Monday, June 3, 2013

Does shirt collection intrigue you

It is not an issue that for how many days you can wear a shirt. Or for that matter the number of days you can keep it unwashed. As long as the shirt you put on does not put away the people or leaves the body in a least state of comfort, the shirt you put on and the strings you pull along are acceptable.

Shirts as old as 14 years
The number of shirts you have in your almirah, some as old as 14 years, though you may not have worn for the past eight to nine years, may throw up a collection that is not timid and tasteless. Shirt numbers can vary between a dozen to 20-odd if you take into account those procured way back in the 90s to those gained recently and adding to 2010s kitty. Shirts you wear and shirts that are subjected to wear and tear defines the person who tries them and activities which he or she would have pursued and now prefers to not stick to them.

Travelling in a public transport
Those travelling in a public transport which does not bring with its share of dust and hailstorm may see the passenger wearing the shirt if not for days together for at least two days. Against this if there is a transport that calls for jugglery and jostling for space or sense and a bout of dust that does not mind getting pasted on the fabric you sport, a change of the shirt is the least you can do on days you get on that transport.

The collection of shirts may not look like something of a collective responsibility but the collection over the months/years may give a range of colour to the collection coercing you to maintain a continuity.  Shirts collected over a period of time may not necessarily tempt you to flaunt them but colour advantage need not colour your judgement. Sporting this colour with that collar may drop a hint or two on the person who puts on, possibly airing  an assumption that may be way off track. Shirt Colour coating may be nothing to define a person, it is the colourful life or colourless thrive, both achieved with equal degree of collusion that helps reach a judgement.

Fabric colour you sport
You may have shut yourself to the outside world yet the colour you sport may bring spring to your steps on which you need not pay a cess. Say you sport a colour and you step out the chances of discolouring depends on the level of dust that fabric pulls coming close on the heels of decisions that make you go shirtless/colourless which also calls for an equal degree of collusion. Holding someone by collar may not seek a specific colour to sport, but holding for long may call for a return journey by a boat.

Apart from colour of shirts, the shirts put on a hanger is something desisted and disliked. Hanger hunger is unpalatable yet people hang the shirts on hanger believing that it gives an aura of creativity. Hanger not only takes away whatever little space you have in your almirah, it also makes the task of searching more strenuous. Let us do away with hanger and lift pants/shirts rightaway from almirah. Hanger hunt is leading us to nowhere, leading us to  swim against anger gear.

Let shirts be worn for a period it can run, washing and drying may be done once a week and different shirts worn different time may be to do with the prevailing heat. Colour and consensus may be hard to reach, light in the late evening/night is something that anyone can showcase as a feat. Colour on a train or a bus may not suggest you are under stress but shirts/pants carried on a hanger is something you need to address. Let colour and collection of shirts remain pompous as ever, much made possible by a collection over a decade and keeping up with different forms of weather.
As for places like Kanniyakumari, Ahmednagar and Madurai different range of shirts one can try. One can associate in these places with the weather if shirts have nothing to with leather. As for places like Udhagamandalam, all colour would do, the unfolding night would give you a weather clue. 

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