Sunday, August 15, 2010

Of Manmohan, Steward and PAS by Puneet Rajhans

Of Manmohan, Steward and PAS

Manmohan has clocked 2280 days in office. The steward, who was at the helm for 28 years and made dramatic exit,wants his job back. A little fame here and few support there has evaporated (such churning episodes don't have long shelf life) - and only thing steady in his life was the job he parted with. With an innings spread over 2280 days, Manmohan won't hang up his boots as there is no pressing need to do the same. And clearly we haven't reached a stage where exasperation is writ large on the faces of partymen over prime leader's reluctance to quit. Well, the steward had taken recourse to Public Address System to let out his growing frustration with the attitude of the travelling janta - and he being in the firing line on different occasions would be the last thing on his mind. Would a politico take recourse to PAS to announce his disengagement from the political process. Never heard on that from a politico of any shape, size and status. Even if separation from political assignment is ephemeral, no such luck for Indian Janta from greenhorns to veterans. The political class sees merit in babbling in Parliament(speaking out of turn is a ritual neatly followed)but never straying that far to explore exit venues.They take recourse to PAS to connect with their voting audience. They would never do that to make way for a better alternative. So why do leaders (sticking to the political terrain)and steward (the strong urge to get back) want to cruise on tested and tried waters. Probably the perks and privileges are too formidable.

A more factual status gets us close to the judges who recuse themselves from cases as it borders precariously close to the interest they are pursuing.At least the conscience metre is ticking or the fear of getting a bad press forces them to part ways. When lawyer Jethmalani noted that he had nothing to lose, probably what he meant was he won't care for his repute in the face of flurry of allegations hurled at him. Against this the current crop of leaders try to hold on to the last lifeline even if wildest allegations tail them.

So if in the heat of the moment the steward gave up the job, could we have a new class of emerging leaders who would chuck the job in the same breath? Well, we have no clue on that but a definitive one on the innovative skills the leaders from across the border employ. A leader based in PoK addressed the gathering in Kashmir over mobile phone last week. His voice on the mobile was relayed to the gathering over megaphone.The clarity in the voice and the uninterrupted one way street conversation left the audience on the Indian side spellbound. The PAS and the increasing recourse to by Pak leaders (unprecedented intrusion into Indian space)has made the establishment here sit up and take notice.
A request to the Pak establishment that leaders from India would like to address the public there would be flatly refused.
Their rationale:"With so many groups working against them, they can't afford another front against them. Let the Pak leaders have the privilege of PAS as they hardly get an opportunity to reach out to the audience at home. The audience across the border is lapping up every such address. Your PAS is best suited for poll stunts which our country rarely has a date with."
The last is yet to be heard on PAS and the ones who would be employing it. Perhaps the iconic star could take the plunge.

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