Monday, February 6, 2012

January-February: Season of hope for the hopeless

Season of hope for the hopeless

Months of January and February have been declared by seasonally affluent masses as a season of hope for the hopeless. Hope stemming from the fact this period would be utilised to seasonally record the pain and anguish one goes through for decisions made in haste despite down with seasonal flu. DEcisions that can turn around them from a prized entity on earth to a less privileged entry to a surprise world. Surprises galore during this seasonal sentencing to a world of seasonal ranting. Precisely for the decisive phase when they decided to give directions to their life given their numerical craze.

It has been a seasonal ritual that visits us every year hoping against hope that turnaround in the fortune is best assembled if there are assembly of people directly released from automated assembly and attending to different functions and feasts. It could be anything like name withholding ceremony to two adult individuals vowing to separate and dissipate. Such occasions of festering magnitude calls for assembly of people having been tarred by seasonal fluctuations to underscore the need to be decisive if one has to avoid the seasonal fame of cringe and pain. Making the most of this celebrated emancipation, during the two months the advertising fraternity too sheds the tag of indecisive entrants and offer on sale all saleable segments and those who wish to be sold. As allurements embolden the indecisive to awaken and elope, the seasonal enticements are their best hope.
There are other seasonal fascinations that these months hold.

More precisely a season of punctuality when people who report for work are punctual enough to take home the salary in the same month in which they reported their presence. With a distaste to take salary of the month in the very month they performed, they have to shed that indecision and take it as desired by the decisive assembled women and men. Seasonal punctuality too means that traffic on road has a seasonal crush where those occupying different seats in different vehicles take a decisive long look and in the coming months have something to root. Seasonal inspectors and seasonal designers too come home to party given the seasonal appearance of seasonal and sensible barati sensibly aligned to a crowd that has an appetite of no less than a hathi.

Seasonal push that vendors look for and seasonal sentiments that market roots for. Sensing the sensibility of the janata which has taken a vow to be sensible enough to take decisions that has long been postponed and if they are glued to same seasonal prevarication their life would be torn. As desired by the lady of latitude, the men bring home the assembly of articles with the lady or the kid showing no gratitude.

THis is a season when sensitivities can't be brushed aside and one has to be sensitive in dealing from morning to evening. Be it your attendant-cum-gardener or conductor-turned-chauffer, the struggle with spoken words has to be commensurate with the sense you make of the prevailing situation. Brutality is least expected in a season if performed well will yield longevity.
It is also a season of intermittent inflationary mood. When inflationary pressures lead people of all size shape and crisis to inflate their emotions and elaborate the pain and privilege they have shared at the same time. Pain of sharing the cubicle with another who is not disposed to the idea of delivering his/her life tales in black and white and the privilege of sharing the roof with an individual who can at least hand out hourly bite. Against seasonal intrusions turning to a seasonal crush leading to a fever that the famed doctor failed to bust.

A season where anchors of all readable and agreeable age fail to rust leading to tv gathering no dust. With opinions floating in the air, each and every disposable commodity is disposed to opinionate and await failing which the plausibly permissible is the sealing of fate. Season where people are sensible enough to be sensitive to the sanitised surroundings and take decisions solely to be taken by those having reached adulthood as they struggle to be in adult shoot. Season where the likelihood of a seasonal clue is large and there are hordes waiting to splurge and barge.
From sales to sermons all are in plenty; the prized possession is how far you can prevent their entry.

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