Friday, August 20, 2010


Thanks a tonne to GRAW for clearing the air on Pak Foreign Minister accepting the Indian offer on aid. The ticker at 4 in the morning had this flash on Indian aid for flood victims with no word on exact location of Qureshi. That was set to rest in the 9.30 delivered beans by GRAW. Well Prabhu has been spilling the beans on the deals and seals in the House since it came into existence. Probably he takes energy supplements in the morning as he is told to hold the fort at Vijay Chowk and literally carpet bomb the anchors of the likes of graw, kse and anm with his side of the story. His spiel on n liability bill was too much of a botheration for graw as she shook her head in disbelief bt 1.10 and 1.12 p.m (this image would remain etched for long) probably pointing to the liable proceedings they are subjected to when he takes the mike at VC. There is no stopping to a man who has had a well controlled diet along with energy supplements probably at 8 in the morning before he readies himself to do the unthinkable.
The bottom line being the likes of Graw, Kase, Anm and Prabhu are sober and simple. It is because of their unyielding stance that forced the govt to settle the AND conundrum. WEre they in cahoots with the Opposition? Wait for Qureshi-Krishna spectacle to get to the real side of the story where paras are added, deleted, restored much to the chagrin of aam janta.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Of Manmohan, Steward and PAS by Puneet Rajhans

Of Manmohan, Steward and PAS

Manmohan has clocked 2280 days in office. The steward, who was at the helm for 28 years and made dramatic exit,wants his job back. A little fame here and few support there has evaporated (such churning episodes don't have long shelf life) - and only thing steady in his life was the job he parted with. With an innings spread over 2280 days, Manmohan won't hang up his boots as there is no pressing need to do the same. And clearly we haven't reached a stage where exasperation is writ large on the faces of partymen over prime leader's reluctance to quit. Well, the steward had taken recourse to Public Address System to let out his growing frustration with the attitude of the travelling janta - and he being in the firing line on different occasions would be the last thing on his mind. Would a politico take recourse to PAS to announce his disengagement from the political process. Never heard on that from a politico of any shape, size and status. Even if separation from political assignment is ephemeral, no such luck for Indian Janta from greenhorns to veterans. The political class sees merit in babbling in Parliament(speaking out of turn is a ritual neatly followed)but never straying that far to explore exit venues.They take recourse to PAS to connect with their voting audience. They would never do that to make way for a better alternative. So why do leaders (sticking to the political terrain)and steward (the strong urge to get back) want to cruise on tested and tried waters. Probably the perks and privileges are too formidable.

A more factual status gets us close to the judges who recuse themselves from cases as it borders precariously close to the interest they are pursuing.At least the conscience metre is ticking or the fear of getting a bad press forces them to part ways. When lawyer Jethmalani noted that he had nothing to lose, probably what he meant was he won't care for his repute in the face of flurry of allegations hurled at him. Against this the current crop of leaders try to hold on to the last lifeline even if wildest allegations tail them.

So if in the heat of the moment the steward gave up the job, could we have a new class of emerging leaders who would chuck the job in the same breath? Well, we have no clue on that but a definitive one on the innovative skills the leaders from across the border employ. A leader based in PoK addressed the gathering in Kashmir over mobile phone last week. His voice on the mobile was relayed to the gathering over megaphone.The clarity in the voice and the uninterrupted one way street conversation left the audience on the Indian side spellbound. The PAS and the increasing recourse to by Pak leaders (unprecedented intrusion into Indian space)has made the establishment here sit up and take notice.
A request to the Pak establishment that leaders from India would like to address the public there would be flatly refused.
Their rationale:"With so many groups working against them, they can't afford another front against them. Let the Pak leaders have the privilege of PAS as they hardly get an opportunity to reach out to the audience at home. The audience across the border is lapping up every such address. Your PAS is best suited for poll stunts which our country rarely has a date with."
The last is yet to be heard on PAS and the ones who would be employing it. Perhaps the iconic star could take the plunge.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Change of Guard at Red Fort by Puneet Rajhans

Change of Guard at Red Fort

One concern among voting class is that the celebrations at Red Fort are too short to leave a long spell on audience. Lasting barely an hour it hardly has any recall value. Coming close to this is another concern expressed across political divide over the uninterrupted fall in ratings of the political class. ADding to the injury are the addresses from the ramparts of Red Fort (lacking substance and secrecy). These addresses are so open about the intent of the government that the opposition has no chance to confront them at any point of time. In attendance over the years at REd Fort have been a large number of turncoats and scapegoats and this has made the government of the day to do away with the customary solo address and give it a comprehensive makeover. The policy document with Baburao Godbole suggests that the opening act this time would be different and so would be the climax. Post the innumerable vists to samadhis and ashrams the head of the govt would be duly accosted by Leader of Opposition and leaders of other political groupings as his entourage enters Red Fort. Occupying chairs next to the place of address they would cruise on a debate that would leave the Channelwallahs to seek a new outing. Once settled the first salvo would be fired by LoP by observing that it took 63 years to realise the import of different leaders to hang out together at this historical place. THe riposte from Head of Govt: " Let bygones be bygones. Let us set aside the differences and take the NDM 1 bug head on. "Mr Prime MInister", the LoP intervening, "there can't be unity chimes here." But then the NDM bug is one where we have to stick together as it a clear case of a conspiracy hatched in vilayat. "The US and UK time and again issue travel advisories for its citizens to desist from travelling to India. DEspite such advisories the people in large numbers go to the subcontinent. The WEst leaders' grouse sprouts from the fact that once these India-travelled citizens return to their home countries the outsourcing business finds its best advertisers in them. Adding to the insult is the culture shock that they give their residents by engaging in acts of nepotism and favouritism without a break. Their role in taking the govt head on on not promoting illegal immigration is another illustration of their confinement in the subcontinent."
The LoP and PM were of the view that the Queen had a design to her decision to stay away from CWG. "AS Queen decided to stay away from the Commonwealth Games, she wanted to make it doubly sure that none from her country would be going to INdia. As NDM bug gives an outside chance to the establishments in the West from persuading people from travelling to India, the Obama administration's decision to put in place a high tax regime for IT guys is meant to clear the air that exchanges between the two sides can't go untamed. Thus his visit post CWG is also intended to carry the same message."
As the PM and LOP agreed on this outlook on NDM 1 bug, what was a concern for them was a continuous fall in the rating of the political class. "THe debates in the untamed TV theatres has made us a fall guy; we are blamed for long spells of ills that dog the society. Our side of the story never gets prime viewing. THis debate at Red Fort give us an oppportunity to dissect and digress from the old tradition and put across our views on a host of issues inclding the shameless TV debates and how it aims to write our political obit."
"THese debates leave you sleepless for days together. Since our discussions are being telecast live on Govt channel with other channels following suit; for once we would be heard and followed. What to talk about political obit, we have a new life to our political innings thanks to our tryst with Red Fort. It was well past two in the afternoon and the political leaders desired to have the next plan of action in place. AS decided in the Baburao Godbloe document, the PM was supposed to hand over the baton to LoP for the next one year (PM and LoP would be changing places for a year) with the belief that it would be returned next year. Once this formality was over, leaders of different hues took to the public address system (no address lasting more than five minutes)on how they plan to collaborate with the govt for the next one year. The tryst with the Red Fort not only gave a chance for the political leaders to give the TVwallahs their due; it ensured a longevity to their political innings as well. The govt channel has promised that the entire proceedings at Red Fort would be telecast again whenever there is an adjournment in the House giving them the eyeballs that no other exercise can provide.
As for the leaders, the Red Fort Date was no less than a sleep-induced pill; much needed in the journo-chasing-leaders times we live in. As the leaders began to exit, the newly crowned Leader of House was being pestered for such a short stint at the top. To which one of the aides countered by presuming that the Red Fort ritual may not be kept next year given the extraordinary times we would get in. Probably a looming threat from across the borders or another biting bug that would be located to India. "Extraordinary times call for extraordinary situations." How could the aide think on those lines. Probably the slew of TV debates that made him post this train of thought.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

From bench strength to house strength by Puneet Rajhans

Who is losing cool? From bench strength to house strength

Debates on Channels leave much to be desired. It is slow, sluggish, with no incremental efforts to raise the bar. Be it half an hour or one hour, the existential dilemma is no different. Participants look tired and tested entity and the anchor sick enough to take a walk out of the window. A man hooked to a cell taking a walk from an office window in an insurance ad is the closest we can get to that situation. A simple situation built against two individuals, Ramesh and Suresh, dripping themselves in choclate heavy moments in a kirana store could get you more eyeballs six months down the line than an argumentative senseless debate played out in the tv theatres. For the poor anchor, tied with a fixed format, he literally lives and bleeds day in and day out by sticking to this ritual.
Compare this to some real life situations and the eyeballs they could be inviting. The skirmish that played out on the streets of Delhi last week (car hitting the stationary truck)when the woman, in the thick of action, taking the battle right into the enemy's territory. Well there were no enemies or friends here but the ensuing argument had trappings of a plot that could keep you fixated. It's 2.30 in the morning and the traffic movement is as heavy as seen during the day. Here you have a bunch of guys who were through with their performances and now it was the turn of the lady to deliver. And she delivered from the rooftops.(i am not in any way defending the skirmish that broke out or the conduct of the lady; both were reprehensible; the intent is to show how a losing proposition these debates have become in our national conscience with none to bat for them).

From the woman of the street to the man of the moment.
This is Finance Minister's third foray (this year)into a territory where the opposition doesn't mind stepping in at every other moment. THe silver lining being he hadn't rushed to the well of the House. He lost his cool; necessitated by members across party lines taking a potshot at him. The previous day all that came from him were Muted Interventions. Today he was firing all cylinders. "You can't hold the House to ransom. " Well, this line he has belted out in the past with a performance that easily gets registered at the back of your mind. Some years down the line we could well be witness to proceedings in the House where members from treasury benches could rush to the well of the House as the Opposition wasn't prepared to relent. THe assault from the other side could well streamline the yawning gap between the opposition and treasury benches. The bench strength of lower house is 543 and effective strength during the debate yesterday was below 300. Well the members may not be that keen to associate with day to day House proceedings, but the level of interest that such debate generates permeates through different sections.

How about someone who couldn't intervene and yet was heckled by the crowd. With Yuvraj Singh confined to the dressing room, with an odd outing here and there, the interventionist in him has taken a back seat. Three probable reasons come on the table for someone's exclusion: Ailment; consistent bad outings; and the playing 11 belting out strong performances. Coupled with this the baggage of brash and brazen identity is enough to nail you down. The previous day as he shuffled between dressing room and field, he was heckled for a long time.He kept his cool armed with the confidence that he could find his way back to the playing contingent. Now this desire of his is in sharp contrast to the flamboyant image he carried. Probably the date with the dressing room would have mellowed him down. Contrast this with Inzamam ul haq's brazen ways when armed with a bat he stormed the seating venue in Toronto to rain blows on those who were heckling him. If he were asked to take that route now, in all probability he would shy away. The circumstances and sentiments you cruise with are enough to publicise your soft image.
We are faced with A season of auqats (the lady in the traffic skirmish invoked it repeatedly ) to a season of holding someone to ransom. The times have changed and so has the component of interaction. You give it to the house members that they don't come to blows (seen widely in state assemblies). And the souls like Yuuraj win hands down when confronted with unpleasant turn of events they keep it to themselves. The innumerable debates that Parliament sessions see are a delight as it rekindles the hope that issues of the common man get listed and heard lest these very members would find hard to get reelected. The bench strength of lower house is strong enough to see a good number flock to Parliament to watch proceedings - and with doordarshan showing it the numbers haven't dwindled a bit. And the likes of Pranab, Yuvraj would continue to have a winning outing with some misses here and there. As for the Vijay Chowk spectacle, there would be no end to conversations that would be sought with the leaders in action. THis is almost an extension to the house proceedings and why miss on that. THe focus is whether Obama would have a date with Vijay Chowk? Possible if his aircraft gets in with no reports of radar going kaput.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Krishna, Kalmadi and the duo from Karnataka by Puneet Rajhans

Krishna, Kalmadi and the duo from Karnataka

S M Krishna was all ears to PC's take on Bhopal gas incident in the Rajya Sabha the other day. Seeing him deflect criticism and carry on with his arguments with seeming ease, he began to ponder on how he could get a performance-without-a-break tag aligned to his profile. The next day he reached out to Pak Foreign Minister Qureshi offering flood assistance to the neighbouring country. By making this call, he was preparing the ground for Qureshi's visit to India later this year. But Baburao Godbole was still finding it difficult to come to terms with the events that happened last week. There were versions and more versions to the tale of mails. This week as well there is no end to the mail tales.

All that we have is one life. For others it is one life saddled with three wives. Imprints are visible in some parts of the country, more prominently in the South. The office discourse; heaps of classified documents and the emotional connect that we are besieged with now and then have more than one side to them. Simply put, the coin with two face is enough to dislodge the solitary take.
Kalmadi reached out to S M Krishna early morning to clear the air on taint tailing the CWG. Krishna to Kalmadi, "I have been waiting for this opportunity for ages." Not to be outdone, KMD clarified that preparations for Games had begun just two years ago.
Krishna stepped on the gas. " The murkier deals during Queen's baton hands me the lost and found opportunity to reach out to an audience that is waiting for ages to see me speak (Perhaps the mayhem the father-son duo had unleashed in K'taka was enough to see the likes of Krishna to go underground even during his tenure). The line i take here would open line of communication with Pak Foreign Minister, whose bullying tactics won't hold good once the discourse begins in B'lore and definitely not in New Delhi. This fact would be conveyed once Qureshi's aircraft enters Indian air space. THe inclement weather and airport disruptions stories would be a sureshot way to make him land in Bangalore." But KMD wasn't here to relive the Krishna-Qureshi spat moments. He cuts him short and produces the email sent by Indian High Commission, London. SMK has a close look at it and brings out another piece of email and throws at KMD. "i have been in possession of this email for ages, do you get this?"
KMD goes through the mail and time for him to bring clarity to the entire tale of mails and mates. Snatches of this conversation are available in the market.
"When Organisation Committee of CWG and IHC, London reached a stage of compatibility, they wanted the future discourse/discussion to be handled through email. The proposal of letter exchange was also taken up and subsequently dropped as it would have entailed huge outflow of cash and time. So email was propositioned and settled."
Continuing further, "We were literally carpet bombed with quantum of mails that emerged from IHC. Unfortunately, the OC office came across instances of poorly drafted contents and appearance and disappearance of footnotes in the series of communications. We couldn't leave at that. Our officials had to apply themselves and incorporate necessary changes here and there."
At this point SMK observed that OC office had actually hacked into the system of IHC, a charge vehemently denied by KMD.
He added, "the changes incorporated in the different contents were then sent back to IHC for final approval. The line that goes missing in your one page mail is in fact the footnote that my mail had running into second page. We didn't doctor or tamper it except place the footnote right next to the last para to give a ring of continuity and credibility to the content on car rates and future setting." At this point SMK looked at KMD and his officials and began to leave. Before the Foreign Minister could disappear from the scene, KMD brought another proposition to him. "The Passport Office in Pune is in shambles. There is a new commercial centre that has come up right at the heart of the city. I would request you to look into this proposal. Details have been sent on the email, entailing two and not one page." Krishna looked at KMD, broke few sentences in Kannad. And this was enough for Kalmadi to disappear.
Again an illustration of Krishna caught in a dilemma of sorts paralysed at the extraordinary tale weaved by no less than a man hailing from his neighbouring state.
He reached out to Gowdas of Karnataka to secure a perfect place for him to host Qureshi and he would love to live that moment where media is miles and miles away.
Gowdas had brought two conditions on table. First, the father-son duo should be made party to the parleys between Krishna and Qureshi. Second they should be allowed to share dais with both foreign ministers during the press conference.
Krishna wasn't aware that Gowdas love Qureshi no end and they have a born desire to be photographed with ISI chief. That way they would be able to increase their shelf life in the State.
SMK had a poser: "Was the Krishna-Qureshi spat script prepared in Karnataka."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rooting for Aisha

Would Aisha be a great outing?

The landscape that Hindi Cinema has come to be identified with, Abhay Deol has been the most underrated performer. Away from the commercial beats of the industry, his association with projects has been simple and clear headed. Close to the Deol scion but never to build on that, the performances from him have entirely been on his strength. His performance in Manorma Six Feet Under was near perfect. The Dev D effort was no less ordinary but the flick didn't glide with a pace that was expected.
As the script demanded he remains rooted to the rural landscape of North India for a while before hitting the Delhi turf. Here he has some wild outings with no break to drinking sessions. A close brush with the law as well but finally triumphs when he discovers his love interest. The Delhi turf is widely featured coupled with the DTC outings that Abhay has.
Here he comes out with another performance that looks to be a winning outing in Aisha. With script and storyline under wraps the promos suggest that it has strong imprints of Punjab and the visible flowing chemistry with Sonam Kapoor.
As the flick opens this week would it have an opening that Anil's flick used to have? Game Set and Match is what Sonam's eyes fixed on - and probably she could have it given Abhay's rich skills to dabble with the role.

The only missing link to this flick would be its non appearance in single screen theatre - and something to brood over the pros and cons of having a date.

Zardari in Timbuktu and India connect by Puneet Rajhans

Zardari in Timbuktu and India connect

Quite miffed at Gilani not taking his calls, Zardari left on a scheduled visit to Britain. Gilani hadn't come out on what transpired between him and British Prime Minister Cameron the previous week. Faced with seven hrs incarceration on flight, Zardari reached out to Manmohan in New Delhi. Fresh from playing host to the internecine battle between Rosaiah and Chavan on Babhli the call from Zardari was enough to lift his sentiments.
With "Gal meethi meethi bol" at the back of his mind the Manmohan-Zardari duet began on a smooth note.
Zardari: "This Gilani is a strange character as he is yet to get back to me. I won't take that one here. My intent is to figure out the CWG episodes unfolding in your country and what's the clue to all ganging up against the man from Maharashtra."
Manmohan digged deeper by rewinding to the '82 Games . "In 82 when the Games were over the then government received innumerable representations from different sections of society primarily geared towards making the most of these venues. They wanted the government to part with these venues and hand them over for the period they remained idle. The government outright rejected the submissions of these desperate zombies/ mindless freaks."
Elaborating, Manmohan had this to add, "Twenty-eight years later and still 74 days away from curtains to come down on these Games I have been flooded with representations from all sections (including new ones) to let them pitch their tents in these venues once the big event is over. This proposition looks promising to an entire breed from a barat ghar organiser to mithaiwallah, tentwallah and representatives of mofussil political party willing to take a shot at training of their cadres in these very venues. Add to this list are parlours of different shapes and sizes (essentially defining the landscape of the city) willing to pitch in. I am apprehensive that soon joining this chorus would be the mall-cum-media fraternity. So what to do when I am faced with a crisis of unimaginable proportion," the PM said.
Not stopping at that Manmohan invoked the conspiracy angle to the lengthening conversation. “The untamed intent of some to run a series of ads (amidst games) to fortify the resolve to get the venues at any cost is the most brutal face to this unfolding crisis. Sample some of these, he told Zardari: "Have a desire to live the loan delivered moments (where loan would be disbursed from vests to vintage cars)come join the melee at JLN/IG stadium with the rider that access comes at a price (entry fees mandatory)."
"We have a proposition to make. The JLN tracks are wide open and strong enough for innumerable test drives and heavy purpose vehicles with high price tag are preferred.”
"For a yoga session here and acrobatic session there, the venues are clear and happening. Come Join the party."
"Tell me Zardari, i threw open the doors of the country to place it on a new economic trajectory and not to let lumpen elements battle it out in the venues meant for sporting events.”
“Let me come to the turning tale on this one. THere is a serious issue facing the ruling and opposition benches. There is every possibility that after the Games the BJP and Cong party headquarters may shut down owing to non payment of property tax and constructions that have defied the NDMC restraint order. So where are we supposed to go? In all likelihood to these venues. So all the fracas of a community ganging up against the man from Pune is meant to desist these prospective bidders from joining the fray."
Well, the conversation and the turn that it was taking was getting on the nerves of Zardari but Manmohan wasn't willing to let him go. He continued: "In these times of high pitch electoral campaign, the big political parties need space to assimilate their thoughts and ideas. The venues are readymade solutions to such dilemmas."
The take on CWG by Manmohan was enough for Zardari to bring an end to this conversation by humming the number: "Yeh banda seedha saada apni man ki kahey."
Now he had to focus on what he had set out for. With a script on the proposed flick titled "Once upon A Time in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh" he wanted to hear from British PM Cameron who had just viewed the Time in Mumbaai flick in Islamabad. One hour from descent, he was on the line with Cameron. Unfortunately for Zardari, Cameron was firing all cylinders. He thundered, "This Gilani didn't even hand out one set of genuine DVD on Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai. I am facing the heat from my electorate whom I had promised moon on my return from subcontinent. I even checked from Baburao Godbole from Satara who denied having sent cartons of DVDs to Pakistan. "But Sir", Zardari continued, " I am coming to Britain to secure your support for a different venture. Just two days ago the Pak cricket team faced a comprehensive defeat (354 to be precise) at the hands of your boys. There are three more tests to go. I seek your support to ensure this defeat doesn't turn more brutal and a semblance of order is maintained." Here, Cameron tries to cut him to size by going all out in Hindi picked up quite well during campaign " Yeh toh hona hi tha. Tum 420 run chase kar rahe ho aur tumh charo khane chit na hon aisha kaise ho sakta hain!"
Aisha at the heart, Cameron took a mild route. Hooked to the upcoming offering from Hindi film industry, he asks Zardari to check the title track of the same. Seeing the softer side, Zardari again made an attempt and pleaded that he would settle things once he is there in London. "No, I won't be able to attend to you or the likes of Gilani."
You would soon here from us was the parting shot. Soon the ATC got in touch with the commander of the aircraft and told point blank that the radar system had gone kaput at all the airports in and around Britain and he should turn back. Few minutes later Zardari got a message that a new airport needs to be inaugurated and the authorities would like him to do the honors. Approaching Timbuktu, Zardari still had no idea of what had transpired between Gilani and Cameron. But he wanted to leave nothing to chance. Once in Timbuktu he posted a message for Foreign Minister Qureshi.
"Cameron won't oblige us and Pak cricket team would face more lethal blows from Englishmen. There is every possibility that the tour would be cut short as the cries would get shriller back home for the team to return than face the complete rout. So you have to position yourself at the airport to ensure a safe passage to team members to their places of stay."

The message was intentional as Qureshi's repute in the Pak establishment is unparallel given the fact that ISI usko salaam marta everyday.
As for ordinary mortals like us we are clueless on what Baburao Godbole had sent in the cartons to Pakistan. Abhi picture baki hai mere yaar. Samjha kar.

P.S. In the past ten days the most bandied words have been arrey, yaar and banda jo man ki karey.If Baburao Godbole had adhered to this script the cartons would have reached the right destination.