Conversation That Prof Amartya Sen Had
Conversation that Prof Amartya Sen had was beamed on Mr Ravish Kumar Official You Tube Channel. Prof Amartya Sen spoke on a range of issues from Buddhism to India not long time ago being tolerant society and erosion in its multi religious tenets had been duly noted. Prof Sen while answering to queries from Mr Ravish Kumar maintained Buddhism was revered in India for 800 years. India was a tolerant country. A subject on which Gautam Buddha spoke. A tolerant country that allowed Jews to come, Christians to come, Traders, Muslims and other set of people to come. A multi religious society and Gautam Buddha about 2500 years ago was first to articulate quite elaborately something mentioned in book Diamond Sutra. You Have Reason To Like Your Religion, No Reason To Denigrate Other Religion.
From Most Tolerant Country To Least Tolerant One; University System Chased By Three Set Of Problems
Prof Sen maintained from most tolerant country we have become least tolerant one. India has always stood for multi religious tolerance philosophy and right now there is rise in intolerance. Specks of intolerance can well be sighted in Hungary, Poland, other countries in Europe as well in US. As for query from Mr Ravish Kumar on why India has not been able to raise universities of world class, Prof Sen divulged that earlier university system in India suffered from one problem and that was Bureaucracy. Nowadays it is chased by three set of problems. First Bureaucracy, Second Sectarianism and Third powerful control by set of people particularly The Executive. Appointments made to run the universities is primarily eclipsed by a thought process that is narrow and that is the root cause. Prof Sen association with Jadavpur University, Delhi School Of Economics and Nalanda University made him observe that in 5th century if ever Chinese students went outside China it was Nalanda University alone and students came from Mongolia and Thailand as well.
Would Like More To Be Spent On Better Organised Health Sector, Education Sector
On welfare in form of cash transfers Prof Sen quipped that he would like more to be spent in better organised health sector, better organised education sector and something visible in better managing climate change. Prof Sen was articulate in his vision and hoped India comes out of myriad of problems it is faced with by sticking to an approach that is broad based and takes all along.
Conversation In Santiniketan
This conversation took place in Santiniketan a town about 150 kms from Kolkata In West Bengal State In India where Prof Sen comes during winters. During the entire course of tete-a-tete Prof Sen looked to be alert and had sweet memories of days spent in India. One won't have agreed any less to observations made by Prof Sen and we hope in due course of time India becomes tolerant country again. Post conversation Prof Sen was lost in books and Mr Ravish Kumar left with enough thoughts that would keep him going in years to come.
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