Sunday, November 21, 2021

Of Chile Polls And European Vaccine Host

Of Chile Polls And European Vaccine Host

As polls opened in Chile, celebrated as the most stable nation in Latin America with democratic credentials, the seven Presidential hopefuls have a task cut out for themselves. Chile is to pick up a successor to Mr Sebastian Pinera who has locks on his re-election possibility and era. One of the youngest politician in fray is Mr Gabriel Boric all of 35 promising to enlarge feminism and tax rich, a move if elected he should not ditch. Social commitments and upsurge on that is his goal and should not fold. There are other coalitions like Approve Dignity Coalition, Constituent Unity Coalition which have their candidates in the fray; should a clarity emerge in the first round, we may not have to go to second round scheduled for December 19 in a nation that is poll bound. Since October 2019 the nation is caught in a whirlpool of clashes and counter clashes over economic inequality and there should be a forward movement post polls given the democracy that should not essentially be parked in vulnerable tent. All the best to Chileans and their disdain for politicos evaporate with someone coming who is honest and straight.

As nations after nations in Europe and World look at lockdown from partial to complete to get over virus, the protests engulfing Austria, The Netherlands, Australia is unfortunate and something reminiscent of feria. Parts of Europe to Australia have seen a surge in virus cases and if the govts concerned believe in putting in restrictions it should not bother residents as it is in their interest as unvaccinated or those with no double jab can't be given a free movement as it endangers the neighbour and add to ravelment. Restrictions should be in place as in the case of Austria there would be 20-odd day lockdown starting Monday and green pass in other nations becoming mandatory, it is time virus is nipped in the bud and its origins in a state of crud. Get the double jab relive the moment and get on to the running prad.

The Verdict That Split North America

Rains Pounding Andhra Pradesh In India Which has Weather Pattern Entirely Different From Siberia

 Rains Pounding Andhra Pradesh In India Which has Weather Pattern Entirely Different From Siberia

Of Dictator And Deceiving Tactics In A Nation Caught In Vindictive Antics

Of Dictator And Deceiving Tactics In A Nation Caught In Vindictive Antics

Here in India we are living in uncertain times. The times don't inspire anyone given the spate of raids, humiliation and intimidation that have visited many who have measured response and penny. The ruling regime bulldozed Opposition into SILENCE and hitting hard on the buns. The media canvas spread across print, electronic and websites have been silenced as well as the ruling regime has a distaste for them and wants to give them farewell.  There is no rule of law. Which media house, which Opposition leader and his followers would be targeted in no time shows the regime besieged with hate cauldron and vindictiveness is at the prime. Media houses across vast spectrum have been targeted off and on if they bring out facts in glaring reality and are targeted by sleuths of central agencies like ED, CBI, IT who are out and out haughty. Those who have the courage and gumption to speak up are hauled up not giving them opportunity to have milk cup despite showing disdain for putting in inconvenience the cub. The provinces where ruling regime doesn't preside (not in power), the State/Province Govts are humiliated/thwarted with umpteen court cases filed against them as that is largely regime aces. Innumerable politicos on other side of fence, the ones who have no loyalties with ruling regime at Centre have to face insurmountable diktats now and then and despite they belonging to political frat. Some have been bulldozed into prisons as they reflect on ground the rising aspirations of underprivileged humans.

The ruling regime/ruling party at Centre has been downsizing the voice of Opposition, voice of common man not even seen in China's Dongting. For how long this brouhaha would continue no one knows and everyday we hear the employment of abusive force. The vandalism that has visited people who are up against ruling regime runs into thousand episodes signifying the intent that who would speak up won't be spared and would have to make beeline to courts. How can we live in this predicament where you can't divulge your thoughts as fear persists and procrastinates and this suffocating template needs amendment. Let dictator be shown the mirror in a nation where the common man and opponent need not be pilloried.  

The Opposition leaders get bulldozed in both Houses of Parliament courtesy marshal (security men with punitive power) who are called in and they mishandle Opposition leaders irrespective of her or him. Remain silent, suffer with no word uttered or otherwise you would be thrown away from pedestal is the mantra of ruling regime which is even watched by military junta. The ruling regime has silenced the courts and that is the most unfortunate part and time is ripe for courts to reset and assert. The ruling regime is in throes of contradictions and would continue to be so for months to come as they have largely spent millions on events like prom. The ruling party was voted to power on the promise that common man would be heard, media won't be silenced opposite of that is the narrative and essence. 

Media is living in fear and intimidation and are forced to shell out praise for the ruling party failing to do so they would be hauled and bombarded with fury of raids, court cases disliked by likes of Hetty. Who would be chased and picked up and put in prison is not known as overwhelming intimidatory tactics employed now and then keeping the opponent in a state of gutter rone. Let farmers across nation not get beguiled by lollipop and should remain alert to deceiving tactics as they have suffered a lot given ruling regime antics. The dictator would shovel millions on projects that aim to show the Opposition in poor light;  the millions stashed away in fighter Jet deal with none intervening shows his MIGHT. Dictator down, down as we are effervescent democracy with Judiciary having the knack to get to the bottom of Jet Deal KYC. The unsettled State/Province of UP where farmers were mowed down shows the nation state in poor light and the regime which fancies its chances to be tight.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

A Big Happy Birthday To Mr Joe Biden. The 46th President Of US Is An Inspiration For Many

A Big Happy Birthday To Mr Joe Biden. The 46th President Of US Is An Inspiration For Many 

Happy Birthday To Mr Joe Biden. The 46th President Of US Is An Inspiration For Many.  Mr Biden has been true champion of democracy. We take this opportunity to extend good wishes to Ms Jill Biden, children Mr Robert Hunter Biden and Ms Ashley Blazer Biden. 

All The Best For This Great Day. 

Is Democracy In Retreat Here?

 Is Democracy In Retreat Here? 

Of Dictator And Deceiving Tactics In A Nation Caught In Vindictive Antics

Of Dictator And Deceiving Tactics In A Nation Caught In Vindictive Antics

Here in India we are living in uncertain times. The times don't inspire anyone given the spate of raids, humiliation and intimidation that have visited many who have measured response and penny. The ruling regime bulldozed Opposition into SILENCE and hitting hard on the buns. The media canvas spread across print, electronic and websites have been silenced as well as the ruling regime has a distaste for them and wants to give them farewell.  There is no rule of law. Which media house, which Opposition leader and his followers would be targeted in no time shows the regime besieged with hate cauldron and vindictiveness is at the prime. Media houses across vast spectrum have been targeted off and on if they bring out facts in glaring reality and are targeted by sleuths of central agencies like ED, CBI, IT who are out and out haughty. Those who have the courage and gumption to speak up are hauled up not giving them opportunity to have milk cup despite showing disdain for putting in inconvenience the cub. The provinces where ruling regime doesn't preside (not in power), the State/Province Govts are humiliated/thwarted with umpteen court cases filed against them as that is largely regime aces. Innumerable politicos on other side of fence, the ones who have no loyalties with ruling regime at Centre have to face insurmountable diktats now and then and despite they belonging to political frat. Some have been bulldozed into prisons as they reflect on ground the rising aspirations of underprivileged humans.

The ruling regime/ruling party at Centre has been downsizing the voice of Opposition, voice of common man not even seen in China's Dongting. For how long this brouhaha would continue no one knows and everyday we hear the employment of abusive force. The vandalism that has visited people who are up against ruling regime runs into thousand episodes signifying the intent that who would speak up won't be spared and would have to make beeline to courts. How can we live in this predicament where you can't divulge your thoughts as fear persists and procrastinates and this suffocating template needs amendment. Let dictator be shown the mirror in a nation where the common man and opponent need not be pilloried.  

The Opposition leaders get bulldozed in both Houses of Parliament courtesy marshal (security men with punitive power) who are called in and they mishandle Opposition leaders irrespective of her or him. Remain silent, suffer with no word uttered or otherwise you would be thrown away from pedestal is the mantra of ruling regime which is even watched by military junta. The ruling regime has silenced the courts and that is the most unfortunate part and time is ripe for courts to reset and assert. The ruling regime is in throes of contradictions and would continue to be so for months to come as they have largely spent millions on events like prom. The ruling party was voted to power on the promise that common man would be heard, media won't be silenced opposite of that is the narrative and essence. 

Media is living in fear and intimidation and are forced to shell out praise for the ruling party failing to do so they would be hauled and bombarded with fury of raids, court cases disliked by likes of Hetty. Who would be chased and picked up and put in prison is not known as overwhelming intimidatory tactics employed now and then keeping the opponent in a state of gutter rone. Let farmers across nation not get beguiled by lollipop and should remain alert to deceiving tactics as they have suffered a lot given ruling regime antics. The dictator would shovel millions on projects that aim to show the Opposition in poor light;  the millions stashed away in fighter Jet deal with none intervening shows his MIGHT. Dictator down, down as we are effervescent democracy with Judiciary having the knack to get to the bottom of Jet Deal KYC. The unsettled State/Province of UP where farmers were mowed down shows the nation state in poor light and the regime which fancies its chances to be tight.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Of Marathon Speech By Minority Leader Mr Kevin McCarthy In House Of Representatives That Delayed Vote On Mr Biden's Build Back Better Bill To Record Rainfall In British Columbia To Booster Dose That Is Inevitable

Of Marathon Speech By Minority Leader Mr Kevin McCarthy In House Of Representatives That Delayed Vote On Mr Biden's "Build Back Better" Bill To Record Rainfall In British Columbia To Booster Dose That Is Inevitable

We are amidst surroundings where marathon speech is the norm, lasting over 8 hours by minority leader Mr Kevin McCarthy was a record of sorts in a world that is largely tied in a knot. As House minority leader wrapped up his speech the vote on "Build Back Better" Bill got delayed and would be taken up for voting on Friday in a nation that is besieged with peace and heyday. This bill won't stoke inflation is the going logic and in effect fund a range of social commitments that is the need of the hour and getting the nod from USAR. It was well after 4 am US time the leader was speaking in the House that should show unanimity on a host of bills and pass them in no time as some members have sighted European brill. With passage of this bill and other bills would see a triumphant President Mr Joe Biden at the helm whose chorus call for peace and restraint across world would see no one in a state of pent.

As record temperatures were recorded in British Columbia in June, 138-odd day later there was record rainfall with Mr Justin Trudeau promising all help to affected persons deluged with water submissions.  Climate change has wreaked havoc across nation states which are in dire straits and carbon emissions need to be checked in a globe where industries to individual have to take a pledge to halt emissions and to this effect they have to make enunciations.

As booster dose for adults in the US looks inevitable, we are concerned about Africa the continent where millions have no access to virus vaccine and here the priority should be to divulge the secret from where they can partake vaccine and be in 24 X7 action. WE hope for Africa the best and hope they have time to take break from their schedule and take rest.

As the longest partial lunar eclipse was sighted, something happening after 800 years, it send constellation of thoughts and prayers.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Elusive SLEEP

The Elusive SLEEP

As sleep eludes you the chances of catching well-suited, befitting sleep are few. Sleep is a necessity to keep tidy and fit in a world where occasional churning has taken a hit. Tossing on the bed the entire night with thoughts on how we watched CNN news channel, Al Jazeera news channel and NDTV news channels the previous day, it was time to fix disruption and sleep deprived disorder found commonly among Carey. A sleeplessness night can do no wonders, a night with tactful sleep can make you look fresh and take with alacrity the day's itinerary brief. Sleep gone, this state of mind can send thoughts to far away location notably Hong Kong. 

Having watched CNN"s Ms Lynda Kinkade tete-a-tete with Al Jazeera Managing Editor Mr Mohamed Moawad that primarily focused on trials and tribulations that Al Jazeera's journos face in as varied locations as Sudan, Tunisia and parts of Middle East which is not difficult to gauge. If we stand corrected there are 105 bureaus of Al Jazeera spread across globe offering enough hope. 

Watching another set of conversation between Anchor of NDTV Channels (beamed from India) Mr Sreenivasan Jain and Samajwadi Party leader in UP (Uttar Pradesh State in India) Mr Akhilesh Yadav suggested the anchor was able to retrieve much of the responses on a range of issues given the forthcoming elections in the state/province which has large number of electorate who have enough stimulus to berate given poor governance and climate of hate. 

Sleep with comfort and sleep with nothing to divulge is handy as some have long standing disdain for Candy. Candy induced sleep can be for minutes turning to fewer hours not sizeable enough and sleep looking to be a big farce. As deprived sleep is telling on the body, the mind is not in requisite state to run through the following day's proceedings with none buddy. The best remedy is to hit the bed during day when half of the world is awake and in a playful mood and taking consolation in peace pray. Peace pray is omnipotent given disruptions across world including the Antarctic Ice Blast that made Tasmania coldest in 68 years and that led to unending fears. Don't boo the person who hasn't slept and don't take to reproach course of action as sleep is all about efforts put during the day and mindful of the fact that sizeable hours spent before TV Sets can be quite unsettling and has affected the likes of Fromentin.

In New Delhi's Wazirabad the Flood And Irrigation Department demolishing houses built during Indira Gandhi regime in the '80s as part of 20 point programme should be stopped. Why take away the roof of a person if you can't provide alternate accommodation. Nothing has been heard on Khori village demolition in Faridabad in Haryana state where the owners of demolished houses were promised alternate accommodation. Have alternate accommodation been provided to those whose houses were demolished, it is not known.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Rally On Sidelines Of Expressway In India To Biden-Xi Talks On Taiwan That Were By No Means Trivia

Rally On Sidelines Of Expressway In India To Biden-Xi Talks  On Taiwan That Were By No Means Trivia

As rally took place on sidelines of Expressway, the masses in attendance were made to board buses across UP (Uttar Pradesh) State in India and primarily comprised of those who were on the verge of turning grey. What this rally meant to convey across is not known, the utility of this rally would draw disdain from the likes of Mr John Kerry who is very much at home. Spate of rallies in India in the aforementioned Winter months would be harsh and barbaric in a nation where frequent elections in different provinces doesn't lead to consensus on holding all polls together something that can be done by guardian of democracy who has qualities of bellwether. Here in the shadow of polls in India the price essentials upsurge is leading to wallet purge. From edible oil to diesel and petrol that is no witness to price foil we are living in times when the home budget across India has gone for a toss and it is agreed by people residing in distant places as far away as France's Blois.

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act  In India To Pollution Spike Act

We are living in times when Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the aforementioned project provides employment in rural areas in India has all but stopped citing funds crunch, life is vividly fearsome for residents of rural hinterland who are a sizeable clan. The rural folks need to be praised for the trustworthy journey they have undertaken over years with the hope that they would be able to cough up enough resources for their brethren but in these tidy times they can't even afford ramen. As rural lib doesn't look a possibility the pollution spike in vast swathes of cities and in the process to gauge doesn't need the skills of creativity. As Delhi City Government Employees have been told to work from home this is a welcome move to assuage their sentiments and this won't make them sneer as they won't be expected to dispense any cents. The Top Court in India observed that fascination for TV debates was causing more pollution than others,  not necessarily meant to switch off the TV sets and start placing bets. As work from home has not been invoked in places as distant as Rome, one doesn't have an iota of opinion that weather in Rome would turn convenient. As one hopes the weather in Europe won't turn churlish, courteous would be the reigning campaign of residents who are realist. 

Pope Francis Approaching Birthday; Biden-Xi Talks

As Pope Francis birthday approaches there would be millions who would greet him on December 17 day when Sun would be out but may skip Europe fray. From Joe Biden-Xi Jinping talks what is of import for the world at large is that status quo is maintained in Taiwan and military aggression can't be the balm. It is inevitable that at some point of time Mr Xi Jinping would call it a day and exit from office his successor in all likelihood would like to keep Taiwan with a sense of independence and not fiddle with Taiwan tray. Let Taiwan the nation state have a life of its own and here BIG C fighter jets hovering over its air space should be discouraged as it earns enough innuendo and peace loving Taiwanese people take umbrage. Respect for neighboring nation states should be the credo of Mr Xi Jinping as time would come when he would retire from office and thereafter won't have magical pumice. We respect Mr Xi and he needs to show heart and be tension free and be in a constant state of glee.

As Biden makes a case for social spending bill to be passed by US CONGRESS, it is essential that it is passed soon with no brickbats and not be astonishment whistle. As for new set of restrictions over part of Europe has been set in in view of resurgent virus, these restrictions should be adhered to in full even by residents staying in terrace.

The Public Sector Banks in India especially State Bank Of India in Safdarjung Enclave in New Delhi has a long list of staff quite helpful and they need to be praised as they are not in glade. Some Public Sector Banks do remarkably well and are quite resonant with tempo of city life; some cities which are trying to keep pollution at bay and jive. The battle over pollution is well fought and lockdown looks inevitable, Delhi is one city that doesn't have rebel.  Best wishes to Taximen Mr Amrik Singh and Mr Sarbajeet Singh for taking me to bank.

We take this opportunity to extend good wishes to CNN Staff Members  Mr Wolf Blitzer, Mr Max Foster, Mr Nick Robertson, Mr Patrick Shell, Ms Rosemary Church, Ms Nima Elbagir, Ms Clarissa Ward, Mr Omar Jinemez, Ms Jessica Schneider, Mr Don Riddell, Mr John Harwood, Mr Ryan Young, Ms Selina Wang, Ms Jessica Dean, Ms Laura Jarrett and their family membersBest Wishes for Black Friday Shopping.

Reminiscing about stay in Tirumala, Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh State in India, Reminiscing about stay in Ramewaram in Tamil Nadu State in India

Reminiscing about stay in Tirumala, Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh State in India, Reminiscing about stay in Ramewaram in Tamil Nadu State in India.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Congratulations To Al Jazeera For Completing 15 Years Of English Broadcasting. Congratulations To Qatar For Hosting This TV Network And Congratulations To All Anchors/Reporters/ Staff Members Spread Across World

Congratulations To Al Jazeera For Completing 15 Years Of English Broadcasting. Congratulations To Qatar For Hosting This TV Network And Congratulations To All Anchors/Reporters/ Staff Members Spread Across World. 

Congratulations to Al Jazeera Staff Members Ms Folly Bah Thibault, Mr Rob McElwee, Ms Natacha Butler, Mr Andrew Simmons (London), Jonah Hull, Ms Katrina Yu (Beijing), Mr Assed Baig, Ms Hala Mohideen, Ms Jessica Washington (Indonesia), Mr Paul Brennan (Europe), Mr Giles Trendle (Managing Director), Mr Dominic Kane (Berlin), Ms Ibrahim, Ms Dareen Abughaida, Mr Resul Serdar (Turkey), Ms Ghosh, Mr Everton Fox, Mr Alan Fischer (Washington), Mr James Bays, Ms Hiba Morgan (Sudan), Ms Kristen Saloomey (United Nations), Ms Kimberly Halkett (Washington), Ms Emily Angwin, Mr Kamal Hyder (Islamabad), Mr Adrian Finnegan, Mr Adrian Brown, Mr Adrian Gatton, Ms Elizabeth Puranam (New Delhi), Ms Pavni Mittal (New Delhi), Mr Huntington, Ms Minelle Fernandez (Sri Lanka), Mr Nick Clark (Reporting From Carpathian Mountains), Mr Ahmed Adris (Abuja), Ms Heidi Zhou-Castro (Capitol Hill), Ms Step Vassen ( The Hague), Mr Nicolas Haque, Ms Florence Looi, Mr John Hendren (Haiti), Ms Stefaine Dekker, Ms Haru Mutasa, Ms Catherine Soi, Ms Ivonne Ndege, Mr Mohammed Adow (Addis Ababa), Ms Cara Legg, Mr Rob Mcbride (Korea and Japan), Mr Harry Fawcett, Ms Patty Culhane (Washington DC) and their large and benevolent family members.  

We Are Blessed To Have Al Jazeera News Channels Amidst Us And Their Tireless Efforts To Bring The Truth And Truth Alone.

Going Solo In UP (Uttar Pradesh State In India) For Grand Old Party Is A Bad Move, It Won't Get The GOP In Groove, Ally With SP To Make Meat Of A Contest

Going Solo In UP (Uttar Pradesh State In India) For Grand Old Party (Congress) Is A Bad Move, It Won't Get The GOP In Groove, Ally With SP (Samajwadi Party) To Make Meat Of A Contest. Even If SP Offers Little Seats Take Consolation Given The Fact That SP Alone Can Give a Good Fight To Right Wing Party. 

Going solo in UP won't fetch votes; the seat tally in the final round would be full of holes. The Grand Old Party has a vanishing and yet not fully eroded base in the State of UP; it should acknowledge that it can't read the pulse of voters, it is a party in UP a behemoth of past and not scintillating at present following a long list of quitters. Samajwadi Party (SP) is the party that can all and all give a fight; this is a reality that should sink in, Opposition cavalcade minus SP would give a head start to ruling regime which has a shoddy record and has earned voter cringe. SP alone can give a tough fight if other Opposition parties want to go solo they would split anti incumbency votes and would be mindful of playing polo. 

Ally with SP no matter how little seats it divulges to disperse to Opposition, the Opposition is already in a shambles and not make mockery of a contest by defying SP's intention which is primarily based on the fact that on ground it alone can make life hard for right wing party which has earned enough innuendo and is all and all haughty. Give SP the prime place in Opposition Placard and let Grand Old Party take a breather and see to it that there are no more quitters. Grand Old Party is not a marching force in UP and people turnout in rally after rally can't necessarily translate into votes; to convince the voters may take umpteen months as voters would not accidentally court. Grand Old Party may be on a strong footing in States like Karnataka and Uttarakhand but here in UP it is sliding reminiscent of a ice blast in Antarctica and is a tenant and paying rent. We yet salute the Grand Old Party for the services rendered for generations right from Jawaharlal Nehru to Indira Gandhi to Rajiv Gandhi to Narasimha Rao to Manmohan Singh and this party should see to it that Opposition stays united in UP tent with no caveat and unforgettable rent. We still hail the Grand Old Party (Congress) and the leaders that have remarkably taken India to new strides, we hope it stays strong and glides.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Belated Happy Birthday To Mr Aryan Khan

 Belated Happy Birthday To Mr Aryan Khan

Belated Happy Birthday To Mr Aryan Khan. Our best wishes are always with you and your papa Mr Shahrukh Khan, mummy Ms Gauri Khan, sister Ms Suhana Khan and brother Mr AbRam Khan. Hope you have a smooth sail for a long time and God showers you and your family with blessings for a long time.

Your family is an inspiration for millions of people across world. Again loads of best wishes for this Grand Day.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Belarus-Poland border standoff; Russian President needs to act fast with the intention of giving relief to migrants stuck there; 45 million people across 43 nations on brink of famine

Belarus-Poland border standoff; Russian President needs to act fast with the intention of giving relief to migrants stuck there; 45 million people across 43 nations on brink of famine

Thousands stranded in Belarus-Poland border in freezing temperatures. As reports emanating from different sources suggest thousands of migrants are stuck on Belarus-Poland border with no signs of any breakthrough. EU says this is nothing but Belarus manufactured crisis primarily hinting at Belarus acting like "gangster regime". Thousands of people are without food, shelter and medicare and with no potable water, they are in a situation that multiplies their trouble with each passing day. 

Migrants seek relief with none coming from Belarus side. It would have been appropriate for Belarusian President Mr Alexander Lukashenko to show some heart and none of that is coming. It is time for Russia to act and and act promptly. Russian President Mr Vladimir Putin should use his good offices to exert pressure on Belarus to resolve this border standoff. If Russian President shows the will and brings pressure on Belarus counterpart at least migrants would be saved from manifold tragedies that is unravelling with each passing day. In freezing temperatures they are out in the open and they have no escape route. Mr Putin should understand that migrants have been forced to get into this dire situation and they risk losing everything at their disposal if no prompt help comes to them. These migrants have been there since October and we are almost in the middle of November and there is no solution in sight. It is no time for Mr Putin to settle scores with the West and he needs to be benevolent enough to be seen resolving this border standoff and giving relief to migrants soon. How can Mr Putin remain silent and put all blame at the doorstep of European Union and describe this situation that can only be resolved by EU. EU is helpless and has blamed Belarusian President of fomenting border crisis in retaliation for sanctions imposed on Belarus. And here Mr Putin should impress upon the Belarusian authorities to give relief to migrants and not cold shoulder them. If Mr Putin doesn't act now in the history books he would be remembered as a leader who had the gumption to act but did not do so as he had the intention to show West in poor light. Mr Putin act now for the sake of migrants. We don't want the situation to come to such a sorry pass where more EU sanctions against Belarus come into effect and here Mr Putin needs to mediate between Belarus and EU and see that migrants miseries are erased once and for all. 

Forty five million people across 43 nations on the brink of famine

As we understand nearly 45 million people across 43 nations are on the brink of famine. This is partly to do with lopsided priorities of governments concerned in these nation states and partly to do with climate change. Nearly 30 million people in Afghanistan have no food to eat and don't know from where their meals would come. Innumerable meets on Afghanistan involving Pakistan, US, Russia and China are futile as the primary challenge of feeding the unfed is never discussed across tables. We need to provide food to the unfed spread across provinces of Afghanistan and that should be the aim of Giant Nations who don't want to partake the blame that the unfolding situation in Afghanistan is essentially to do with competing claims and counter claims by nations at different points of time. As we try to gauge the situation in Afghanistan, chilling reports come of 72 drivers of World Food Programme being detained in Ethiopia by Tigray rebels. These drivers have been detained in the capital of AFAR region of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia's Tigray territory there is widespread famine and Tigrayan rebels are accused of abusing women at the point of gun. These rebels are advancing towards the capital with Ethiopian forces at the receiving end. To put it straight 22 per cent people in Ethiopia's Tigray region are malnourished. 

The unsettled weather across countries (rains pounding vast swathes of Sri Lanka, parts of Tamil Nadu in India to rising sea levels in Miami in the US), rebels upsurge in different continents, naval exercise in the Red Sea by UAE, Bahrain, Israel and US, Ukraine holding multiple drills to prevent migrant incursions, Ethnic profiling in nation states after nation states, Nicaragua President Mr Ortega winning fourth term by keeping the opposition behind bars (the polls in Nicargua were a big sham), China US negotiations in cop 26 leaving much to imagine and fathom, we are living in uncertain times and here succour needs to be dispensed to the unfed and displaced men, women and children.  

Mr David Beasley of UN World Food Programme believes nations after nations are on the brink of starvation and urgent steps need to be taken to ameliorate the conditions of underpriviliged. As virus cases rise in Germany, the Incoming Chancellor Mr Olaf Scholz has a tough task on hand and hope he has access to gains in combating the virus.

The coup in Sudan has sent alarm bells ringing and we hope democracy is restored soon with Army General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan showing intention for negotiations and taking little but solid steps towards restoration of democracy. Do it in 2022 and not procrastinate till 2023 as public anger would surmount.  

As China readies itself with a template that should not be expansionist by any thread of imagination giving undiluted term to the President should not stoke fear-mongering in territories like Taiwan and Hong Kong. As Cuba readies itself with opening the country for tourists, hope the tourists flow is met with success and all challenges are nipped in the bud.

We hope the world is at peace with itself with migrants at different locations able to withstand infirm policies of nation states. Migrants should be given a head start and they should be rehabilitated with enough food, water and other essentials at their disposal.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Chhath Festival Is The Most Pious Festival On Earth. Greetings To Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth And Tunisian Swimmer Mr Ahmed Hafnaoui And Others

Chhath Festival Is The Most Pious Festival On Earth 

Happy Chhath Festival. Chhath Festival is the most pious festival on Earth. It is eco friendly and engineers millions across world to pray to Sun God and Chhath Maiya. We pray Sun God continues to shower blessings on us for large number of decades century long time.

Happy Chhath to Ms Kajori Sen, Ms Ankita Mukherji, Ms Gargi Rawat, Ms Purva Chitnis, Ms Anjali Ishtwal, Ms Rishika Baruah, Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty, Ms Nidhi Razdan, Ms Simi Pasha, Ms Piyali Sur,  Ms Shivani Tyagi, Ms Heena Rawat, Ms Geeta Rawat, Ms Balbir, Ms Neha, Ms Naseem, Ms Habiba, Ms Janvi, Ms Divya, Ms Udati, Ms Aaba Khan, Ms Madhu, Ms Shreya, Ms Sapna, Ms Rachna, Ms Chanda, Ms Ipshita, Ms Ishita, Ms Aarti Tiwari, Ms Sangeeta Majhi, Ms Ruby, Ms Revathi, Ms Aruna, Ms Durga, Ms Shweta, Ms Shruti Khimta, Ms Spriha Gupta, Ms Sanjana Mokal, Ms Ritisha Sarma, Ms Suman Yadav, Ms Chhavi, Ms Pratha, Ms Triveni Negi, Ms Anita Jain, Ms Tanu Kashyap, Ms Richa Jain Kalra, Ms Shikta Dev, Ms Chitra Tripathi, Ms Kanshu Johnn, Ms Shivani, Ms Ritika, Ms Amisha, Ms Barbie, Ms Hia, Ms Yamini, Ms Ira Trivedi, Ms Komal, Ms Sonali Jain, Ms Nilofer of Afghanistan and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to NDTV News Channels Staff Members Mr Prannoy Roy, Ms Radhika Roy, Ms Tara Roy, Ms Rika Roy, Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty, Mr Ravish Kumar, Mr Ravish Ranjan Shukla, Mr Vishnu Som, Mr Sanket Upadhyay, Mr Xavier, Mr Suresh, Ms Meher Pandey, Mr Manoranjan Bharti, Ms Rishika Baruah, Ms Nagma Sahar, Ms Purva Chitnis, Ms Sneha Mary Koshy, Ms Ankita Mukherji, Ms Gargi Rawat, Ms Anjali Ishtwal, Ms Nidhi Kulpati, Ms Kadambini Sharma, Mr Saurabh Gupta, Mr Saurabh Shukla, Ms Uma Sudhir, Mr Arvind Gunasekar, Ms Monideepa Banerjee, Ms Divya Wadhwa, Ms Sukriti Dwivedi, Ms Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor, Ms Gita Joshi, Ms Puja Bhardwaj, Mr Rohit Wellington, Mr Akshay Dongre, Mr Sunil Prabhu, Mr Nehal Kidwai, Mr Nazir Masoodi, Mr Tabish Hussain, Ms Maya Sharma, Mr Sharad Sharma, Mr Akhilesh Sharma, Mr Abhishek, Mr Sam Daniel, Mr Kamal Khan, Mr Anurag Dwary, Ms Aditi Rajput, Ms Jaya Kaushik, Mr Shashikant Jha, Mr Sushil Bahuguna, Ms Sonia Singh, Mr Sreenivasan Jain, Mr Shariq Khan, Mr Rajeev Ranjan, Mr Sanjay Kishore, Ms Sarah Jacob, Mr Arun Agarwal, Mr Sohit Mishra, Mr Babu, Mr Himanshu Shekhar, Mr Parimal Kumar, Mr Sanjay Kaushik, Mr Osama Shaab, Mr Mohammad Ghazali and their family members.  

Happy Chhath to Mr Amitabh Bachchan, Ms Jaya Bachchan, Mr Abhishek Bachchan, Ms Aishwarya Rai Bachchan their child Aaradhya Bachchan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Ms Shweta Bachchan Nanda, Mr Nikhil Nanda their children Navya Naveli Nanda, Agstya Nanda and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Shahrukh Khan, Ms Gauri Khan, Mr Aryan Khan, Ms Suhana Khan, Mr AbRam Khan and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to  Mr Aamir Khan, Mr Junaid Khan, Ms Ira Khan, Mr Azad Rao Khan, Mr Salman Khan, Mr Sohail Khan, Mr Arbaaz Khan, Mr Salim Khan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Arunachalam Vaidyanathan and his family members. Mr Arunachalam Vaidyanathan has been associated with NDTV Network at one point of time.

Happy Chhath to Al Jazeera News Channels. Happy Chhath to Al Jazeera Staff Members Ms Katrina Yu (Beijing), Ms Hala Mohideen, Ms Folly Bah Thibault, Mr Rob McElwee, Ms Jessica Washington (Indonesia) , Ms Natacha Butler, Mr Johan Hull, Mr Paul Brennan, Mr Assed Baig, Mr Dominic Kane, Mr Harry Fawcett, Mr Rob Mcbride, Ms Ibrahim, Ms Dareen Abughaida, Mr Resul Serdar, Ms Ghosh, Mr Everton Fox, Mr Alan Fischer (Washington), Mr Andrew Simmons (London), Mr James Bays, Ms Hiba Morgan (Sudan), Ms Kristen Saloomey (United Nations), Ms Kimberly Halkett (Washington), Ms Emily Angwin, Mr Kamal Hyder (Islamabad), Mr Adrian Finnegan, Mr Adrian Brown, Mr Adrian Gatton, Ms Elizabeth Puranam (New Delhi), Mr Huntington, Ms Minelle Fernandez (Sri Lanka), Mr Nick Clark (Reporting From Carpathian Mountains), Mr Ahmed Adris (Abuja), Ms Heidi Zhou-Castro (Capitol Hill), Ms Step Vassen ( The Hague), Mr Nicolas Haque, Ms Florence Looi, Mr John Hendren (Haiti), Ms Stefaine Dekker, Ms Haru Mutasa, Ms Catherine Soi, Ms Ivonne Ndege, Mr Mohammed Adow (Addis Ababa), Ms Cara Legg and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Ms Maggie Lake, Mr Jim Clancy, Ms Natalie Allen, Mr George Howell and their family members. Ms Maggie Lake, Mr Jim Clancy, Ms Natalie Allen and Mr George Howell have been associated with CNN News Channel at one point of time.

Happy Chhath to CNN News Channel Staff Members Mr Wolf Blitzer, Mr Alex Thomas, Ms Zain Asher, Ms Erin Burnett, Mr Nick Watt, Ms Sasha, Ms Robyn Curnow, Ms Nina dos Santos, Ms Christian Amanpour, Ms Hala Gorani, Ms Amanda Davies (London), Ms Kristie Lu Stout, Ms Becky Anderson, Mr Anderson, Ms Shubert, Mr Fareed Zakaria, Mr Nick Robertson, Mr Richard Quest, Ms Jacqueline Howard, Ms Nadia Romero, Mr Dan Merica, Mr Frederik Pleitgen, Ms Julia Chatterley, Ms Anna Stewart, Mr Bill Weir, Mr Phil Black, Ms Amara Walker, Ms Clarissa Ward, Ms Hadas Gold, Mr Angus Watson, Mr Boris Sanchez, Mr Jake Tapper and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to My Mummy, Papa, Dolly, Adityajee, Mudit, Neha, Leena Neeraj Muskan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr S K Jha, Ms Rita Jha, Mamta, Sooraj, Madhav Mouli, Leena, Neeraj, Muskan and their family members.  Happy Chhath to Soni didi, Prabhatji, Ishhaan, Ishita, their domestic help Mr Manoj, Ms Sunita, their driver Mr Clement and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Pramil Mishra mama (uncle), Govind Mishra mama (uncle), Sunil Mishra mama  (uncle), Sanjeev Mishra mama (uncle), Vikas Mishra mama (uncle),Vijay Mishra mama (uncle), Vinay Mishra mama (uncle), Sanjay Mishra mama (uncle), Anand Mishra mama (uncle), Kappo mausi, Sadhna mausi, Madhu mausi, Mamta mausi, Sushma mausi, Poonam mausi, Sobha mausi, Pramila didi, Kalpana didi, Anand Bhaiya, Baby, Sudhanshuji, Minky, Prabhatji, Chinky, Amitji, Maithili Aunty, Gyan Uncle, Nilu Aunty, Aashish Rajhans, Amit Rajhans, Mohit Rajhans, Shiv Shankar Uncle and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr Jeevan Jha of Lucknow, Mr S N Jha and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Ms Marya Shakil, Ms Maha Siddique, Mr Zakka Jacob, Mr Bhupen Choubey, Mr Anand Narasimhan,  Mr Rajdeep Sardesai, Ms Sagarika Ghose, Mr H K Dua, Mr Ramchandra Guha, Mr Aakar Patel, Mr Mohan Guruswamy, Mr Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Mr Karan Thapar, Mr Shekhar Gupta, Mr Vir Sanghvi, Ms P V Sindhu, Ms Saina Nehwal, Mr Parupalli Kashyap, Ms Sania Mirza, Mr Sohaib Malik their child Izhaan Mirza Malik, Ms Karishma Germanwala Patel, Mr Vipul Patel their child, Jamnagar Family's member Ms Vinita Jain, Tata Store South Extension's Ms Madhuri Dikshit, Mr Ravi Kumar Dahiya, Mr Bajrang Puniya, Mr Lovlina Borgohain, Mr Neeraj Chopra, Mr PR Sreejesh, Mr N Ram, writer Amitav Ghosh and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Rajinikanth, Ms Latha Rajinikanth their children Ms Aishwarya R Dhanush, Ms Soundarya Rajinikanth and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr A R Rahman and his family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Mohanlal, Mr Joseph Vijay, Mr Javed Akhtar, Ms Shabana Azmi, Mr Farhan Akhtar, Ms Zoya Akhtar, Ms Katrina Kaif, Ms Priyanka Chopra, Mr Nick Jonas, Ms Kareena Kapoor, Mr Saif Ali Khan their children Taimur Pataudi, Baby Jeh, Ms Deepika Padukone, Mr Ranvir Singh, Mr Prakash Padukone, Ms Taapsee Pannu, Ms Sonakshi Sinha, Ms Shraddha Kapoor, Mr Naseeruddin Shah, Ms Farah Khan,  Ms Alia Bhatt, Ms Yami Gautam, Mr Karan Johar, Mr Akshay Kumar, Ms Twinkle Khanna, their children Mr Aarav Kumar, Ms Nitara Kumar, Mr Hrithik Roshan, Mr Jackie Shroff, Mr Tiger Shroff, Mr Riteish Deshmukh, Mr Sonu Sood, Mr Manoj Vajpayee, Mr Shatrughan Sinha, Mr Rohit Shetty, Mr Ranbir Kapoor, Mr Sunil Shetty, Mr Rajkummar Rao and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Rahul Gandhi, Ms Sonia Gandhi, Mr Manmohan Singh, Mr Hamid Ansari, Ms Mamta Banerjee, Mr Abhishek Banerjee, Mr Babul Supriyo, Mr Derek O' Brien, Ms Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Mr Robert Vadra, Mr Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mr N Chandrababu Naidu, Mr Nitish Kumar, Mr Naveen Patnaik, Mr Arvind Kejriwal, Mr Manish Sisodia, Mr Satyendra Jain, Mr Saurabh Bharadwaj, Mr Raghav Chadha and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr D Raja, Mr Sitaram Yechury, Mr Prakash Karat, Ms Brinda Karat, Mr Sharad Pawar, Ms Pratibha Pawar, Ms Supriya Sule, Mr Sadanand Balchandra Sule their children Revati Sule, Vijay Sule, Mr Anil Vasantrao Deshmukh, Mr Ajit Pawar, Mr Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Mr Ramesh Chennithala, Mr Pinarayi Vijayan, Mr Kapil Sibal, Mr Gourav Vallabh and their family members

Happy Chhath to Mr Harish Rawat, Mr Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Mr Randeep Surjewala, Mr Ashwini Kumar, Mr P Chidambaram, Mr Digvijay Singh, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Mr Rajnath Singh, Mr Nitin Gadkari, Mr Om Birla, Mr Prakash Javadekar, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad, Mr Nawab Malik and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr Uddhav Thackeray, Mr Aditya Thackeray and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Ashok Gehlot, Mr Sachin Pilot, Mr Sanjay Raut, Mr Sanjay Jha, Capt. Amarinder Singh, Mr Sukhbir Badal, Mr Prakash Singh Badal, Mr Kranti Sambhav, Mr Vikram Chandra, Mr Raghuram Rajan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ms Lata Mangeshkar, Ms Asha Bhonsle, Ms Usha Mangeshkar and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Sourav Ganguly, Ms Dona Ganguly, Ms Sana Ganguly, Mr Kapil Dev, Mr  Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Ms Sakshi Dhoni, their child Baby Ziva Dhoni, Mr Virat Kohli, Ms Anushka Sharma, their child Baby Vamika Kohli, Mr Sachin Tendulkar, Ms Anjali Tendulkar, Ms Sarah Tendulkar, Mr Arjun Tendulkar, Mr Sunil Gavaskar, Mr Rahul Dravid, Mr Gundappa Viswanath, Mr Javagal Srinath, Mr Venkatesh Prasad, Mr Anil Kumble, Mr Rohit Sharma, Mr Ravi Shastri, Mr Mayank Agarwal and their family members.  

Happy Chhath to Ms Trishla Jain, Mr Samir Jain, Mr Vineet Jain, Ms Shobhana Bhartia, Mr Shyam Bhartia, Mr Priyavrat Bhartia, Mr Shamit Bhartia, Ms Nandini Nopany, Ms Jyotsna Poddar, Mr Kumar Mangalam Birla, Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Mr Sunil Bharti Mittal, Mr Mukesh Ambani, Mr Anil Ambani, Mr Gautam Adani, Mr Azim Premji, Mr Ratan Tata and their family members. Happy Chhath to Tata Group staff members and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ms Ruchi Mohotra, Ms Shuchi Mohotra and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Rakesh Tikait, Mr Yogendra Yadav and farmers across country and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to staff members of  NDTV News Channels, Hindustan Times, Times of India, Navbharat Times, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Hindustan, ETV Telugu, ETV Andhra Pradesh, Times Now Navbharat, Al Jazeera, CNN News Network, ABC News America, Newsclick, Manorama News, Asianet News, Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Joe Biden, Ms Jill Biden, Mr Barack Obama, Ms Michelle Obama, Ms Malia Ann, Ms Sasha, Ms Kamala Harris, Mr Douglas Emhoff, Ms Angelina Jolie and their family members. Happy Chhath to Pope Francis and his followers.

Happy Chhath to Mr Balram of Balua, Mr Nityanand Sah of Sultanganj in Bihar, Mr Sachidanad Bharti and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Vegetable and Fruit vendors Mr Kamal, Mr Kanhaiya, Mr Pinto, Mr Shiv Charan Diwakar, Mr Kalu, Mr Bachha, Mr Ram Sanak, Mr Pramod, Mr Banjeet Rathore and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to staff members of Sai Temple in Ahmednagar, Tirumala Temple in Tirumala, Sidhhivinayak temple in Mumbai, Kanniyakumari temple in Kanniyakumari, Ramanathaswamy Temple in Rameswaram, Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, Hanuman Temple in Hampi, Vaishnodevi Temple in Vaishnodevi, Srisailam Temple in Srisailam and their family members. Happy Chhath to all.

Happy Chhath to staff members of Mecca Medina, Khwaja's Dargah in Ajmer and their family members. Happy Chhath to all.

Happy Chhath to DD Bihar News Channel For Giving Us An Opportunity To Watch The Most Pious Festival On Earth Chhath Festival From Bihar.

Happy Chhath To Mr Tom Cruise, Mr Elton John, Mr Stevie Wonder, Mr Phil Collins, Mr Lionel Richie, Mr Pele, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth And Others

Happy Chhath to Mr Tom Cruise, Mr Elton John, Mr Stevie Wonder, Mr Phil Collins, Mr Lionel Richie, Mr Pele, Ms Madonna, Ms Britney Spears, Mr Bruce Springsteen, Ms Nicole Kidman, Mr Richard Williams, Ms Serena Williams, Mr Alexis Ohanian, Mr Alexis Olympia Ohanian Junior, Ms Venus Williams, Ms Coco Gauff, Ms Naomi Osaka, Mr Andre Agassi, Ms Steffi Graf, Mr Michael Schumacher, Mr Mick Schumacher, Mr Tom Hanks, Mr Michael Holding, Mr Clint Eastwood, Mr Rafael Nadal, Mr Novak Djokovic, Mr Pete Sampras, Ms Martina Navratilova, Mr John McEnroe Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Staff Members of City Store Central Market Safdarjung Enclave Dheerajji, Ranjanji, Rajanji, Gopalji, Mukeshji, Pawanji, Arunji, Raviji, Subodhji, Monuji, Bablooji, Rahulji, Nishantji, Nishantji Mother, Staff Members of Garg Store Central Market Safdarjung Enclave Mohanji, Giriraj Garg, Keshav Garg, Ramuji, Dileepji, Lallanji, Surendraji, Staff Members of Ahuja Store Indraprakash Ahuja, Sarita Ahuja, Gauri Shankar Verma, Rajeevji, Ramji, Staff Members of Medicine Corner Store Anilji, Sameerji, Kuldeep Gandhiji, Staff Members of Pharmacy Store Yusuf Sarai Akshayji, Ram Nareshji, Ranjeetji, Rohitji, Niteshji, Chandan Kumar Jhaji, Staff Mmbers of Om General Store Santoshji, Sureshji, Mohammadji, Staff Members of  Gupta Flour Mill Sarojini Nagar Market Raj Kamalji, Raj Kumarji, Kanchanji, Poojaji, Utkarshji, Pawanji, Nanduji, Negiji, Ferozji, Alamji, Staff  Members of Bengal Sweet House Safdarjung Enclave Rishabji, Mukeshji, Gauri Shankar Yadavji, Phool Yadavji, Manish Pathakji, Bharatji, Pandeyji, Staff Members of Evergreen Sweet House Rakeshji, Balramji, Vikramji, Staff Members of Anupama Sweets Kailash Colony Padamsinghji, Surendarji, Staff Members of Satija Paints Yusuf Sarai Neeraj Satijaji, Bilooji, Shyamji, Phool Chandji and their family members. Happy Chhath to Dr Shami, Dr Munawar Islam, Dr Aloy Mukherjee, Dr P C Agarwal, Dr Gautam Agarwal, Dr Alok Chopra, Dr Ashwani Chopra, Dr Lipy Gupta, Dr Gaurav Gupta, Dr Bhatnagar, Dr Neha, Dr Tanu, Dr Lakshman, Dr Vipin, Dr Singhal, Mr Vikram, Mr Rohit, Mr Kanhaiya, Ms Ranjana, Ms Preeti, Dr Ashish Sharma and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Postman Mr Ajay and his family members. Happy Chhath to Mr Ajay Kumar, Mr Hari of MTNL, New Delhi and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Plumbers Ramdev, Jeewan, Narad, Mansingh, Billoo, Shyam and their family members. Happy Chhath to Electricians Sardarji, Kishan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Cobbler Ram Prakash. Happy Chhath to Security Personnel Lalji, Jitendarji, Deepakji, Raviji, Ram Kumar Singhji, Ashwiniji, Parmanandji and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Japan people Mr Shinzo Abe his family members, Mr Fumio Kishida and his family members. 

Happy Chhath To All In India In States Of Karnataka (Chikmagalur, Anegundi, Hampi, Bengaluru, Virupapur Gaddi), Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu (Rameswaram, Kanniyakumari, Udhagamandalam), J&K and Rajasthan

Happy Chhath to Chikmagalur people in Karnataka State in India Mr Shivanna and his family members. Happy Chhath to Anegundi people in Karnataka State in India Mr Mallappa, Mr Somnath, Mr Gopal Krishna, Mr Ramu, in Vaibhava Guest House Anegundi Mr Parushram and their family members. Happy Chhath to Hampi people in Karnataka State in India Mr Abhishek, Mr Parmesh, Mr Rakesh Singh, Mr Subby, in Pushpa Guest House in Hampi Mr Raghvendra and their family members. Happy Chhath to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam Centre in 16th Cross Vyalikaval in Bengaluru City in Karnataka State in India Mr Ram Mohan, Ms Jayanti and their family members. Happy Chhath to Shubhodaya Lodge Majestic Bengaluru people Mr Jagdish, Mr Anand and their family members. Happy Chhath to Virupapur Gaddi people in Karnataka State in India in Mowli Guest House Mr Srinivas and family members.

Happy Chhath to Tirumala people Tirumala Kashi Mutt people Mr Jay Prakash, Vallabhacharya Mutt Tirumala people Mr Hari Om, Mr Pawan, Udupi Mutt Tirumala people Mr Shrikanth, Uttaradhi Mutt Tirumala people Mr Bhaskar, Mr Kishan Rao, Mr Kishore, Mr Raghvendra, Mr Venugopal Mr R Panduranga, Tirumala Jeep number 1641 owner Mr Hari, Tirumala Tirupati people Mr R Anandan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Tirupati people Vikram Hotel Tirupati people Madam Naveena, Mr Subramaniam, Mr Prabhakaran, Mr Karunakaran, Friends Tea Stall Tirupati people Mr Naveen, Mr Kumar, Mr Shekhar, Mr Suresh, Sai Hotel Tirupati people Mr Pasha, Alpha Tours and Travels Tirupati people Mr Dileep, Charan Residency Tirupati people Mr V Venkatesh, Triveni Residency Tirupati people Mr Venkatesh, Mr Eswar, Suresh babu, Surendra babu, Fancy Store Tirupati people Mr Murli and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Somnath people in Gujarat State in India Suresh bhai, Mr Daya Ram, Mr Bharat Ghadiya, Mr Hardik Ghadiya, Mr Kishore Barai, Amit bhai, Hiran bhai, Javed bhai, Sunny bhai, Ali Ahmed bhai, Avesh bhai, Junaid bhai, Qasim bhai, Narain bhai, Goswami bhai, Kadi ben and their family members. Happy Chhath to Hotel Radhe Somnath people Vasu bhai, Kapil bhai, Ravi bhai, Hotel Kailash Somnath people Yakub bhai, Sikander Paithan, Sabri Store people in Prabhas Patan in Somnath and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Veraval people in Gujarat State in India Cyber Town Veraval Mr Jaydeep C Chauhan and his family members.

Happy Chhath to Dwarkadhish people Harsukh bhai, Geeta ben, Vaishali, Krishna Vijay Tea Centre Dwarkadhish  people Jignesh bhai, Batuk bhai, Shyam bhai, Balaji Bhawan Dwarkadhish people Krupesh Upadhyay, Hemang Upadhyay, Neeraj Upadhyay, Agarwal Sewa Sadan Dwarkadhish people Yagnesh Kumar V Upadhyay, Balram bhai, Mahender bhai, Maharaj bhai, Dhiru bhai, Anand Novelty Store Dwarkadhish people Kishore bhai, Hiran bhai, Annapoorna Bhojanalaya Dwarkadhish people Prakash bhai, Pramod bhai, Ameera ben, Tea centre Dwarkadhish people Narain bhai, Dwarkadhish people Thaker bhai, Thobani bhai, Hotel Dwarkesh Dwarkadhish people Mr Nilesh Thaker, Mr Ashok Thaker and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Byet Dwarkadhish people Dhansukh bhai Thaker, Deepak bhai, Mr Bimal Singh, Mr Mahender Singh,and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Nageshwar people in Gujarat State in India Huda bhai, Vanraj bhai, Naresh bhai, Ms Amisha and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Okha people in Gujarat State in India Vaishali Pan and Cold Drinks Okha people Vijay bhai, Bharat bhai and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ujjain people Mr Pawan Kataria, Mr Shailendra Gupta, Mr Dal Chand Sirohiya, Hotel Nandi Ujjain people Mr Manish, Mr Ravi, Mr Arpit, Mr Ghulam Mohammad, Mr Gopal Singh Chauhan, Mr Manoj Agarwal, Mr Aslam Lalla and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Marghat Wale Hanuman Mandir Old Delhi people Mr Sambhu, Mr Sunny, Mr Birendar, Mr Baldev, Mr Banwari, Mr Jahangir, Mr Chotey Lal, Mr Ram Janak, Mr Pooran Singh, Ms Roshida, Mr Muni Ram and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Hanuman Mandir Connaught Place New Delhi people Mahant Jagannath Das, Mr Amrinder Jha, Mr Lalu Maharaj, Mr Jay Singh, Mr Raj Kumar, Mr Shiv Kumar, Mr Lalit, Mr Mahender, Mr Saroj, Mr Sonu, Ms Rosy, Mr Ram Prakash Yadav, Mr Jagdish, Ms Sunita, Mr Bansal, Mr Gaurav and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Connaught Place people Maya Mataji, Mr Bal Krishna, Mr Narendra Gupta, Mr Omprakash, Mr Kapoor Singh, Mr Prem, Mr Sanjay, Mr Radhey Shyam, Ms Shanti Devi, Mr Satish Kumar and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Guravayur people in Kerala State in India Ms Reshma, Ms Reshma, Ms Seeja, Mr Joshy, Ms Krishnapriya, Ms Gopika, Ms Shilpa, Rugmini Tourist Home Guruvayur people Mr Krishna Kumar, Ms Sobha, Aishwarya Tourist Home Guruvayur people Mr Gopal Krishnan, Mr Soman, Brahmaputra Tourist Home Guruvayur people Mr Vishwanath, Anjali Internet Cafe Guruvayur people  Mr Nandu, CA Tower Guruvayur people Mr Rama, Mr Jiji, Mr Bose, Sunrise Lodge Guruvayur people Mr Biju, Mr Rajini, Sree Shankara Nilayam Guruvayur people Mr Prajeet, Mr Venkatesh, Mr Raghu, Mr Vivek and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Rameswaram people in Tamil Nadu State in India Techpark Rameswaram people Mr E Nambikumar, Ms Divya, Ms Preeti, Ramanjaneya Chatram Ramneswaram people Mr Girish, Mr Kiran Kumar, Mr Surendar, Swami Ramanatha Tourist Home Rameswaram people Mr Laxmi Narayan, Mr Kanopal, Mahadev Seashell Store Rameswaram people Mr Rajpurohit and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Kanniyakumari people in Tamil Nadu State in India Mr Nathan, Mr Bose, Mr Sundar, Mr Janardhan, Mr Robyn, Triveni Guest House people, Ranade Communications Kanniyakumai people Mr P Thungaswami, Ms Suba and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Udhagamandalam people in Tamil Nadu State in India in City Palace Mr Deepan, Mr Satyen, Hotel Green Valley Mr Kiran, Doddabetta Junction Tea Shop Mr Arun, Ms Aruna, in Kotagiri, Mr Silvaraj and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Chennai people in Tamil Nadu State in India Mr Shivapatnam, Ammu Palace in Bootha Perumal Street Anna Salai people Mr Sahul and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Vaishnodevi people in Jammu and Kashmir State in India Pooja Halwai Shop in Vaishnodevi  people Mr Sanjeev Kumar, Mr Ravi Kumar, Mr Mukesh Kumar and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Madurai people in Tamil Nadu State in India Bhagyalaxmi Lodge in West Chitrai Street opposite Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai people Mr Arunachalam, Mr Shankar and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Nathdwara people in Rajasthan State in India Ganesh bhai, Poonam Dining Hall people in Nathdwara Mr Naru, Mr Jeevan, Mr Fatehlal, Mr Suresh and their family members. Lord Shrinathji resides in Nathdwara. 

Happy Chhath to Ajmer people Mr Mohammad Azhar, Mr Kishore, Mr Dileep, Mr Usman, Mr Abdul Khalid, Mr Rauf Hussain, Mr Syed Salimuddin Chishty and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Jodhpur people in Rajasthan State in India Mr Yusuf Khan, farmer Mr Govardhan Ram, Mannu Guest House Jalori Gate Jodhpur people Mr Mahipal Singh, Mr Manohar Singh and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Udaipur people in Parn Kuti Mr K P Agarwal, Mr Inderpal Singh, Mr Pratap Singh and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Pali people in Rajasthan State in India Mr Vikas, Mr Vinod, Mr Ashok and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Rakesh Tikait, Mr Yogendra Yadav and farmers across country.

Happy Chhath to Tunisian Swimmer Mr Ahmed Hafnaoui and his family members. Happy Chhath to US athlete Ms Allyson Felix and her family members.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Happy Chhath To One And All Across India And World

Happy Chhath Festival 

Happy Chhath FestivalChhath Festival is meant to pray to Sun God and Chhath Maiya. We pray Sun God continues to shower blessings on us for large number of decades century long time.

Happy Chhath to Ms Kajori Sen, Ms Ankita Mukherji, Ms Gargi Rawat, Ms Rishika Baruah, Ms Purva Chitnis, Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty, Ms Simi Pasha, Ms Piyali Sur, Ms Anjali Ishtwal, Ms Nidhi Razdan, Ms Shivani Tyagi, Ms Heena Rawat, Ms Geeta Rawat, Ms Balbir, Ms Neha, Ms Naseem, Ms Habiba, Ms Janvi, Ms Divya, Ms Udati, Ms Aaba Khan, Ms Madhu, Ms Shreya, Ms Sapna, Ms Rachna, Ms Chanda, Ms Ipshita, Ms Ishita, Ms Aarti Tiwari, Ms Sangeeta Majhi, Ms Ruby, Ms Revathi, Ms Aruna, Ms Durga, Ms Shweta, Ms Shruti Khimta, Ms Spriha Gupta, Ms Sanjana Mokal, Ms Ritisha Sarma, Ms Suman Yadav, Ms Chhavi, Ms Pratha, Ms Triveni Negi, Ms Anita Jain, Ms Tanu Kashyap, Ms Richa Jain Kalra, Ms Shikta Dev, Ms Chitra Tripathi, Ms Kanshu Johnn, Ms Shivani, Ms Ritika, Ms Amisha, Ms Barbie, Ms Hia, Ms Yamini, Ms Ira Trivedi, Ms Nilofer of Afghanistan, Ms Komal, Ms Sonali Jain and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to NDTV News Channels Staff Members Mr Prannoy Roy, Ms Radhika Roy, Ms Tara Roy, Ms Rika Roy, Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty, Mr Ravish Kumar, Mr Ravish Ranjan Shukla, Mr Vishnu Som, Mr Sanket Upadhyay, Mr Manoranjan Bharti, Ms Rishika Baruah, Ms Nagma Sahar, Ms Purva Chitnis, Ms Sneha Mary Koshy, Ms Ankita Mukherji, Ms Gargi Rawat, Ms Anjali Ishtwal, Ms Nidhi Kulpati, Ms Kadambini Sharma, Mr Saurabh Gupta, Mr Saurabh Shukla, Ms Uma Sudhir, Mr Arvind Gunasekar, Ms Monideepa Banerjee, Ms Divya Wadhwa, Ms Sukriti Dwivedi, Ms Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor, Ms Gita Joshi, Ms Pooja Bhardwaj, Mr Rohit Wellington, Mr Akshay Dongre, Mr Sunil Prabhu, Mr Nehal Kidwai, Mr Nazir Masoodi, Mr Tabish Hussain, Ms Maya Sharma, Mr Sharad Sharma, Mr Akhilesh Sharma, Mr Abhishek, Mr Sam Daniel, Mr Kamal Khan, Mr Anurag Dwary, Ms Aditi Rajput, Ms Jaya Kaushik, Mr Shashikant Jha, Mr Sushil Bahuguna, Ms Sonia Singh, Mr Sreenivasan Jain, Ms Sarah Jacob, Mr Arun Agarwal, Mr Sohit Mishra, Mr Babu, Mr Himanshu Shekhar, Mr Parimal Kumar and their family members.  

Happy Chhath to Mr Amitabh Bachchan, Ms Jaya Bachchan, Mr Abhishek Bachchan, Ms Aishwarya Rai Bachchan their child Aaradhya Bachchan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Ms Shweta Bachchan Nanda, Mr Nikhil Nanda their children Navya Naveli Nanda, Agstya Nanda and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Arunachalam Vaidyanathan and his family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Shahrukh Khan, Ms Gauri Khan, Mr Aryan Khan, Ms Suhana Khan, Mr AbRam Khan and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to  Mr Aamir Khan, Mr Junaid Khan, Ms Ira Khan, Mr Azad Rao Khan, Mr Salman Khan, Mr Sohail Khan, Mr Arbaaz Khan, Mr Salim Khan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Al Jazeera News Channels. Happy Chhath to Al Jazeera Staff Members Ms Folly Bah Thibault, Mr Rob McElwee, Ms Jessica Washington (Indonesia) Mr Dominic Kane, Mr Harry Fawcett, Mr Rob Mcbride, Ms Ibrahim, Ms Dareen Abughaida, Mr Resul Serdar, Mr Mohammed Adow, Ms Ghosh, Mr Everton Fox, Mr Alan Fischer (Washington), Mr Andrew Simmons (London), Mr James Bays, Ms Hiba Morgan (Sudan), Ms Kristen Saloomey (United Nations), Ms Kimberly Halkett (Washington), Ms Emily Angwin, Mr Kamal Hyder (Islamabad), Mr Adrian Finnegan, Mr Adrian Brown, Mr Adrian Gatton, Ms Elizabeth Puranam (New Delhi), Mr Huntington, Ms Minelle Fernandez (Sri Lanka), Mr Nick Clark (Reporting From Carpathian Mountains), Mr Ahmed Adris (Abuja), Ms Heidi Zhou-Castro (Capitol Hill), Ms Step Vassen ( The Hague), Mr Nicolas Haque, Ms Florence Looi, Mr John Hendren (Haiti), Ms Stefaine Dekker, Ms Haru Mutasa, Ms Catherine Soi, Ms Ivonne Ndege and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Ms Maggie Lake, Mr Jim Clancy and their family members.

Happy Chhath to CNN News Channel Staff Members Mr Wolf Blitzer, Mr Alex Thomas, Ms Zain Asher, Ms Erin Burnett,  Mr Nick Watt, Ms Sasha, Ms Robyn Curnow, Ms Nina dos Santos Ms Christian Amanpour, Ms Hala Gorani, Ms Amanda Davies, Ms Kristie Lu Stout, Ms Becky Anderson, Mr Anderson, Ms Shubert, Mr Fareed Zakaria, Mr Nick Robertson, Mr Richard Quest, Ms Jacqueline Howard, Ms Nadia Romero, Dan Merica, Mr Frederik Pleitgen, Ms Julia Chatterley, Ms Anna Stewart, Mr Bill Weir, Mr Phil Black, Ms Hadas Gold, Mr Angus Watson, Mr Jake Tapper and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to My Mummy, Papa, Dolly, Adityajee, Mudit, Neha, Leena Neeraj Muskan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr S K Jha, Ms Rita Jha, Mamta, Sooraj, Madhav Mouli, Leena, Neeraj, Muskan and their family members.  Happy Chhath to Soni didi, Prabhatji, Ishhaan, Ishita, their domestic help Mr Manoj, Ms Sunita, their driver Mr Clement and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Pramil Mishra mama, Govind Mishra mama, Sunil Mishra mama, Sanjeev Mishra mama, Vikas Mishra mama, Vijay Mishra mama, Vinay Mishra mama, Sanjay Mishra mama, Anand Mishra mama, Kappo mausi, Sadhna mausi, Madhu mausi, Mamta mausi, Sushma mausi, Poonam mausi, Sobha mausi, Pramila didi, Kalpana didi, Anand Bhaiya, Baby, Sudhanshuji, Minky, Prabhatji, Chinky, Amitji, Maithili Aunty, Gyan Uncle, Nilu Aunty, Aashish Rajhans, Amit Rajhans, Mohit Rajhans, Shiv Shankar Uncle and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr Jeevan Jha of Lucknow, Mr S N Jha and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Zakka Jacob, Mr Bhupen Choubey, Mr Anand Narasimhan, Ms Marya Shakil, Ms Maha Siddique, Mr Rajdeep Sardesai, Ms Sagarika Ghose, Mr H K Dua, Mr Ramchandra Guha, Mr Aakar Patel, Mr Mohan Guruswamy, Mr Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Mr Karan Thapar, Mr Shekhar Gupta, Mr Vir Sanghvi, Ms P V Sindhu, Ms Saina Nehwal, Mr Parupalli Kashyap, Ms Sania Mirza, Mr Sohaib Malik their child Izhaan Mirza Malik, Ms Karishma Germanwala Patel, Mr Vipul Patel their child, Jamnagar Family's member Ms Vinita Jain, Tata Store South Extension's Ms Madhuri Dikshit, Mr Ravi Kumar Dahiya, Mr Bajrang Puniya, Mr Lovlina Borgohain, Mr Neeraj Chopra, Mr PR Sreejesh, Mr N Ram, writer Amitav Ghosh and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Rajinikanth and his family members. Happy Chhath to Mr A R Rahman and his family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Mohanlal, Mr Joseph Vijay, Mr Javed Akhtar, Ms Shabana Azmi, Mr Farhan Akhtar, Ms Katrina Kaif, Ms Priyanka Chopra, Mr Nick Jonas, Ms Kareena Kapoor, Mr Saif Ali Khan their children Taimur Pataudi, Baby Jeh, Ms Deepika Padukone, Mr Ranvir Singh, Mr Prakash Padukone, Ms Taapsee Pannu, Ms Sonakshi Sinha, Ms Shraddha Kapoor,  Mr Naseeruddin Shah, Ms Farah Khan,  Ms Alia Bhatt, Ms Yami Gautam, Mr Karan Johar, Mr Akshay Kumar, Mr Hrithik Roshan, Mr Jackie Shroff, Mr Tiger Shroff, Mr Riteish Deshmukh, Mr Sonu Sood, Mr Manoj Vajpayee, Mr Shatrughan Sinha, Mr Rohit Shetty, Mr Ranbir Kapoor, Mr Sunil Shetty, Mr Rajkummar Rao and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Rahul Gandhi, Ms Sonia Gandhi, Mr Manmohan Singh, Mr Hamid Ansari, Ms Mamta Banerjee, Mr Abhishek Banerjee, Mr Babul Supriyo, Mr Derek O' Brien, Ms Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Mr Robert Vadra, Mr Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mr N Chandrababu Naidu, Mr Nitish Kumar, Mr Naveen Patnaik, Mr Arvind Kejriwal, Mr Manish Sisodia, Mr Satyendra Jain, Mr Raghav Chadha and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr D Raja, Mr Sitaram Yechury, Mr Prakash Karat, Ms Brinda Karat, Mr Sharad Pawar, Ms Pratibha Pawar, Ms Supriya Sule, Mr Sadanand Balchandra Sule, Mr Anil Vasantrao Deshmukh, Mr Ajit Pawar, Mr Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Mr Ramesh Chennithala, Mr Pinarayi Vijayan, Mr Kapil Sibal, Mr Gourav Vallabh and their family members

Happy Chhath to Mr Harish Rawat, Mr Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Mr Randeep Surjewala, Mr Ashwini Kumar, Mr P Chidambaram, Mr Digvijay Singh, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Mr Rajnath Singh, Mr Nitin Gadkari, Mr Om Birla, Mr Prakash Javadekar, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad, Mr Nawab Malik and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr Uddhav Thackeray, Mr Aditya Thackeray and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Ashok Gehlot, Mr Sachin Pilot, Mr Sanjay Raut, Mr Sanjay Jha, Capt. Amarinder Singh, Mr Sukhbir Badal, Mr Prakash Singh Badal, Mr Kranti Sambhav, Mr Vikram Chandra, Mr Raghuram Rajan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ms Lata Mangeshkar, Ms Asha Bhonsle, Ms Usha Mangeshkar and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Sourav Ganguly, Ms Dona Ganguly, Ms Sana Ganguly, Mr Kapil Dev, Mr  Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Ms Sakshi Dhoni, their child Baby Ziva Dhoni, Mr Virat Kohli, Ms Anushka Sharma, their child Baby Vamika Kohli, Mr Sachin Tendulkar, Ms Anjali Tendulkar, Ms Sarah Tendulkar, Mr Arjun Tendulkar, Mr Sunil Gavaskar, Mr Rahul Dravid, Mr Gundappa Viswanath, Mr Javagal Srinath, Mr Venkatesh Prasad, Mr Anil Kumble, Mr Rohit Sharma, Mr Ravi Shastri, Mr Mayank Agarwal and their family members.  

Happy Chhath to Ms Trishla Jain, Mr Samir Jain, Mr Vineet Jain, Ms Shobhana Bhartia, Mr Shyam Bhartia, Mr Priyavrat Bhartia, Mr Shamit Bhartia, Ms Nandini Nopany, Ms Jyotsna Poddar, Mr Kumar Mangalam Birla, Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Mr Sunil Bharti Mittal, Mr Mukesh Ambani, Mr Anil Ambani, Mr Gautam Adani, Mr Azim Premji, Mr Ratan Tata and their family members. Happy Chhath to Tata Group staff members and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ms Ruchi Mohotra, Ms Shuchi Mohotra and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Rakesh Tikait, Mr Yogendra Yadav and farmers across country and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to staff members of  NDTV News Channels, Hindustan Times, Times of India, Navbharat Times, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Hindustan, ETV Telugu, ETV Andhra Pradesh, Times Now Navbharat, Al Jazeera, CNN News Network, ABC News America, Newsclick, Manorama News, Asianet News, Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Joe Biden, Ms Jill Biden, Mr Barack Obama, Ms Michelle Obama, Ms Malia Ann, ,Ms Sasha, Ms Kamala Harris, Ms Angelina Jolie and their family members. Happy Chhath to Pope Francis and his followers.

Happy Chhath to Mr Balram of Balua, Mr Nityanand Sah of Sultanganj in Bihar, Mr Sachidanad Bharti and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Vegetable and Fruit vendors Mr Kamal, Mr Kanhaiya Mr Pinto, Mr Shiv Charan Diwakar, Mr Kalu, Mr Bachha, Mr Ram Sanak, Mr Pramod, Mr Banjeet Rathore and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to staff members of Sai Temple in Ahmednagar, Tirumala Temple in Tirumala, Sidhhivinayak temple in Mumbai, Kanniyakumari temple in Kanniyakumari, Ramanathaswamy Temple in Rameswaram, Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, Hanuman Temple in Hampi, Vaishnodevi Temple in Vaishnodevi, Srisailam Temple in Srisailam and their family members. Happy Chhath to all.

Happy Chhath to staff members of Mecca Medina, Khwaja's Dargah in Ajmer and their family members. Happy Chhath to all.

Happy Chhath to DD Bihar News Channel For Giving Us An Opportunity To Watch The Most Pious Festival On Earth Chhath Festival From Bihar.

Happy Chhath To One And All

Happy Chhath Festival 

Happy Chhath Festival. Chhath Festival is meant to pray to Sun God and Chhath Maiya. We pray Sun God continues to shower blessings on us for large number of decades century long time.

Happy Chhath to Ms Kajori Sen, Ms Ankita Mukherji, Ms Gargi Rawat, Ms Rishika Baruah, Ms Purva Chitnis, Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty, Ms Simi Pasha, Ms Piyali Sur, Ms Anjali Ishtwal, Ms Nidhi Razdan, Ms Shivani Tyagi, Ms Heena Rawat, Ms Geeta Rawat, Ms Balbir, Ms Neha, Ms Naseem, Ms Habiba, Ms Janvi, Ms Divya, Ms Udati, Ms Aaba Khan, Ms Madhu, Ms Shreya, Ms Sapna, Ms Rachna, Ms Chanda, Ms Ipshita, Ms Ishita, Ms Aarti Tiwari, Ms Sangeeta Majhi, Ms Ruby, Ms Revathi, Ms Aruna, Ms Durga, Ms Shweta, Ms Shruti Khimta, Ms Spriha Gupta, Ms Sanjana Mokal, Ms Ritisha Sarma, Ms Suman Yadav, Ms Chhavi, Ms Pratha, Ms Triveni Negi, Ms Anita Jain, Ms Tanu Kashyap, Ms Richa Jain Kalra, Ms Shikta Dev, Ms Chitra Tripathi, Ms Kanshu Johnn, Ms Shivani, Ms Ritika, Ms Amisha, Ms Barbie, Ms Hia, Ms Yamini, Ms Ira Trivedi, Ms Nilofer of Afghanistan, Ms Komal, Ms Sonali Jain and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to NDTV News Channels Staff Members Mr Prannoy Roy, Ms Radhika Roy, Ms Tara Roy, Ms Rika Roy, Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty, Mr Ravish Kumar, Mr Ravish Ranjan Shukla, Mr Vishnu Som, Mr Sanket Upadhyay, Mr Manoranjan Bharti, Ms Rishika Baruah, Ms Nagma Sahar, Ms Purva Chitnis, Ms Sneha Mary Koshy, Ms Ankita Mukherji, Ms Gargi Rawat, Ms Anjali Ishtwal, Ms Nidhi Kulpati, Ms Kadambini Sharma, Mr Saurabh Gupta, Mr Saurabh Shukla, Ms Uma Sudhir, Mr Arvind Gunasekar, Ms Monideepa Banerjee, Ms Divya Wadhwa, Ms Sukriti Dwivedi, Ms Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor, Ms Gita Joshi, Ms Pooja Bhardwaj, Mr Rohit Wellington, Mr Akshay Dongre, Mr Arunachalam Vaidyanathan, Mr Sunil Prabhu, Mr Nehal Kidwai, Mr Nazir Masoodi, Mr Tabish Hussain, Ms Maya Sharma, Mr Sharad Sharma, Mr Akhilesh Sharma, Mr Abhishek, Mr Sam Daniel, Mr Kamal Khan, Mr Anurag Dwary, Ms Aditi Rajput, Ms Jaya Kaushik, Mr Shashikant Jha, Mr Sushil Bahuguna, Ms Sonia Singh, Mr Sreenivasan Jain, Ms Sarah Jacob, Mr Arun Agarwal, Mr Sohit Mishra, Mr Babu, Mr Himanshu Shekhar, Mr Parimal Kumar and their family members.  

Happy Chhath to Mr Amitabh Bachchan, Ms Jaya Bachchan, Mr Abhishek Bachchan, Ms Aishwarya Rai Bachchan their child Aaradhya Bachchan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Ms Shweta Bachchan Nanda, Mr Nikhil Nanda their children Navya Naveli Nanda, Agstya Nanda and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Shahrukh Khan, Ms Gauri Khan, Mr Aryan Khan, Ms Suhana Khan, Mr AbRam Khan and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to  Mr Aamir Khan, Mr Junaid Khan, Ms Ira Khan, Mr Azad Rao Khan, Mr Salman Khan, Mr Sohail Khan, Mr Arbaaz Khan, Mr Salim Khan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Al Jazeera News Channels. Happy Chhath to Al Jazeera Staff Members Ms Folly Bah Thibault, Mr Rob McElwee, Mr Dominic Kane, Mr Harry Fawcett, Mr Rob Mcbride, Ms Ibrahim, Ms Dareen Abughaida, Mr Resul Serdar, Mr Mohammed Adow, Ms Ghosh, Mr Everton Fox, Mr Alan Fischer (Washington), Mr Andrew Simmons (London), Mr James Bays, Ms Hiba Morgan (Sudan), Ms Kristen Saloomey (United Nations), Ms Kimberly Halkett (Washington), Ms Emily Angwin, Mr Kamal Hyder (Islamabad), Mr Adrian Finnegan, Mr Adrian Brown, Mr Adrian Gatton, Ms Elizabeth Puranam (New Delhi), Mr Huntington, Ms Minelle Fernandez (Sri Lanka), Mr Nick Clark (Reporting From Carpathian Mountains), Mr Ahmed Adris (Abuja), Ms Heidi Zhou-Castro (Capitol Hill), Ms Step Vassen ( The Hague), Mr Nicolas Haque, Ms Florence Looi, Mr John Hendren (Haiti), Ms Stefaine Dekker, Ms Haru Mutasa, Ms Catherine Soi, Ms Ivonne Ndege and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Ms Maggie Lake, Mr Jim Clancy and their family members.

Happy Chhath to CNN News Channel Staff Members Mr Wolf Blitzer, Mr Alex Thomas, Ms Zain Asher, Ms Erin Burnett,  Mr Nick Watt, Ms Sasha, Ms Robyn Curnow, Ms Nina dos Santos Ms Christian Amanpour, Ms Hala Gorani, Ms Amanda Davies, Ms Kristie Lu Stout, Ms Becky Anderson, Mr Anderson, Ms Shubert, Mr Fareed Zakaria, Mr Nick Robertson, Mr Richard Quest, Ms Jacqueline Howard, Ms Nadia Romero, Dan Merica, Mr Frederik Pleitgen, Ms Julia Chatterley, Ms Anna Stewart, Mr Bill Weir, Mr Phil Black, Ms Hadas Gold, Mr Angus Watson, Mr Jake Tapper and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to My Mummy, Papa, Dolly, Adityajee, Mudit, Neha, Leena Neeraj Muskan and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr S K Jha, Ms Rita Jha, Mamta, Sooraj, Madhav Mouli, Leena, Neeraj, Muskan and their family members.  Happy Chhath to Soni didi, Prabhatji, Ishhaan, Ishita, their domestic help Mr Manoj, Ms Sunita, their driver Mr Clement and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Pramil Mishra mama, Govind Mishra mama, Sunil Mishra mama, Sanjeev Mishra mama, Vikas Mishra mama, Vijay Mishra mama, Vinay Mishra mama, Sanjay Mishra mama, Anand Mishra mama, Kappo mausi, Sadhna mausi, Madhu mausi, Mamta mausi, Sushma mausi, Poonam mausi, Sobha mausi, Pramila didi, Kalpana didi, Anand Bhaiya, Baby, Sudhanshuji, Minky, Prabhatji, Chinky, Amitji, Maithili Aunty, Gyan Uncle, Nilu Aunty, Aashish Rajhans, Amit Rajhans, Mohit Rajhans, Shiv Shankar Uncle and their family members. Happy Chhath to Mr Jeevan Jha of Lucknow, Mr S N Jha and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Zakka Jacob, Mr Bhupen Choubey, Mr Anand Narasimhan, Ms Marya Shakil, Ms Maha Siddique, Mr Rajdeep Sardesai, Ms Sagarika Ghose, Mr H K Dua, Mr Ramchandra Guha, Mr Aakar Patel, Mr Mohan Guruswamy, Mr Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Mr Karan Thapar, Mr Shekhar Gupta, Mr Vir Sanghvi, Ms P V Sindhu, Ms Saina Nehwal, Mr Parupalli Kashyap, Ms Sania Mirza, Mr Sohaib Malik their child Izhaan Mirza Malik, Ms Karishma Germanwala Patel, Mr Vipul Patel their child, Jamnagar Family's member Ms Vinita Jain, Tata Store South Extension's Ms Madhuri Dikshit, Mr Ravi Kumar Dahiya, Mr Bajrang Puniya, Mr Lovlina Borgohain, Mr Neeraj Chopra, Mr PR Sreejesh, Mr N Ram, writer Amitav Ghosh and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Rajinikanth and his family members. Happy Chhath to Mr A R Rahman and his family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Mohanlal, Mr Joseph Vijay, Mr Javed Akhtar, Ms Shabana Azmi, Mr Farhan Akhtar, Ms Katrina Kaif, Ms Priyanka Chopra, Mr Nick Jonas, Ms Kareena Kapoor, Mr Saif Ali Khan their children Taimur Pataudi, Baby Jeh, Ms Deepika Padukone, Mr Ranvir Singh, Mr Prakash Padukone, Ms Taapsee Pannu, Ms Sonakshi Sinha, Ms Shraddha Kapoor,  Mr Naseeruddin Shah, Ms Farah Khan,  Ms Alia Bhatt, Ms Yami Gautam, Mr Karan Johar, Mr Akshay Kumar, Mr Hrithik Roshan, Mr Jackie Shroff, Mr Tiger Shroff, Mr Riteish Deshmukh, Mr Sonu Sood, Mr Manoj Vajpayee, Mr Shatrughan Sinha, Mr Rohit Shetty, Mr Ranbir Kapoor, Mr Sunil Shetty, Mr Rajkummar Rao and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Rahul Gandhi, Ms Sonia Gandhi, Mr Manmohan Singh, Mr Hamid Ansari, Ms Mamta Banerjee, Mr Abhishek Banerjee, Mr Babul Supriyo, Mr Derek O' Brien, Ms Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Mr Robert Vadra, Mr Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mr N Chandrababu Naidu, Mr Nitish Kumar, Mr Naveen Patnaik, Mr Arvind Kejriwal, Mr Manish Sisodia, Mr Satyendra Jain, Mr Raghav Chadha and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr D Raja, Mr Sitaram Yechury, Mr Prakash Karat, Ms Brinda Karat, Mr Sharad Pawar, Ms Pratibha Pawar, Ms Supriya Sule, Mr Sadanand Balchandra Sule, Mr Anil Vasantrao Deshmukh, Mr Ajit Pawar, Mr Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Mr Ramesh Chennithala, Mr Pinarayi Vijayan, Mr Kapil Sibal, Mr Gourav Vallabh and their family members

Happy Chhath to Mr Harish Rawat, Mr Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Mr Randeep Surjewala, Mr Ashwini Kumar, Mr P Chidambaram, Mr Digvijay Singh, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Mr Rajnath Singh, Mr Nitin Gadkari, Mr Om Birla, Mr Prakash Javadekar, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad, Mr Uddhav Thackeray, Mr Aditya Thackeray, Mr Nawab Malik and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to Mr Ashok Gehlot, Mr Sachin Pilot, Mr Sanjay Raut, Mr Sanjay Jha, Capt. Amarinder Singh, Mr Sukhbir Badal, Mr Prakash Singh Badal, Mr Kranti Sambhav, Mr Vikram Chandra, Mr Raghuram Rajan and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ms Lata Mangeshkar, Ms Asha Bhonsle, Ms Usha Mangeshkar and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Sourav Ganguly, Ms Dona Ganguly, Ms Sana Ganguly, Mr Kapil Dev, Mr  Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Ms Sakshi Dhoni, their child Baby Ziva Dhoni, Mr Virat Kohli, Ms Anushka Sharma, their child Baby Vamika Kohli, Mr Sachin Tendulkar, Ms Anjali Tendulkar, Ms Sarah Tendulkar, Mr Arjun Tendulkar, Mr Sunil Gavaskar, Mr Rahul Dravid, Mr Gundappa Viswanath, Mr Javagal Srinath, Mr Venkatesh Prasad, Mr Anil Kumble, Mr Rohit Sharma, Mr Ravi Shastri, Mr Mayank Agarwal and their family members.  

Happy Chhath to Ms Trishla Jain, Mr Samir Jain, Mr Vineet Jain, Ms Shobhana Bhartia, Mr Shyam Bhartia, Mr Priyavrat Bhartia, Mr Shamit Bhartia, Ms Nandini Nopany, Ms Jyotsna Poddar, Mr Kumar Mangalam Birla, Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Mr Sunil Bharti Mittal, Mr Mukesh Ambani, Mr Anil Ambani, Mr Gautam Adani, Mr Azim Premji, Mr Ratan Tata and their family members. Happy Chhath to Tata Group staff members and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Ms Ruchi Mohotra, Ms Shuchi Mohotra and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Rakesh Tikait, Mr Yogendra Yadav and farmers across country and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to staff members of  NDTV News Channels, Hindustan Times, Times of India, Navbharat Times, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Hindustan, ETV Telugu, ETV Andhra Pradesh, Times Now Navbharat, Al Jazeera, CNN News Network, ABC News America, Newsclick, Manorama News, Asianet News, Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Mr Joe Biden, Ms Jill Biden, Mr Barack Obama, Ms Michelle Obama, Ms Malia Ann, ,Ms Sasha, Ms Kamala Harris, Ms Angelina Jolie and their family members. Happy Chhath to Pope Francis and his followers.

Happy Chhath to Mr Balram of Balua, Mr Nityanand Sah of Sultanganj in Bihar, Mr Sachidanad Bharti and their family members.

Happy Chhath to Vegetable and Fruit vendors Mr Kamal, Mr Kanhaiya Mr Pinto, Mr Shiv Charan Diwakar, Mr Kalu, Mr Bachha, Mr Ram Sanak, Mr Pramod, Mr Banjeet Rathore and their family members. 

Happy Chhath to staff members of Sai Temple in Ahmednagar, Tirumala Temple in Tirumala, Sidhhivinayak temple in Mumbai, Kanniyakumari temple in Kanniyakumari, Ramanathaswamy Temple in Rameswaram, Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, Hanuman Temple in Hampi, Vaishnodevi Temple in Vaishnodevi, Srisailam Temple in Srisailam and their family members. Happy Chhath to all.

Happy Chhath to staff members of Mecca Medina, Khwaja's Dargah in Ajmer and their family members. Happy Chhath to all.

Happy Chhath Festival

Happy Chhath Festival

Happy Chhath Festival . Chhath Festival is meant to pray to Sun God and Chhath Maiya. We pray Sun God continues to shower blessings on us for large number of decades century long time.

Happy Chhath To One and All 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Cricket Tourney In Middle East To Hunger Index In Places Like India That Doesn't Please

The Cricket Tourney In Middle East To Hunger Index In Places Like India That Doesn't Please

Much is made of a cricket contest between two countries which seems as if it is taking place after interval of a century. Losing and winning no one can gauge; it is one contest that set fireworks at one end with other side accumulating grudge. Much is made of losing to a neighbouring counterpart as if it is reminiscent of a stock market bloodbath. No one has made an iota of suggestion/idea that funds invested in stock market be probed; it is all winding tale of never ending suspense having gathered steam after gaining affirmation from the likes of Choate. Much is made of a cricket tourney that is being staged in the backdrop of a virus that hasn't run out of pace and implied cess. In the midst of Middle East with enough brouhaha the cricket tourney is being staged; with no sizeable alarming rise in crimes Middle East is lucky enough and has enough grace and this territory has its own pace and craze.

Much is being made of a series of Assembly polls in different states/provinces in India as if these polls are a ready reckoner of who would lose and who would win in a nation as vast and diverse with non absent ruler named Clorinda. Polls would come and go, the nation would sail and soar, brakes may be put if full page ad of politico visit is put forward in a nation where such aberrations look absurd with alarming hunger index showing a set of politicos out and out coward. So much of tax payer money is dispensed on such ads which are nothing but coming from the stubble territory of politicos who seem to be ironclad.

Those who dream big and their electoral machine click forget that vast majority of Indians go hungry every night and these very Indians have been deprived of voting right. If voting right is assigned to these unfed denizens that could well sway the pendulum and make electoral contest well stirred peace emblem. India is vast and diverse, week after week it is drained out of strength given the challenges that it confronts; the foot soldiers are those who remain unmoved from these challenges that can well make them grum. Floods, landslides, malnutrition, famine, cyclones hit the Indian pedestal; tax payer money should be spent on taming these challenges rather than taking flights to different destinations after every month interval. The GLASGOW Summit was out and out farce most readers fathom given the commitments that were made that are not easy to reach and made by some developing nation leaders who were very much in begem. The range of protests says it all and these commitments are meant to fool the globe in a world where there is off and on brawl.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Three Cheers For Delhi Govt For Holding Diwali Puja On November 4

Three Cheers For Delhi Govt For Holding Diwali Puja On November 4

Three Cheers For Delhi Govt For Holding Diwali Puja. The Event took place in Thyagraj Stadium in New Delhi. In attendance were Chief Minister Mr Arvind Kejriwal, Deputy Chief Minister Mr Manish Sisodia, Minister Mr Satyendar Jain, other Cabinet Colleagues and their family members.

Despite call for Peaceful and Green Diwali by Delhi Govt the city was witness to harmful bursting of crackers and that was on a dismal note as it upped the Air Quality Index and its aftereffects are being felt even today. Shame to those who burst crackers and putting the health of millions in peril. When would the judiciary step in - it is necessary that courts don't work at cross purposes with one court giving relief to  denizens of a city and the decision being overruled by a higher court - to ensure Green Diwali no one knows. For how long the denizens of the city would have to wrestle with a Diwali that is dripped in greed call for bursting of crackers and a Peaceful Diwali is a mirage.

We Aspire For A Peaceful And Green Diwali.

Belated Happy Birthday To Cricket Captain Mr Virat Kohli

Belated Happy Birthday To Cricket Captain Mr Virat Kohli. This is one day when India unites and showers dollops of blessings on Mr Virat Kohli, Ms Anushka Sharma and their child Baby Vamika Kohli.

We also take this opportunity to extend good wishes to Mr M S Dhoni, Ms Sakshi Dhoni and their child Baby Ziva Dhoni.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Happy Deepawali To Mr Tom Cruise, Mr Elton John, Mr Stevie Wonder, Mr Phil Collins, Mr Lionel Richie, Mr Pele And Others

Happy Deepawali To Mr Tom Cruise, Mr Elton John, Mr Stevie Wonder, Mr Phil Collins, Mr Lionel Richie, Mr Pele And Others

Happy Deepawali to Mr Tom Cruise, Mr Elton John, Mr Stevie Wonder, Mr Phil Collins, Mr Lionel Richie, Mr Pele, Ms Madonna, Ms Britney Spears, Mr Bruce Springsteen, Ms Nicole Kidman, Mr Richard Williams, Ms Serena Williams, Mr Alexis Ohanian, Mr Alexis Olympia Ohanian Junior, Ms Venus Williams, Ms Coco Gauff, Ms Naomi Osaka, Mr Andre Agassi, Ms Steffi Graf, Mr Michael Schumacher, Mr Mick Schumacher, Mr Tom Hanks, Mr Michael Holding, Mr Clint Eastwood, Mr Rafael Nadal, Mr Novak Djokovic, Mr Pete Sampras, Ms Martina Navratilova, Mr John McEnroe Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Staff Members of City Store Central Market Safdarjung Enclave Gopalji, Mukeshji, Pawanji, Arunji, Raviji, Subodhji, Monuji, Bablooji, Rahulji, Nishantji, Nishantji Mother,  Staff Members of Garg Store Central Market Safdarjung Enclave Giriraj Garg, Keshav Garg, Ramuji, Dileepji, Lallanji, Surendraji, Staff Members of Ahuja Store Indraprakash Ahuja, Sarita Ahuja, Gauri Shankar Verma, Rajeevji, Ramji, Staff Members of Medicine Corner Store Anilji, Sameerji, Kuldeep Gandhiji, Staff Members of Pharmacy Store Yusuf Sarai Ram Nareshji, Ranjeetji, Rohitji, Niteshji, Chandan Kumar Jhaji, Staff Members of Om General Store Santoshji, Sureshji, Mohammadji, Staff Members of  Gupta Flour Mill Sarojini Nagar Market Raj Kamalji, Raj Kumarji, Kanchanji, Poojaji, Utkarshji, Pawanji, Nanduji, Negiji, Ferozji, Alamji, Staff  Members of Bengal Sweet House Safdarjung Enclave Rishabji, Mukeshji, Gauri Shankar Yadavji, Phool Yadavji, Manish Pathakji, Bharatji, Pandeyji, Staff Members of Evergreen Sweet House Rakeshji, Balramji, Vikramji, Staff Members of Anupama Sweets Kailash Colony Padamsinghji, Surendarji, Staff Members of Satija Paints Yusuf Sarai Neeraj Satijaji, Bilooji, Shyamji, Phool Chandji and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Dr Shami, Dr Munawar Islam, Dr Aloy Mukherjee, Dr P C Agarwal, Dr Gautam Agarwal, Dr Alok Chopra, Dr Ashwani Chopra, Dr Lipy Gupta, Dr Gaurav Gupta, Dr Ashish Sharma, Dr Bhatnagar, Dr Neha, Dr Tanu, Dr Lakshman, Dr Vipin, Dr Singhal, Mr Vikram, Mr Rohit, Mr Kanhaiya, Ms Ranjana, Ms Preeti and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Plumbers Ramdev, Jeewan, Narad, Mansingh, Billoo, Shyam and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Electricians Sardarji, Kishan and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Cobbler Ram Prakash. Happy Deepawali to Security Personnel Lalji, Jitendarji, Deepakji, Raviji, Ram Kumar Singhji, Ashwiniji, Parmanandji and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Japan people Mr Shinzo Abe his family members, Mr Fumio Kishida and his family members. 

Happy Deepawali To All In India In States Of Karnataka (Chikmagalur, Anegundi, Hampi, Bengaluru, Virupapur Gaddi), Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu (Rameswaram, Kanniyakumari, Udhagamandalam), J&K and Rajasthan

Happy Deepawali to Chikmagalur people in Karnataka State in India Mr Shivanna and his family members. Happy Deepawali to Anegundi people in Karnataka State in India Mr Mallappa, Mr Somnath, Mr Gopal Krishna, Mr Ramu, in Vaibhava Guest House Anegundi Mr Parushram and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Hampi people in Karnataka State in India Mr Abhishek, Mr Parmesh, Mr Rakesh Singh, Mr Subby, in Pushpa Guest House in Hampi Mr Raghvendra and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam Centre in 16th Cross Vyalikaval in Bengaluru City in Karnataka State in India Mr Ram Mohan, Ms Jayanti and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Shubhodaya Lodge Majestic Bengaluru people Mr Jagdish, Mr Anand and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Virupapur Gaddi people in Karnataka State in India in Mowli Guest House Mr Srinivas and family members.

Happy Deepawali to Tirumala people Tirumala Kashi Mutt people Mr Jay Prakash, Vallabhacharya Mutt Tirumala people Mr Hari Om, Mr Pawan, Udupi Mutt Tirumala people Mr Shrikanth, Uttaradhi Mutt Tirumala people Mr Bhaskar, Mr Kishan Rao, Mr Kishore, Mr Raghvendra, Mr Venugopal Mr R Panduranga, Tirumala Tirupati people Mr R Anandan and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Tirupati people Vikram Hotel Tirupati people Madam Naveena, Mr Subramaniam, Mr Prabhakaran, Mr Karunakaran, Friends Tea Stall Tirupati people Mr Naveen, Mr Kumar, Mr Shekhar, Mr Suresh, Sai Hotel Tirupati people Mr Pasha, Alpha Tours and Travels Tirupati people Mr Dileep, Charan Residency Tirupati people Mr V Venkatesh, Triveni Residency Tirupati people Mr Venkatesh, Mr Eswar, Suresh babu, Surendra babu, Fancy Store Tirupati people Mr Murli and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Somnath people in Gujarat State in India Suresh bhai, Mr Daya Ram, Mr Bharat Ghadiya, Mr Hardik Ghadiya, Mr Kishore Barai, Amit bhai, Hiran bhai, Javed bhai, Sunny bhai, Ali Ahmed bhai, Avesh bhai, Junaid bhai, Qasim bhai, Narain bhai, Goswami bhai, Kadi ben and their family members. Happy Deepawali  to Hotel Radhe Somnath people Vasu bhai, Kapil bhai, Ravi bhai, Hotel Kailash Somnath people Yakub bhai, Sikander Paithan, Sabri Store people in Prabhas Patan in Somnath and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Veraval people in Gujarat State in India Cyber Town Veraval Mr Jaydeep C Chauhan and his family members.

Happy Deepawali to Dwarkadhish people Harsukh bhai, Geeta ben, Vaishali, Krishna Vijay Tea Centre Dwarkadhish  people Jignesh bhai, Batuk bhai, Shyam bhai, Balaji Bhawan Dwarkadhish people Krupesh Upadhyay, Hemang Upadhyay, Neeraj Upadhyay, Agarwal Sewa Sadan Dwarkadhish people Yagnesh Kumar V Upadhyay, Balram bhai, Mahender bhai, Maharaj bhai, Dhiru bhai, Anand Novelty Store Dwarkadhish people Kishore bhai, Hiran bhai, Annapoorna Bhojanalaya Dwarkadhish people Prakash bhai, Pramod bhai, Ameera ben, Tea centre Dwarkadhish people Narain bhai, Dwarkadhish people Thaker bhai, Thobani bhai Hotel Dwarkesh Dwarkadhish people Mr Nilesh Thaker, Mr Ashok Thaker and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Byet Dwarkadhish people Dhansukh bhai Thaker, Deepak bhai, Mr Bimal Singh, Mr Mahender Singh,and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Nageshwar people in Gujarat State in India Huda bhai, Vanraj bhai, Naresh bhai, Ms Amisha and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Okha people in Gujarat State in India Vaishali Pan and Cold Drinks Okha people Vijay bhai, Bharat bhai and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Ujjain people Mr Pawan Kataria, Mr Shailendra Gupta, Mr Dal Chand Sirohiya, Hotel Nandi Ujjain people Mr Manish, Mr Ravi, Mr Arpit, Mr Ghulam Mohammad, Mr Gopal Singh Chauhan, Mr Manoj Agarwal, Mr Aslam Lalla and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Ajmer people Mr Mohammad Azhar, Mr Kishore, Mr Dileep, Mr Usman, Mr Abdul Khalid, Mr Rauf Hussain, Mr Syed Salimuddin Chishty and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Marghat Wale Hanuman Mandir Old Delhi people Mr Sambhu, Mr Sunny, Mr Birendar, Mr Baldev, Mr Banwari, Mr Jahangir, Mr Chotey Lal, Mr Ram Janak, Mr Pooran Singh, Ms Roshida, Mr Muni Ram and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Hanuman Mandir Connaught Place New Delhi people Mahant Jagannath Das, Mr Amrinder Jha, Mr Lalu Maharaj, Mr Jay Singh, Mr Raj Kumar, Mr Shiv Kumar, Mr Lalit, Mr Mahender, Mr Saroj, Mr Sonu, Ms Rosy, Mr Ram Prakash Yadav, Mr Jagdish, Ms Sunita, Mr Bansal, Mr Gaurav and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Connaught Place people Maya Mataji, Mr Bal Krishna, Mr Narendra Gupta, Mr Omprakash, Mr Kapoor Singh, Mr Prem, Mr Sanjay, Mr Radhey Shyam, Ms Shanti Devi, Mr Satish Kumar and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Guravayur people in Kerala State in India Ms Reshma, Ms Reshma, Ms Seeja, Mr Joshy, Ms Krishnapriya, Ms Gopika, Ms Shilpa, Rugmini Tourist Home Guruvayur people Mr Krishna Kumar, Ms Sobha, Aishwarya Tourist Home Guruvayur people Mr Gopal Krishnan, Mr Soman, Brahmaputra Tourist Home Guruvayur people Mr Vishwanath, Anjali Internet Cafe Guruvayur people  Mr Nandu, CA Tower Guruvayur people Mr Rama, Mr Jiji, Mr Bose, Sunrise Lodge Guruvayur people Mr Biju, Mr Rajini, Sree Shankara Nilayam Guruvayur people Mr Prajeet, Mr Venkatesh, Mr Raghu, Mr Vivek and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Rameswaram people in Tamil Nadu State in India Techpark Rameswaram people Mr E Nambikumar, Ms Divya, Ms Preeti, Ramanjaneya Chatram Ramneswaram people Mr Girish, Mr Kiran Kumar, Mr Surendar, Swami Ramanatha Tourist Home Rameswaram people Mr Laxmi Narayan, Mr Kanopal, Mahadev Seashell Store Rameswaram people Mr Rajpurohit and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Kanniyakumari people in Tamil Nadu State in India Mr Nathan, Mr Bose, Mr Sundar, Mr Janardhan, Mr Robyn, Triveni Guest House people, Ranade Communications Kanniyakumai people Mr P Thungaswami, Ms Suba and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Udhagamandalam people in Tamil Nadu State in India in City Palace Mr Deepan, Mr Satyen, Hotel Green Valley Mr Kiran, Doddabetta Junction Tea Shop Mr Arun, Ms Aruna, in Kotagiri Mr Silvaraj and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Chennai people in Tamil Nadu State in India Mr Shivapatnam, Ammu Palace in Bootha Perumal Street Anna Salai people Mr Sahul and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Vaishnodevi people in Jammu and Kashmir State in India Pooja Halwai Shop in Vaishnodevi  people Mr Sanjeev Kumar, Mr Ravi Kumar, Mr Mukesh Kumar and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Madurai people in Tamil Nadu State in India Bhagyalaxmi Lodge in West Chitrai Street opposite Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai people Mr Arunachalam, Mr Shankar and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Nathdwara people in Rajasthan State in India Ganesh bhai, Poonam Dining Hall people in Nathdwara Mr Naru, Mr Jeevan, Mr Fatehlal, Mr Suresh and their family members. Lord Shrinathji resides in Nathdwara. 

Happy Deepawali to Jodhpur people in Rajasthan State in India Mr Yusuf Khan, farmer Mr Govardhan Ram, Mannu Guest House Jalori Gate Jodhpur people Mr Mahipal Singh, Mr Manohar Singh and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Udaipur people in Parn Kuti Mr K P Agarwal, Mr Inderpal Singh, Mr Pratap Singh and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Pali people in Rajasthan State in India Mr Vikas, Mr Vinod, Mr Ashok and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Mr Rakesh Tikait, Mr Yogendra Yadav and farmers across country.

Happy Deepawali to CNN's Staff Members Mr Angus Watson, Mr Jake Tapper and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Ms Kamala Harris, Mr Douglas Emhoff and their family members. 

NDTV's Ms Sonakshi Chakravarty's interactions with cobbler and other daily wage earner in Greater Kailash Market in New Delhi aired on November 4 was something to watch.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Happy Deepawali To All

Happy Deepawali To All

Happy Deepawali to Mr Zakka Jacob, Mr Bhupen Choubey, Mr Anand Narasimhan, Ms Marya Shakil, Ms Maha Siddique, Mr Rajdeep Sardesai, Ms Sagarika Ghose, Mr H K Dua, Mr Ramchandra Guha, Mr Aakar Patel, Mr Mohan Guruswamy, Mr Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Mr Karan Thapar, Mr Shekhar Gupta, Mr Vir Sanghvi, Ms P V Sindhu, Ms Saina Nehwal, Mr Parupalli Kashyap, Ms Sania Mirza, Mr Sohaib Malik their child Izhaan Mirza Malik, Ms Karishma Germanwala Patel, Mr Vipul Patel their child, Jamnagar Family's member Ms Vinita Jain, Tata Store South Extension's Ms Madhuri Dikshit, Mr Ravi Kumar Dahiya, Mr Bajrang Puniya, Mr Lovlina Borgohain, Mr Neeraj Chopra, Mr PR Sreejesh, Mr N Ram, writer Amitav Ghosh and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Mr Rajinikanth, Mr Mohanlal, Mr Joseph Vijay, Mr A R Rahman, Mr Javed Akhtar, Ms Shabana Azmi, Mr Farhan Akhtar, Ms Katrina Kaif, Ms Priyanka Chopra, Mr Nick Jonas, Ms Kareena Kapoor, Mr Saif Ali Khan their children Taimur Pataudi, Baby Jeh, Ms Deepika Padukone, Mr Ranvir Singh, Mr Prakash Padukone, Ms Taapsee Pannu, Ms Sonakshi Sinha, Ms Shraddha Kapoor,  Mr Naseeruddin Shah, Ms Farah Khan,  Mr Karan Johar, Mr Akshay Kumar, Mr Hrithik Roshan, Mr Jackie Shroff, Mr Tiger Shroff, Mr Riteish Deshmukh, Mr Sonu Sood, Mr Manoj Vajpayee, Mr Ranbir Kapoor, Mr Sunil Shetty, Mr Rajkummar Rao and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Mr Rahul Gandhi, Ms Sonia Gandhi, Mr Manmohan Singh, Mr Hamid Ansari, Ms Mamta Banerjee, Mr Abhishek Banerjee, Mr Babul Supriyo, Mr Derek O' Brien, Ms Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Mr Robert Vadra, Mr Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mr N Chandrababu Naidu, Mr Nitish Kumar, Mr Naveen Patnaik, Mr Arvind Keriwal, Mr Manish Sisodia, Mr Satyendra Jain, Mr D Raja, Mr Sitaram Yechury, Mr Prakash Karat, Ms Brinda Karat, Mr Sharad Pawar, Ms Pratibha Pawar, Ms Supriya Sule, Mr Sadanand Balchandra Sule, Mr Anil Vasantrao Deshmukh, Mr Ajit Pawar, Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Mr Ramesh Chennithala, Mr Pinarayi Vijayan, Mr Kapil Sibal and their family members

Happy Deepawali to Mr Harish Rawat, Mr Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Mr Randeep Surjewala, Mr Ashwini Kumar, Mr P Chidambaram, Mr Digvijay Singh, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Mr Rajnath Singh, Mr Nitin Gadkari, Mr Om Birla, Mr Prakash Javadekar, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad, Mr Uddhav Thackeray, Mr Aditya Thackeray, Mr Ashok Gehlot, Mr Sachin Pilot, Mr Sanjay Raut, Mr Sanjay Jha, Capt. Amarinder Singh, Mr Sukhbir Badal, Mr Prakash Singh Badal, Mr Kranti Sambhav, Mr Vikram Chandra, Mr Raghuram Rajan and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Ms Lata Mangeshkar, Ms Asha Bhonsle, Ms Usha Mangeshkar and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Mr Sourav Ganguly, Ms Dona Ganguly, Ms Sana Ganguly, Mr Kapil Dev, Mr  Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Ms Sakshi Dhoni, their child Ms Ziva Dhoni, Mr Virat Kohli, Ms Anushka Sharma, their child Ms Vamika Kohli, Mr Sachin Tendulkar, Ms Anjali Tendulkar, Ms Sarah Tendulkar, Mr Arjun Tendulkar, Mr Sunil Gavaskar, Mr Rahul Dravid, Mr Gundappa Viswanath, Mr Javagal Srinath, Mr Venkatesh Prasad, Mr Anil Kumble, Mr Rohit Sharma, Mr Ravi Shastri, Mr Mayank Agarwal and their family members.  

Happy Deepawali to Ms Trishla Jain, Mr Samir Jain, Mr Vineet Jain, Ms Shobhana Bhartia, Mr Shyam Bhartia, Mr Priyavrat Bhartia, Mr Shamit Bhartia, Ms Nandini Nopany, Ms Jyotsna Poddar, Mr Kumar Mangalam Birla, Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Mr Sunil Bharti Mittal, Mr Mukesh Ambani, Mr Anil Ambani, Mr Gautam Adani, Mr Azim Premji, Mr Ratan Tata and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Tata Group staff members and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Ms Ruchi Mohotra, Ms Shuchi Mohotra and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Mr Rakesh Tikait, Mr Yogendra Yadav and farmers across country and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to staff members of  NDTV News Channels, Hindustan Times, Times of India, Navbharat Times, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Hindustan, ETV Telugu, ETV Andhra Pradesh, Times Now Navbharat, Al Jazeera, CNN News Network, ABC News America, Manorama News, Asianet News, Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Mr Joe Biden, Ms Jill Biden, Mr Barack Obama, Ms Michelle Obama, Ms Malia Ann, ,Ms Sasha, Ms Angelina Jolie and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Pope Francis and his followers.

Happy Deepawali to Mr S K Jha, Ms Rita Jha, Mamta, Sooraj, Madhav Mouli, Leena, Neeraj, Muskan and their family members. Happy Deepawali to My Mummy, Papa, Dolly, Adityajee, Mudit Neha and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Soni didi, Prabhatji, Ishhaan, Ishita, their domestic help Mr Manoj, Ms Sunita, their driver Mr Clement.

Happy Deepawali to Pramil mama, Govind mama, Sunil mama, Sanjeev mama, Vikas mama, Vijay mama, Vinay mama, Sanjay mama, Pappu mama, Kappo mausi, Sadhna mausi, Madhu mausi, Mamta mausi, Sushma mausi, Poonam mausi, Sobha mausi, Pramila didi, Kalpana didi, Anand Bhaiya, Baby, Sudhanshuji, Minky, Prabhatji, Chinky, Amitji, Maithili Aunty, Gyan Uncle, Nilu Aunty, Aashish Rajhans, Amit Rajhans, Mohit Rajhans, Shiv Shankar Uncle and their family members. Happy Deepawali to Mr Jeevan Jha of Lucknow, Mr S N Jha and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to Mr Balram of Balua, Mr Nityanand Sah of Sultanganj in Bihar, Mr Sachidanad Bharti and their family members.

Happy Deepawali to Vegetable and Fruit vendors Mr Kamal, Mr Kanhaiya Mr Pinto, Mr Shiv Charan Diwakar, Mr Kalu, Mr Bachha, Mr Ram Sanak, Mr Pramod, Mr Banjeet Rathore and their family members. 

Happy Deepawali to staff members of Sai Temple in Ahmednagar, Tirumala Temple in Tirumala, Sidhhivinayak temple in Mumbai, Kanniyakumari temple in Kanniyakumari, Ramanathaswamy Temple in Rameswaram, Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, Hanuman Temple in Hampi, Vaishnodevi Temple in Vaishnodevi, Srisailam Temple in Srisailam and their family members. Happy Deepawali to all.

Happy Deepawali to staff members of Mecca Medina, Khwaja's Dargah in Ajmer and their family members. Happy Deepawali to all.