Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ailments that opinion polls and exit polls suffer from

Ailments that opinion polls and exit polls suffer from

Opinion polls are basically opinions flying in the air snatched and assembled after purported scuffle with the plausible public which hopes to give chance to every possible maverick. Opinion polls float the moment the tv channel gloat. They possibly float the idea that cut throat competition in the states going to poll submission is a thing of the past as there are new sizeable entrants who are going to have a sizeable blast. Dissection of the turnaround resulting in turning on of fortunes of some and turning off the shine of others shows how battle ready are battered public with not so bearable bums. Difficult to extinguish the opinion polls fire given the very next day papers splash it as they are short of creative ad and other kits. Opinion polls would continue to rule and ruin as they are craftly prepared election tunes. No force on earth can take the steam out of them due to the fuss and feast it releases in one sheet.

As against opinion polls, exit polls on which exit has been the sentiment shared by election commission and common man, they are meant to guide the evolving janata on how to exit from the polling booth after they have voted for the party they deem fit. Evolution of the yet to be evolved voting public happens in a poll booth where they are caught in a whirr of sentiments on whom to vote and whom to jolt. They settle for that candidate whose name and face they can recall and to whom they would surrender in one shawl. After exiting from the polling booth, the commissioners of tv and print crew haul the exited entity who has yet to exit the world and put queries which he finds difficult to recall. Hauled up inside and outside, the entity has howlers on his hands and prefers to say something that no media crew can understand.

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