Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hoardings in a city that hoisted you on a new level

Hoardings in a city that hoisted you on a new level

Some of the hoardings/gate plates i came across the city i reside in showed the smooth cruise we have been through.
-No Parking here; tyres would be deflated and sold to customers not known to you.
- No Parking ; No Barking

- Park and ride followed by Park and bite. Here the import of the inflationary hoarding is the need to park your personal transport in which you arrived with all your personal belongings, tools of succession included, and once having parked the car you have the privilege of biting all those who have had the temerity to park themselves and their machines next to you.

- Park and preserve yourself. Having been dethroned from your empires the govt of the day and the season is careful known to ensure that you don't throw yourself as a civil volunteer and better preserve yourself in known accomplished quarters of the city, most popularly known as public convenience stores where release and relieve is the order of the day.

- Don't throw your garbage here; you are at liberty to throw yourself.

- Don't drink and desire. Because once you are drunk the aspirational ammunition that you flow with has few parallels. Govt of the day and season comes out with different range of advisories on the quantum of drinks one should take and the time of the day when actually some rules can be relaxed and you have the freedom to showcase the sword with which you want to axe.

- Spitting is prohibited has taken the form of splitting is prohibited. As you enter a metro coach the one with which you were destined to complete the journey has an entire makeover as the one with whom you depart from metro is entirely a different beast.

As some of these announcements visible from the rooftops of a revolving restaurant resolved the desire of a commoner to sight more such alarming kites, the new and never-seen before declaration could well be on oil and clone. BEcause if the battle against oil has been won and there are more clones than one then all talks on scarcity and sanctity would be truly secured.

Some probable hoardings for future:
-Drive at a speed desired by you as this freedom has been curbed at home and at place of work where you can hardly demonstrate your form.
- Driving at breakneck speed would be welcome as roads belong to your father and sons.
- Drive away your blues by dislodging all those who tried to dethrone you and here the ample supply of goons would be provided at a discount for amplifying your presence.

Writing expedition

It is the litany of complaints that has led to letter-writing expedition. In the National capital where national civil volunteers came to collect clutter and converse, there were plethora of letters that remained undiscovered for long. One such letter which saw the light of the day and tubelight of the night was on a sector on which barely few had spoken.

The letter addressed to a commoner stated the state of preparedness of indian railways. Coming close on the heels of preparedness of india roadways and rashdrivers, this report tried to resurrect the hope that indian railways is truly and temperamentally strong enough to transport any load from any part of the country.

Though 97 per cent of tracks are solid enough to store and secure the passenger movement, enough thought needs to be given before more rails are run with unforeseen ton. No new acquisitions have been made over the years, the letter pointed out, highlighting the department can't be an artful dodger for long.

State of preparedness of indian railways coupled with state of mental health of those taking airways has been doing the rounds for some time. And it is high time before state of the mental preparedness/illpreparedness is spelt out.
Work from home; roam in rome. As i came across this tribe of workaholics through a pamphlet, what was not known was the comfort of working and washing and that too from home front. Another message at a bus stop read earn extra for extraneous considerations.
The third went on travel package which would cull two adults and two children for one among 49 destinations in india and if not that one among 11 abroad for three nights and four days (Sleep Guaranteed). Inclusive was meal coupon of rs 1000 and all coming at never-noted-before offer of rs 6850. Before i could read the fineprint which was finetuned to fit the budget of the future, i was told to not get swayed and seducted as there are other seductive anomalies around.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

IMpressions of a city

When the rancour for mid-term polls was laid to rest

When the rancour for mid-term polls was laid to rest

It was the appropriate nature of the appropriate Commander in Chief to step out of the country and engage in pow-wow on a nuclear summit in Seoul. The departure and arrival in Seoul was meant to disengage those who had been clamouring for a mid-term harakiri not realising that the current Lok Sabha term was destined to distress itself on and only in May 2014.

As the Commander set aboard Air India there were journos and those attempting to take the final leap in that realisation. In mid air with no scuffle reported among journos and jet caretakers, there were least meddling by day and night mavericks and here the commander spoke from his heart on the meteoric rise he has had since he took a plunge into politics and the meteoric sentiment that would guide the present Lok Sabha till May 2014. At his best the Commander spoke and those in rapt attention were enlightened and thereby deemed fit to put the mid term polls clamour as a chapter that needed to be closed. Amidst these interactions and with no fair degree of insinuations, the attendees knew that any spiel they try to give to mid term rupture would eventually rip them apart.

So as entitled members of Commander's entourage entered the Seoul sphere they were all eyes and ears to the nuclear set of ambitions that some nations possess and here nuclear deliberations were all about deviations some seek and those having sought the same failed to release the requisite reverberations. The Seoul-Soothing had the desired effect as it empowered the assembled journos to assemble the fractured mental faculties and rise to the occasion to occasionally blast those who seek mid term woes.

As against this the journos who failed to assemble in SEoul and who still had the firepower to not let mid term poll lose its shine and appear lull assured themselves that there won't be dearth of enterprising political pundits who would on a repeated basis resort to the imminent threat the current lok sabha had to its longevity. But they too in the heart of hearts believed that this bunkum from political class was meant to keep spiritually-cum-spirited strong enough to perform for the next round. If one principal political party foresaw mid term polls that was entirely designed to keep hopes afloat that given the 40-odd assembly seats they secured in UP their cadres and cadres-turned-creators should at the most aim at that and nothing beyond. As for the annihilator who annihilated all but some in UP, their logic was that their cadres and conveyors need to keep their sentiments high and not wait for long before they are asked to exercise their muscular form.

So as all had logic to apply and desist on mid term cry, equally logical was the return of Commander from Seoul along with journos who had been enlightened enough to speak as and when they could lay hands to an appealing brief. On return to New Delhi the assembled journos of Seoul and those who had assembled in Delhi hugged each other for a period not known to mankind and post separation the assembled journos lifted from Seoul for New Delhi again assembled on hearing that National Capital was in acute shortage of water and the one meant to wash their inner wear. Not known that their assembly in Seoul could lead to long awaited repair of water pipes and that too for days when they decided to assemble away from home shores. So was the perpetual water woes in national capital enough ammunition to goad political creations to seek another mid term pacification. Probably water woes in capital and beyond could lead to realisation of mid term blues if all are short of clues.

Friday, March 23, 2012


IMpressions of a city

IMpressions of a city

Seeking to secure my base in the national capital, i decided to reach out to Nizamuddin Station the other day. It was a day when post infusion of energy drinks made possile by intrusive character of repeatedly appearing in tv and print saw commoner like me take a bus from Jhandu Singh Marg. It was at Medical which is witness to appearance of all shape-and-size vehicle that i could summon the courage to finaly take a bus that would take me to Sarai Kale Khan. INstead of turning left it headed towards Noida and i deboarded in time to take a third public transport that took me to Sarai Kale Khan to have the desired Railway Station blast.
With Sarai Kale Khan bus depot playng host to buses from different destinations i could sight among them one bus heading twards Taj Depot in UP. THe walk towards the railway station mirrored the little and yet noticeable city life where cheek by jowl premises have an infusive life of their own.
With platform ticket in hand i was amidst a tribe split among those out to board trains and those who deboarded. PLatform 1 saw senior station manager office; a new structure probably replacing a food joint. At the reservation building those willing to revolt was no less as the crowd assembled there to seek tickets had gone past the sheltered building and storing every possibility to hit the road. With no declaration hoarding that spelled the trains that originated and enlightened from Nizamuddin the best course was to leave the reservation blues for other day.
Out again amidtst the commuting traffic i boarded one blueline which had no back support to a seat i wished to occupy. One heavy man was seen in ruminating mood on a seat with enough backsupport and later the discovery doled out details of he being the blueline driver. Left the blueline bus and took the favourite DTC only to be told the one going in the vicinity of munirka would be 417.
Post 417 boarding and a seat secured the bus was running to its capacity as it left the Nizamuddin area. Perhaps the stretch through Geetanjali Marg was time-cosuming as unsettled roads settled to a reality where vehicles of different hues skirt different challenges to rediscover themselves. On hoarding read "PG Accommodation for those willing to be boys, PG Accommodation for those willing to be girls". Others had signboard on beauty salon and gym. None could find them tempting enough to step inside as more were finding it a big lure to board a bus. Goverment Buses built on a premise that people with different and dissecting mental faculties board them have these clinically clutter-free instructions on seats meant for ladies and aged and the bus movement is clinically tied to the doors remaining shut.
AS the bus went past Qutab Minar i, for one, began to believe the Qutab's ascendancy would accentuate my link to munirka. INstead of munirka i was in mehrauli and this was more to do with not seeking a second opinion on 417.
When Busy Y was in Capital to seek something beyond unemployment allowance

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weeks gone by (March4-10; March 11-17)

Weeks gone by (March4-10; March 11-17)

Given the uncertainty that hung over the poll outcome - five states had expressed the desire to orderly host polls to their running-out-of-fuel assemblies - the outcome was overwhelming enough in the State of Uttar Pradesh for one party to outsmart overexposed opponents who were omnipotent till a point the evms showed the willingness to be elaborately explained. THe bickering post poll outcome was fewer as parties after parties took stock of the defused situation. As one party, whose tally showed 22+6 in its kitty, was naughty enough to take stock of the stalking rivalries among its party members which nearly kept them away from total decimation and other desired fame.

AS had been customary the ageing and ruptured leaders gathered in the heart of the Capital and tried to gauge the factors that didn't bring out the anticipated decimation. Post Gup shup and talk grind, the leaders had secured enough goading ammunition to appear in tv theatres and elaborately exchange ideas and fascination they had for leaders of other parties.

What the Grand Odds-stacked Party could arrive at was at the finding that had it not been for stalking rivalries among its cadres, the improvement could well have been in double digits even if that meant not going past teen figures. Once the party ticket and those who successfully ensnared them had been declared, those who failed to secure them made a declaration that their followers would be stalking those who stalled their efforts to flaunt the party ticket boast. IN a retributive gesture, their followers who were supposed to function as campaign functionaries, set out to stalk movements of ticket-secured entities thereby lending more support to stalking base than spreading a good word about a leader who had refused to be a rage.

Stalking did not abate on the polling day itself as on the day the counting was to commence the stalkers were in the vicinity of booths with their tools to hand out minute description on all those who dared to vote for those who secured party nomination gainst their wish. THat was the sum and substance of taking stock of the stalking trait one party had been subjected to. Mind you more such taking stalk stock is in the pipeline if they don't show spine against their allies who force them to be kind.

Apart from EVMs elaborate functioning that the weeks gone by elaborately explained, the past two weeks saw the holi holes in the pockets of those who were holding on to the fort despite knowing well such celebrations not always gell. Smashed and smeared faces were before us suggesting the suggestive remedies they would have to apply to get past holi cry. As some observers clinically clever enough to observe thundered that holi clebrations could have been muted as two principal political parties had ceased to be UP-Prized entities.

THe two weeks were witness to presentation of railway and general budgets, with the protagonist of one refusing to prostrate before WB behemoth Gate and let nuisance get better of polity. THough things have defused for now, it was not easy to disassociate the tendency of debate creators to hone their debating skills on a fare that leasts hurt them in any sphere.

Those entitled for unemployment allowance of Rs 1000

Those entitled for unemployment allowance of Rs 1000

As per party manifesto of a political force, unemployment allowance of Rs 1000 would be provided to those who have been sizeably deprived from getting gainfully employment. The list of those who are entitled for this allowance has to be exhaustive enough to exhaust any chance of any new dole seeker staging a right to include. To prevent the inevitable, the list on those who have a right to unemployment allowance could be sizeably elaborative.

Besides those who are not employed, the list could include those who wish to get employed and yet don't find offers tempting enough to get their skills deployed. Second those who were employed at some point of time and yet had to reach a stage of unemployment due to their sizeable bum.
Third those who never wished to be employed and nor willed to enshrine in salary-cry need to be handed out these sizeable inducements. Fourth those who wish to be employed but don't have the necessary will to give a try. Fifth those who have a wish and will and yet their near and never seen ones are not giving them approval and this is leading them to seasonal fear.
Finally the list could include those who are gainfully employed as seen through the prism of those who dared to employ them and yet the employees do not see it as a case of gainful employment as the numbers of hours s/he work and the numbers of hours s/he shirks are not commensurate to the compensation tag they wear.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How to hone your debating skills and get registered for debating fear?

Is Park Street in DElhi different from Park Street in Kolkata?

Is Park Street in DElhi different from Park Street in Kolkata?

THe Park Street in National Capital is in the vicinity of Talkatora Garden. THe bus stop has been marked Talkatora Stadium and adjacent to that is Park Street Central SEcretariat Club. Further on the road is Shankar road and on the right is Mandir Marg.
The Park Street which i discovered few days ago is entirely different from the Park Street in Kolkata. For one, the discovered dot in New Delhi is not broad enough. Perhaps for a few government accommodations and other such structures including the behemoth Talkatora Stadium nothing more is illustrative about it. THere could be other milestones which one may not be aware. The Park Street in Kolkata is synonymous with Metro Station as half of the commuting traffic takes the metro. THe doors of the metro here and here alone open on the opposite side as against all other stations in the same direction. From Park Street neither Esplanade and nor Bhowanipore is far.

As i took a bus the other day from INA, there was this gentleman probably going to office he cared. The gentleman was snoring, strong enough to make others get on his trail. For the period i could occupy the seat of DTC, he snored with least signs of shiver and fever. He went beyond the stop i deboarded probably to do with the snoring snow he was under which would fail to accentuate once he reached his office gate.
I got down in nick of time to take 610 for onward journey. THe driver careful enough to stop when i flagged and this showed the new understandable breed that had taken over and by no means brat.
Against this the day to get the wall clock repaired was an exercise in waiting as the shops i visited either had no personnel or if some had they had their shutters down . Back again to INA, i came across different hoardings. Some read : Aage rasta bandh hai", "Guide map for residential flats"
One elaborative hoarding was on how the so-called ailments could see correctional course if one had been kind enough to read the fine print. It read: "Get cure to your ailments"; "clear all the existing and existential myths"; "attain important goals in life" and rounding this piece of creation with "great success in life and money attraction".

AS i go past a bus shelter

AS i go past a bus shelter

As i go past a bus shelter to look for other modes of transport that could transport me to my destination, i spot one bus heading towards central sectt., overflowing with passengers who wish to report for work after having seen politicos of all possibilities who shake and shirk. The bus is of an older make from a DTC depot strong enough to carry load for enlightened souls in a manner they desire their life to flow.

With no will to wilt under pressure my wait comes to a premature end as i board a blueline bus long after they lost their fame. Me or those seated in the bus showing no urgency to reach the destinations where no one would be tempted to treat as beast, the blueline boarding is by no means meant to fight away our blues.
Minutes later i deboard and try to distinguish the crowd tempting enough to give traffic rules a big shout. Walk past a boundary wall which suggests that it has been raised with MP Local Area DEvelopment Scheme Lot, there are other boundary walls i come across on the way and here pedestrians are positive enough to spray them with their liquid craze. Sprinkling such walls is their desire they hold ever since they leave their home to conceive a day where they could freely roam.

Further on the way i spot 511A and 448A buses goaded enough to carry guided elements. And few minutes later i reach a new cyber den where the xerox of the voter card breaks into two with nothing much to serve as a clue. Here in the cyber den different elements with different degree to which they could apply their mind enter and exit still primarily built with people quite serious with their career and the life getting a better view. One entity enters holding hope that he could get a railway general ticket from here and that brings how enlightened this soul has been with his life tales that he never shared. Can one get a general ticket from a cyber den? THat shows the generosity of a cyberwallah to generalise a cyber place from where ticket of all hues could be dished and shaped.

As i write this i a reminded of the generosity of tvwallahs who were clued to their poll agenda the other day and throwing caution to the wind by not deliberating debating on the quake that shook the national capital region and its periphery. Not a word on poll vaulted curd day was spoken on earthquake perhaps leaving commoners to imagine that electoral shake is all that matters. THis electoral shake build against a war chest that few warriors can wage.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

When the earth shook at 1: 12 pm on Monday

The week gone by (Feb 26th to March 3)

The week gone by (Feb 26th to March 3)

As i fiddle with the mouse to lay the roadmap for the prevailing week, it is not just the mouse that is irritating; even the keys seem to have failed to go past a state of disorder. THis disorder is definitely different from the spate of disorders that media across electronic to be followed by those on print tonic is motivated to manufacture on the electoral battle that won't have strong electoral dividends for one party and those defined as their gems.

As a result to essay the week gone by i assess my possibility of possessing a new workstation with enough workaholics around. All talks the previous week on bearing the assembly polls would have on commoners and those released from conditioning camps was nothing more than a hogwash and in order to hog the limelight the anchors and anchors-turned demonstrators anchored their ship on 100 hours of non-stop notings on a poll that began in January followed by February and with results likely to throw enough March Query. Polls were supposed to have least bearing on Indianites what to talk about the UPites.

It was a week when whispers in the corridors of power were constructive enough to suggest the suggestive remedies that needed to be dished out for those afflicted with tv ailments that were antagonising enough and repeatitive rusty to talk about those on poll firmament as if all other pavements had been cleared of litter and lust. A week when poll pundits were sensible enough to sensitise the surmountable public that though opinion polls had been barred there was nothing stopping the emergence of exit polls where those who exited from polling booth were candid enough to give their views to the electronic crew. The voluble public would be commended for committing themselves to a poll process that was commensurate with the agenda of ensuring the rise of the political class and decimation of so-called civil reps who not long ago desired to have yearly blast.

It was a week when oldies made the electronic beat with odds stacked heavily against them on the nature of manmade mantra2012 they were yelling with least recognition that stable and secure were the twin strengths of a govt in its second and final layer. Aberrations were not strong enough to raise upheaval and 2014 was all set for parliamentary struggle.
A week when Cricksri truly deserved to be in the finals of CB series for their true conduct and content. A week when hockey hoist was much desired funda and there won't be any small congregation at any of its adda.
A week when growth guerrillas for umpteen time goaded the public to gloat over the expansive growth trajectory that was about to come but few stood convinced by this theory.

A week which not for the final time showed the clutter the tv hosts create by summoning the courage to summon those to their tv studios for endless and enduringly agitative debates on polls ; coverage akin to civil reps holding the nation to ransom and yet cameras failing to cover other feats/feasts of notable ammunition.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

THe splitting headache

DEcember, January and February are the months to be avoided in the National Capital for the long winter spell.

Upping the UP Ante has no durability

Upping the UP Ante has no durability

Perhaps in the liberalised economic sphere it is the political theatre that is yet to come to grip with liberal ideas. THe state of UP roots for an upheaval that few states can match in the run up to polls ; proximity to the National Capital alone can't figure out the procrastinated political churn.
Against the Parliamentary polls the stand alone advantage that a State Assembly poll may flaunt gets subsumed by the fact that there are over 500 seats up for grabs. In the assembly polls that are underway it seems as if UP alone would shed light on aspirational and assimilation qualities of a politico as others in resurgent mode in other states revvying to raise their benchmark have least reverberation.

Till the '90s one could understand the fascination for UP and those upping the UPheaval Quotient as those destined to be king or with king clink had their dimensional dexterity drawn from this state. If Andhra ascension saw the first clear break from UP stake, the aberration and profound to say the least was with a least defined tenure by those from South of Vindhyas and other states who hopped on to the bandwagon. This was followed by the state again tasked to send its rocksolid Lucknow Lever to the helm. Later the lever and leeway the state could provide withered away and after tons of third front tired experiments, those with their names registered in other states took the throne.

With 85 parliamentary seats and 403 assembly seats the gargantuan scale on which the operational character of politicos gets illustrated is no misnomer. Chieftains have come and floundered amidst their feat to complete innings. Some have continued on the back of support emerging from nowhere and some have raised their battle all alone. The second rung leadership and the second thoughts some among them have that if country's destiny is to be rid of debilitating agendas, then what better way than let the UP Upheaval run its full course. For one the non stop 100 hours honours for politicos and their prevarication, largely emerging from UP den, has least level of resistance as these very malfunctioning and yet manly enough to occupy seats for mauling those who had the mandate to set the manmade 2012 poll meter. Grand could be the coverage but there is nothing grandeur about it.

Prudent would be between six months and one year down the line, the electronically enshrined guardians selected 100-odd constituencies at random and amidst all constraints conceived a ground report on the candidate who had the final poll thunder and how his/her report card read. Purge of the politico elected and purge of such men from electoral arena could well be the enduring and running poll. Against this the Clamour for exit and by no means clinically prepared poll is illustration of the least illustrative ideas they brim. Such debates of dissension and dimension have enough oldies with enough odds stacked against them.

Tomorrow UP shrill campaign would wither away as another state would join the fray and again other set of debaters would join the chorus amidst the churn they could not cure.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Summer specials and bedbugs

With proliferation of ads on summer special trains to run during the period the summer is to last, these trains of no truncated capacity would be a trendsetter for the truckload they wish to carry and create an enabling environment for entities desiring to conceive.

Railways across country is known for its fascination for carrying the destined passengers to their destinations and yet not get puzzled by rotational number of those who on rotation resolutely explore the benefits of travelling on board when there is enough commotion. Not to talk of commotion on board but the one appearing as no less than a siege at workstation or the one they believed had conducive conditions and they could breeze.

It has been ages since railways raised to the occasion to occasionally transport those who wished to relocate to a new destination for a period the summer specials were on and in anticipation that they were to wither away these relocated entities withheld their temptation to carry on and henceforth decided to descend to their place of origination.That way the summer specials and the simmering discontent summarised the tales of travelling public.

Elaborating on the elaborate nature of railways to raise summer specials is the need to give a break to those who desire to part with friend-turned-foes who have foisted an agenda of rotational retribution and rage. There are others who seek refuge for the constant cruise the bedbugs seek and here availing the railway services is the order of the day.But there aren't inbuilt guarantess to suggest that railway and its services won't be deprived of bedbugs who occasionally get tempted enough to try new locales.

If an assurance of assimilation to the coaches minus bedbugs are handed out, the rush to these summer specials would be rejuvenating to a point where those who on earlier occasions had given in to the might of bedbugs would be trendy enough to give barrage of hugs. It is all about hugging and those who dare to do it even when separation is their fate.