Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weeks gone by (March4-10; March 11-17)

Weeks gone by (March4-10; March 11-17)

Given the uncertainty that hung over the poll outcome - five states had expressed the desire to orderly host polls to their running-out-of-fuel assemblies - the outcome was overwhelming enough in the State of Uttar Pradesh for one party to outsmart overexposed opponents who were omnipotent till a point the evms showed the willingness to be elaborately explained. THe bickering post poll outcome was fewer as parties after parties took stock of the defused situation. As one party, whose tally showed 22+6 in its kitty, was naughty enough to take stock of the stalking rivalries among its party members which nearly kept them away from total decimation and other desired fame.

AS had been customary the ageing and ruptured leaders gathered in the heart of the Capital and tried to gauge the factors that didn't bring out the anticipated decimation. Post Gup shup and talk grind, the leaders had secured enough goading ammunition to appear in tv theatres and elaborately exchange ideas and fascination they had for leaders of other parties.

What the Grand Odds-stacked Party could arrive at was at the finding that had it not been for stalking rivalries among its cadres, the improvement could well have been in double digits even if that meant not going past teen figures. Once the party ticket and those who successfully ensnared them had been declared, those who failed to secure them made a declaration that their followers would be stalking those who stalled their efforts to flaunt the party ticket boast. IN a retributive gesture, their followers who were supposed to function as campaign functionaries, set out to stalk movements of ticket-secured entities thereby lending more support to stalking base than spreading a good word about a leader who had refused to be a rage.

Stalking did not abate on the polling day itself as on the day the counting was to commence the stalkers were in the vicinity of booths with their tools to hand out minute description on all those who dared to vote for those who secured party nomination gainst their wish. THat was the sum and substance of taking stock of the stalking trait one party had been subjected to. Mind you more such taking stalk stock is in the pipeline if they don't show spine against their allies who force them to be kind.

Apart from EVMs elaborate functioning that the weeks gone by elaborately explained, the past two weeks saw the holi holes in the pockets of those who were holding on to the fort despite knowing well such celebrations not always gell. Smashed and smeared faces were before us suggesting the suggestive remedies they would have to apply to get past holi cry. As some observers clinically clever enough to observe thundered that holi clebrations could have been muted as two principal political parties had ceased to be UP-Prized entities.

THe two weeks were witness to presentation of railway and general budgets, with the protagonist of one refusing to prostrate before WB behemoth Gate and let nuisance get better of polity. THough things have defused for now, it was not easy to disassociate the tendency of debate creators to hone their debating skills on a fare that leasts hurt them in any sphere.

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