured by drone. From those riding cars with least discipline to runways to host planes getting thin to vehicles with malfunctioning axle that roam free and here freedom for common man is elusive tree. The nation bubbling with numbers can't get the same set of satisfaction for its economy which this fiscal looks to log growth that would be thorny. With economy little shaky and religious freedom chants looking slender and skinny travelers by and large can't repose faith as in States After States the democracy theatre looks to be a Shaky Gate. Journos have been in the firing line and so have been those who stood up for the rights of marginalised and here travelers bear this in mind while trying to figure out in the world forum which nation is Free And Giant. 


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Of 100 Least Advisable Cities There Are 39 In India Alone Whose Chips Are Down

Of 100 Least Advisable Cities There Are 39 In India Alone Whose Chips Are Down

Having reached New Delhi following a visit to West India and South India, the train ride was accomplished in Nizamuddin Duronto from Secunderabad to Harat Nizamuddin (Hazrat Nizamuddin Shrine Is Nearby) with enough thoughts on Riparian States the train went through and how disquieting the picture had emerged with fast disappearing rivers and their reserves. And here it would be difficult to bring back the momentum howsoever the length and breadth of country the administrators traverse and they notably from reality divorced. Administrators have been crisscrossing the country on the back of public money and the exchequer has been drained out and out given this staging of round the year discomfort tourney. The money that could well have been utilised for bettering the infrastructure bowl in rural zone has been wasted all these years and saying a Big No To Establishment can bring tears. 

Rural Environs Can Least Throw Up Employment

Infrastructure bowl and its positioning that essentially essays the distress the rural areas are in and powers that be new year resolution is all about keeping the chair intact till the very moment they are not kippered and their acts not getting revered. Infrastructure bowl postings have all been about crippling education sector to ruinous medical centres to power to water purchases at exorbitant rates and employment gates encircled in dismal straits. Employment that majority believe the rural environs can least throw up as infrastructure corridor year after year with no replenishment gets the drub. As my train waded into Hindi Heartland there were umpteen trains carrying migrants after migrants leaving the rural desk and head to urban centres which wallow with their own level of stress. Stress from the fact that of the 100 most polluted cities in the world there are 39 in India alone whose chips are down. Stress from the fact that these cities have issues to address from traffic indiscipline to road rage staying put and playing long innings to groundwater reserves seeing speedy erosion to those enrolled in private schools and colleges coming across remedial measures like multiple fee hike to those staying unemployed for long as jobs are few and multiple in fisticuffs to take the job crown. The grand take that investments in stock market is a panacea of sorts is nothing less than a misnomer and here investment in growth corridor portfolios that don't promote patriarchy and bring in equanimity would be the way forward. 

Hindi Heartland States Witness To Episodes Of Utterances Against Establishment

Situation is frightening to say the least and in Hindi Heartland States there are episodes of utterances against Establishment and the money pilfered to get them in due course their degree of entertainment. In rural zone there are millions and millions of students who flunk in disciplines like Maths And Science each year and here the education apparatus is lying in tatters and no amount of imaginative thinking which none have an idea when it would come to uplift the mood and here somewhat possible with someone at the helm with a mission and with no illusion and at least exceptionally prude. Illusion that s/he changed the discourse with temple/mosque echo cruise. For a developing nation like India where more than 80 per cent have no access to clean water and shelter would this discourse look dignified and hadn't this been appropriate to bring in measures to uplift the infrastructure in medical to education thrice. The amount of stress India is passing through right now is unimaginable and here there is an urgent need to bring in a chief who understands India well from top to toe and sets in initiatives that raise the standards of those on margins of society to rediscovering the middle class which at present is a missing class.