Friday, April 6, 2012

Skyrocketing prices and skyrocketing ambitions

Skyrocketing prices and skyrocketing ambitions

As prices of vegetables have skyrocketed so have been the ambitions of those dissolving in them. Vegetable wholesalers reduced to vendors known for their early morning shower and thunder used to hand out these vegetables to veterinary doctors and other with venerable beliefs. Morning after morning they used to scream and tear into other apartments for the veggies that they were dishing out at a price that even one having spent the previous night washing dish could afford in plenty. Prices were normal and so was the absence of abnormality across board.

Apart from those vendors who used to throng to different locales to hand out veggies of unknown scale, there were others who used to hand out them from their day by night shops that had a long trail. THese very veggie vendors who were handing out on a platter lost confidence in those who were thronging to their shops and still failing to stage sit-in. Sit-in for the fact that prices had remained abnormally low for even those with abdominal glow. SEasonal repercussions and seasonal sensations led to none whatsoever seasonal variations in the prices that had dipped too long to throw them into a crisis. With no sit-in by perishable entities surviving on perishable veggies, time had come for veggie vendors to flaunt their veg humour. Skyrocketing has been the rise in prices of onions, potatoes, capsicum and ladiesfinger and those having dipped enough in the past have to settle for an abdominal shape that would have fewer such intake that formidably made their base.

Common refrain from commoners and those serious enough to communicate is why the prices skyrocket in the first place when they had never dipped with a trace. Skyrocketing vegetable vendors and more prominently wholesalers have a task cut out for them. Seeing the upsurge the different bodies of the government responsible for keeping power and water sentiment would skyrocket the bills to such wholesalers in line with their skyrocketing agenda with no care. Not stopping at that these veggie-seeking rentals would be told to pay high fuel surcharge at pump stations from which they seek fuel to pump their life and their tribe.

As for petrol dealers seeking to cease operations if there is no hike in their commission, the govt of the day and probably working at night has been compassionate enough to tell them that they are at liberty to go on a strike for a period they think they would be secured from their family members who won't begin to bite. Govt has nothing to offer as the commission the dealers get on every litre of petrol sold is too high and here the need of the hour is to bring it down from the existing cry. Petrol dealers are well advised to strike and for some days disappear at it would finally give a boost to public transport and make more abandon the luggage which they store in car boot.

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