Friday, January 19, 2018

Protests against metro fare hike; revolt can emanate from any quarter

Protests against metro fare hike; revolt can emanate from any quarter

There were protests by Delhi University students against metro fare hike on Thursday. Some would say if this hike, which was second time in one year, is not rolled back the Government at the Centre would have to face consequences. A large section of students come from weaker sections and metro is supposed to not dig holes in their pocket. A hike that should not have come in the first place and a ride that should not have carried constraints on a large scale. Both hike and the ride a large number of students and general public can't afford. The findings of a survey suggest that there has been a drop of passengers taking metro after the hike came into effect and you can't attribute this to a large number of holidays in such and such month.  The Central Government should not have illusions about its tenure and terms on which it governs. There could well be a new party with a new arithmetic ( coalition partners) governing at the Centre say three to five to seven years from Now. Even that proposition can prepone if the Central Government goes about its task of governing without listening to anyone. There were series of stories written by many on the need to stay away from bringing a hike in metro fare. But no one listened. There is rampant unemployment across country. This scenario of rampant unemployment has carried on for decades largely due to faulty policies of Con-led government at the Centre in the past followed by NDA which too was not successful to live up to its promises.

Healthcare needs to be given priority; it is TINA factor that is giving you a free run

So much has been written about poor shape of healthcare sector and the downsizing that has come about government provided healthcare that people have no option other than looking at private hospitals which by and large fleece patients. In a poor country like India if you leave your citizens at the mercy of private hospitals it would be nothing but a grave crime committed willingly. What is preventing you from committing a big per cent of GDP towards healthcare? What is preventing you from improving the functioning of Government hospitals across country? What is preventing you from appointing invigilators in Government hospitals across country who would be overseeing the functioning of government hospitals and pointing out shortcomings as and when they notice? If in healthcare you can't make headway then all your talk about achievements here and there is a hogwash. You won the polls in Gujarat by a whisker. Winning polls does not mean that people abide by what all the government says and what it propagates. It's actually There Is No Alternative (TINA) factor at play and that is getting you the dividends on poll table.

Hike to College Professors is unjustified

Is it your arrogance that shows up when you give a hike to College Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors when they are already getting a handsome package? Where was the need to give a hike to College Professors?   Heathcare should have been the top most priority of this Government which assumed office in 2014. What in practice were innumerable visits to different countries with nothing coming on table. The political leadership failed to realise that these different visits to different countries, one has actually lost count of travels abroad in the past three and-a-half years, was a big drain on exchequer. The countries you visited and collaborations you secured won't get you votes; it will only make you receive volley of taunts. Domestic visits by different political leaders across spectrum is too a drain on the exchequer. There should be a limit on those enjoying SPG cover on the number of trips they can make in the country in each year.  There should be a limit on political leaders who traverse across length and breadth of country on public money. Remember the previous government announced setting up of a new pay commission whose declarations would come into effect from such and such date. That did not get them even government employees' votes. The previous Central Government's record led by Cong in office was nothing to write home about. It was all about being dishonest and arrogant.

Newspapers should refrain from full page ads on luxury homes luxury cars; 30 per cent of proceeds from sale to go towards fund meant for building rooms for weaker sections or improving government hospitals

Newspapers are flooded with full page ads on luxury apartments/houses, super rich SUVs and other expensive vehicles. The newspapers fail to understand that those who can afford to move in luxury homes would be a drop in the ocean and can anyone say with surety the money they would be committing towards luxury houses would be white and with no whisper. Publications across cities of India need to refrain from publishing full page ads on luxury homes and luxury cars. If they want to publish such advertisements at least 30 per cent of proceeds from such ads would go towards a fund meant for building houses for weaker sections or towards improving the functioning of government hospitals. That should be made mandatory across country. Besides the business houses which are selling /raising luxury homes should have to ensure that 30 per cent of proceeds from such sale would go towards a fund meant for building homes for weaker sections or improving the functioning of government hospitals. Similarly 30 per cent of proceeds from sale of luxury cars would go towards improving public transport in the country. Similarly those TV Channels displaying luxury homes luxury cars advertisements, at least 30 per cent of proceeds from them would go towards a fund meant for homes for weaker section. You need to rein in TV channels across country because they have enjoyed freedom for long and sensationalise things for a song.

Rein in power brokers
All your eyes and all other political parties eyes are on polls and how it should be won. The number of polls this nation witnesses each year and the number of slanging match that politicos engage in shows the desperation to cling on to power or return to power. A father who is a politico lets his son/daughter enter business and reap huge dividends when the father is in power. That trend should be discouraged at the outset. We have innumerable instances of such power brokers. We have innumerable instances of sports players doing well abroad in different events and they being showered with crores and crores of rupees by different government bodies and state governments. That trend should be discouraged.

Goods and Servics Tax was a noble move. But that should not give you the leeway to dole out bonanza for different sectors. If there is any sector that deserves to be given attention and funds it is healthcare and healthcare alone. If you can't do this it would be better for the govt to put in the papers. The imprint that the stock market leaves is no barometer of success.

Foremost thing to do is to give more emphasis on healthcare in the country and improve the functioning of government hospitals across country. Need to roll back the metro fare hike and need to arrest the trend of giving hike to Professors/ Government servants now and then. Don't let the country sit on a powder keg because revolt can emanate from any quarter. 

For political leaders and aspiring political leaders across spectrum this is the message
Stop acting with arrogance stop from being smart. Be truthful to the nation and get the deserving reward. Polls would come and go politicos would come and show; they should not cease to be a force for nation to glow.

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