Saturday, April 19, 2014

They say they hail from department meant to maintain law

They say they hail from department meant to maintain law

They say they hail from department. They say they have unbreakable record in maintaining order. The sort of agenda they have pursued shows their undying commitment to maintain an order that is best defined by them and equally  put in practice by them. In the lane where we live in, they have left no stone unturned to make life difficult for us. Had it not been for their active patronage the second car that we purchased would have not been twisted and made not travel worthy without proper and complete repair.

In the Past seven years first chowkidaars, drivers and servant came handy for them

The sort of collection of people they proposed and pursued in the past seven years were all handiwork of them. THe past seven years these department people have left no stone unturned to propel those who wanted to create ruckus. First they got the desirable drivers, chowkidaars and servants to do bidding for them. THey used to collect now and then, talk dirty, narrating in detail the room lights that  are switched, the time it been switched on and such and such channel is being watched in the room. From what they wanted to convey was they have access to rooms and the going ons in the said rooms. For this they would make the chowkidaar, servant deliver the expected lines

Fiddling with house gate locks

Fiddling with the gate locks from early night to early morning was their prime motivator believing them to declare they are a  powerful force.Why would someone fiddle with your gate locks when you haven't spoken to them even once.  Colony servant who came handy for them and other elements who fiddled with the gate locks from early night to early morning would not have been possible without their patronage. How can an outsider fiddle with the gate locks for four to five years and also bring the second hand car to unworkable condition, breaking parts, tyres and windscreen,  without their patronage. Trying to press the outside bell unnecessarily now and then were their another instrument to convey they are here. The outside bell has been removed for now. On spitting and abuse they have improved over the years. Spitting on occasions used to fall on your fabric or an inch or two away from the fabric and now it is safe space away and the abuse they reserved to pass on at appropriate time when they would deem fit. Four years ago for this colony driver, chowkidaar and servant took the role  and now the same has been appropriately passed on to the builder.  AS maintained earlier delivery boys, courier men, vendors of different scale and others hailing from other stores would do the needful for them by banging the gate, pressing the bell and trying to fiddle things here and there. In no other household they could carry this nefarious agenda as they had ulterior motives.

We made a request for peace

When the new construction of a house began in June 2012, they were screaming and shouting all through the day and night breaking a piece of brick here or unearthed debris there and throwing to our side. Following this we made a request to them that they do it peacefully, all things would work out. This request they turned upside down and more energetically they pursued the task to create ruckus. For over one and a half years trucks used to come at 11 or 12 in the night, open and bang the gate of their truck continously for the next four to five years, screaming and spitting shamelessly for five hours with abuse coming in plenty to show they had the patronage of law and order department. AS the digging and construction began during the day time when we used to go to sleep, they used to bang on the gate continously for two to three hours when noone  from upstairs was coming downstairs and none from downstairs going upstairs. Besides this if they come to know some is sleeping, they would drop debris from their homes on a aluminium sheet placed in our house with a force so that no peace or something near to it can be seen.  Can you make out who could have done all this without their patronage.

One set of ruckus was enough, they followed with second set of ruckus

Perhaps the law and order department thought that one set of enough ruckus has been created by colony servant, chowkidaar and driver, now the second set has to be put in place by builder and his henchmen. Everyone has the right to develop a new house but the amount of harassment they have done to us shows the reach of these department people and how much capable they are. THe tenants too have come handy.IN the past two years the water supply has been discontinued for good number of hours when other houses get a quantum. Water supply is one instrument through which they can make us believe they have all the wherewithal to decide to whom to give and whom to reject.That is one instrument to show their prowess. So to create inhospitable conditions they would prod tenants to seek water now and then, send their boys late night every night to return 3 or 4 in the morning and ask them to get goods from stores at odd hours, all inspiration coming from law and order department man staying in A 1 275. Now look at the double standards, when even one set of leaves fall in that house we remove it dutifully.

Two year debris, digging, bringing trucks, banging gates, sending their men to terrace

 Here the two year debris, scream, digging with their machines hitting the foundation of other house without any reason, bringing trucks and banging gates and banging the house gate when none is going inside and none is coming outside (when construction was on) has been carried unfailing for the past two years and we feel content to write and caution others who may have to put up with this nuisance.  How they can torture us can be viewed by the fact that when electricity lines were being laid, drunken elements used to be sent by them demanding money, when actually the lines were meant for new houses to be built. When i used to go to the terrace, they would immediately send the builder and his henchmen there and he would start the abuse and threat session. So i discontinued going to terrace. During Sundays when senior members used to sleep they would start hitting the adjoining wall and we had to put up with this nuisance. THe window which has been placed at the left side of his building would give an alarming view of the state of affairs in our house ( when one can easily delude, the window could have been in the front or the back). Similarly the tarpaulin channel on the left when it could have been placed in the middle shows the gas and pollution should travel with ease towards this side.   After writing all this as has happenned earlier the henchmen would do more to create unliving environment.

Now coming to snooping. They are privy to conversation taking place in each room, and if we have said the new structure has given us tough times, then the very next moment the structure man and his henchmen would begin to unravel his agenda. Snooping advantage has lured them to decide whom to send and when to send and what form of disturbing template has to be unleashed. THis is when we are not doing any business and leading a simple life. All disturbance in any other city if ever it happens you can trace to them. Because prior to 2009 in other cities, most things were smooth. When you give your intro as a journo and place the id card, there should be no problem in getting accommodation as i don't waste water, power and very gently close the door.

SEnding henchmen to back room or front room as and when i am there.
There have been innumerable days when i siting inside one of the rooms, would return to my sleeping room, soon in ten minutes builder would appear and indulge in upspeakable conduct with a body language that suggested that he enjoys the patronage of law and order department. Morning to evening the time is split between builder and his henchmen and if not that then collection of people outside the home who don't belong to the lane. THe department raised colony servant, chowkidaar and drivers of the past. And now they have an appropriate builder to make us think would peace be at his liking.  And those with small income would have to undergo torture at the hands of lumpen elements set free by departments. THe department man taking a house in a 1 275 has come handy for those who want to give law abiding citizens a tough time. Tumhari kahin zaroorat nahin hai. Khas kar doosro ko bewajah tang karne ke liye. Ek rooti ki bhi imaan hoti hai. WE are very cautious in taking bus and scooter decided by you.
DEpartment stores, delivery boys, only those bus drivers and conductors who have to oblige them, and new structure henchmen in the area would act accordingly to make torture a reigning theme. Koi business toh kar nahi rahe, koshish karte hai honesty se rahe woh bhi rehne nahin dete. Kiske liye aisi city bana chhate ho jahan sahi log na reh sake.
WE haven't indulged in any form of argument with anyone in the past 37 years in the lane so where is your mandate to decide when to create disturbance and when to cease to be gents.

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