Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Contagion Of Me and Myself Has Truly Arrived

The Contagion Of Me and Myself Has Truly Arrived

From Russia to Syria to Turkey and China, the authoritarian template is coming in dollops and there won't be a dearth of the same in the coming years. Chinese President Mr Xi Jinping's decision to garland himself with an indefinite tenure can't be seen in isolation. Rulers for decades or authoritarian set-ups are increasingly playing out in international theatre; and to baulk at the same would be stupid as nations who could swear by democratic credentials are running out of steam. To damn with people's choice is the rule of the game.

International Brouhaha that won't come swift and strong
Taking a authoritarian route, the international brouhaha won't come swift and strong now as it would have some three decades ago when the Berlin Wall ceased to exist followed by Soviet Union relegating to history. It was in 1989 the Berlin Wall was a history and a little later the cracks appeared in Soviet Union. That let a string of democratic experiments to come up in a host of nations. In Russia the experiments with democracy were seen in its earlier innings and later this was replaced by stifling of voice and dissent and solitary rule by Mr Putin; Holland ruler too getting into the same shoes. Nations caught up in the throes of authoritarian set-ups are mirroring a balance between power and an increasing appetite for more power.

Sure Recipe for one man rule; for Mr Xi the challenge may well emanate from PLA
The never-ending civil war and other wars in the Middle East; the flood of migrants towards the West; the technology that increasingly looks to take the form of a beast and increasing polarisation is a sure recipe for one man rule contagion/ malaise to spread and sell. No amount of remorse or regret would change the emerging picture and people's voice would be less heard in the constituencies of one party one man rule. The increasing challenge to Mr Jinping could well come from People's Liberation Army(PLA) rather from his constituents and how he is able to maintain a balance between PLA's overambitious agenda and keep his flock together. Ties with nations which are locked in land and sea disputes with Beijing would be something to watch out for in the coming years. Touting China as a role model for the world is something Mr Xi would like to play out to international audience and by the time he completes his second tenure in 2023, Beijing's maritime and land interests and how far it has gone to secure it would well be known.

To be in secure and plush surroundings; there is a saving grace for India
Arming oneself with more and more power would be the catalyst and what could well define the literature from Russia to China would be how insecure the leaderships feel at times and thereby what actions they take to see themselves in a secure and plush surroundings. One such action came last Sunday in Beijing and more such openings/offences could well be seen in other nations as well. As for India the attempt to throttle the voice of a politico here and a common man there seen occasionally is a steady reminder of the baby steps that country is taking to move towards a totalitarian regime. Separated from one party rule is the ultimate saviour for a nation as diverse as India and a blessing as bountiful as ever for a free media. Media in India is not controlled by one entity as seen in Hungary . The left oriented newspaper Népszabadság folded up in Hungary and that was a big blow. Media outlets may too fold up here and there in India but that won't prevent it from belting out criticism quite often. The contagion of Me and Myself Has Truly Arrived in other parts of the world.

Despite writing this piece my best wishes to Mr Xi Jinping and hope he is able to steer China to a new trajectory. As of now he is the best bet for China.

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