India Has Million Miles To Go, Million Dreams To Chase
As India celebrated Republic Day with enough gusto and enthusiasm, the celebration took place in as varied place as Rameswarram (RMM), Kanniyakumari, Delhi, Jakho (Shimla, Himachal Pradesh), Tirumala, Chennai, Madurai and host of other territories. Celebrations in Delhi evinced much interest with the Republic Parade in Vijay Path truly breathtaking illustrating women empowerment in full force. The Parade that lasted little over one-and- a-half hour demonstrating in real zest an appetite for India to grow and capture multiple frontiers.
India A Picture Of Delight
The passion and pleasure of being Republic for 76 years was something to savor and brood over. Exhilaration coming in good quantum and India A Picture Of Delight. The celebration flanked by support coming from all quarters was illustrative of India's Growth Journey much to do with the collaborative effort of over 1.4 billion people and they radiating sentiments purple. As India entered into Republic Lobby of 76 years the diverse thoughts didn't stray a bit and had it not been for constitution which New Delhi took under its belt with enough success and fervor the whisper and chatter in corridors of power would have been muted. The support and clarion call to lend the same to three wings of democracy the executive, the legislature and the judiciary derives much inspiration from India standing rock solid come what may. India's Rise beckons diaspora to come and have a feel and with this section maintaining the Fourth Estate The Media and the freedom looking to be somewhat convoluted at the moment, the relief for those who wish to load stories can do so from platforms of you tube to red mike to the print. Had it not been for constitution the freedom that one is working with and whispering with as s/he leaves bed and attending to duties won't have been possible.
Laggard States Getting In Renewed Gear
From laggard States of UP, MP, Bihar and Rajasthan cozying up to prospects of living well and no less giants the Southern States of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Puducherry and Kerala too faring better on different parameters India has a story to narrate and more in mood to decipher the same. From getting the rural folk to search for jobs in rural section itself to those in urban sphere changing jobs every passing moment India can truly claim to be a Republic whose green shoots of economic recovery isn't a difficult locale to trace. The Middle Of The Road Battle of '50s to '80s ensured that socialism was a work in progress with little touch of capitalism. From '91 onwards India step up the game by unveiling blueprints of liberalisation and liberated were men and women alike. Nowadays be it Mumbai or Chennai they fare better in women safety and places like Delhi and Dibrugarh need to take a leaf from that. The Kolkata Cruise to Delhi Truce be all about safety at work places with women feeling at home even at odd hours.
Lot Of Channels To Pursue
Still India has a lot of catching up to do and lot of channels to pursue. The chants of freedom shouldn't evaporate and public discourse be all about day to day happenings and no one should be left in doubt that this is nigh impossible. Scathing criticism even if it comes from independent media platform should be accepted with good intent and with no pressing need to extract exact retribution. Serpentine queues at govt medical centres look baffling and this should be a thing of the past with enough cushion provided to them to function at breakneck speed. If medical centres in govt periphery are up and running there can be no better achievement to flaunt than this. Checking road traffic in urban centres is another area India has something on its plate.
Let Environs Be Clean And Less Puzzling
Let environs be clean and less puzzling, the groundwater reserves truly amazing in Hindi Heartland and the fight to check climate change not stuck in tangled trucks with harsh winter in northern plains be no act of passing buck. Let India Of Next 176 years be truly one responding to domestic challenges and international puzzles wrapped in cages and India be the one that neighbors aspire with none in mood to fire. Let India Of Next 176 years be one where pearls of wisdom are not few and far and the assembled crowd are gem. Let India Of Next 176 years be on a road to give healing touch and be praised for the role it essayed with enough dose of coolness and balance.
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