Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Cricket Tourney In Middle East To Hunger Index In Places Like India That Doesn't Please

The Cricket Tourney In Middle East To Hunger Index In Places Like India That Doesn't Please

Much is made of a cricket contest between two countries which seems as if it is taking place after interval of a century. Losing and winning no one can gauge; it is one contest that set fireworks at one end with other side accumulating grudge. Much is made of losing to a neighbouring counterpart as if it is reminiscent of a stock market bloodbath. No one has made an iota of suggestion/idea that funds invested in stock market be probed; it is all winding tale of never ending suspense having gathered steam after gaining affirmation from the likes of Choate. Much is made of a cricket tourney that is being staged in the backdrop of a virus that hasn't run out of pace and implied cess. In the midst of Middle East with enough brouhaha the cricket tourney is being staged; with no sizeable alarming rise in crimes Middle East is lucky enough and has enough grace and this territory has its own pace and craze.

Much is being made of a series of Assembly polls in different states/provinces in India as if these polls are a ready reckoner of who would lose and who would win in a nation as vast and diverse with non absent ruler named Clorinda. Polls would come and go, the nation would sail and soar, brakes may be put if full page ad of politico visit is put forward in a nation where such aberrations look absurd with alarming hunger index showing a set of politicos out and out coward. So much of tax payer money is dispensed on such ads which are nothing but coming from the stubble territory of politicos who seem to be ironclad.

Those who dream big and their electoral machine click forget that vast majority of Indians go hungry every night and these very Indians have been deprived of voting right. If voting right is assigned to these unfed denizens that could well sway the pendulum and make electoral contest well stirred peace emblem. India is vast and diverse, week after week it is drained out of strength given the challenges that it confronts; the foot soldiers are those who remain unmoved from these challenges that can well make them grum. Floods, landslides, malnutrition, famine, cyclones hit the Indian pedestal; tax payer money should be spent on taming these challenges rather than taking flights to different destinations after every month interval. The GLASGOW Summit was out and out farce most readers fathom given the commitments that were made that are not easy to reach and made by some developing nation leaders who were very much in begem. The range of protests says it all and these commitments are meant to fool the globe in a world where there is off and on brawl.

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