Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The first day in Tirumala by Puneet Rajhans

The first day in Tirumala

Having reached Tirumala on a Saturday, the bus on which we were in had its last stop at Balaji bus stand. From here one has to trek a little distance as the jeeps that you sight seek a high tariff on sighting one passenger. Finally had to settle for a jeep which already had more than two occupants leading to a fall in ferrying rate. Uttaradi Mutt was the place i moved facilitated by the fact that the previous day i had made a call from Thrissur station seeking a room with a reminder that i have had the opportunity to stay in the past. Among the list of those expected on that day i find my name giving a consolation that i would get a room. A room that comes with a shared bath is more than sufficient. Being a Saturday one can understand the import of getting a view of the reigning deity. By ten i am ready to join the queue not before taking the writing sheets from a shopping complex opposite Lepakshi.

Queue and enthusiasm
By the time i try to figure out where i am going to stand, it is a winding queue with enough turns and looking less trim. At half past 10 when i join scores of those already there, i give a rough estimate that by 3.30 i would be out. The movement of those in the queue is little and with liberty to converse at any given moment. On occasions more than one we step on stairs and descend mirrored with the sight of those who can't do without health drinks and eatables that are being dispensed by different vendors. Vendors look to be exhausted lot, hoping against hope the sales of the day would be sufficient enough to bring them smile when they return home in the evening. Vendors have only this opportunity to earn their share of bread.

As queue looks solid enough to test your patience, there are occasions when some try to get ahead of others and some playing second fiddle. Some including  me when confronted with pains in the legs try to seize opportunity to sit and save on their energy. Still milk and tea are being provided by TTD personnel, some devotees partaking the benefits; some showing no inclination. There are those who have come in a group, probably from Bangalore and definitely hailing from Bihar. This group of students and the conversation they stick to conveys they have had their date with a group discussion and probably looking to a winding career. There are instances of enough students hailing from Bihar and other States who go to the South for studies marked by inclination of some to maintain their studious template. By the time we reach a point where scanning and checking is done it is half past three. A ticket worth rs 300 is the sole option to get into the temple if one does not wish to join free darshan (sometime it is over in 3 to four hours; sometime stretching to 10 to 14 hours). THere is another option of Sudharshan token worth 50 rs which can be procured on the same day only from Tirupati. As for other places in the country, Sudharshan token is given in advance.

As the queue enters a series of waiting halls, the writing on a sheet can be accomplished with a level of comfort as there are enough benches. It is half past four and we are out of the waiting halls. Mind you those in plain outfits can easily be identified; the expression on their face enough to show their resentment on why they were made to undertake this assignment. Some of these plainoutfitwallahs try to play a role of having the authority to settle disputes when arguments break out among those in the queue. It is better to go past this spectacle than remain witness to their range of commands. Pata nahin queue mein plainoutfit kaun sa kartab dikheyenge.

Sanctum Sanctorum
A little after five i near the entrance point and the rush of people coming from opposite side is strong. Going past entrance gate some can be seen chanting "Govinda Govinda Govinda". Some of the lucky ones get a chance to pay obeisance to a tall pillar that comes before the sanctum sanctorum. I move from the left side and going past another gate i am in sanctum sanctorum. I try to sit for a while in a corner, lucky enough to say the least, letting the crowd ahead and behind to move. One gentleman, hailing from TTD, requests me to move and i dutifully oblige. Seeing the Lord from a distance and then getting to the point from where you have to turn left, this all happens in less than 40 seconds. Sighting for a few seconds is enough to make you understand the import of standing in the queue and getting to the Lord. During Laghu Darshan days, the devotees can go up to the final point; something the Thomala Seva and Archana ticket holders can do. In Break Darshan, which is in the morning and evening, the same advantage can be seen.

As i come out, opposite to sanctum sanctorum is a place where Balaji's Ma resides and one should come out early as the crowd behind you is growing by the minute. From hereon i make an attempt to take a round of sanctum sanctorum coupled with a point where people ascend some stairs to look at the gold plated sanctum sanctorum and a picture of Lord etched on it. There is a huge rush near the Hundi; if one does not find it comforting one can deposit the offerings in a donation box outside the Hundi. Since Sahasra Deepalankara Seva has got over, the murtis are being brought inside leading to a rush of those who want to gain a glimpse. Probably the prasadam comprises laddu or curd rice. It is past 6.45 when i reach the exit gate with one final attempt to chant "Govinda Govinda".

Once you have come out of sanctum sanctorum, one should reach the exit gate fast as the crowd behind you is huge. Second to be good to the devotees who haven't had a chance, let most make a vow to come out early as there are huge numbers waiting in different waiting halls. Finally the TTD should try to understand that giving rice preparation and tea when devotees have come for darshan should be tried on those occasions when waiting period is long ; something like seven to nine hours. Even when these preparations are given, people should be requested to wash their hands. Immediately after coming out i sought change of clothes and headed to Mathrusi Tharingonda Vengamamba Anna Prasada Centre. After taking the meals, i make a positive noting in the register and have an opportunity to meet Muni Rammiah, the Superintendent.
The Anna Prasada Centre is huge radiating a high level of confidence.

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