Friday, March 6, 2020

The sooner the coronavirus is contained the better it would be for humanity

The sooner the coronavirus is contained the better it would be for humanity

As i visited South Extension i could spot men, women draped with masks a reality in uncertain times we live in. We were least concerned about outbreak of coronavirus in China as long as cases did not began to get reported in India. Once people/persons tested positive in India scary were our thoughts coupled with an urgency that we remain miles and miles away from this virus. We are in a dilemma across world where even brief symptoms of the same can make us scary of this dreadful dent.

Avoiding public places and public gathering could be one way of not contracting this dreadful dent is what we could gather from newspapers and tv channels reports. That effectively means a Big No to Air and Train travel, travelling by public transport on a minimal scale and keeping human to human contact too minimal. This dreadful dent has to shed its nasty designs and be a history is the prayer on our lips as we as a nation and very much part of universal fusillade crave for an environment that is crona free and none sporting any symptoms of it by any degree.

In one of the Chinese provinces this dreadful dent originated and with travel schedule looking mandatory it passed on to humans in the universal space we are in. Cases of corona being reported were mammoth in China with the ready awareness that one could get fully recovered if precautions were in place. In China the number of cases reported each day has dropped but still it is abysmally high and it is other nations where people have travelled from China and adjoining enclaves that have reported a spike.

Each individual on earth has to put in a prayer morning and evening that this dreadful dent is contained in totality and its spread halted by innumerable insights that we come across. Keeping sanitiser in hand could be one way to not contract it, but how far can be awareness about the same in urban jungles and rural hinterland. It hasn't had an outbreak in rural space in our country and other places and that is comforting enough to make us look less scared. Measures are put into effect where its spread is stopped till the last drop and people are free to log in miles at will. When we would have the fortune to avail this opportunity is not known, what is known is that once temperatures spike and summers set in, this dreadful dent could well be in its last lap receding in all variants. We get too concerned about stock markets and the mayhem that has visited them not knowing that should not be the underlying goal, these very amateurish markets may fall and rise loaded by the fundamentals in the economy and how robust they look. At the moment the thoughts and prayers should be on this dreadful dent and how it is not given an opportunity to hit the humanity hard and we escape this nature's wrath and remain unscratched.

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