Sunday, July 25, 2021

Silencing those who are innocent: Let democracy thrive and nip in the bud mobocracy hive; thoughts on Amazon rainforest

Silencing those who are innocent: Let democracy thrive and nip in the bud mobocracy hive; thoughts on Amazon rainforest

As rains elude Delhi, the time is not ripe to switch on the telly. In the city of Delhi there is inordinate delay in full fledged monsoon arrival and this has among its followers some named Kelly. Rains have wreaked havoc across country and in the city of Delhi it has had no sizeable entry. The MET Department has been way off the mark and that should make one understand that party high command has cornered enough coinage and hasn't hired loan shark. 

India is host to an experiment where the acts of dissent and differ is slammed with invoking of anti terror law which is fast losing tenor and getting raw. Democracy is riding on pillars of dissent, differ and diverge and any attempt to pull down these pillars is nothing but replica of mobocracy. Let democracy thrive; there should be smooth dissent drive; let divergent opinion find shelter in a nation state that is witness to myriad of challenges that come in increasing number of floods, drought crate. 

Anti terror law should not be invoked every now and then to silence dissent. No amount of explanation can justify invoking of anti terror law when citizens dutifully question the thesis of governance and its vindictive blaw. So many lives innocent years have been wasted by resorting to anti terror law by putting them in cell for months together when their sole fault was questioning the ruling regime and its moth eaten ideology and moolah cream. Governance is all about taking everyone along and here the ruling regime is at fault and creaking fabric of governance is well and truly transparent. It could well be before 2024 these acts of slamming divergent opinion and dissent would cave in given the public pressure that can cause real upset and enlist regime clan in endless pain. Protests taking place in varied parts of Brazil over mismanagement over virus is one clear indication of misreading of facts and losing control over axil. It can happen anywhere where the emperor has to shed clothes and run transparent if agencies sleuths do a audit of party books and start naming the crooks. 

WE are truly grateful to Supreme Court for guiding us and setting the agenda with grace. Our best wishes are always with the Supreme Court.

We are hopeful that media won't be chained as has happened over the years as they report facts and aberration and who all are to be blamed. Media bring us facts before us and awaken us to a responsibility where every citizen has a role to play and diminutive agenda of governance would fall and grey. Roping in central agencies sleuths to harass media houses who reports facts and facts only is sheer act of desperation with the emperor not in the know of things that large scale protests can truly happen anywhere and can unseat him/her and this is the impending fear. This is corroborated by the fact that prices of essentials including milk, fuel, power, water and cooking gas are skyrocketing and this trend needs to reversed failing which protest would start taking place including by innumerable lass.

 As for the city of Delhi any attempt to reopen cinema halls should be discarded as danger lurks in the corner. Change of Guard is round the corner in the Southern State and any attempt to postpone can ruin the party fate.

As prices of essentials rise tantamount to mismanagement India is host to vaccination drive where vaccines are in shortage and 12 week gap between jabs need amendment. AS we place thoughts on Amazon rainforest in South America it has the capacity to do wonders and witness a churning that would involve large scale legal tender. Crude could well be in its backyard and other essentials in large scale cart and attempt should not be to fiddle with it as rainforest is minus glitch and has enough glitz. Hail Amazon rainforest and its beauty truly captured by American kitty. As Antarctica is melting fast it is high time to stop this blast 

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